Am sa continui seria de articole dedicate botanicii cu alta planta. De data asta este una care crestea in Lunca Ialomitei, langa podul de la Ciochina. Ca o paranteza, si Koelreuteria paniculata ar fi, dupa spusele sotului meu, destul de raspandita in Romania, el spune ca a vazut-o in multe locuri in expeditiile sale de pescuit.
Primii sapte ani de scoala i-am urmat in Ciochina si am avut parte de multa munca patriotica in sanul naturii, ba la cules de bumbac (ah, si ce intepa) sau ricin (si asta are niste tepi...) porumb (cand frunzele erau atat de uscate de ne taiau pe maini, la sapat in gradina de zarzavat a profesorilor (odata ne-a fost atat de sete incat am baut apa dintr-un canal plin de broaste, si n-am avut nimic, nici macar un pui de diaree) sau la sapat intr-o pepiniera de stat, de mult apusa.
Printre fructele culese erau si unele roz, cu samburi portocalii, despre ni s-a spus ca au proprietati medicinale si s-ar chema scumpie. Am incercat mai demult sa le gasesc numele stiitific, dar nu am stiut ce cuvinte cheie sa folosesc.
Cand am mers la cules de vie am gasit aproape de gard niste tufe pline de acele fructe. Le-am facut poze si, incurajata de succesul cu Koelreuteria paniculata am cautat pe Google din nou si de data asta am reusit, se cheama Rhode Eunimus.
Am gasit o sursa foarte informata, se cheama Survinat.
O sa va rog sa ma scuzati, dar nu mai am putere sa traduc, sunt foarte obosita. Nu mai vreau sa aman publicarea pentru ca iar ma blochez si cine stie cand mai public ceva...Poate cine stie, candva o sa ma iar inspiratie si o sa editez articolul cu traducerea informatiilor de mai jos.
Shrubs, rarely trees, up to 5 m high. Distribution: European part, the Caucasus, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.
Contain alkaloids to 0.3% in the seeds of E. europaea L., steroids (including cardenolides, phytosterols),
sesqui-and triterpenoids, karotiioidy, flavonoids and 3.2% in the
leaves of E. verrucosa Scop. (B including anthocyanins, leykoaitotsiany,
catechins ) tsiklitoly and heterocyclic Comm. of furan (Hohmann et al.,
1994), higher fatty acids and glycerides established structure. Marked
fatty oil to 54.8% of the seeds and gutta-percha to 30.9% from the bark
of Subtitle. Part E. verrucosa, tannins are found antraglikozidy,
lektnny, poliestolidy, vitamin C.
Medicinal. — anthelmintic, antiparasitic — bark, leaves,
fruits E. europaea, E. latifolia Mill., E. verrucosa, laxative —
branches, fruits E. europaea, E. latifolia, E. verrucosa, a diuretic
that increases the potency — branches, fruits E. europaea, the fruits of
E. verrucosa, analgesic — E. sacrosancta Koidz., expectorant — the
fruits of E. europaea, E. latifolia, E. verrucosa. Indications —
infections / infestations: gonorrhea — branches, malaria — fruits,
diseases of the digestive system: diarrhea, liver disease — the fruits,
diseases of the nervous system: the Plex neuritis — E. europaea;
diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat: at dermatomiko- Zach — the
leaves, the fruits of E. europaea, the fruits of E. latifolia, E.
verrucosa, eczema, in veterinary medicine for skin diseases of livestock
— the fruits of E. europaea; cardio-vascular system in diseases of the
heart and blood vessels, hypertension — bark E . verrucosa; pain: for
headache — the branches of E. verrucosa, neuralgia — E. europaea;
symptoms and syndromes: with ascites — the branches of E. europaea,
leaves of E. verrucosa; mental illness: the neurosis — the branches of
E. verrucosa.
In the experiment, cardenolides E. alata (Thunb.)
Siebold exhibit cytotoxic activity (Kitanaka et al., 1996), E. europaea
— antibiotic against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and virus
against herpes viruses and influenza, seeds E. maackii Rupr . possess
antioxidant properties.
Toxicity. Toxic: E. europaea1, E.
latifolia, E. maacki L., E. verrucosa; exhibits insecticidal activity
against apple moth, apple moth larvae of the May Khrushchev root pests:
the bark of E. europaea, acaricidal: E. alata (Thunb .) Siebold.
Stern. E. europaea (seed cake) for sika deer, Amur goral, red deer: E. alata.
Materials. Source percha: bark (podz. h) E. europaea, E. latifolia, E.
maackii, E. sacrosancta, E. sieboldiana Blume, E. verrucosa; to make
that crazy-pencil: the wood of E. europaea, E. sieboldiana , E.
verrucosa, craft (small carvings, inlays, smoking pipes, cigarette
holders): E. latifolia, E. maackii, E. sieboldiana, E. verrucosa,
pletenochnyh products: the branches of (young) E. europaea, viscose
staple fabrics : Bark E. verrucosa, soaps: seeds of E. europaea;
substitute stopper: the bark of E. alata; dyeing: the fruits of E.
alata, E. verrucosa, leaves of E. europaea.
significance. Soil protection, peskozakreplyayuschee: E. europaea, E.
maackii, phytomeliorative: E. maackii; decorative: E. alata, E.
europaea, E. latifolia, E. maackii, E. sacrosancta, E. sieboldiana, E.
verrucosa. Needs protection E. nana M. Bieb.3
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