N-am mai insistat asupra continutului si am mers la adresa de mai sus, de pe Slide Share ca sa vad cam ce activitate recenta a avut AC. Harnica asa cum o stiu exact in zilele in care mesajul o plasa in Edinburg intr-o stare dramatica produsa de un atac talharesc in urma caruia a ramas fara telefon mobil, cardul de credit si toti banii si necesitand de urgenta ajutor de la toti cei aflati pe lista de contacte, ajutor constand in virarea sumei de 1600 lire sterline, d-na a publicat cate ceva pe SS.
Iar pe pagina dumneaei deja inca doua persoane isi exprimau parerea ca nu ea e autoarea acelui mesaj, ci un hacker (ba chiar cineva a remarcat ca adresa la care urma sa se trimita datele transferului de bani e usor alterata fata de adresa autentica). Eu, mai paranoica, am presupus ca e un virus, dar de fapt m-am gandit la un atac malware. Am sa public mesajul confidential ca o alerta in caz ca veti primi ceva asemanator. Cuvintele scrise in mesaj cu albastru si subliniate duceau catre niste situri, n-am avut curiozitatea (de teama sa nu patesc precum pisica din proverbul englez "curiosity killed the cat") sa vad despre ce e vorba. Am sa mai spun doar ca McAfee mi-l bagase in spam (dar el baga acolo multe mesaje care sunt departe de a fi spam) insa pt Gmail a trebuit sa apas eu pe butonul "Report Scam".
I 'm quite sure you are okay.Presently,i am not okay.I had an Urgent trip to Edinburg 2 days ago for a Seminar/Conference trip.It was an urgent Seminar/Conference trip which i couldn't inform anyone of. I really want to confide in you and I want it to remain confidential between us .Also,i am sorry if this sound embarrassing to you,but i had no choice than to send mail to everyone on my contact list.
I'm stuck in serious mess here in UK. I was attacked on my way to the hotel I lodged yesterday, although I wasn't hurt because I complied immediately
with their instructions.It was really a sad experience.They stole my mobile phone,my credit cards and all the money with me were taken by them. I need to
sort out some vital issues including my bills.
Please I need financial assistance. I would like you to help me with £1600pounds or any amount you could afford. I will refund it back
immediately on my arrival.Incase you don't have the whole money,i will appreciate any smaller amount also. I am sending this email with great shock.The easiest way for you to send the money to me now is via WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER.Kindly go straight to any western union outlet close to you and make the transfer.This is an urgent help needed.I will appreciate your urgent response to my financial aid please.Infact,you can do the transfer online as well using the western union website [www.westernunion.com].
The details below will be needed for the transfer at any western union office/outlet for fast transfer.
Name: Adita Ciobanu
Address: 79 Lauriston Place,Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh EH3 9, United Kingdom
You will have to email me the money transfer control number [MTCN],The sender full name,The exact amount sent on the receipt after the transfer.
Thanks for your kindness. Please get back to me via email as soon as you can.My access to the internet is very limited.So i will appreciated if you can just send me the transfer details in your response.
Many thanks in advance
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