Îmi pare rău pentru necunoscătorii de engleză, articolul va fi alcătuit și din texte în engleză copiate de pe net...Dar așa, pe scurt, am să spun că în peregrinările sale Ulise a nimerit și pe insula vrăjitoarei Circe, care a transformat echipajul corăbiei lui Ulise, devarcat să caute provizii, în porci. Pe Ulise l-a ajutat hermes (Mercur) care deh, era și el cel mai șmecher dintre zei și era normal să îl placă pe vicleanul lui protejat.
Zeul i-a dat lui Ulise o plantă care l-a scăpat de efectul poțiunii pe cre i-a dat-o Circe. Momentul în care a fost momit să bea din cupa vrăjitoarei a fost imortalizat de John William Waterhouse într-unul din tablourile sale.
Și astfel Ulise și-a recăpătat echipajul și chiar mai mult, i-a căzut așa de tare cu tronc vrăjitoarei încât aceasta l-a ajutat nu numai să îl potolească pe Poseidon, dar și cum să scape de sirene ascultându-le cântecul dar nearuncându-se în brațele pline de pierzanie ale lor (deh, vrăjitoarele între ele), dar și să scape nevătămat din trecătoarea păzită de Scylla și Caribda. În Plus Circe și Ulise au avut și doi copii, semn că Ulise n-a rămas chiar de lemn tănase în fața farmecului frumoasei vrăjitoare.
”Kirke (Circe) is the daughter of Helios (the Sun) and Perseis, which would make her the grand-daughter of Okeanos (Ocean).
On her island... in her palace... Kirke waits for lost sailors to come
wandering to her door as supplicants. Normally, a traveler is treated
as a special guest but with Kirke, travelers are drugged and then served
as dinner.
Odysseus and his desperate crew went ashore on
the island of Aiaia hoping to find food and water. Odysseus sent
twenty-three men to explore the island but only one returned. As the men
walked from the beach they could hear sweet singing from Kirke’s home
in a forest glen. Wild lions and wolves (drugged by Kirke) came, wagging
their tails, to greet the strangers. They were charmed by her beauty
and drank the potions she offered as refreshment. As Kirke’s vile drugs
took effect, the once valiant men began to change shape and were soon
fully transformed into swine. Kirke herded them into pens and threw pig
food on the ground before them.
The sole survivor,
Eurylochos, ran back to Odysseus and urged that they set sail
immediately. He told the story of the evil goddess and how they would
all be turned into swine if they dared to stay on that dangerous island
(his warnings unfortunately took on the air of cowardice... Odysseus
almost killed him for it). Odysseus was not afraid. He would not leave
his men as swine and he would not risk any of the other men in a fight
with Kirke. Odysseus went to Kirke’s palace alone.
Along the
trail, Odysseus met Hermes (the messenger of the Immortals) in the guise
of a young man. Hermes told Odysseus that he could entrap Kirke and
free his companions if he obeyed the gods orders. Hermes reached down
and pulled a plant called ‘moly’ from the ground and explained that mere
mortals found it difficult to dig-up but he, as a god, could do all
things. Odysseus took the ‘good medicine’ and went boldly into Kirke’s
house. She welcomed him as another victim and gave him her vile potions
but the ‘good medicine’ gave Odysseus protection. When Kirke thought the
drugs had taken effect, she struck Odysseus with her wand. The wand was
supposed to complete the transformation process but Odysseus drew his
sword and sprang upon her. The astonished Kirke surrendered instantly.
She released the twenty-two pig-men and ceremoniously anointed them with
another one of her potions. The men were restored to their original
forms but they were taller and more handsome than before they had been
To show her good faith, Kirke opened her doors to
the dispirited sailors and gave them every comfort she could offer.
After the entire crew had been rested and nourished, Kirke told Odysseus
that his journey would now take him to the House of Hades (lord of the
Underworld). He must consult with the soul of the seer, Teiresias the
Theban, to find out how he may finally appease Poseidon (lord of the
Sea) and return to his home.
After seeing the soul of
Teiresias the Theban, Odysseus returned to Aiaia. Kirke bid him a final
goodbye and told him how to safely sail past the island of the Sirens,
the six headed Skylla and the monster Kharybdis (Charybdis).
Kirke and Odysseus had two children, Agrios and Latinos.
Greek Mythology
Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses is an oil painting in the Pre-Raphaelite style by John William Waterhouse that was created in 1891.
Un alt tablou al lui John William Waterhose avănd ca subiect pe vrăjitoarea Circe este cel intitulat Circe Invidiosa. Pe scurt povestea e așa: Circe era prietenă cu un pescar pe nume Glaucus, transformat de niște ierburi magice într-un monstru al apelor. Glaucus s-a îndrăgostit de o nimfă frumoasă dar aceasta nici nu a vrut să audă de el. Atunci Glaucus i-a cerut ajutorul lui Circe, care a aruncat o poțiune în râul în care se scălda Scylla și apoi a vrăjit-o să devină un monstru cu 6 câini în partea de jos a corpului...Dar așa monstru cum era tot nu l-a acceptat pe monstrul de Glaucus ca iubit.
Circe Invidiosa Detail
Who may see the passage of a goddess unless
she willed his his mortal eyes aware?"
Homer ....."The Odyssey"
A child of the sea, and the sunlight to men...
She comes to you with a glow within
"A form of grace and beauty rare, "
A singing nymph with sun-bright hair"
Her eyes the color of the azure sea..
But watch closely and you shall see,
How her eyes shall mirror these:
The seas, the storms, the noon sky so bright
The iris, and the new dawn's light,
The hearts of men, whose souls they bare,
When in her company, they do share.
Endless treasures and gifts so rare...
With magic kiss upon your brow,
She seeks to cure your troubles
And if perchance you would allow,
A healing she would render.
O! Harried , weary seekers!
Rest easy in her care!
For she may cure your troubles
In mythology there are several figures named Glaucus, probably the
most famous mythological tale is of Glaucus the fisherman
Glaucus was fishing in the river, he hauled in his catch, and on
emptying his net noticed the fish he had already caught were reviving,
and escaping back into the water, wondering what was causing this to
happen, he took a closer look and realized he had emptied his catch on a
patch of strange herbs on the river bank. Glaucus picked a handful of
these strange herbs, and on tasting them had an urge to enter the river,
he plunged in, and no sooner had he entered the water he had changed
into a sea-monster with sea-green hair, huge broad shoulders and a
fish-like tail. His transformation was accepted by the gods, and so
Glaucus became immortal, a sea-god
One day he spied a
beautiful girl, Scylla, a favorite of the water-nymphs, and fell
instantly in love with her. Scylla on seeing Glaucus ran away, and no
matter how he tried she kept on rejecting him. Felling sorry for himself
Glaucus went to the island of Aeaea to confide in Circe, she was a
sorceress and had the power to cast spells. Glaucus told Circe of his
love for Scylla and of her rejection for him, he also told Circe that he
could never love anyone else except Scylla.
Circe, who was
very fond of Glaucus felt angered by this, and made her way to the
island of Sicily, where Scylla lived. While Scylla bathed in a small
spring, the jealous Circe poured a potion of herbs into the water, then
cast her spell. From the lower half of her body Scylla grew six
monstrous dogs, but the upper half remained intact. Totally appalled by
the appearance of her body she hid herself away in a grotto on the
straits of Messina, and there she stayed, but she could not stop the
monstrous dogs from devouring unsuspecting sailors who steered to close
to her cave, and Glaucus continued to pursue Scylla but to no avail.
John William Waterhouse mai are și alte tablouri pe care le-am găsit fie cu numele de Circe, fie de vrăjitoare. De exemplu acesta se intitulează ”Schită pentru Circe” da și ”Sorceress” adică ”Vrăjitoarea”
O variantă a acestui tablou arată așa și pe net se cheamă simplu Circe
Tot din seria vrăjitoarelor este și tabloul intitulat ”The Charmer”
Deși ar mai fi tablouri cu tema vrăjitoriei (se pare că Waterhouse era fascinat de această temă) am să mă opresc la Magic Circle, despre care Wicannele de azi sigur știu mai multe:
Desigur, Odiseea lui Homer a inspirat dealungul mileniilor mulți oameni de artă, printre ei și Angelica Kauffmann care a pictat Circe enticing Ulysses, 1786, un tablou mult mai luminos decât cele ale lui Waterhouse. În acest tablou Circe e aproape umană. Deh, dacă nici femeile nu s-or înțelege între ele...
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