joi, 21 august 2008

Recipe of the Day: Grilled Steak With Garlic (Fleica)

Reteta nu-mi apartine, a fost publicata azi de Marc Bittman in
This famous dish emerged from Romania, where it is called fleica and generally made with flank steak, but skirt steak, strip or rib-eye is much better. Under no circumstances should you be shy with the garlic.

Grilled Steak with Garlic (Fleica)
Yield 4 servings
Time 30 minutes
Mark Bittman
If you use skirt steak, take special care not to overcook it. If it’s grilled or broiled to exactly medium rare (about 4 minutes per side) the meat will be juicy, tender and delicious.
3 garlic cloves, peeled
Juice of 1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt, more to taste
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 pound flank steak, or 4 strip steaks or rib-eye steaks, or an equivalent amount of skirt steak
3 tablespoons melted butter
1/4 cup chopped parsley leaves, optional
1. Using a mortar and pestle, pound the garlic with lemon juice and salt to make a paste. Or mince garlic, and stir it with the salt into lemon juice, using the back of a wooden spoon to smash garlic as much as you can.
2. Press pepper into steak, then spread garlic mixture evenly on both sides. Let steak sit while you heat grill or broiler.
3. Build a moderately hot fire in the grill, or heat the broiler, and place the rack about 4 inches from heat source.
4. Brush a little melted butter onto steaks, then place on grill. Brush once or twice more with remaining butter while steaks cook, about 4 minutes per side for medium rare. Garnish with parsley and serve.

Am postat un comentariu in care am scris f politicos ca noi nu folosim lamaie la fleica, am scris cum se face mujdeiul, si astept cuminte moderarea si eventual publicarea lui.
Uite-asa se dezinformeaza oamenii si, daca se hotarasc americanii sau chiar alte natii sa vina la noi si sa guste traditionala fleica la gratar, ar putea fi dezamagiti de diferenta de gust dintre ce au preparat ei acasa dupa reteta lui Bittman si ce mananca in Romania.
Am mai constatat intr-o emisiune culinara de pe Euforia, "Great Tastes", tradusa "Arome mediteraneene" ca asa zisele retete traditionale romanesti nu seamana cu nimic din ce stiam noi.
O fi era globalizarii, dar hai sa ne pastram totusi specificul national.
Pt necunoscatorii de engleza o sa incerc sa traduc, mai pe scurt, reteta lui Bittman.

Fleica la gratar
4 portii
Preparare 30 minute
Aveti grija sa nu frigeti prea tare carnea, e bine sa fie putin in sange. Sub nici o forma sa nu va zgarciti la usturoi.
3 catei de usturoi, curatati
zeama de la o lamaie
1/2 lingurita sare grunjoasa, mai multa daca doriti
piper proaspat macinat, dupa gust
1 kg fleica
3 linguri unt topit
1/4 ceasca (de 250ml) patrunjel tocat (optional)
Modul de lucru
1.Pisati intr-un mojar usturoiul cu sare si zeamade lamaie panase face o pasta, sau tocati usturoiul marunt si striviti-l cu dosul lingurii, amestecandu-lcu sarea si zeama de lamaie.
2.Presarati piperul pe fleica apasand sa se lipeasca bine de ea, apoi o ungeti cat mai uniform, pe ambele parti, cu pasta de usturoi. Lasati sa stea pana se incazeste gratarul sau grillul.
3.Incingeti gratarul sau grilul .
4.Ungeti fleica cu unt topit si puneti-o pe gratar. mai ungeti cu restul de unt topit intimp ce se frige, cam 4 minute pe fiecare parte, ca sa fie mai in sange, presarati cu patrunjel si serviti.

Un comentariu:

Viorica spunea...

Comentariul meu la articolul lui Mark Bittman, care a fost publicat la
I’m sorry, I am Romanian, but we don’t use lemon on fleica. Before the grilling we are seasoning the meat with salt and black pepper, during the grilling we smash the garlic with salt according to taste, dilute the rezulting pasta with little water and add some chily (optional) and add this mixture to the meat AFTER grilling. Yummmy.

— Posted by vio