A technical detail: Hokusai and his representation of space
Un detaliu tehnic: Hokusai si reprezentarea spatiului in opera sa.
He was not good in describing space and perspective illusion. When he tried it, it did not come out well and he was visibly feeling sick.
Nu era bun la descrierea spatiului si iluzia perspectivei. Cand a incercat s-o faca nu i-a reusit prea bine si evident i se facea rau.
He loved events, happenings, stories. His good pictures are about situations. See one of his lost fights against architecture. Of course Hokusai is a greater artist because he tried things he could not do. Look close on Michelangelos David. You will discover many artistic weaknesses. This does not diminish him as a a great artist and does not diminish the artistic value of his oeuvre. I believe that the failures are adding a precious human element to art.
Ii placeau evenimentele, intamplarile,povestirile. Cele mai bune picturi ale sale tratau situatii. Una din luptele sale pierdute e cea cu arhitectura (HK face de mai multe ori comentarii punctuale la unele ilustratii in care in mod evident Hokusai nu reuseste sa redea cum trebuie detaliile arhitectonice sau de perspectiva). Hokusai este un mare artist pt ca a incercat sa faca lucruri pe care nu le putea face. Uitati-va cu atentie la David al lui Michelangelo. Veti descoperi ca are multe slabiciuni(abordari gresite). Acestea nu-i diminueaza valoarea lui de mare artrist si nu diminueaza nici valoarea operei sale. Cred ca esecurile adauga o valoare pretioasa elementului uman din arta.
In the "100 poems" he sometimes meanders very far away from the content of the poems. Sometimes he ridicules the nobility starting with poem number One by the Emperor Tenchi. Then 45 and my absolute darling number 61.
In"100 de poeme" (Hokusai) cateodata se departeaza f tare (serpuind, face meandre precum un rau) f mult de continutul poemelor.Cateodata ridiculizeaza nobilimea incepand cu poemulnr 1 al Imparatului Tenchi. Apoi 45 si preferatul meu absolut, nr 61.
In 61, Lady Ise describes that a single twig with some cherry blossoms were delivered around the year 1000 by a courtier from about 30 miles distance and the more sensitive persons could smell them everywhere in the palace. The Emperor Ichijo confirmed that he too was smelling them all the time and that he was delighted.
In 61, Lady Ise descrie cum in jurul anului 1000 un curier a adus, la cam 30 de mile distanta, o singura ramura cu flori de cires inflorite de si persoanele mai sensibile le puteau simti mirosul pretutindeni in palat. Imparatul Ichijo a confirmat ca si el simtea mirosul lor tot timpulca era incantat de asta.
All girls made "ah so" and "mochi-mochi", giggled and held their hands in front of their mouths and delicately wiggled their tails. Hokusais drawing shows the servants who had said: "If a few blossoms have that effect, let us see the effect of an entire tree". Then they fell the biggest cherry tree they could find and they are now demolishing the palace entrance by pulling it into the premises. To cherry or not to cherry - the owner was not amused.
Toate fetele faceau "vaai", si "mochi-mochi" (whatever this mean), chicoteau si-si tineau mainile la gura sis-si fluturau delicat cozile. Desenul lui Hokusai arata servitorii care au spus: "Daca numai cateva buchete au un asemenea efect, hai sa vedem ce efect poate avea un pom intreg." Apoi ei au doborat cel mai mare cires pe care l-au putut gasi si acum demoleaza intrarea palatului tragandu-l inauntru. Cires sau nu, proprietarul nu a fost amuzat.

Poem number 61
Lady Ise no Tayu (Ise no Osuke) died 1063, governor family
Eight-fold cherry flowers
That at Nara,--ancient seat
Of Our State,--have bloomed;--
In Our nine-fold Palace court
Shed their sweet perfume to-day.
HK termina comentariul la acest poem spunand: Amintiti-va, cele 100 de poeme ale lui Hokusai sunt spuse de o doica batrana pe care nu o prosteste nimeni. Nici macar Imparatul"

Poem number 62
Lady Sei Shonagon born 967, author of the famous "Pillow book"
Though in middle night,
By the feigned crow of the cock,
Some may be deceived;--
Yet, at Ausaka's gate
This can never be achieved.
HK ne povesteste o veche istorie despre poarta Ausaka, pe care a fugit din inchisoare printul Moshoku cu ajutorul unui prieten care a imitat asa de bine cantecul cocosului ca toti cocosii din regiune i s-au alaturat si atunci garzile, crezand ca au venit zorii, au deschis portile, desi era miezul noptii. Aici Hokusai il arata pe prieten coborand din copacul de unde a cucurigit in timp ce garzile se grabesc sa deschida poarta pe care va fugi printul..

Poem number 63
Sakyo no Tayu Michimasa (Fujiwara no Michimasa) 993-1054 chief magistrate
Is there now no way,
But through others' lips, to say
These so fateful words,--
That, henceforth, my love for you
I must banish from my thoughts?
Autorul poemului isi plange nenorocul de a se fi indragostit de printesa Maskao, pe care tatal sau, Imparatul Sanjo a numit-o preoteasa sefa la Altarul Ise, iar ea a jurat ca va ramane fecioara.
Zice HK
The story in short: Accidents happen, sometimes very strange ones.
Povestea pe scurt: Se intampla accidente, cateodata unele foarte ciudate.

Poem number 64
Gon-Chunagon Sadayori (Fujiwara no Sadayori) 995-1045, imperial counselor
Lo! at early dawn,
When the mists o'er Uji's stream
Slowly lift and clear,
And the net-stakes on the shoals,
Near and far away, appear!

Poem number 65
Lady Sagami 998-1068. governor family
Even when my sleeves,
Through my hate and misery,
Never once are dry,--
For such love my name decays:--
How deplorable my lot!
Dupa un lung comentariu HK conchide:
Buddha told that selfish wishes are the root of all misery in the world.
Buddha a spus ca radacina tuturor nefericirilor pe lume se afla in dorintele egoiste.

Poem number 67
Lady Suwo no Naishi died 1110, governor family
If, but through the dreams
Of a spring's short night, I'd rest
Pillowed on this arm,
And my name were blameless stained,
Hard, indeed, would be my fate.
Aici nu numai ca Hokusai ilustreaza f adecvat poemul, dar HK crede ca pictorul isi arata aici dispretul pt cei care barfesc. Zice HK:
An important part of people have an irresistible urge to destroy other peoples rose gardens..........Destruction is not necessarily a reaction needing a reason. There are persons who, when they see a particularly attractive ant hill, cannot resist the temptation to kick their boots into it.
O parte importanta a populatiei are o dorinta irezistibila de a distruge gradinile de trandafiri ale altora.........Distrugerea nu e in mod necesar o reactie care are nevoie de o explicatie rationala. Sunt persoane care,atunci cand vad o movila (un cuib) de furnici deosebit de atractiva nu pot rezista tentatiei de a o zdrobi sub cizme.

Poem number 68
Sanjo-no-In 976-1017, Emperor in 1012-1016
If, against my wish,
In the world of sorrows still,
I for long should live;--
How then I would pine, alas!
For this moon of middle-night.

Poem number 69
Noin Hoshi (Tachibana no Nagayasu) 998-1050 priest, governor family
By the wind-storm's blast,
From Mimuro's mountain slopes
Maples leaves are torn,
And as rich brocades, are wrought
On blue Tatta's quiet stream.

Poem number 70
Ryozen Hoshi 11th century. poet and priest
In my loneliness
From my humble home gone forth,
When I looked around,
Everywhere it was the same;--
One lone, darkening autumn eve.
Aici ilustratia lui Hokusai este in total contrast cu tristetea poemului.
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