Cele mai emotionante povesti de dragoste sunt
cele care se sfarsesc tragic. Printre multe asemenea povesti este si cea
indiana Suhni Mehar or Sohni Mahiwal in care eroina, Sohni, printr-o
casatorie aranjata, devine nevasta unui om pe care il
dispretuieste. Familia a recurs la aceasta casatorie pentru a o
desparti de iubitul ei, Mehar sau Mahiwal. Dar cei doi indragostiti au
gasit o cale de a se intalni...ea traversand raul care ii despartea
(remarcati similitudinea cu raul din Tanahata, dar acolo nu era vorba de
adulter) folosindu-se un vas de lut special, familia ei fiind una de
Si s-ar fi intalnit ei pana la adanci batraneti daca nu
ar fi intervenit o cumnata care i-a inlocuit vasul cel solid cu unul
poros, care s-a dizolvat in apa, eroina inecandu-se. Cand si-a vazut
iubita pierind Mahiwal s-a aruncat si el in valuri, pierind dar fiind
astfel impreuna pentru totdeauna cu iubita sa.
Am aflat de
aceasta poveste vazand pe un blog o poza cu un tablou pe aceasta tema
pictat de Sobha Singh...acolo mai e postat un poem si se face trimite la
articolul din Wikipedia unde am citit si eu povestea...care mai are o
tusa emotionanta...Iubitul ii prajea femeii un peste de fiecare data
cand se intalneau dar intr-o zi nu a prins nici un peste si atunci si-a
taiat o bucatica din picior pe care a prajit-o, dar ea a simtit
diferenta...Deh nu se putea sa fie doar ea cea care face sacrificii.
Unforgettable Love of Sohni Mahiwal by Shobha Singh
Sohni Swims to Meet Her Lover Mahinwal, circa 1780 Painting from LACMA
In Wikipedia exista si poza mormantului celor doi indragostiti
Tomb Of Sohni in Shahdadpur, Sindh, Pakistan
Acesta este poemul in engleza pe care nu il mai traduc pentru ca spune, mai stilizat, povestea de mai sus.
The Lovers take
what they are entitled,
Remaining true
to true lover’s title,
When two become one,
to become complete and total.
But the piece of puzzle may fail to fit,
When familiarity breeds,
Blood, Sweat and Piss,
Where beauty fades
rainbows may turn to grey,
When lovers game
fare well – they play,
But friendships
tend to sail away,
In oceans of thought
it rains all day.
Is this a blessing
or is this a curse?
When all eyes see
sea and salt dispersed,
With eyes unquenched
the thirst it grows,
Even tears seem sweet
as do beads of sweat,
Which sparkle, shimmer
and shiver in regret,
As you search for the star
your lover did forget,
When he forgot
but how to fight,
For to be a true lover
it doth take much plight.
So Sohni jumped
in deep and dangerous waters,
With nothing but
her clay Cattorah,
The sea of Love
welcomed his daughter,
Immersed this way
in the arms of the Sultan,
Sohni became Mahiwaal
and thus annihilation,
Makes two become one
when Sohni becomes Mahiwaal,
Her story forever,
lives on and on and on.
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