duminică, 31 iulie 2011
Pescarul Amator
Muzica. Poesis

Omleta din ouă de broască ţestoasă
In familia noastra omleta de weekend e o traditie f veche, Atat de veche incat nu odata am fredonat cateva din versurile cantecului de mai jos, zic doar cateva pt ca, desi ma binedispune de cate ori o ascult, niciodata nu am fost in stare sa invat toata poezia pe de rost.
Videoclipul poarta mentiunea 'Emisiunea "Club Anda" TVR-1992"
Videoclipul poarta mentiunea 'Emisiunea "Club Anda" TVR-1992"
Omleta din oua de broasca testoasa
E alba, inalta si foarte pufoasa
Se bate c-o lingura supla dar groasa
Se adauga fire de iarba tepoasa
Sa faca omleta bucatarul invata
S-aduca mararul mai proaspat din piata
Sa-i cante in rime, certand-o in fata
Dar soapte ii spune si-n joc o rasfata
Omleta din oua
Din oua de broasca
De broasca testoasa
Mai trebuie lapte din nuca de cocos
Si praf de budinca din niste tarligi
Tigaia incinsa cum arde nisipul
Si paza severa a sapte pisici
Mai trebuie lapte din nuca de cocos
Si praf de budinca din niste tarligi
Tigaia incinsa cum arde nisipul
Si paza severa a sapte pisici
Omleta din oua de broasca testoasa
E alba, inalta si foarte pufoasa
Se bate c-o lingura supla dar groasa
Se adauga fire de iarba tepoasa
Omletei din oua de broasca testoasa
Ii place sa rada, ii place sa joace
Aduce arome in timp ce se coace
Se infoaie, se imbraca in sapte cojoace
Omleta din oua
Din oua de broasca
De broasca testoasa
Mai trebuie lapte din nuca de cocos
Si praf de budinca din niste tarligi
Tigaia incinsa cum arde nisipul
Si paza severa a sapte pisici
Mai trebuie lapte din nuca de cocos
Si praf de budinca din niste tarligi
Tigaia incinsa cum arde nisipul
Si paza severa a sapte pisicï
Muzica. Poesis

You are beautiful!
Stiu ca exista un serial sud-coreean cu acest nume, f reusit de altfel, e un muzical ale carui melodii m-au urmarit un timp, dar acum vreau sa vorbesc despre initiativa numitei Caitlin Boyle, initiativa care ainceput sa fie pusa in aplicare in 2009, cand ea avea 27 de ani. Se numeste Operatiunea Beautiful si consta in punerea (in cele mai diverse locuri) de notite cu mici texte incurajatoare pt cei care cauta linistea si implinirea sufleteasca. Se adreseaza in principal femeilor dar eu cred ca si barbatii ar putea beneficia, macar uneori, de cate o incurajare care sa le creasca stima fata de propria persoana (ca doar nu toti sunt niste misogini plini de trufie).
Since she began the site, Caitlin has received over 7000 notes from women all over the world, including Asia, Europe, and Africa.
De cand si-a inceput acest site Caitlin a primit peste 7000 de mesaje de la femei din toata lumea, incluzand Asia, Europa si Africa.
Eu am aflat de acest site prin intermediul Beliefnet care spune ca:
Since she began the site, Caitlin has received over 7000 notes from women all over the world, including Asia, Europe, and Africa.
De cand si-a inceput acest site Caitlin a primit peste 7000 de mesaje de la femei din toata lumea, incluzand Asia, Europa si Africa.
Dupa cum vedeti s-ar parea ca poti fi frumoasa si la o varsta inaintata, cand parul devine din saten gri (cazul meu) si cand transpiri (pe caldurile astea chiar am nevoie de o asemenea incurajare, pt ca nu odata ma simt ca un hipopotam transpirat, noroc ca nu apar la TV) dar mai ales daca ai ganduri pozitive si zambesti (desigur ca nu prosteste, ci din toata inima).
Comentarii pe tema data

Ardei cu orez
Eu sunt o carnivora declarata. Dar ginerele e vegetarian iar fiica e "meat reducer". Asa ca m-am gandit sa le fac o placere gatind pt prima data in viata mea ardei de post. Ramasesera cativa rataciti prin frigider si cum restul familiei s-a dus pe coclauri lasandu-ma singura cu mamita am vrut sa le fac o surpriza. Surpriza mi-au facut-o ei, ca au venit mai repede decat i-am asteptat incat la preparare m-a ajutat si fiica, pregatind ardeii. Nu pot sa dau cantitatile exacte, pt ca am ajuns sa folosesc drept masuratoare ochiul, lucru pe care nu reuseam sa-l inteleg mult timp in tineretea mea.
Deci, pt ca aveam in meniu si chiftelute din piept de pui tocat (chiftelutele mele au si carne, dar abia se mai simte in multimea de ceapa, usturoi, cativa morcovi, oua si pesmet, ce le face speciale e amestecul de condimente marca personala: piper, coriandru macinat, cimbru, maghiran si nucsoara) am dat prin masina de tocat niste ceapa, fiind noua a lasat mult suc, pe care l-am pus la borsul de dovlecei si perisoare (am gatit pt mai multe zile, desi "irlandezii" se muta la alta casa pana la plecare, la ai lui) morcovi, usturoi si cateva ciuperci. Am cumparat o caserola de ciuperci de jumatate de kg, am oprit cateva palarii pe care fiica le-a taiat felii si din care, cu putina ceapa tocata si ceva mai multa pasta de tomate am facut un sos aromat cu piper ( am calit cam o lingura de ceapa tocata, ciupercile felii si un pic de usturoi pt sos, apoi am adaugat pasta de tomate, aveam 5 ardei mai obezi, asa)
Cu ocazia asta o sa-mi vantur o nemultumire: dom'le, cand faci o promotie de genul, "daca cumparati (cacofonia e semne de frustrare) de 15 lei primiti o franzela gratuit" e bine sa ai franzela in galantar, nu sa spui "s-a terminat". Daca ti s-a terminat misca-ti naibii fundul si scoate anuntul ala mincinos de unde e, ca se duce naibii reputatia magazinului. Cum sunt mare maestra in "inteligenta de pe scara" n-am fost pe faza sa spun cele de mai sus direct vanzatoarei, prea ocupata sa convorbeasca cu un bodyguard care parea ca e in pauza de lucru si chestia asta m-a cam muncit pana acum standu-mi pe creier. Bineinteles ca n-aveam mare nevoie de pomana lor, dar daca tot au promis-o...
Am pus niste orez intr-o oala, l-am spalat in vreo doua ape (orez cu bobul rotund, era destul de curat) apoi am adaugat cam tot atata volum de apa si l-am lasat la foc mic pana a absorbit toata apa. Scopul acestei actiuni e sa nu devina umplutura un bloc compact cand se umfla orezul la fiert. Cand s-a racit putin am pus ceapa tocata, ciupercile tocate, usturoiul si vreo doua linguri de pasta de tomate (mie imi place cea turceasca "Sultan" la cutie de juma de kil, sa ma ierte producatorii romani, dar m-am saturat sa ma tot intreb "ce fac cu borcanele, le spal, le arunc nespalate sau le sparg?")
M-am bucurat ca am nimerit umplutura la fix, exact cata imi trebuia sa umplu ardeii, intotdeauna am emotii cand e vorba sa fac legume umplute pt ca nu sunt sigura ca reusesc totdeauna sa calculez volumul in asa fel incat sa nu-mi mai ramana fie umplutura, fie legume, asta desi am facut toata viata mea activa chimie analitica si ar trebui sa pot aprecia mai bine capacitatile (de volum, nu cele intelectuale). Singurul loc in care pot sa apreciez destul de exact greutatea produselor este piata, rareori au reusit unii sa ma insele la cantar pt ca pot aprecia cat cantareste un anume volum de produs.
Am pus ardeii in sos si am pus apa aproape pana sus, (nu i-am acoperit cu apa pt ca in timpul fierberii, mai ales cu capacul pus, lichidul reuseste sa cuprinda tot ardeiul) am pus capacul si am dat focul la minim atunci cand a inceput sosul sa fiarba si dupa vreo 25 de minute ardeii au fost gata. Intre timp am facut perisoare, chiftelute la cuptor (puse pe hartie de copt si unse in prealabil cu un pic de ulei, cand s-au copt pe jumatate, adica dupa vreo jumatate de ora le-am intors pe partea cealalta si le-am mai lasat vreo 20-25 de minute la ~ 200C, cand s-au racit si am ridicat foaia de hartie de pe tava aceasta a ramas curata de parca era nefolosita) si ciorba, ajutata fiind de fiica mea si boscorodita de ea si scumpa-mi jumatate ca "ce ai facut trei zile cat am lipsit" iar eu abia mai respiram de oboseala de cat am robotit prin casa facand tot felul de munci casnice grele pe care le-am tot amanat tocmai pt ca stiam ca o sa fiu gata sa-mi dau duhul in timp ce le fac.

sâmbătă, 30 iulie 2011
Winter Sonata--- Soundtrack
A trecut cam multisor timp de cand (mi-)am promis ca o sa public tot ce am adunat despre soundtrackul acestui serial. Ca orice drama sud-coreeana ilustratia muzicala se straduieste sa puncteze momentele mai romantice cu lirismul melodiei si al versurilor, cel putin asa reiese din subtitrarile in engleza. Winter Soanta are in plus in unele episoade si versiunea coreeana romanizata in care se procedeaza cam ca la karaoke, schimbandu-se aspectul cuvintelor pe masura ce sunt pronuntate de solist, de cele mai multe ori Ryu. Din pacate nu mi-am notat in care subepisoade (am vazut serialul pe Drama Crazy) se intampla asta.
In schimb am gasit versurile si, datorita scumpei Luciana care a postat pe grupul Soul in care m-a inscris si pe mine cateva videoclipuri cu muzica din serial, am putut sa reascult aceste melodii atat de rascolitoare.
Melodia cu care Joon Sang a cucerit-o pe You Jin si care apare ca un leit-motiv este intitulata in engleza, bien sur, From the beginning until now pe care o puteti asculta pe Youtube
From the Beginning Until Now
Sung by Rye
Naege or su eobseur georago igen geureorsu eobdago
Jebar geumanharago nareur daraeji
Jeongmar ijeobeorigo sipeo borsu eobdamyeon
Nareur jabgo ineun neo oe modeungeor
Naega ugo sipeurddae mada neon nareur ureobeorige mandeu person
Eoneugeo hanado na oe ddeudaero neon har su eobge mandeu neungeor
Niga urgo sipeurddae mada nan ireohge muneojyeo beorigo manigga
Amuri ijeuryeogo aereursseo ijeur su eobge hanigga
Jeongmar ijeobeorigo sipeo borsu eobdamyeon
Nareur jabgo ineun neo oe modeungeor
Repeat Chorus
Da hansarangeur saranghaneunge itorog himneun irinjur nan jeongmar
Repeat: Chorus
Repeat #
English Translation
From the Beginning Until Now - Rye
You will never come back to me and you can't do it,
please stop doing so, you comfort me like this..
If I can't see you again, I really wanna forget..
all about you that hold me
Whenever I wanna laugh, you make me cry..
You keep me from doing even one thing as I want..
Whenever I miss you, I break down like this.
Even though I try to forget, I cannot do it..
*If I can't see you again, I really wanna forget..
all about you that hold me
Whenever I wanna laugh, you make me cry..
You keep me from doing even one thing as I want..
Whenever I miss you, I break down like this.
Even though I try to forget, I cannot do it..
I didn't realize loving one is so hard like this
* Whenever I wanna laugh, you make me cry..
You keep me from doing even one thing as I want..
Whenever I miss you, I break down like this.
Even though I try to forget, I cannot do it..
http://www.chaehyun.tk -- Korean lyrics
Tsinoy.com Forum -- English translation
Pe un forum intitulat Korea Fans am gasit ceea ce cred ca e o alta varianta a versurilor, dar nu sunt f sigura, oricum versiunea in engleza pare a fi asa cum am vazut-o pe ecran:
Winter Sonata OST, Choumputo Chigumkkaji Lyrics - shin bee - 10-25-2008 05:14 PM
nae-ga olsu-opsul-korago / i-jen kurolsu op-tago
chebal kuman-harago narul tarrae-ji..
chong-mal i-joborigo shipo / tashin-bolsu-optdamyon
narul chapgo-in-nun noye modun-gol
naega utgo-shipul-ttaemada non / narul / uroborige mandunikka..
o-neu-got hanado naye ttaet-daero nonhalsu optke mandunun-gol
niga bogoshipul-ttaemada nan / irohke muno-jyo-borigo manikka
amuri ijulyogo ae-rulssodo ijulsu optke hanikka
chongmal ichoborigo shipo / tashin bol su opt-damyon
narul chapgo-in-nun noye modun-gol
naega utgo-shipul-ttaemada non / narul / uroborige mandunikka..
o-neu-got hanado naye ttaet-daero nonhalsu optke mandunun-gol
niga bogoshipul-ttaemada nan / irohke muno-jyo-borigo manikka
amuri ijulyogo ae-rulssodo ijulsu optke hanikka
tan hansaramul saranghanun-ge itorok himdunil-injul nan chongmal mollasso
naega utgo-shipul-ttaemada non / narul / uroborige mandunikka..
o-neu-got hanado naye ttaet-daero nonhalsu optke mandunun-gol
niga bogoshipul-ttaemada nan / irohke muno-jyo-borigo manikka
amuri ijulyogo ae-rulssodo ijulsu optke hanikka
English Lyrics
I won’t cry for you, I won’t do that kind of thing now
Please don’t do that, I can’t be soothed
The truth is I want to forget it all
When I couldn’t see you I realised you were my everything
When I want to smile, will you look at me and cry?
Which is my one hope that you can’t do it at all
When I want you to look at me, will I fall apart?
No matter how you try to forget, can you forget?
To love only one person is really tough
But I honestly didn’t know that
Dar cantecul care domina cele mai multe episoade e cel intitulat My memory, si stiind ca Joon Sang tocmai cu memoria a avut probleme este de inteles de ce a fost ales ca ilustrare muzicala. L-am gasit pe Youtube cu versurile in coreeana si engleza, dar versiunea in engleza de pe Asian Fanatic mi se pare mai aproape de ce imi amintesc ca am vazut pe ecran cand am vizionat serialul, ba chiar si versiunea in coreeana pare mai acurata.
Versiunea de pe YT
My Memory
modu gio-khae-yo ku sun-gan
nunul kamumyon
aju chagun ildo
You're far away
tahul su omnun gose
saranghandanun maldo
kidarin-danun maldo haji mothago
chongmal mollatjyo kudael irohke
tashi mannal churun saenggak-chocha mothae-ssotjyo
ajing nol saranghae
ijerado nege gobae-khal-kke
I wanna love you forever
nuchi a-nhat-damyon irohke nawa hamkke yongwo-nhi
English Translation
My Memory
At that moment I remembered it all
When I see those memories they seem so small..
You're far away in a place that I can't reach
I can't wait for these words of love to be said
I really was to blame
Will I ever get to meet you again?
I can't even imagine that
I still love you and now I'll confess that to you
I wanna love you forever
It's not too late
Be with me forever
For a long time you've been in my heart
Much time passes and still you're far away, but I will stay alive
I really was to blame
Will I ever get to meet you again?
I can't even imagine that
I still love you and now I'll confess that to you
I wanna love you forever
It's not too late
Be with me forever
Si cea de pe AF:
My Memory
Sung by Ryu
Modu gi eoghaeyo geu sungan
Nuneur gameumyeon aju jageun irdo bo ineyo
You are far away
Daheur su eobneun gose
Saranghandaneun mardo gidarindaneun mardo haji mohago
Jeongmar morajyo geudaer ireohge
Daji manar jureun saengag jocha mohaesseojyo
Ajig neor saranghae ijerado nege gobaeghargge
I wanna love you forever
Neuji anhadamyeon ireohge nawahamge yeongwenhi
Geudaen na oe gaseume
Manheun sigan heureodo aju meori isseodo
Sara isseojyo
Repeat *
Repeat #
English Translation
My Memory - RYU
I remember everything
I can’t see even a little thing
when I close my eyes.
You're far away
somewhere that I can’t reach
I didn’t say I love you or
I will wait for you
I really didn't imagine meeting you again
I still love you,
I confess you now
I wanna love forever if it is not late,
forever with me
Even though my heart lived without you for a long time,
You were in my heart
I really didn't imagine meeting you again.
I still love you,
I confess you now
I wanna love forever if it is not late,
forever with me
http://www.chaehyun.tk -- Korean lyrics
Tsinoy.com Forum -- English translation
Si un cantec care ilustreaza sentimentele lui Sang Hyuk, versurile tot de pe Asian Fanatic:
Di Ko Kaya (Winter Sonata opening song - Tagalog version)
sang by Carmela Cuneta
I. Di ko na kaya pang itago
Ang nararamdamn sa iyo
Umaasang ikaw sana’y mayakap
II. Di ko na kaya pang ilihim
Nasasaktan lang ako
Sa ‘king pag-iisa, hinahanap ka
III. Di ko kailangan ng kayamanan
Puso mo ang tangi kong inaasam
Hindi ko kayang ikaw ay malayo
Mawalay ka sa piling
IV. Sana ay ikaw ang kapalaran
Sa bawat araw ay aking mahahagkan
Habang ang buhay ko ay narito
Handa kong ibigay sa iyo
(Repeat II, III, IV)
V. Kay sarap damhin
Ang tunay na pagmamahal
Katulad nitong pag-ibig ko sa iyo.
(Repeat III, IV)
{English translation}
{translated by: Da A}
I. I can no longer hide
My feelings for you
Hoping that I'll get the chance to hold you
II. I can no longer keep it secret
It only hurts me so
In my solitude, I'm longing for you
III. I don't need any treasure
All I want is your love
I cannot bear you being far away
Separated from me
IV. I hope that you are my destiny
Holding you each and every day
As long as my life is here
I'm willing to give it all to you
(Repeat II, III, IV)
V. True love feels so good
Like my love for you
(Repeat III, IV)
Winter Sonata OST Ryu-- Chebiggot / Violet Lyrics - shin bee - 10-25-2008 05:38 PM
Cantecul poate fi ascultat aici
English Lyrics
Pe blogul Korean Drama Music am gasit versurile altor cantece din serial, din pacate numai in coreeana (si nu pot fi traduse nici macar cu Google Translate, oricat de ridicole sunt uneori traducerile sale, pt ca GT recunoaste numai hieroglifele):
04 그대만이 Geudaemani (Only You) - Ryu 류 Lyric
Cantecul se poate asculta aici
C'est moi kkum-eul kku-eo-yo
me-il geu-dae-kyeot-eui pyeong-hwa-ro-un a-chim
C'est toi na-ae-gaen hang-sang meol-li na-reul heo-lak-ha-ji anh-nae-yo
geu-jeo dang-shin-man-eul ba-ra-bol bbun-i-jyo
geu-ddae ne-gae ol ddae-kka-ji
han beon man nae-gae-do ki-hwi-reul jweo-yo
geu-dae eo-du-un mi so-ra-do keu-reoh-kae-ra-do bol su it-gae
i-jaen na-reul sa-rang-ha-myeon an-dwi-na-yo
o-jik geu-dae-man-i nal sa-rang-hal su iss-eo-yo
ji-geum geu-dae ma-eum-aen meol-li da-reun byeol-i-bit-na-go it-nae-yo
geu-jeo dang-shin-man-eul ba-ra-bol bbun-i-jyo
geu-ddae ne-gae ol ddae-kka-ji
han-beon-man nae-gae-do ki-hwi-reul jweo-yo
geu-dae eo-du-un mi so-ra-do keu-reoh-kae-ra-do bol su it-gae
i-jaen na-reul sa-rang-ha-myeon an-dwi-na-yo
o-jik geu-dae-man-i nal sa-rang-hal su iss-eo-yo
i-jaen na-reul sa-rang-ha-myeon an-dwi-na-yo
o-jik geu-dae-man-i nal sa-rang-hal su iss-eo-yo
07 보낼 수 없는 사랑 Bonael Su Eobsneun Sarang (The Love I Can Not Send/(Can’t Let Go of This Love) - Seon Lyric
Cantecul poate fi ascultat de pe acest videoclip
Da-shi sa-rang-ha-do doel-gga-yo
I-reoh-ge da-shi shi-jak-do doel-gga-yo
O-rae-jeon nae-ga bo-nae-ya-hal geu-sa-rang
A-jik nae an-e sum-swi-neun-de
Geu-dael bo-myeon saeng-gak-i na-yo
Geu-dae-reul bo-myeon meon-jeon nun-mul-i-na-yo
Sa-rang-haett-deon geu sa-ram-gwa dalm-eun-geu-dael
Na sa-rang-hae-do doel-gga-yo
Ddo-han-beon ggae-eo-jil haeng-bok-il-ji-do mol-la
Du-ryeo um-man ap-seo-ji-man
Nam-gyeo-jin nae sa-rang-eul jeon-bu ju-ra-go
Geu-dael nae-ge bo-naett-da mid-go ship-eo
Meol-eo-ji-ji ma-yo
Da-ga-ol shi-gan ap-e-seo
Noh-chi-ji anh-eul-ggeo-ya
Geu-dael bo-nae-jin anh-eul-ggeo-ya
Eo-ryeob-ge shi-jak-doen na-eui sa-rang-do
Da-eum-beon nae-sa-rang-do nae-gen geu-dae ha-na-ni-ggan
Ddo han-beon ggae-eo-jil haeng-bok-il-ji-do mol-la
Du-ryeo um-man ap-seo-ji-man
Nam-gyeo-jin nae sa-rang-eul jeon-bu ju-ra-go
Geu-dael nae-ge bo-naett-da mid-go ship-eo
Meol-eo-ji-ji ma-yo
Da-ga-ol shi-gan ap-e-seo
Noh-chi-ji anh-eul-ggeo-ya
Geu-dael bo-nae-jin ah-eul-ggeo-ya
Eo-ryeob-ge shi-jak-doen na-eui sa-rang-do
Da-eum-beon nae sa-rang-do nae-gen geu-dae ha-na-ni-ggan
Du-ryeob-ji anh-a-yo
Ddo han-beon i-byeol-i wa-do
Da-eum-beon nae sa-rang-do
Nae-gen geu-dae ha-na-ni-ggan
11 잊지마 Itjima (Don't Forget) - Ryu 류 Lyric
Cineva a avut ideea sa puna pe youtube un fragment de episod in care apar pe ecran atat viziunea coreeana tip karaoke a acestui cantec cat si cea in engleza, l-am privit cu emotie multumindu-i in gand.
hanado chogumdo itji marayo
naega gyote opsodo itji marayo
cho-umdo chigumdo naye sarangun
kakkayi innundedo molli inneyo
*naega jikyojulkkeyo
kugoshi odirado onjerado naega
**kidar-yoyo naega kalttae-kkaji
cho-um mannatdon ttaero tashi
***naega kanun giri chogum nutdorado
itjima, itjima, naega chachulttaekkaji…
Repeat *, **, ***
13 연인 Yeonin (Lover) (Korean Version) - Ryu 류 Lyric
Videoclipul cu acest cantec poate fi vazut aici
neul gateun jari'e geuldaega itseojyo
maeil boneun punggyeong cheoreom
i sesange gildeulreo swibge saenggakhaetjyo
deo gakkaweojyeo gatseoyo
hajiman jichin nae haru'e
geudaepumeun neomudo tateuthaetseotjyo
geudae miso, geudae roga johayo
naman baraboneun saram
chorahan nawaui siganeul
sojunghihaneun saram
geu dae malhan geotcheoreom
itseulji moreuljyo
nawa deo jalmatneun yeonin
hajiman naega wonhaneun geon
isesange dan hansarang puningeol
geudae miso, geudae roga johayo
naman baraboneun saram
chorahan nawaui siganeul
sojunghihaneun saram
sesangi da haneun nalkaji o geudae
geudae miso, geudae roga johayo
nareul saranghaejun saram
meon heutnal na eobneun siganeul
sseusseuhi bonael saram
Pe aceeasi pagina cu videoclipurile din Winter Sonata este si un videoclip al trupei 2AM. La inceput n-am inteles ce legatura are, mai ales ca e si in fruntea listei de "related" dar cand am inceput sa transcriu versurile mi-am dat seama ca exprima intocmai sentimentele lui Sang Hyuk atunci cand You Jin l-a anuntat ca vrea sa rupa logodna. Toate actiunile lui ulterioare au fost in sensul celor spuse in versuri:
Even though I am so young the pain is the same
Just because I don't know the world very well
Doesn't mean I don't know pain
Saying that everything will be OK
Why are you lying?
A heart that hurt this much
How can it be healed so easily?
How will I live without you?
That so why I
Can let you go, even if I die
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
No matter how much you push me away
I will hold on you till the end
So don't go anywhere
If you are really leaving, then just lie to me
That we will meet again tomorrow
And that we should meet with a smile.
If breaking up was not a joke
Than I
Can let you go, even if I die
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
We spent so much time together
How are you telling me to live by myself now?
I can't just do that, I just can't
Even if I die, I can't let you go
I really can't let you go
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
Jeong Jae Wook – Choum Kudaero/Back To First Time [ Lyric + Translate ]
nomuna saranghaetjiman yogiso dorasolke
kkutkkaji nol jikyojul sunun nan optkiye
naye modun kiokdul chiwojulkil parae
naralgi chone kuddaero toraga jwo
igon aninde iromyonan dwenunde
nol saranghal sunun omnun goja-nha
cho-umbuto modun ge chalmotdwenopssotkiye
to isang saranghal su opso
nan morugesso naega wae ironun ji
nae-gen namun shiganjocha omnunde
naega sanun igusun sum shwinun gotchoja
narul kamandujil a-nha
narul saranghaji ma naege taga-oji ma
ibyori narul kidarija-nha
pyonhyonhaji a-nha-sso norul saranghaetjiman
naega omnun binjaril mandulgi shi-rho-sso
nachorom himdulkka bwa to apahalkka bwa
iron nol mandulgi shi-rho-so
Repeat **
sarangiran gon sachi-il ppunirago
irohke midumyon sarawannunde
tashinun gu nugudo saranghal su optdago
irohke sarawanunde
narul saranghaji ma naege taga-oji ma
ibyori narul kidarija-nha
Repeat ***
Repeat **
English Translate:
I loved you so much but I'll turn around here,
Because I won't be here to protect you until the end.
I wish that you'd forget all memory of me.
Go back to when you didn't know me.
This isn't how it's suppose to be, it can't be like this.
I can't love you.
Because everything was messed up to begin with
I can't love you any longer.
I don't know why I'm like this.
I no longer have any time
but this place, breathing,
they won't leave me alone.
Don't love me, don't come near me.
For separation is waiting for me.
I didn't express it, although I loved you.
Because I didn't want to make an empty space.
Because I was afraid you'd have a hard time like me,
afraid that you'd hurt even more.
Because I didn't want to make you like this.
I loved you so much but I'll turn around here,
Because I won't be here to protect you until the end.
I wish that you'd forget all memory of me.
Go back to when you didn't know me.
I lived believing that love was just a luxury.
I lived thinking that'd I'd never be able to
Love another person.
Don't love me, don't come near me.
For separation is waiting for me.
I didn't express it, although I loved you.
Because I didn't want to make an empty space.
Because I was afraid you'd have a hard time like me,
afraid that you'd hurt even more.
Because I didn't want to make you like this.
I loved you so much but I'll turn around here,
Because I won't be here to protect you until the end.
I wish that you'd forget all memory of me.
Go back to when you didn't know me.
Si din nou un cantec dedicat sentimentelor lui Sang Hyuk, tot de pe facebook:
Seon – Bonael Su Omnun Sarang [ Lyric + Translate ]
tashisaranghaedo dwelkkayo
irohke tashi shija-khae-do dwelkkayo
orae-jon nae-ga bonae-yahal gusarang
ajing nae ane sumshwinunde
kudael bomyon saeng-gagi nayo
kudae-rul bomyon monjo nunmurinayo
saranghaetdon gu saramgwa talmun-gudael
na sarang-hae-do dwelkkayo
*ttohanbon kkae-ojil haengbogilchido molla
turyo-umman apsojiman
namgyojin nae sarangul chonbu churago
kudael naege bonaetda midko shipo
**morojiji mayo
taga-ul shigan apeso
nohchichi a-nhul-kkoya
kudael bo-nae-jin a-nhul-kkoya
***oryobke shijakdwen nayesarangdo
ta-umbon nae-sarangdo nae-gen kudae hananiggan
Repeat *
Repeat **
Repeat ***
duryobchi a-nhayo
tto hanbon ibyori wado
ta-umpon naesarangdo
naegen kudae hananikkan
English Translate:
Do you think we'd ever be able to love again?
Do you think we'd be able to start all over again?
There's a person I should've sent away a long time ago.
However, whenever I breathe, I'm reminded of that person.
Whenever I see you, I come to tears first.
Do you think you can love me the way I loved that person?
Once again, when I wake up, I'm not happy.
The after effect is hard for my soul however I want to give you all my love.
I want to believe that you gave me love too.
Don't go far away from me.
From now on, I don't want to lose a moment.
I'm not going to send you away.
Even the love that's so complicated because for me, you are the one love that I have.
Once again, I'm not happy when I wake up.
Afraid of what my soul is going through,
I still want to give you all of my love.
I want to believe that you gave me love also.
Don't be too far out of reach.
From now on, I don't want to lose a moment nor am I gonig to push you away from me.
Especially the love that was so hard in the beginning because for me, you are the one I've always loved.
I'm not afraid.
Even if we have to say goodbye again.
Because the next love that I have, will be you.
In schimb am gasit versurile si, datorita scumpei Luciana care a postat pe grupul Soul in care m-a inscris si pe mine cateva videoclipuri cu muzica din serial, am putut sa reascult aceste melodii atat de rascolitoare.
Melodia cu care Joon Sang a cucerit-o pe You Jin si care apare ca un leit-motiv este intitulata in engleza, bien sur, From the beginning until now pe care o puteti asculta pe Youtube
From the Beginning Until Now
Sung by Rye
Naege or su eobseur georago igen geureorsu eobdago
Jebar geumanharago nareur daraeji
Jeongmar ijeobeorigo sipeo borsu eobdamyeon
Nareur jabgo ineun neo oe modeungeor
Naega ugo sipeurddae mada neon nareur ureobeorige mandeu person
Eoneugeo hanado na oe ddeudaero neon har su eobge mandeu neungeor
Niga urgo sipeurddae mada nan ireohge muneojyeo beorigo manigga
Amuri ijeuryeogo aereursseo ijeur su eobge hanigga
Jeongmar ijeobeorigo sipeo borsu eobdamyeon
Nareur jabgo ineun neo oe modeungeor
Repeat Chorus
Da hansarangeur saranghaneunge itorog himneun irinjur nan jeongmar
Repeat: Chorus
Repeat #
English Translation
From the Beginning Until Now - Rye
You will never come back to me and you can't do it,
please stop doing so, you comfort me like this..
If I can't see you again, I really wanna forget..
all about you that hold me
Whenever I wanna laugh, you make me cry..
You keep me from doing even one thing as I want..
Whenever I miss you, I break down like this.
Even though I try to forget, I cannot do it..
*If I can't see you again, I really wanna forget..
all about you that hold me
Whenever I wanna laugh, you make me cry..
You keep me from doing even one thing as I want..
Whenever I miss you, I break down like this.
Even though I try to forget, I cannot do it..
I didn't realize loving one is so hard like this
* Whenever I wanna laugh, you make me cry..
You keep me from doing even one thing as I want..
Whenever I miss you, I break down like this.
Even though I try to forget, I cannot do it..
http://www.chaehyun.tk -- Korean lyrics
Tsinoy.com Forum -- English translation
Pe un forum intitulat Korea Fans am gasit ceea ce cred ca e o alta varianta a versurilor, dar nu sunt f sigura, oricum versiunea in engleza pare a fi asa cum am vazut-o pe ecran:
Winter Sonata OST, Choumputo Chigumkkaji Lyrics - shin bee - 10-25-2008 05:14 PM
nae-ga olsu-opsul-korago / i-jen kurolsu op-tago
chebal kuman-harago narul tarrae-ji..
chong-mal i-joborigo shipo / tashin-bolsu-optdamyon
narul chapgo-in-nun noye modun-gol
naega utgo-shipul-ttaemada non / narul / uroborige mandunikka..
o-neu-got hanado naye ttaet-daero nonhalsu optke mandunun-gol
niga bogoshipul-ttaemada nan / irohke muno-jyo-borigo manikka
amuri ijulyogo ae-rulssodo ijulsu optke hanikka
chongmal ichoborigo shipo / tashin bol su opt-damyon
narul chapgo-in-nun noye modun-gol
naega utgo-shipul-ttaemada non / narul / uroborige mandunikka..
o-neu-got hanado naye ttaet-daero nonhalsu optke mandunun-gol
niga bogoshipul-ttaemada nan / irohke muno-jyo-borigo manikka
amuri ijulyogo ae-rulssodo ijulsu optke hanikka
tan hansaramul saranghanun-ge itorok himdunil-injul nan chongmal mollasso
naega utgo-shipul-ttaemada non / narul / uroborige mandunikka..
o-neu-got hanado naye ttaet-daero nonhalsu optke mandunun-gol
niga bogoshipul-ttaemada nan / irohke muno-jyo-borigo manikka
amuri ijulyogo ae-rulssodo ijulsu optke hanikka
English Lyrics
I won’t cry for you, I won’t do that kind of thing now
Please don’t do that, I can’t be soothed
The truth is I want to forget it all
When I couldn’t see you I realised you were my everything
When I want to smile, will you look at me and cry?
Which is my one hope that you can’t do it at all
When I want you to look at me, will I fall apart?
No matter how you try to forget, can you forget?
To love only one person is really tough
But I honestly didn’t know that
Dar cantecul care domina cele mai multe episoade e cel intitulat My memory, si stiind ca Joon Sang tocmai cu memoria a avut probleme este de inteles de ce a fost ales ca ilustrare muzicala. L-am gasit pe Youtube cu versurile in coreeana si engleza, dar versiunea in engleza de pe Asian Fanatic mi se pare mai aproape de ce imi amintesc ca am vazut pe ecran cand am vizionat serialul, ba chiar si versiunea in coreeana pare mai acurata.
Versiunea de pe YT
My Memory
modu gio-khae-yo ku sun-gan
nunul kamumyon
aju chagun ildo
You're far away
tahul su omnun gose
saranghandanun maldo
kidarin-danun maldo haji mothago
chongmal mollatjyo kudael irohke
tashi mannal churun saenggak-chocha mothae-ssotjyo
ajing nol saranghae
ijerado nege gobae-khal-kke
I wanna love you forever
nuchi a-nhat-damyon irohke nawa hamkke yongwo-nhi
English Translation
My Memory
At that moment I remembered it all
When I see those memories they seem so small..
You're far away in a place that I can't reach
I can't wait for these words of love to be said
I really was to blame
Will I ever get to meet you again?
I can't even imagine that
I still love you and now I'll confess that to you
I wanna love you forever
It's not too late
Be with me forever
For a long time you've been in my heart
Much time passes and still you're far away, but I will stay alive
I really was to blame
Will I ever get to meet you again?
I can't even imagine that
I still love you and now I'll confess that to you
I wanna love you forever
It's not too late
Be with me forever
Si cea de pe AF:
My Memory
Sung by Ryu
Modu gi eoghaeyo geu sungan
Nuneur gameumyeon aju jageun irdo bo ineyo
You are far away
Daheur su eobneun gose
Saranghandaneun mardo gidarindaneun mardo haji mohago
Jeongmar morajyo geudaer ireohge
Daji manar jureun saengag jocha mohaesseojyo
Ajig neor saranghae ijerado nege gobaeghargge
I wanna love you forever
Neuji anhadamyeon ireohge nawahamge yeongwenhi
Geudaen na oe gaseume
Manheun sigan heureodo aju meori isseodo
Sara isseojyo
Repeat *
Repeat #
English Translation
My Memory - RYU
I remember everything
I can’t see even a little thing
when I close my eyes.
You're far away
somewhere that I can’t reach
I didn’t say I love you or
I will wait for you
I really didn't imagine meeting you again
I still love you,
I confess you now
I wanna love forever if it is not late,
forever with me
Even though my heart lived without you for a long time,
You were in my heart
I really didn't imagine meeting you again.
I still love you,
I confess you now
I wanna love forever if it is not late,
forever with me
http://www.chaehyun.tk -- Korean lyrics
Tsinoy.com Forum -- English translation
Di Ko Kaya (Winter Sonata opening song - Tagalog version)
sang by Carmela Cuneta
I. Di ko na kaya pang itago
Ang nararamdamn sa iyo
Umaasang ikaw sana’y mayakap
II. Di ko na kaya pang ilihim
Nasasaktan lang ako
Sa ‘king pag-iisa, hinahanap ka
III. Di ko kailangan ng kayamanan
Puso mo ang tangi kong inaasam
Hindi ko kayang ikaw ay malayo
Mawalay ka sa piling
IV. Sana ay ikaw ang kapalaran
Sa bawat araw ay aking mahahagkan
Habang ang buhay ko ay narito
Handa kong ibigay sa iyo
(Repeat II, III, IV)
V. Kay sarap damhin
Ang tunay na pagmamahal
Katulad nitong pag-ibig ko sa iyo.
(Repeat III, IV)
{English translation}
{translated by: Da A}
I. I can no longer hide
My feelings for you
Hoping that I'll get the chance to hold you
II. I can no longer keep it secret
It only hurts me so
In my solitude, I'm longing for you
III. I don't need any treasure
All I want is your love
I cannot bear you being far away
Separated from me
IV. I hope that you are my destiny
Holding you each and every day
As long as my life is here
I'm willing to give it all to you
(Repeat II, III, IV)
V. True love feels so good
Like my love for you
(Repeat III, IV)
Tot de pe forumul Korea Fan am gasit si niste versuri pe care nu-mi amintesc sa le fi vazut traduse, o sa copiez atat versiunea in coreeana cat si pe cea in engleza:
Winter Sonata OST Ryu-- Chebiggot / Violet Lyrics - shin bee - 10-25-2008 05:38 PM
Cantecul poate fi ascultat aici
naega cho-um norul mannassulttae
nonun chagun sonyoyotgo
mori-en chebiggot
nonun usumyo naege ma-rhaet-ji
aju molli sae-chorom narugo shipo
um um um um um um um
um um um um um um um
um um um um
naega tashi
norul mannassulttae
nonun ma-nhi yawi-utko
ima-en ttampangul
nonun usumyo naege ma-rhaet-ji
aju chagun iredo nunmuri nawa
um um um um um um um
um um um um um um um
um um um um
naega majimag
norul powassulttae
nonun aju pyonghwarobko
changnomo mon nun-kil
nonun usumyo naege marhaetji
aju hanbamcho-ngedo kkae-o-itgo shipo
um um um um um um um
um um um um um um um
um um um um
English Lyrics
When I first met you
You were a little girl and in your hair was a violet flower
You spoke to me as you laughed
That you wanted to fly far away like a bird
When I met you again, you looked very thin
On your forehead were sweat beads
And you spoke to me as you laughed,
That you shed tears for little things
When I saw you for the last time,
You looked very peaceful and your eyes were far away
You spoke to me as you laughed,
That you wanted to be alive in the middle of the night
Pe blogul Korean Drama Music am gasit versurile altor cantece din serial, din pacate numai in coreeana (si nu pot fi traduse nici macar cu Google Translate, oricat de ridicole sunt uneori traducerile sale, pt ca GT recunoaste numai hieroglifele):
04 그대만이 Geudaemani (Only You) - Ryu 류 Lyric
Cantecul se poate asculta aici
C'est moi kkum-eul kku-eo-yo
me-il geu-dae-kyeot-eui pyeong-hwa-ro-un a-chim
C'est toi na-ae-gaen hang-sang meol-li na-reul heo-lak-ha-ji anh-nae-yo
geu-jeo dang-shin-man-eul ba-ra-bol bbun-i-jyo
geu-ddae ne-gae ol ddae-kka-ji
han beon man nae-gae-do ki-hwi-reul jweo-yo
geu-dae eo-du-un mi so-ra-do keu-reoh-kae-ra-do bol su it-gae
i-jaen na-reul sa-rang-ha-myeon an-dwi-na-yo
o-jik geu-dae-man-i nal sa-rang-hal su iss-eo-yo
ji-geum geu-dae ma-eum-aen meol-li da-reun byeol-i-bit-na-go it-nae-yo
geu-jeo dang-shin-man-eul ba-ra-bol bbun-i-jyo
geu-ddae ne-gae ol ddae-kka-ji
han-beon-man nae-gae-do ki-hwi-reul jweo-yo
geu-dae eo-du-un mi so-ra-do keu-reoh-kae-ra-do bol su it-gae
i-jaen na-reul sa-rang-ha-myeon an-dwi-na-yo
o-jik geu-dae-man-i nal sa-rang-hal su iss-eo-yo
i-jaen na-reul sa-rang-ha-myeon an-dwi-na-yo
o-jik geu-dae-man-i nal sa-rang-hal su iss-eo-yo
07 보낼 수 없는 사랑 Bonael Su Eobsneun Sarang (The Love I Can Not Send/(Can’t Let Go of This Love) - Seon Lyric
Cantecul poate fi ascultat de pe acest videoclip
Da-shi sa-rang-ha-do doel-gga-yo
I-reoh-ge da-shi shi-jak-do doel-gga-yo
O-rae-jeon nae-ga bo-nae-ya-hal geu-sa-rang
A-jik nae an-e sum-swi-neun-de
Geu-dael bo-myeon saeng-gak-i na-yo
Geu-dae-reul bo-myeon meon-jeon nun-mul-i-na-yo
Sa-rang-haett-deon geu sa-ram-gwa dalm-eun-geu-dael
Na sa-rang-hae-do doel-gga-yo
Ddo-han-beon ggae-eo-jil haeng-bok-il-ji-do mol-la
Du-ryeo um-man ap-seo-ji-man
Nam-gyeo-jin nae sa-rang-eul jeon-bu ju-ra-go
Geu-dael nae-ge bo-naett-da mid-go ship-eo
Meol-eo-ji-ji ma-yo
Da-ga-ol shi-gan ap-e-seo
Noh-chi-ji anh-eul-ggeo-ya
Geu-dael bo-nae-jin anh-eul-ggeo-ya
Eo-ryeob-ge shi-jak-doen na-eui sa-rang-do
Da-eum-beon nae-sa-rang-do nae-gen geu-dae ha-na-ni-ggan
Ddo han-beon ggae-eo-jil haeng-bok-il-ji-do mol-la
Du-ryeo um-man ap-seo-ji-man
Nam-gyeo-jin nae sa-rang-eul jeon-bu ju-ra-go
Geu-dael nae-ge bo-naett-da mid-go ship-eo
Meol-eo-ji-ji ma-yo
Da-ga-ol shi-gan ap-e-seo
Noh-chi-ji anh-eul-ggeo-ya
Geu-dael bo-nae-jin ah-eul-ggeo-ya
Eo-ryeob-ge shi-jak-doen na-eui sa-rang-do
Da-eum-beon nae sa-rang-do nae-gen geu-dae ha-na-ni-ggan
Du-ryeob-ji anh-a-yo
Ddo han-beon i-byeol-i wa-do
Da-eum-beon nae sa-rang-do
Nae-gen geu-dae ha-na-ni-ggan
11 잊지마 Itjima (Don't Forget) - Ryu 류 Lyric
Cineva a avut ideea sa puna pe youtube un fragment de episod in care apar pe ecran atat viziunea coreeana tip karaoke a acestui cantec cat si cea in engleza, l-am privit cu emotie multumindu-i in gand.
hanado chogumdo itji marayo
naega gyote opsodo itji marayo
cho-umdo chigumdo naye sarangun
kakkayi innundedo molli inneyo
*naega jikyojulkkeyo
kugoshi odirado onjerado naega
**kidar-yoyo naega kalttae-kkaji
cho-um mannatdon ttaero tashi
***naega kanun giri chogum nutdorado
itjima, itjima, naega chachulttaekkaji…
Repeat *, **, ***
13 연인 Yeonin (Lover) (Korean Version) - Ryu 류 Lyric
Videoclipul cu acest cantec poate fi vazut aici
neul gateun jari'e geuldaega itseojyo
maeil boneun punggyeong cheoreom
i sesange gildeulreo swibge saenggakhaetjyo
deo gakkaweojyeo gatseoyo
hajiman jichin nae haru'e
geudaepumeun neomudo tateuthaetseotjyo
geudae miso, geudae roga johayo
naman baraboneun saram
chorahan nawaui siganeul
sojunghihaneun saram
geu dae malhan geotcheoreom
itseulji moreuljyo
nawa deo jalmatneun yeonin
hajiman naega wonhaneun geon
isesange dan hansarang puningeol
geudae miso, geudae roga johayo
naman baraboneun saram
chorahan nawaui siganeul
sojunghihaneun saram
sesangi da haneun nalkaji o geudae
geudae miso, geudae roga johayo
nareul saranghaejun saram
meon heutnal na eobneun siganeul
sseusseuhi bonael saram
Pe aceeasi pagina cu videoclipurile din Winter Sonata este si un videoclip al trupei 2AM. La inceput n-am inteles ce legatura are, mai ales ca e si in fruntea listei de "related" dar cand am inceput sa transcriu versurile mi-am dat seama ca exprima intocmai sentimentele lui Sang Hyuk atunci cand You Jin l-a anuntat ca vrea sa rupa logodna. Toate actiunile lui ulterioare au fost in sensul celor spuse in versuri:
Even though I am so young the pain is the same
Just because I don't know the world very well
Doesn't mean I don't know pain
Saying that everything will be OK
Why are you lying?
A heart that hurt this much
How can it be healed so easily?
How will I live without you?
That so why I
Can let you go, even if I die
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
No matter how much you push me away
I will hold on you till the end
So don't go anywhere
If you are really leaving, then just lie to me
That we will meet again tomorrow
And that we should meet with a smile.
If breaking up was not a joke
Than I
Can let you go, even if I die
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
We spent so much time together
How are you telling me to live by myself now?
I can't just do that, I just can't
Even if I die, I can't let you go
I really can't let you go
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
Si tocmai cand credeam ca am terminat si am copiat tot ce s-a cantat in Winter Sonata cautand un alt videoclip cu Violet am gasit pe face book alte versuri, de la alt cantec, care ilustreaza sentimentele lui Joon Sang cand se hotaraste sa renunte la You Jin (si cat am plans la scena asta...)
Jeong Jae Wook – Choum Kudaero/Back To First Time [ Lyric + Translate ]
nomuna saranghaetjiman yogiso dorasolke
kkutkkaji nol jikyojul sunun nan optkiye
naye modun kiokdul chiwojulkil parae
naralgi chone kuddaero toraga jwo
igon aninde iromyonan dwenunde
nol saranghal sunun omnun goja-nha
cho-umbuto modun ge chalmotdwenopssotkiye
to isang saranghal su opso
nan morugesso naega wae ironun ji
nae-gen namun shiganjocha omnunde
naega sanun igusun sum shwinun gotchoja
narul kamandujil a-nha
narul saranghaji ma naege taga-oji ma
ibyori narul kidarija-nha
pyonhyonhaji a-nha-sso norul saranghaetjiman
naega omnun binjaril mandulgi shi-rho-sso
nachorom himdulkka bwa to apahalkka bwa
iron nol mandulgi shi-rho-so
Repeat **
sarangiran gon sachi-il ppunirago
irohke midumyon sarawannunde
tashinun gu nugudo saranghal su optdago
irohke sarawanunde
narul saranghaji ma naege taga-oji ma
ibyori narul kidarija-nha
Repeat ***
Repeat **
English Translate:
I loved you so much but I'll turn around here,
Because I won't be here to protect you until the end.
I wish that you'd forget all memory of me.
Go back to when you didn't know me.
This isn't how it's suppose to be, it can't be like this.
I can't love you.
Because everything was messed up to begin with
I can't love you any longer.
I don't know why I'm like this.
I no longer have any time
but this place, breathing,
they won't leave me alone.
Don't love me, don't come near me.
For separation is waiting for me.
I didn't express it, although I loved you.
Because I didn't want to make an empty space.
Because I was afraid you'd have a hard time like me,
afraid that you'd hurt even more.
Because I didn't want to make you like this.
I loved you so much but I'll turn around here,
Because I won't be here to protect you until the end.
I wish that you'd forget all memory of me.
Go back to when you didn't know me.
I lived believing that love was just a luxury.
I lived thinking that'd I'd never be able to
Love another person.
Don't love me, don't come near me.
For separation is waiting for me.
I didn't express it, although I loved you.
Because I didn't want to make an empty space.
Because I was afraid you'd have a hard time like me,
afraid that you'd hurt even more.
Because I didn't want to make you like this.
I loved you so much but I'll turn around here,
Because I won't be here to protect you until the end.
I wish that you'd forget all memory of me.
Go back to when you didn't know me.
Si din nou un cantec dedicat sentimentelor lui Sang Hyuk, tot de pe facebook:
Seon – Bonael Su Omnun Sarang [ Lyric + Translate ]
tashisaranghaedo dwelkkayo
irohke tashi shija-khae-do dwelkkayo
orae-jon nae-ga bonae-yahal gusarang
ajing nae ane sumshwinunde
kudael bomyon saeng-gagi nayo
kudae-rul bomyon monjo nunmurinayo
saranghaetdon gu saramgwa talmun-gudael
na sarang-hae-do dwelkkayo
*ttohanbon kkae-ojil haengbogilchido molla
turyo-umman apsojiman
namgyojin nae sarangul chonbu churago
kudael naege bonaetda midko shipo
**morojiji mayo
taga-ul shigan apeso
nohchichi a-nhul-kkoya
kudael bo-nae-jin a-nhul-kkoya
***oryobke shijakdwen nayesarangdo
ta-umbon nae-sarangdo nae-gen kudae hananiggan
Repeat *
Repeat **
Repeat ***
duryobchi a-nhayo
tto hanbon ibyori wado
ta-umpon naesarangdo
naegen kudae hananikkan
English Translate:
Do you think we'd ever be able to love again?
Do you think we'd be able to start all over again?
There's a person I should've sent away a long time ago.
However, whenever I breathe, I'm reminded of that person.
Whenever I see you, I come to tears first.
Do you think you can love me the way I loved that person?
Once again, when I wake up, I'm not happy.
The after effect is hard for my soul however I want to give you all my love.
I want to believe that you gave me love too.
Don't go far away from me.
From now on, I don't want to lose a moment.
I'm not going to send you away.
Even the love that's so complicated because for me, you are the one love that I have.
Once again, I'm not happy when I wake up.
Afraid of what my soul is going through,
I still want to give you all of my love.
I want to believe that you gave me love also.
Don't be too far out of reach.
From now on, I don't want to lose a moment nor am I gonig to push you away from me.
Especially the love that was so hard in the beginning because for me, you are the one I've always loved.
I'm not afraid.
Even if we have to say goodbye again.
Because the next love that I have, will be you.
Serial Sud-coreean,
Winter Sonata

Even If I Die, I Can't Let You Go
Cantecul acesta mi-a amintit de o idee de roman a lui Dany, tare mult imi doresc sa publice acel roman. De fapt ideea este ca dragostea poate transcende chiar si moartea, in cantec baiatul nu poate renunta la fiinta iubita chiar daca stie ca ar putea sa moara din cauza asta.
Versurile sunt in concordanta cu cele ce se intampla de la un moment dat in Winter Sonata intre Sang Hyuk si You Jin:
Even though I am so young the pain is the same
Just because I don't know the world very well
Doesn't mean I don't know pain
Saying that everything will be OK
Why are you lying?
A heart that hurt this much
How can it be healed so easily?
How will I live without you?
That so why I
Can let you go, even if I die
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
No matter how much you push me away
I will hold on you till the end
So don't go anywhere
If you are really leaving, then just lie to me
That we will meet again tomorrow
And that we should meet with a smile.
If breaking up was not a joke
Than I
Can let you go, even if I die
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
We spent so much time together
How are you telling me to live by myself now?
I can't just do that, I just can't
Even if I die, I can't let you go
I really can't let you go
How can I let you go?
If you decide to leave, if you decide to go
Mend my heart first
So it can't hurt anymore
And so I keep on living
I wouln't be able to live without you anyway
Even if I die, I can't let you go!
Traducerea urmatoare imi apartine:
Desi sunt atat de tanar, durerea e aceeasi
Chiar daca nu cunosc prea bine lumea
Asta nu inseamna ca nu stiu ce e durerea
De ce minti spunandu-mi
Ca totul e OK?
Cum poate fi vindecata atat de usor
O inima care e atat de ranita?
Cum as putea trai fara tine?
Si de aceea
Nu te pot lasa sa pleci, chiar daca mor.
Cum te-as putea lasa sa pleci?
Daca te hotarasti sa ma lasi, daca te hotarasti sa pleci
Intai vindeca-mi (repara) inima
Incat sa nu mai fie ranita
Si sa pot continua sa traiesc
Oricum eu n-am sa pot sa mai traiesc fara tine
Chiar daca mor, nu te pot lasa sa pleci!
Oricat de mult ma impingi departe de tine
O sa stau langa tine pana la sfarsit
Asa ca nu pleca nicaieri
Si daca tu chiar pleci, atunci minte-ma
Ca maine ne vom intalni din nou
Si ca ne vom zambi cand ne vom intalni.
Daca ruptura dintre noi nu e o gluma
Atunci eu
Nu te pot lasa sa pleci, chiar daca mor.
Cum te-as putea lasa sa pleci?
Daca te hotarasti sa ma lasi, daca te hotarasti sa pleci
Intai vindeca-mi (repara) inima
Incat sa nu mai fie ranita
Si sa pot continua sa traiesc
Oricum eu n-am sa pot sa mai traiesc fara tine
Chiar daca mor, nu te pot lasa sa pleci!
Am petrecut atat timp impreuna
Cum poti sa-mi spui sa traiesc singur de-acum?
Nu pot s-ao fac, pur si simplu nu pot
Chiar daca mor, nu te pot lasa sa pleci
Intr-adevar nu te pot lasa sa pleci
Cum te-as putea lasa sa pleci?
Daca te hotarasti sa ma lasi, daca te hotarasti sa pleci
Intai vindeca-mi (repara) inima
Incat sa nu mai fie ranita
Si sa pot continua sa traiesc
Oricum eu n-am sa pot sa mai traiesc fara tine
Chiar daca mor, nu te pot lasa sa pleci!
Muzica. Poesis

Fin'ca sunt ecologista (vai de capul meu) si profit de faptul ca mi-e sotul pe coclauri nu mai dau drumul la aer conditionat (ca tot am vazut io cand m-am dus de la bal=nunta drept la spital cu durere crunta de urechi cate fete tinere faceau operatie de sinusuri ca sa le desfunde pen'ca se infundasera cu aer conditionat) si profit (iar!, mah, da' stiu ca sunt o profitoare, ceva de speriat) de faptul ca apartamentul in care imi duc veacu' poseda geamuri si pe fata si pe dos si cand se lasa inserarea ma fac ca nu stiu ce nociv e curentu' (de aer, ca pe ala electricu' tocmai ce incerc sa va spui ca incerc sa-l economisesc) si de cum se lasa seara si se termina plimbarea lu' Coana Mare deschid larg tot ce poseda rame si sticla (haida, de, doar nu v-ati gandit la ochelari?).
Rezultatu' e ca se mai primeneste putin aeru' din locuinta (cu conditia sa nu aiba si vecinii cei fumaciosi aceeasi idee, ca atunci se umple apartamentul nostru de nefumatori de o duhoare insuportabila) dar din cand in cand se rataceste cate o vietate scarboasa (am vazut nu odata cum se hranesc neamurile ei din rahatii de caine omniprezenti in civilizata noastra capitala dotata mai nou cu autobuze decapotabile ca alea de le vazui pana si prin Corkul irlandez, da' nu m-am dat cu ele pen'ca tarifu' era cam prea sus pt poznaru' meu) pe numele ei popular musca. Si cum io ca sa vaz bine tastele tin mereu aprinsa o veioza in timp ce restul casei e intunericita bestia bazaitoare se tot invarte pe langa si pe sub abajorul ei.

vineri, 29 iulie 2011
N-am inteles niciodata de ce acestor flori, atat de putin pretentioase incat decorau cam toate gradinile din satul in care am copilarit, sat in care apa de baut (sau de udat gradina de flori, cele de zarvazavat se organizau aproape de Ialomita) se gasea la vreo 22 m adancime iar verile erau adesea secetoase, li se spune popular carciumarese. Mie imi place mult mai mult numele stiintific, Zinnia, care vine de la botanistul german Johann Gottfried Zinn (1727–59), asa zice Wikipedia. Si mai zice enciclopedia asta cu multi autori, mai mult sau mai putin credibili (cel mai adesea bine documentati) ca floarea ar proveni din insoritul Mexic, lucru ce ar explica f bine adaptarea ei la Baraganul nostru.
Si nu pot sa inchei acest articol fara sa pomenesc de zanele--flori ale lui Cicely Mary Barker, (28 June 1895 – 16 February 1973) care a scris si ilustrat nenumarate carti care fac si azi deliciul copiilor, una din ele am admirat-o la fiica mea in USA, de atunci fiica a schimbat multe domicilii, in tari diferite, si nu stiu daca nu cumva cartea s-a pierdut pe drumuri. Una din carti e dedicata alfabetului si Zinnia Flower Fairy incheie aceasta carte. Fiecare zana avea si o poezie care ii era dedicata.
Z for Zinnias, pink or Red;
See them in the flower bed,
Copper, orange, all aglow,
Making such a stately show.
I, their fairy, say Good-bye,
For the last of all am I.
Now the Alphabet is said
All the way from A to Z.
Pe cat e de modesta in ce priveste ingrijirea pe atat e de aspectuoasa. M-am oprit zilele trecute langa o gradina de bloc in care se aflau cateva zinnii, si am facut niste poze, nu ca o dovada a nostalgiei dupa o copilarie de mult apusa, pt ca n-am avut o copilarie fericita, ci ca sa bucur si pe altii cu frumusetea lor.
Si nu pot sa inchei acest articol fara sa pomenesc de zanele--flori ale lui Cicely Mary Barker, (28 June 1895 – 16 February 1973) care a scris si ilustrat nenumarate carti care fac si azi deliciul copiilor, una din ele am admirat-o la fiica mea in USA, de atunci fiica a schimbat multe domicilii, in tari diferite, si nu stiu daca nu cumva cartea s-a pierdut pe drumuri. Una din carti e dedicata alfabetului si Zinnia Flower Fairy incheie aceasta carte. Fiecare zana avea si o poezie care ii era dedicata.
Z for Zinnias, pink or Red;
See them in the flower bed,
Copper, orange, all aglow,
Making such a stately show.
I, their fairy, say Good-bye,
For the last of all am I.
Now the Alphabet is said
All the way from A to Z.
Ca sa va faceti o idee cate carti a scris CMB o sa copiez lista din Wikipedia:
- Flower Fairies of the Spring; Blackie, 1923
- Spring Songs with Music; Blackie, 1923
- Flower Fairies of the Summer; Blackie, 1925
- Child Thoughts in Picture and Verse (by M.K. Westcott); Blackie, 1925
- Flower Fairies of the Autumn; Blackie, 1926
- Summer Songs with Music; Blackie, 1926
- The Book of the Flower Fairies; Blackie, 1927
- Autumn Songs with Music; Blackie, 1927
- Old Rhymes for All Times; Blackie, 1928
- The Children’s Book of Hymns; Blackie, 1929; rep. 1933
- Our Darling’s First Book (written in collaboration with Dorothy Barker); Blackie, 1929
- The Little Picture Hymn Book; Blackie, 1933
- Rhymes New and Old; Blackie, 1933
- A Flower Fairy Alphabet; Blackie, 1934
- A Little Book of Old Rhymes; Blackie, 1936
- He Leadeth Me (written in collaboration with Dorothy Barker); Blackie, 1936
- A Little Book of Rhymes New and Old; Blackie, 1937
- The Lord of the Rushie River; Blackie, 1938
- Flower Fairies of the Trees; Blackie, 1940
- When Spring Came In at the Window; Blackie, 1942
- A Child’s Garden of Verses (Robert Louis Stevenson); Blackie, 1944
- Flower Fairies of the Garden; Blackie, 1944
- Groundsel and Necklaces; Blackie, 1946; reprinted as Fairy Necklaces
- Flower Fairies of the Wayside; Blackie, 1948
- Flower Fairies of the Flowers and Trees; Blackie, 1950
- Lively Stories; Macmillan, 1954
- The Flower Fairy Picture Book; Blackie, 1955
- Lively Numbers; Macmillan, 1957
- Lively Words; Macmillan, 1961.
- The Sand, the Sea and the Sun; Gibson, 1970

joi, 28 iulie 2011
Un vis asiatic
Nu e de mirare ca, vazand atatea seriale coreene, in special istorice, personajele respectivelor seriale imi bantuie noptile in somn. Asa s-a intamplat ca am visat ceva care m-a facut sa ma trezesc cu zambetul pe buze, in ciuda dramatismului situatiei.
Se facea ca aveam in fata doua personaje inclestate intr-o lupta pe viata si pe moarte. unul era pozitiv, celalalt era un fel de ninja, imbracat in negru de sus pana jos si cu fata acoperita pana la ochi cu un batic negru. Bineinteles ca se bateau cu sabiile.
Ajunsesera la o faza in care stateau fata in fata, nemiscati, studiindu-se cu atentie ca sa ghiceasca momentul cel mai propice pt a da lovitura de gratie. M-am apropiat tiptil de ninja, care era cu spatele la mine si...l-am ciupit de fund. Nu a fost usor, pt ca roba ma cam incurca.In momentul urmator cel ciupit s-a intors fulgerator spre mine, miscarea insa i-a fost fatala, pt ca cel bun l-a secerat dintr-o lovitura.
Acum stau si ma intreb ce ar zice psihologii, psihiatrii, psihanalistii sau specialistii in descifrarea viselor despre cele de mai sus. Probabil mi-ar aprecia spiritul ludic (ciupitura), ar zice ca sunt vulgara (alt loc nu mi-am gasit, decat fundul), ar zice ca sunt sincera (l-am ajutat pe cel cu fata acoperita) ca urasc ipocrizia (l-am ciupit pe cel cu fata acoperita), ca sunt de partea binelui ( am ajutat personajul pozitiv) ca urasc nedreptatea si lupt pt dreptate (actiunea mea a fost indreptata impotriva celui care sigur avea intentii necurate, nedrepte), eh, dar cate nu ar descoperi specialistii...

Flori de nufar
Statea pe trotuar si vindea flori de nufar. Am intrebat-o cat costa si mi-a rspuns rastit "Un leu firu'. Ce mai e un leu azi? Trebuie sa mananc si eu. Credeti ca de grasa fac asta?" Mi-a venit sa rad, chiar daca nu era chiar de dimensiunile mele era totusi grasa. I-am dat trei lei pt trei fire imbobocite. Nu ma asteptam sa se deschida acasa, am mai cumparat si alta data (sa nu aud "astia distrug frumusetea baltilor" etc, pt ca eu de mult nu mai merg la balta (am si uitat o plimbare cu barca si floarea de nufar ce mi-a fost oferita cu un zambet) si altfel nu m-as putea bucura de frumusetea si gingasia lor.
Am pus vaza pe masuta mamitei, sa se bucure si ea de albeata florilor, pt ca nu-si aminteste sa fi vazut vreodata asemenea flori atat de aproape. Si cand au inflorit ne-am bucurat amandoua de frumusetea lor.
Si pt ca m-a cuprins dor de poezie am cautat Lacul lui Mihai Eminescu. Am sa copiez poemul desi e vorba acolo de nuferi galbeni:
Lacul codrilor albastru
Nuferi galbeni îl încarca;
Tresarind în cercuri albe
El cutremura o barca.
Si eu trec de-a lung de maluri,
Parc-ascult si parc-astept
Ea din trestii sa rasara
Si sa-mi cada lin pe piept;
Sa sarim în luntrea mica,
Îngânati de glas de ape,
Si sa scap din mâna cârma,
Si lopetile sa-mi scape;
Sa plutim cuprinsi de farmec
Sub lumina blândei lune
Vântu-n trestii lin fosneasca,
Unduioasa apa sune!
Dar nu vine... Singuratic
În zadar suspin si sufar
Lânga lacul cel albastru
Încarcat cu flori de nufar.
(1876, 1 septembrie)
Flori de nufar
Prin trestia din balta ce-n aer se mladie
Rasuna-n dimineata o tainica-armonie.
Sunt zane ce se scalda in fragedele zori?
Nu-s zane, dar copile, a zanelor surori.
Verginile in apa intrat-au cu sfiala,
Si-acum se joaca vesel in dulcea-i racoreala,
Soptind, privind in unda albastrul cer senin,
Umpland cu flori de nufar camasa de la san.
O raza aurie prin stuhul des patrunde
Si gingas lumineaza in cuibul ce le-ascunde
Comori de tinerete, comori de fericiri,
Incantatoare forme de albe naluciri.
Priviti! cetatea verde se misca, se deschide.
O mandra copilita apare, iese, rade
Si luneca... Deodata, rotunzi si albiori,
Apar la foc de soare doi nuferi plutitori.
Nu cred ca e cineva de varsta mea sa nu stie romanta Flori de nufar, cantata de Alexandru Grozuta.
Mandra mea de altadata,
Visul meu te-aduce iar!
Sa-nsiram pe-un fir de aur
Boabe de margaritar!
Vino-acum ca altadata,
Vino-n brate sa te strang.
Sa-ti sarut gurita dulce,
Sa suspin, sa rad, sa plang!
Si sa vii cu aceleasi doruri,
Fiindca ochii-ti nu ma mint
Cum, pe vremuri, ma mintira
Lacrimile de argint!
Esti atat de frumoasa,
Si atat de draga-mi esti!
Flori de nufar porti in plete
Ca o zana din povesti!
Muzica si versuri de Ionel Bajescu-Oarda
Si Camil Petrescu a scris poezii, pe langa celebrele romane "Patul lui Procust" "Ultima noapte de dragoste intaia noapte de razboi", "Un om intre oameni" a scris si o poezie pe care am gasit-o pe net, intitulata "Patul lui Procust", cam tenebroasa dar amintind de "albii lotusi"
Patul lui Procust
Felie de noroi e ciclul meu,
Spre capătul carent răzbat cu greu,
Fuiorul tors al cretei mi-e povară,
Şi de mă apără, mă şi măsoară.
Triunghiul tău înscrie albatroşii,
Şi doare mlaştina cu viermii roşii,
Dar cum, mirajul frumuseţii nevalente,
Când ochiul meu spre cruguri, sus, atent e?
Hrăniţi cu putrezime de asemeni,
Se-ngraşă nuferii suavi şi gemeni,
Eu, plin de bale şi vâscos, greu lupt
Alăturea, din soare să mă-nfrupt.
Cu burtă flască, la urechi rubin,
Cu clopoţei de slavă şi venin,
Vecin cu mine e şi se târăşte, totuşi
Împărăteşte balta, albii lotuşi.
Dar ochii mei în mine se întorc,
Să mă cuprind, alt fir încep să torc.
Mai mare sunt, decât cei mari, şi mai
Frumos, decât un crin în miez de Mai.
Spre tine, Doamne, gândul îmi înalţ…
Nici flori, nici aur, nu mi-ai pus în smalţ,
Nici ghiare. Tu mi-ai dat în loc de ele
Doar conştiinţa mişeliei mele.
Am mai gasit o poezie, multicolora, de un poet necunoscut mie, Constantin Enache, am sa o copiez pt ca mi-a placut.
Nuferi la xi-hu
In oglinzi de margarite
Ondulate-n moi covoare,
peste ape-ncremenite
Nuferi pun stravechi stergare.
Ondulate-n moi covoare,
peste ape-ncremenite
Nuferi pun stravechi stergare.
Insulite mici, cochete,
Printre unde tremurande,
Strang alaturi in buchete
Nuferi mari cu flori rotunde.
Printre unde tremurande,
Strang alaturi in buchete
Nuferi mari cu flori rotunde.
Albe flori, ca o mireasa
Ce se-ndreapta spre altar,
Pete albe de matasa
Printre frunze verzi rasar.
Ce se-ndreapta spre altar,
Pete albe de matasa
Printre frunze verzi rasar.
Mai departe-n alte cercuri,
Gelozii de mandarini,
Nuferi galbeni duc de veacuri
In a lacului gradini.
Gelozii de mandarini,
Nuferi galbeni duc de veacuri
In a lacului gradini.
Cu tinuta eleganta,
Balerine ce danseaza,
Nuferi roz ca o fondanta,
Luciul apei il pateaza.
Balerine ce danseaza,
Nuferi roz ca o fondanta,
Luciul apei il pateaza.
Nuferi rosii-n panoplia
Lacului aprind splendori,
Integrate-n armonia
Simfoniori de culori.
Lacului aprind splendori,
Integrate-n armonia
Simfoniori de culori.
Largi petale arcuite
In stransoarea lor combina,
Melodii dezlantuite
De culori si de lumina.
In stransoarea lor combina,
Melodii dezlantuite
De culori si de lumina.
Nu pot incheia momentul artistic fara sa amintesc de nuferii lui Monet, carora Pusha Roth le-a dedicat un intreg articol, am sa "fur" doar cateva poze, pt restul va rog insistent sa mergeti la sursa si sa cititi si articolul. Daca vreti sa citit numai poemul in proza LE NÉNUPHAR BLANC de Stéphane MALLARMÉ care l-a inspirat pe Monet in picturile sale cu nuferi puteti merge la linkul respectiv.
Si acum, coborand din sferee inalte ale artei pe pamantul plin de oameni cu betesuguri o sa spun ca nufarul poate fi folosit si drept planta medicinala, desi eu il prefer asa, mai poetic...
Nufarul alb reprezinta o planta ce are si proprietati terapeutice, pe langa calitatile ei decorative, si de infrumusetare a lacurilor si iazurilor.
Principalele parti componente ale acestei plante care pot fi utilizate in terapeutica naturista sunt rizomii si florile. Acestea sunt nutritive, tonice, astringente si cardiotonice.
Nufarul alb poate fi utilizat ca remediu natural in tratamentul diareei, insomniei, insuficientei cardiace, pneumoniei, hiperexcitabilitatii sexuale, tuberculozei pulmonare. Pentru tratarea acestor afectiuni se recomanda a se utiliza atat infuzia din flori de nufar alb, cat si cea din rizomii de nufar alb.
Decoctul din rizomi poate fi utilizat si in tratamentul unor afectiuni externe: inflamatii articulare.
Medicina Naturista,

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