Hokusai nu e un nume strain pt mine, arta sa a influientat destul de mult arta moderna din secolele 19 si 20. A fost un artist prolific (a si avut o viata lunga: 1760-1849) peste 16000 de opere, majoritatea gravuri pe lemn. Impresioneaza prin minutiozitatea cu care trateaza subiectele, culorile vii (atunci cand le foloseste), costumatia specifica japoneza (are si niste naturi moarte remarcabile) si chiar, uneori, prin simtul umorului. A creat mai multe serii de desene si picturi, cele mai cunoscute fiinde cele 36 de reprezentari ale Muntelui Fuji (Marele Val e extrem de popular, il reproduce si Gabi), dar sunt interesante si cascadele, ca si ilustratiile celor 100 (de fapt el a ilustrat 89) de poeme. Interesant este ca aceste ilustratii nu tin totdeauna seama de sensul poemului, ba chiar uneori intra in contradictie cu el.
Cand mergeam prin expozitii si muzee imi amintesc ca la Muzeul de Arta de la Palatul Regal erau si creatii ale lui Hokusai. Inainte de a copia primele 10 poeme in traducere engleza (nu ma incumet sa le traduc in romana, mi-e teama sa nu ma indepartez prea mult de varianta originala japoneza) am sa transcriu, pt ca m-au amuzat, numele pe care le-a folosit Hokusai dealungul timpului, asa cum apar ele pe artelino.com, unde se afla un amplu si interesant articol dedicat lui Hokusai, (dar recomand si articolul lui Andreas, mai ales pt comentariile la ilustrate ):
1779: Shunro
1781-1782: Zewaisai
1785-1794: Gumbatei
1795-1798: Sori
1797-1798: Hokusai Sori
1798-1819: Hokusai
1798-1811: Kako
1799: Fasenkyo Hokusai
1799: Tatsumasa Shinsei
1803: Senkozan
1805-1809: Kintaisha
1800-1808: Gakyojin
1805: Kyukyushin
1805-1806 and 1834-1849: Gakyo-rojin
1807-1824: Katsushika
1811-1820: Taito
1812: Kyorian Bainen
1812-1815: Raishin
1814: Tengudo Nettetsu
1820-1834: Iitsu
1821-1833: Zen saki no Hokusai Iitsu
1822: Fesenkyo Iitsu
1831-1849: Manji
1834: Tsuchimochi Nisaburo
1834-1846: Hyakusho Hachemon
1847-1849: Fujiwara Iitsu
Lista alcatuita de Dieter Wanczura (May 2001, updated April 2009)
Tot cu rol de amuzament, pt ca maestrul micutei eroine Song Yeon in ale picturii, Lee Cheon, din "Furtuna la Palat" se indeletnicea si cu picturi mai putin ascetice, ca sa ma exprim delicat, am gasit pe net niste reproduceri Shunga (arta erotica japoneza) atribuite lui Hokusai. Am insa dubii ca toate reproducerile atribuite lui ii apartin, pt ca nu au un stil unitar.
Si pt ca am pomenit de acest al doilea serial sud-coreean am sa fac observatia ca exista mare diferenta intre DJG si "Furtuna..." in sensul ca in timp ce DJG a cucerit, cum e normal, inimile multor tinere si chiar mai putin tinere (doar telenovelele au fost create in special pt partea feminina a planetei, cea masculina agreind serialele mai dure, de actiune) se pare ca "Furtuna...", in ciuda neverosimilei povesti de prietenie si apoi dragoste se adreseaza mai ales masculilor, eroul ales fiind stiut pt f agitata sa domnie.
Poemele le-am copiat dupa un site care are f multe reproduceri de Hokusai, visipix, multe din ele fiind sortate pe teme. Am observat ca exista un soi Wiki Pictura ale carei situri se cheama The Complete Works, si care invita pe cei doritori sa incarce reproduceri care apoi capata un adaos "courtesy of.......numele pictorului.org Si Hokusai are un asemenea site dedicat. Din pacate uneori aceeasi reproducere se incarca de mai multe ori cu denumiri diferite.
The poems are very short, very polite, very Japanese – that means expressing things indirectly and using words which, when spoken, had 2,3 … 5 different meanings.
Poemele sunt f scurte, f politicoase, f japoneze--asta inseamna ca lucrurile sunt exprimate indirect folosind cuvinte cu mai multe intelesuri in limba vorbita.
Misunderstandings were honest fun under thoses circumstances.
Se produceau neintelegeri (incurcaturi) adesea amuzante.
Emperors, pricesses, ministers, noblemen – all had to prove that they have poetic hearts.
Imparati, printese, ministri, nobili--toti trebuiau sa dovedeasca faptul ca poezia lor venea din inima.
Not all were intelligent, not all had a heart, let alone a poetic one.
Nu toti erau inteligenti, nu toti aveau inima (buna) ca sa nu mai vorbim de talent poetic.
There was a lot of deception.
Era multa prefacatorie.
All knew the "Jargon" and how to pick words from the "lyric box of the 500 most emotional keywords".
Toti stiau "Jargonul" si cum sa culeaga cuvinte din "cutia lirica a celor 500 de cuvinte-cheie pline de emotie"

Poem number 1
By Tenchi Tenno (628-681), Emperor
Coarse the rush-mat roof
Sheltering the harvest-hut
Of the autumn rice-field;--
And my sleeves are growing wet
With the moisture dripping through

Poem number 2
By Lady Jito Tenno, Empress reign 690-698
Spring, it seems, has passed,
And the summer come again;
For the silk-white robes,
So 'tis said, are spread to dry
On the "Mount of Heaven's Perfume."

Poem number 3
By Kakinomoto no Hitomaro 660-739, together with poet 4 worshipped as a Shinto God
Ah! the foot-drawn trail
Of the mountain-pheasant's tail
Drooped like down-curved branch!--
Through this long, long-dragging night
Must I keep my couch alone?

Poem number 4
Yamabe no Akahito, active 724-736, together with poet 3 worshipped as a Shinto God
When to Tago's coast
I the way have gone, and see
Perfect whiteness laid
On Mount Fuji's lofty peak
By the drift of falling snow.

Poem number 5
Sarumaru Dayu, poet active 708-715
In the mountain depths,
Treading through the crimson leaves,
Cries the wandering stag.
When I hear the lonely cry,
Sad,--how sad--the autumn is!

Poem number 6
Chunagon Yakamochi (Otomo no Yakamochi) 718-785, general of the Eastern Army, compiled the first great anthology of poems
If the "Magpie Bridge"
Bridge by flight of magpies spanned,--
White with frost I see:--
With a deep-laid frost made white:--
Late, I know, has grown the night
Poem number 7
Abe no Nakamaro 710-790, poet and envoyee of the Emperor
When I look abroad
O'er the wide-stretched "Plain of Heaven,"
Is the moon the same
That on Mount Mikasa rose,
In the land of Kasuga?

Poem number 8
Kisen Hoshi, 9th century. Priest, eventually he was the former Emperor Seiwa
Lowly hut is mine
South-east from the capital:--
Thus I choose to dwell;--
And the world in which I live
Men have named a "Mount of Gloom."

Poem number 9
Lady Ono no Komachi 834-880, famous poet
Color of the flower
Has already passed away
While on trivial things
Vainly I have set my gaze,
In my journey through the world.

Poem number 10
Semimaru 10th century, son of Emperor Uda
Truly, this is where
Travelers who go or come
Over parting ways,--
Friends or strangers, all must meet;
'Tis the gate of "Meeting Hill."
About Shinto Gods:
Legendary persons especially from the concervative imperialist wing get into the list of Shinto Gods. The Western word would be “Saints”. While Christian saints have the the function of a conventient lobby close to the ears of God, the Shinto Gods represent exemplary moral standards, especially the Samurai warrior honors. Examples: 4 of the poets. The Kamikaze pilots of the Second World War because they symbolise that the imperial Japanese nation is more important than the individual life.
Despre Zeii Shinto:
Pe lista Zeilor Shinto apar in special persoane legendare din aripa conservativa Imperiala. In Occident s-ar numi "Sfinti". Dar in timp ce Sfintii Crestini au rolul de a interveni pe langa Dumnezeu ZS reprezinta standarde morale exemplare, in special Samuraii -razboinici de onoare. Ex: 4 dintre poeti. Si pilotii kamikaze din WWII erau considerati ZS pt ca simbolizau ca natiunea Japoneza e mai importanta decat viata individului.
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