
Zilnic primesc prin email de la Ellen Whitehurst cate un sfat de Feng Shui. Dupa cum stiti uneori public unele din ele, care mi se par mai interesante pt cititori.
One of the first traditions I studied when I started all this treasure hunting were those of the Native American Indian. ................. I have also come to understand their teachings regarding the critical importance of what you're thinking as you fall off to sleep, as well as the same power inherent in your thoughts during the first five minutes of your day. I learned to pick a quality such as joy that I would like to have in my life. Every time I eat or drink anything during the day I should think 'joy' with each bite and sip, and also to think only thoughts of joy right before falling asleep at night. Think these same joyful thoughts again when the morning rolls around. This advice will bring love, protection, opportunity, blessings for others and anything else you need in your life simply by focusing your whole being and thoughts upon them. I am humbled and grateful for these lessons and even more humbled and grateful to share them with you!
Una dintre primele traditii pe carte le-am studiat cand am inceput aceasta vanatoare de comori au fost acelea ale Indienilor Americani...........Am ajuns sa inteleg invataturile lor despre importanta esentiala a ceea ce gandim cand adormim ca si aceeasi putere (importanta) a gandurilor din primele 5 minute dupa ce ne trezim. Am invatat sa aleg o calitate atat de importanta pt viata mea care e Bucuria. De fiecare data cand mananc sau beau ceva in timpul zilei ma gandesc la "bucurie" cu fiecare muscatura sau inghititura si deasemenea am numai ganduri de bucurie chiar inainte de a adormi noaptea. Am aceleasi ganduri pline de bucurie si cand ma trezesc in zori. Acest sfat va aduce dragoste, protectie, oportunitate, binecuvantari pt altii si orice altceva veti avea nevoie in viata pur si simplu concentrandu-va intreaga fiinta si ganduri asupra lor. Ma simt umila si recunoscatoare pt aceste lectii si inca mai umila si mai recunoscatoare ca pot sa vi le impartasesc si voua.
Urmatorul sfat as dori sa fie urmat cu succes mai ales de Ciupercutza.
In my kitchen I have a quote from one of the venerable and wise Confucius that says: 'I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.' To me, this wisdom speaks to the empowerment involved with taking appropriate action steps. Anyone can create an intention and desire to accomplish some longed for goal. But the intention is only half the equation on producing a successful result. You must also follow through on manifesting your intention by taking some appropriate and synergistic action step. If you're looking for good health, simply intending that without putting something yellow or brown into the center of your space won't produce the results you're looking for. Likewise, if you're trying to create more opportunities on the job front, simply wishing probably won't make it so. But putting moving water immediately inside the entryway of your home has been documented as being of tremendous value when trying to create a smooth and healthy flow of options where that agenda is concerned. What Confucius and I are both saying is that if you really want something, you need to engage your energies and your action steps in order to get it. 'I do and I understand' is his recipe for health, happiness and prosperity.
In bucatarie am un citat din venerabilul si inteleptulConfucius care spune: "Aud si uit. Vad si-mi amintesc. Fac si inteleg". Pt mine asta inseamna ca e f important sa faci ceea ce este cel mai potrivit scopurilor tale (Nu e traducere literara ci respectarea sensului frazei). Oricine poate avea intentia si dorinta de a infaptui ceva. Dar intentia este doar o jumatate din ecuatia care duce la obtinerea unui rezultat satisfacator (plin de succes). Trebuie sa continui sa-ti manifesti intentia urmand niste pasi sinergici (aha,de aici vine citatul celebru cu sinergia faptelor :)) si adecvati. Daca vrei sa ai sanatate simpla intentie fara a pune ceva galben sau brun(maro) in centrul spatiului tau nu va produce rezultatele dorite. Deasemenea, daca iti doresti mai multe oportunitati in domeniul slujbei (locului de munca, serviciului) simpla dorinta probabil n-o sa aiba rezultate. Dar punand o fantana cu apa curgatoare imediat la intrarea incasa este bine documentat ca are o contributie extraordinara in a crea un flux lin si sanatos de optiuni in aceasta directie. Ceea ce spunem atat Confucius cat si eu e ca daca intr-adevar vrei ceva e nevoie sa concentrezi toata energia si toate actiunile pt a-l obtine. "Fac si inteleg"este reteta lui pt sanatate, fericire si prosperitate.
Si acum ceva ce suna ca si cum ar fi parte din scenariul Giuvaerului Palatului.
I just love this autumn time of year almost more than any other. I love the crisp, cool mornings filled with the scents and smells of fall. I love the evenings as darkness descends just a bit earlier every day. And I love all the beautiful seasonal fruits and vegetables that are available for the dedicated cook like myself. Whenever I start to think about tinkering in the kitchen I remember some cautionary advice a sage Shui master once told me. He said that it was considered taboo in almost every Eastern or Oriental tradition as banging or hitting utensils on the side of the pan while cooking changes the extraordinary energy of the food. He also warned that you should never utter swear or curse words, or argue or cry while cooking, as that will infuse the cuisine with sad, churlish and negative energies. He offered that when cooking, you should stand and be grateful to the food for the gift of nourishment it brings while also remembering the power that food holds and so graciously gives over to us. He told me to pray over each meal, not only thanking my Higher Power, but also thanking the spirit of the food itself. I thought this such a beautiful teaching, and aside from a few sailor-like slips of cursing, I've embraced these slightly different sorts of cooking techniques ever since!
Imi place acest anotimp al toamnei aproape mai mult decat oricare altul. Imi plac diminetile proaspete si racoroase pline de miresmele toamnei. Imiplac serile in care intunericul coboara mai repede in fiecare zi. (Brr, mie nu-mi place deloc toamna. Cel mai mult imi place vara cea plina de soare si caldura--dar nu canicula) Si imi plac toate acele fructe si legume de sezon care sunt la indemana unei bucatarese atat de pasionate cum sunt eu. De cate ori ma hotarasc sa incep sa zangan vasele prin bucatarie imi amintesc de avertismentul dat de un invatat maestru Feng Shui. El spunea ca este tabu in aproape orice traditie Orientala sa izbesti sau sa lovesti ustensilele de marginea oalei in timp ce gatesti pt ca schimba extraordinarele energii ale bucatelor (hranei). Deasemenea avertiza ca niciodata sa nu injuri sau sa blestemi, sa te certi sau sa plangi in timp ce gatesti pt ca asta va infuza ( imbiba) bucataria cu energii triste, furioase (necioplite) sau negative. M-a sfatuit ca in timp ce gatesc sa stau in picioare si sa multumesc hranei pt darul nutritiei pe care mi-l aduce si deasemenea sa-mi amintesc puterea pe care o are hrana si pe care ne-o daruieste cu atata gratie (in sensul de bunavointa, darnicie). Mi-a spus sa ma rog la fiecare masa, nu numai multumindu-i Puterii Supreme, dar si spiritului hranei.Am considerat aceasta lectie plina de frumusete si , in afara unor scapari specifice marinarilor (nu e vorba de Marinelul nostru Suprem:)) am imbratisat aceste tehnici culinare pt totdeauna de atunci!
Urmatoarele randuri mi-au trezit nostalgii si amintiri dragi (vezi "Jurnalul de calatorie ", se apasa eticheta respectiva din stanga, sfat pt cei mai noi si neexperimentati vizitatori)
There's an ancient Celtic legend that has lasted until this day that says that you should only eat blackberries until the 11th of October and never after that. The belief holds that on October 11 the devil himself fell into a thicket of blackberries and cursed the thorns of the fruit forever from that day forward. Older lore shares eating blackberries can draw money to you or increase the desire for sex!
Exista o veche legenda celtica pastrata pana in zilele noastre care spune ca murele pot fi mancate numai pana in 11 octombrie si nicodata dupa aceasta data. (Hmmm,daca as fi stiut legenda asta anul trecut... Erau atat de bune murele ,chiar si dupa 11 octombrie, cand sunt sigura ca am mancat in timpul vizitei la Cheiurile din Cork) Exista credinta ca diavolul insusi ar fi cazut intr-o tufa de mure si a blestemat spinii acestui arbust (in Irlanda murele nu sunt tufe taratoare ci adevarati arbusti) pt totdeauna incepand dinacea zi a anului. Alte povesti populare spunca daca mananci mure poti sa atragi banii spre tine sau sa cresti dorinta pt sex (am niste mure de padure in congelator, poate ar fi bine sa le pregatesc pt pranz sau sa astept sa vina zile mai grele? :D)
2 comentarii:
un cadou e duminica pentru tine
si asta pentru ca spui lucrurile frumos si simplu
o zi foarte buna
M-am executat :D Atat am putut :D O saptamana buna :))
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