Situația politică de azi de la noi poate fi comparată, IMHO, cu cea din serialul coreean ”Prețul Trădării” (Hwanjeong/ Splendid Politics) când eminența cenușie cu foarte multe relații în Joseon dar și în Imperiul Ming și extrem de multă putere datorită acestui fapt, Domnul Kang Joo Sun (Jo Sung Ha), s-a aliat cu foarte inteligentul și abilul domn Kim Ja Jeom (Jo Min Ki) împotriva Prințesei Jungmyung (Lee Yeon Hee) și chiar a Regelui Injo (Kim Jae Won), căruia au vrut să-i impună un prinț moștenitor care să fie de fapt o marionetă în mîinile lor.
Mi-a plăcut cum a acționat prințesa, sfătuită de oamenii integri și iubitori de țară din anturajul ei. Ideea a fost că fiecare dintre cei doi complici putea fi asemănat ca ferocitate, lăcomie și dragoste de putere cu o fiară sălbatică. Și cum pot fi invinse două fiare sălbatice altfel decât să fie incitate să sară una la gâtul celeilate?
Aplicând parcă principiul machiavelic ”scopul scuză mijloacele” oamenii prințesei au făcut în așa fel încât fiecare dintre cei doi să creadă că celălalt l-a înșelat și să acționeze în consecință.
Pentru intriganți lacomi și setoși de putere nu există, cum spunea domnul Kim, nimeni în care să poată avea încredere. În același timp o persoană cu compasiune pentru cei necăjiți, iubitoare de țară , care nici prin vis nu se poate gândi să cheme trupe străine în ajutor (cum s-a întâmplat la noi în Decembrie 1989 cu președintele de ”onoare” al actualului PSD) poate conta pe persoane integre și loiale.
Title: 화정 / Hwajung
Chinese Title: 華政
Also known as: Splendid Politics
Previously known as: Princess Jungmyung
Genre: Historical, political, romance
Episodes: 50
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2015-Apr-13 to 2015-Sep-29
This interpretation tells of Gwanghae (Cha Seung Won) as the son of a concubine and secondary heir, who in his thirst for power, usurps the Crown and ousts his half-sister Jungmyung (Lee Yeon Hee) from the palace. Gwanghae is then deposed in a coup by the Westerners, who replace him with Injo (Kim Jae Won). Extremely paranoid and wanting to stabilise his position, he is also out for Jungmyung’s life.
Main Cast
Cha Seung Won as Prince Gwanghae
– Lee Tae Hwan as Gwanghae (teen)
Lee Yeon Hee as Princess Jungmyung
– Jung Chan Bi as Jungmyung (teen)
– Heo Jung Eun as Jungmyung (child)
Kim Jae Won as King Injo
Seo Kang Joon as Hong Joo Won
– Yoon Chan Young as Hong Joo Won (young)
– Choi Kwon Soo as Hong Joo Won (child)
Han Joo Wan as Kang In Woo
– Ahn Do Kyu as Kang In Woo (young)
– Lee Tae Woo as Kang In Woo (child)
Royal Family & Associates
Shin Eun Jung as Queen Inmok
Kim Min Seo as Jo Yeo Jung, Consort Jo
Baek Sung Hyun as Crown Prince Sohyeon
Kim Hee Jung as Consort Kang (Kang Bin)
Lee Seung Ah as Queen Inyeol
Jun Jin Seo as Grand Prince Yeongchang
Choi Jong Hwan as Prince Imhae
Park Young Gyu as King Seonjo
??? as Prince Heung An
??? as Prince Inseong
Kim Gyu Sun as Princess Junghye
Lee Min Ho as King Hyojong
Jang Seung Jo as Prince Jungwon
Gunpowder Associates
Park Won Sang as Jang Bong Soo
??? as Jo Hyun
Kim Kwang Kyu as Lee Young Boo
Kwak Dong Yun as Lee Eui Rib
Jo Jae Ryong as Bang Geun
Lee Seung Hyung as Lee Seo
Kang Dae Hyun as Soo Duk
Hwang Young Hee as Ok Joo
Hyun Seung Min as Eun Sul
Court & Associates
Jo Sung Ha as Kang Joo Sun (Kang In Woo’s father)
Kim Yeo Jin as Kim Kae Shi
– Jo Jung Eun as teen Kim Kae Shi
Jung Woong In as Lee Yi Chum
Jo Min Ki as Kim Ja Jeom
Uhm Hyo Sup as Hong Young
Lee Sung Min as Lee Deok Hyung
– Nam Da Reum as Deok Hyung (child)
Ahn Nae Sang as Heo Gyun
Kang Moon Young as Lady Yoon (Kang Joo Sun’s wife)
Park Joon Gyu as Kim Ryu
Yoo Ha Bok as General Yi Gwal
Im Ho as Choi Myung kil
Kim Chang Wan as Lee Won Ik
Jung Hae Kyun as General Gang Hong-rip
Nam Myung Ryul as Chung In Hong
Kim Seung Wook as Lee Hang Bok
Yoo Seung Mok as Yoo Hee Boon
??? as Kim Kyung Jin
Jang Kwang as YiGwi
Lee Seung Hyo as Yi Shi Baek
Kim Seo Kyung as Yi Shi Bang
??? as Yi Ye Soon
??? as Yi Jung Pyo
Kim Hyung Bum as Kim Sang Hyun
??? as Yoon Do Ha (Joo Sun’s lackey)
Kyung Kyu Su (경규수) as Yi Chum’s minion
Gong Myung as Ja Kyung (Jung Myung’s bodyguard)
– Kang Chan Hee as Ja Kyung (young)
Baek Soo Ryun as Soo Ryeon Gae
??? as Yi Eui Shin
Jang Hyuk Jin as Ma Roo Noh
Otani Ryohei as Idachi (Japanese merchant)
Kim Ki Bang as Goo Bok
Lee Jae Goo as Chief Eunuch
Song Joon Hee
Kim Ik Tae
Jung Sung Woon as Hong Taiji
Park Min Soo
Choi Bum Ho
Production Credits
Production Company: Kim Jong Hak Productions
Director: Kim Sang Ho and Choi Jung Kyu
Screenwriter: Kim Yi Young
2015 MBC Drama Awards: Top Ten Star Awards – Cha Seung Won (Hwajung)
2015 Korea Drama Festival Award – Hot Star Award: Seo Kang Joon (Hwajung)
Episode Ratings
Nationwide Seoul Nationwide Seoul
2015-04-13 1 10.0 (17th) 12.3 (9th) 10.5 (14th) 12.0 (8th)
2015-04-14 2 10.5 (14th) 12.4 (8th) 11.8 (6th) 12.8 (7th)
2015-04-20 3 9.0 (20th) 10.6 (11th) 10.9 (11th) 12.6 (6th)
2015-04-21 4 10.4 (10th) 12.6 (7th) 10.8 (8th) 12.1 (7th)
2015-04-27 5 9.7 (14th) 12.1 (8th) 9.9 (12th) 11.2 (7th)
2015-04-28 6 10.0 (14th) 12.0 (9th) 10.9 (9th) 11.6 (7th)
2015-05-04 7 9.2 (14th) 10.9 (10th) 9.4 (9th) 10.2 (6th)
2015-05-05 8 9.9 (11th) 12.0 (8th) 10.3 (9th) 11.7 (6th)
2015-05-11 9 8.3 (19th) 9.8 (11th) 9.5 (15th) 10.8 (11th)
2015-05-12 10 9.3 (15th) 10.6 (12th) 10.1 (11th) 11.4 (8th)
2015-05-18 11 8.2 (16th) 9.9 (11th) 10.6 (9th) 12.4 (5th)
2015-05-19 12 9.2 (12th) 11.2 (10th) 11.4 (7th) 13.0 (5th)
2015-05-25 13 8.3 (15th) 10.2 (10th) 10.4 (6th) 11.5 (6th)
2015-05-26 14 8.9 (12th) 10.2 (10th) 11.0 (7th) 12.2 (5th)
2015-06-01 15 8.4 (16th) 9.9 (13th) 10.6 (10th) 12.5 (5th)
2015-06-02 16 9.1 (13th) 11.2 (9th) 10.2 (8th) 11.6 (7th)
2015-06-08 17 8.8 (17th) 11.1 (10th) 10.2 (11th) 11.9 (4th)
2015-06-09 18 11.0 (9th) 13.4 (4th) 11.0 (6th) 12.7 (4th)
2015-06-15 19 10.3 (11th) 12.1 (7th) 10.7 (10th) 12.4 (4th)
2015-06-16 20 9.3 (12th) 11.1 (8th) 11.0 (8th) 12.5 (4th)
2015-06-22 21 10.1 (11th) 11.8 (4th) 11.6 (6th) 13.3 (3rd)
2015-06-23 22 9.9 (11th) 12.1 (5th) 10.7 (6th) 12.2 (5th)
2015-06-29 23 9.2 (12th) 10.8 (8th) 10.0 (9th) 10.8 (6th)
2015-06-30 24 9.7 (16th) 12.0 (5th) 9.8 (11th) 10.8 (5th)
2015-07-06 25 8.0 (17th) 9.8 (11th) 8.9 (13th) 9.8 (8th)
2015-07-07 26 8.4 (15th) 10.3 (9th) 8.8 (13th) 9.8 (8th)
2015-07-13 27 8.3 (18th) 10.6 (10th) 9.1 (14th) 10.2 (9th)
2015-07-14 28 7.6 (18th) 9.2 (13th) 9.8 (7th) 10.8 (4th)
2015-07-20 29 7.8 (19th) 9.8 (12th) 9.9 (12th) 10.9 (7th)
2015-07-21 30 9.4 (14th) 10.9 (8th) 11.4 (4th) 12.3 (4th)
2015-07-27 31 7.5 (20th) 9.2 (14th) 10.3 (9th) 11.5 (7th)
2015-07-28 32 9.2 (11th) 10.4 (8th) 10.3 (8th) 11.5 (4th)
2015-08-03 33 7.9 (15th) 9.3 (9th) 9.1 (12th) 10.7 (7th)
2015-08-04 34 9.2 (9th) 9.9 (7th) 9.8 (9th) 11.0 (5th)
2015-08-10 35 8.0 (15th) 9.5 (10th) 9.0 (13th) 10.5 (7th)
2015-08-11 36 8.6 (15th) 9.6 (10th) 10.7 (7th) 12.4 (4th)
2015-08-17 37 8.1 (18th) 9.6 (12th) 9.6 (12th) 10.4 (9th)
2015-08-18 38 8.8 (15th) 10.7 (9th) 9.7 (12th) 10.6 (10th)
2015-08-24 39 7.9 (18th) 8.7 (16th) 8.8 (14th) 10.5 (11th)
2015-08-25 40 8.2 (19th) 8.7 (15th) 9.0 (16th) 9.9 (12th)
2015-08-31 41 7.3 7.3 (18th) 8.5 (16th) 9.5 (14th)
2015-09-01 42 8.5 (17th) 10.1 (10th) 8.9 (14th) 9.6 (12th)
2015-09-07 43 7.3 7.6 (19th) 8.1 (19th) 9.3 (11th)
2015-09-08 44 7.3 (19th) 7.8 (14th) 8.3 (15th) 9.1 (13th)
2015-09-14 45 7.1 8.5 (14th) 8.1 (18th) 8.7 (13th)
2015-09-15 46 8.7 (17th) 10.3 (11th) 10.8 (11th) 12.2 (7th)
2015-09-21 47 7.4 (20th) 7.7 (20th) 9.7 (13th) 10.9 (10th)
2015-09-22 48 8.3 (17th) 9.3 (12th) 10.5 (11th) 12.1 (9th)
2015-09-28 49 5.6 (<7 .0="" class="Apple-tab-span" span="" style="white-space: pre;">
2015-09-29 50 (<7 .4="" class="Apple-tab-span" span="" style="white-space: pre;">
(<7 .8="" class="Apple-tab-span" span="" style="white-space: pre;"> 7.8 (20th) 8.8 (15th)
Sources: TNmS Media Korea & AGB Nielsen Korea