joi, 28 februarie 2013

Bancuri cu minoritari

Primite prin email...cum le-am primit, asa le dau mai departe, Mersi, mancati-as!

Moare tiganul! Cand ajunge pe lumea cealalta se intalneste cu Ceausescu.
- Mai tigane, cand a fost mai bine, in vremea mea, sau acum?
- In vremea ta, jupane, ca pe vremea aceea politicienii faceau politica,muncitorii lucrau, iar tiganii furau. Acum insa, politicienii fura,muncitorii fac politica, si toti ar vrea sa lucrez eu!
Intr-o dupa-amiaza un vanator trece prin padure si deodata vede un tigan legat la mijloc cu o sfoara atarnat de o craca. Vanatorul intreaba:
- Tigane ce faci, ma, atarnat acolo?
- Uite, m-am spanzurat, vere.
- Pai sfoara trebuie sa ti-o pui in jurul gatului, prostule!
- Am incercat manca-te-as, da ma sufoc!
Un tigan statea in penultima banca. Inspectorii se aseaza in spatele lui,in ultima banca. Profesoara pune intrebari, tiganul tot cu mana pe sus.
Intr-un sfarsit, il pune si pe el sa raspunda.
- Ia raspunde si tu Praleo!
- Doamna, sa mor io ce picioare si tatze misto haveti.
- Nesimtitule, cum iti permiti? Ai nota 2 si iesi afara magarule!
In timp ce se ridica din banca, Pralea se intoarce la inspectori:
- Ba, astia cu inspectia, nu mai soptiti minca-v-as, daca nu stiti!
Cica se duce un tigan la pescuit cu un Mercedes 600 SEL.
Coboara tiganu din masina, scoate mulineta de aur ultimul racnet cu fir de matase naturala si ac de diamant si da la peste. Cand ce sa vezi minunatie: prinde pestisorul de aur.
- Ptiuuuuu...
La care pestisoru':
- Stii eu sunt pestisoru' de aur cu alea 3 dorinte...
Tiganca bortoasa in intersectie... i se rupe apa. Ce sa faca, ce sa faca!? Vede un politist dirijand intersectia:
- Hauleo, manca-ti-as chipiul lu' matale, mi se rupse apa si am gemeni, ajuta-ma si pe mine sa nasc, traiasca familia ta de haladit!
- Doamna, dar eu nu am pregatire medicala, nu cred ca pot!
- Hai, ba printisorule, ca nu ie greu, astepti acolo sa iasa plodu', tai cordonul ala cu briceagu' si gata.
Politistul isi da acordul.
Da sa iasa primul baiat, scoate capul si... intra inapoi. Inauntru, asta de
a iesit ii spune celuilalt:
- Ba, pupa-ti-as ochii, hai prin spate, ca in fata e curcanii
Tiganca intarzie. La sosirea ei, tiganul, nervos, o intreaba:
- Unde-ai fost, fa?
- La servici.
- Fa, te rup, pana la ora asta la servici?
- Taci omule c-am luat salariul si am fost la piata la cumparaturi.
- Si ce ai cumparat, fa?
- Ete asta am cumparat, zice tigana si ii arata o lingura de lemn.
- Auzi fa , fir-ai a dracu', noi n-avem bani de-o tuica si tu cumperi
O tiganca se duce la teatru. La intoarcere,tiganul o intreaba:
- Cum a fost, fa, la teatru?
- Stai sa-ti povestesc. La intrare, toata lumea tinea beletele in mana, asa
ca l-am scos si eu. La usa, unul mi-a rupt beletul. Am vrut sa tip, dar, cum
nimeni nu tipa, n-am mai tipat nici io. Am intrat, m-am pus pe scaun si
deodata s-a stins lumina. Am vrut sa tip, dar, cum nimeni nu tipa, n-am mai
tipat nici io. La un moment dat, ala de statea langa mine, mi-a bagat mana
intre picioare. Am vrut sa tip, dar, cum nimeni nu tipa, n-am mai tipat nici
- Lasa asta, fa. Piesa, piesa cum a fost?
- Mult mai mare decat a ta!
O gramada de pescari, cu scule de mii de dolari, momeala de sute de
parai, etc. Apare un tigan cu un bat de 1.5 metri, o sfoara si un ac. Pune o
boaba de mamaliga in ac, si arunca. Scoate numai crapi de 4, 5, 7, 10 kile.
Se uita la ei, si-i arunca inapoi. Restul pescarilor, innebuniti.
- Mai tigane, dar de cand te-ai apucat de pescuit sportiv?
- Adica cum sportiv, mancatzi-as?
- Pai prinzi, il arunci, prinzi, il arunci...
- Aaaaa, nu pescuiesc sportiv, ii arunc pentru ca n-am tigaie asa mare
Tiganii se muta la bloc. Fata se dezbraca seara, si se plange la ma-sa:
- Mama, sa cumperi perdele ca toti vecinii se uita cand ma dezbrac! La care
- Nu-i nimic, lasa ca se dezbraca ma-ta si atunci o sa ne cumpere ei

marți, 26 februarie 2013

Sleeping style and personality, What does your sleeping style mean Is there a connection between sleeping style and personality? If you are a regular reader of 2knowmyself then i am sure that you didn't find that title strange. After all if you can know someone's personality from his face features, body language, musical preference, the way he walks and even his finger ratios then it makes a lot of sense that the sleeping style can tell few things about a person's personality as well. Your Sleeping style can reveal some of your personality traits in addition to revealing information about the way you deal with life problems. In this article i will tell you how your sleeping style is connected to your personality. The meaning of sleeping style and its connection to personality The following are some examples that explain how sleeping styles are connected to personality: Sleeping on your belly: This sleeping style is quite common among stubborn people. After studying psychology i understood that stubborn people are the ones who developed such a trait in order to prevent others from controlling them. The same exactly goes to the sleeping style of a stubborn person. That person sleeps on his belly in order to prevent himself from moving to the sides while he is asleep (yes its another attempt to gain control). Head over the edge: Some people find themselves sleeping with their heads over the edge and as a result they might get a headache in the morning. This sleeping style is associated with people who want to escape from the tasks they have to do in the morning and so their subconscious minds uses such a sleeping style in order to bring them a headache that they can use as an excuse the next day. (see self deception examples) Sleeping on your back: This sleeping style could show that the person is brave. People who have personality traits such as courage might sleep on their backs with their heads facing the ceiling (see What is real courage). Moving a lot while sleeping: The amount of movement that happens during sleep doesn't only tell us about the person's personality but it also tells us whether he is satisfied with his life or not. Usually people who are satisfied with their lives move very little in their beds. This sleeping style is associated with people who want to change their lives to the better Covering your face: Some people sleep with the sheet covering their face. This sleeping style is a reflection of personality traits such as cowardliness and lack of courage. The person in such a case wants to hide from his problems or at least his subconscious mind thinks that by covering his head he can hide Sleeping on your right side: Sleeping on one side is usually an indication of a balanced personality, however,it was found that sleeping on the right side of the body is much healthier because it allows the proper alignment of the organs inside the body Analysis of sleeping styles and personalities Why such a relationship exists between sleeping styles and personalities? According to individual psychology all behaviour that a certain person does helps him move towards a certain purpose. This means that if a person got used to running from his problems then he will always try to hide and escape whatever the kind of activity he is doing even if this activity was sleeping. (see Escaping from reality) That's why your sleeping style can tell few things about your personality and your attitude towards solving life problems.

Sleeping style and personality, What does your sleeping style mean

Is there a connection between sleeping style and personality?
If you are a regular reader of 2knowmyself then i am sure that you didn't find that title strange. After all if you can know someone's personality from his face features, body language, musical preference, the way he walks and even his finger ratios then it makes a lot of sense that the sleeping style can tell few things about a person's personality as well.
Your Sleeping style can reveal some of your personality traits in addition to revealing information about the way you deal with life problems. In this article i will tell you how your sleeping style is connected to your personality.

The meaning of sleeping style and its connection to personality

The following are some examples that explain how sleeping styles are connected to personality:
  • Sleeping on your belly: This sleeping style is quite common among stubborn people. After studying psychology i understood that stubborn people are the ones who developed such a trait in order to prevent others from controlling them. The same exactly goes to the sleeping style of a stubborn person. That person sleeps on his belly in order to prevent himself from moving to the sides while he is asleep (yes its another attempt to gain control).
  • Head over the edge: Some people find themselves sleeping with their heads over the edge and as a result they might get a headache in the morning. This sleeping style is associated with people who want to escape from the tasks they have to do in the morning and so their subconscious minds uses such a sleeping style in order to bring them a headache that they can use as an excuse the next day. (see self deception examples)
  • Sleeping on your back: This sleeping style could show that the person is brave. People who have personality traits such as courage might sleep on their backs with their heads facing the ceiling (see What is real courage).
  • Moving a lot while sleeping: The amount of movement that happens during sleep doesn't only tell us about the person's personality but it also tells us whether he is satisfied with his life or not. Usually people who are satisfied with their lives move very little in their beds. This sleeping style is associated with people who want to change their lives to the better
  • Covering your face: Some people sleep with the sheet covering their face. This sleeping style is a reflection of personality traits such as cowardliness and lack of courage. The person in such a case wants to hide from his problems or at least his subconscious mind thinks that by covering his head he can hide
  • Sleeping on your right side: Sleeping on one side is usually an indication of a balanced personality, however,it was found that sleeping on the right side of the body is much healthier because it allows the proper alignment of the organs inside the body

Analysis of sleeping styles and personalities

Why such a relationship exists between sleeping styles and personalities?
According to individual psychology all behaviour that a certain person does helps him move towards a certain purpose.
This means that if a person got used to running from his problems then he will always try to hide and escape whatever the kind of activity he is doing even if this activity was sleeping. (see Escaping from reality)
That's why your sleeping style can tell few things about your personality and your attitude towards solving life problems.

Am apelat la metoda arhicunoscuta de copy/paste pentru ca e cam mult de tradus

duminică, 24 februarie 2013

Lectia de Coreeana 21 --MekanderV

Tare mult i-au placut lui Raoul Teacher desenele animate cand era mic. De data asta a apelat la unul cu roboti, un anime considerat destul de violent la vremea lui, cu invadatori extraterestri si cu robotii care salveaza planeta. Seria a fost lansata in 1977 in Japonia si a fost difuzata in Coreea in 1986, dublata in coreeana (Doamne, si cat urasc dublajele) cu titlul Mekander V. Proful se pare ca nu a avut rabdarea mea sa scotoceasca in rafturile You Tube-ului si sa gaseasca videoclipul, care are si lyrics in coreeana...:). Acum, la cat ma protestat eu ca merge prea repede, e de mirare ca a avut rabdare sa predea atatea lectii.

Published on Feb 23, 2013
21. Korean Basic-Fun Song (메칸더 브이)

메칸더 메칸더 메칸더 V
(=Mekander, Mekander, Mekander V)
[mekander, mekander, mekander veui]

랄라랄라 랄랄랄라 공격개시~!
(=Lalalala lalalala. Launch an attack)
[lalalala lalalala gong gyeok gae si]

메칸더 메칸더 메칸더 V~!
(=Mekander, Mekander, Mekander V)
[mekander, Mekander, Mekander veui]

랄라랄라 랄랄랄라 메칸더.
(=Lalalala lalalala, Mekander)
[lalalala lalalala mekander]

정의와 평화를 지키는,
(=Keeping justice and peace)
[jeong eui wa pyeong hwa reul ji ki neun]

우리들의 믿음직한 메칸더.
(=Our trusty Mekander)
[woo ri deul eui mid eum jik han mekander]

지구를 노리는 악마의 그림자야, 물러가거라.
(=The shadow of a devil that aims at the earth, go away)
[ji goo reul no ri neun ang ma eui geu rim ja ya mool leo ga geo ra.]

날아올라 무찔러라, 메칸더의 용사들아.
(=fly up and defeat them, the brave of Mekander.)
[nal a ola moo jjil leo ra mekander eui yong sa deul a]

영광의 승리는, 우리 것이다
(=The victory of glory is ours.)
[yeong gwang eui seung ri neun,
woo ri geot si da]

메칸더 원, 메칸더 투, 메칸더 쓰리,
(=Mekander one, Mekander two, Mekander three.)
[mekander one, mekander two, mekander three]

메칸더 세 용사, 단결하면
(= If the three brave meet together,)
[mekander se yong sa, dan gyeol ha myeon]

무적의 메칸더 브이 되어
(=The invincible Mekander V appears.)
[moo jeok eui mekander veui doi eo]

원자력 에너지의, 힘이 솟는다
(=The power from atomic energy will take place.)
[won ja ryeok energy eui, him i sot neun da]

용감히 싸워라, 메칸더 브이 ~
(=Be brave, Mekander V)
[yonh gam hi ssa weo ra, mekander veui]
Din nou se poate insera videoclipul cu pretioasele indicatii ale profesorului.

Lectia de Coreeana 20 Fugi, Hanny, fugi!

Cei care ati vazut Forrest Gump va amintiti celebra replica "Run, Forrest, run!" si micutul handicapat asculta indemnul si isi leapada in cursa nebuna atelele care ii fusesera atat de necesare pana atunci. Hani din povestea de mai jos e o micuta eroina de desen animat care si-a pierdut mama si tatal cand era mica de tot si care a fost incurajata de antrenorul ei sa fuga si astfel a castigat cursa la care a participat. Profesorului nostru ii plac, se pare, f mult desenele animate. Si mie imi plac, daca sunt de calitate buna. Cine nu isi mai aminteste acele desene animate japoneze in care copiii aveau ochi imensi si tare expresivi? Cred ca si povestea lui Heidi a fost transpusa intr-un anime de genul asta. Hani are asemenea ochi.

Published on Feb 22, 2013

20. Korean Basic-Fun Song (달려라 하니)

- 달려라하니 노래 가사 -
(Run Hani Song Lyrics)

난 있잖아
(=For me,)
[nan it ja na]

엄마가 세상에서 제일 좋아
(=I like my mom best)
[eom ma ga se sang e seo je il jo a]

(=as deep as the sky and the earth.)
[ha neul thang man keum]

엄마가 보고싶음
(=If I want to see her,)
[eom ma ga bo go sip eum]

(=I will run,)
[dal lil geo ya]

두 손 꼭 쥐고
(while I am doubling my two fists.)
[doo son kok jwi go]

달려라 달려라 달려라 하니
(=Run Run Run Hani.)
[dal lyeo ra, dal lyeo ra, Hani]

이 세상 끝까지 달려라 하니
(Till the end of the world, run Hani.)
[i se sang keut ka ji dal lyeo ra Hani]

- Words & Expressions -

가. 달려라 - Run
나. 노래 -song
다. 가사-lyrics
라. 난 -I (=나는, 내가)
마. 있잖아-well, you know
바. 엄마 - mom
사. 세상에서-in the world
아. 제일-best
자. 좋아- like (informal from 좋습니다.)
차. 하늘땅만큼-as deep as the sky and the earth
카. 보고싶음-If I want to see
타. 달릴거야-I will run
파. 두 손-two hands
하. 꼭 쥐고-doubling my fists tightly.

De data asta profesorul a permis inserarea videoclipului cu explicatia lectiei:

Good bye my love

Imi plac tare mult cantecele cantate in mandarina (chineza). Azi Sorina mi-a postat o piesa cantata la pian si pe aceeasi pagina de pe You Tube se afla si cantecul acesta, al carui text arata asa:

wo de ai ren zai jian我的愛人再見my LOVE goodbye
xian jian bu zhi na yi tian相見不知那一天Don't know when we'll meet again

wo ba yi qie gei le ni


I gave everything to you
xi wang ni yao zhen xi希望你要珍惜Hope that you will treasure it
bu yao gu fu wo de zhen qing yi不要辜負我的真情意Don't be ungrateful of my real affection



wo de ai ren zai jian我的愛人再見my LOVE goodbye
xian jian bu zhi na yi tian相見不知那一天Don't know when we'll meet again

wo hui yong yuan yong yuan ai ni zai xin di


I will forever love you from the bottom of my heart
xi wang ni bu yao ba wo wang ji希望你不要把我忘記I hope that you won't forget me

wo yong yuan huai nian ni


I forever will be missing you
wen rou de qing huai nian ni溫柔的情懷念你Quietly missing you
re hong de xin huai nian ni熱烘的心懷念你With a burning heart missing you
tian mi de wen huai nian ni甜蜜的吻懷念你With sweet kisses missing you
na zui ren de ge sheng那醉人的歌聲Take this enchanting song
zen neng wang ji zhe duan qing怎能忘記這段情How can anyone forget this moment
wo de ai zai jian我的愛再見my love goodbye
bu zhi na li zai xiang jian 不知那裡再相見Don't know where we'll meet again

zai jian le wo de ai ren


Goodbye my LOVE
wo jiang yong yuan bu hui wang ji ni我將永遠不會忘記你I won't ever forget you
ye xi wang ni bu yao ba wo wang ji也希望你不要把我忘記Also hope you won't forget me
ye xu wo men hai hui you jian mian de yi tian也許我們還會有見面的一天Also perchance we'll meet one day
bu shi ma不是嗎Isn't it so?



wo de ai ren zai jian我的愛人再見my LOVE goodbye
xian jian bu zhi na yi tian相見不知那一天I don't know when we'll meet again

wo hui yong yuan yong yuan ai ni zai xin di


I will forever love you from the bottom of my heart
xi wang ni bu yao ba wo wang ji希望你不要把我忘記I hope that you won't forget me

wo yong yuan huai nian ni


I forever will be missing you
wen rou de qing huai nian ni溫柔的情懷念你Quietly missing you
re hong de xin huai nian ni熱烘的心懷念你With a burning heart missing you
tian mi de wen huai nian ni甜蜜的吻懷念你With sweet kisses missing you
na zui ren de ge sheng那醉人的歌聲Take this enchanting song
zen neng wang ji zhe duan qing怎能忘記這段情How can anyone forget this moment
wo de ai ren zai jian我的愛再見my love goodbye
bu zhe na li zai xian jian不知那裡再相見Don't know where we'll meet again
wo de ai reng xiang xin我的愛仍相信My love still believes
zong you yi tian neng zai jiang總有一天能再見One day we will again say goodbye
Am ezitat daca sa inserez un video cu o inregistrare dintr-un concert in Hong-Kong sau primul videoclip vazut, cu traducere in spaniola. Pana la urma am optat pentru cel cu textul in spaniola, daca vreti sa il 
vedeti pe celalalt mergeti aici.

Lectia de Coreeana 19--Inghetata

Lectia asta imi trezeste amintiri irlandeze. Eu ma tot laud ca stiu bine negleza si ca sunt in stare sa comand orice imi doreste sufletelul, dar adevarul e ca uneori intampin destule dificultati. Asa s-a intamplat si cand am vrut sa cumpar inghetata de la Masina de inghetata care bantuia strazile Corkului. E drept ca, dupa toate aparentele, cel care vindea inghetata nu era nativ irlandez. Dar pana la urma a priceput ca vreau inghetata "no, sugar, please" a zambit mi-a dat inghetata care sigur era indulcita cu zahar (cel putin asa avea gustul) si nu cu sweetener, cum m-a asigurat el. De altfel din aceeasi inghetata i-a servit si pe ceilalti clienti, niste copii. Dar sa vedem cum se procedeaza in Coreea cand cineva vrea sa cumpere inghetata.

 Ar trebui sa tin minte ce inseamna 싶어요 (sip eo yo se citeste șipeio) adica vreau. 먹고 ( meok go se citeste mokko) adica sa mananc
 원하세요? (won ha se yo? se citeste uonhaseio)  ai vrea? ti-ar place?

Profesorul nostru a tradus 주세요. (ciuseio) ca please, te rog, pentru ca asa e politicos in engleza, dar ne-a explicat in videoclip ca 주세요 inseamna mai degraba vreau.

Published on Feb 21, 2013
19. Korean Basic- Ordering Ice cream

* This is a situation taking place in an ice cream shop in Korea.

A: 아이스크림 먹고 싶어요.
(=I want to eat some ice cream.)
[ice cream meok go sip eo yo.]

B: 무슨 맛을 원하세요?
(=What flavor would you like?)
[moo seun mas seul won ha se yo?]

A: 키위 맛 주세요.
(=I would like kiwi.)
[kiwi mat joo se yo.]

B: 토핑을 얹어 드릴까요?
(=Do you want any topping on that?)
[topping eul eon jeo deu ril ka yo?]

A: 네. 세 숟가락 퍼 주세요.
(=Yes. I want three scoops, please.)
[ne. se soot ga rak peo joo se yo.]

B: 컵으로 드릴까요? 콘으로 드릴까요?
(=In a cup or cone?)
[ cup eu ro deu ril ka yo? cone eu ro deu ril ka yo?]

- Words & Expressions -

가. 아이스크림 - ice cream
나. 먹고 싶어요- I want to eat
다. 무슨 - what
라. 맛 -flavor
마. 얹어 드릴까요- can I give it on that?
바. 세 숟가락-three scoops
사. 컵-cup
아. 콘-cone
자. 드릴까요?-can I give ?

Si pentru ca pana acum luna februarie in Bucuresti a aratat mai mult a luna care precede primavara, decat a luna de iarna, iata un frumos tablou de primavara al lui Kang Jang Won 강장원 

Cineva ca tine--Adele si Yu Na Kim

Poate nu fiecaruia i s-a intamplat sa afle ca iubita sau iubitul si-a gasit o alta jumatate. Dar nu oricine poate sa cante cu atata pasiune "Poate am sa gasesc pe altcineva ca tine" si, "iti doresc numai bine" atunci cand nu poate sta departe de nunta persoanei iubite. O prietena de pe fb mi-a postat un videoclip cu Yu Na Kim la o gala plutind pe gheata in acordurile acestei melodii. Ii multumesc si pe acesta cale pentru bucuria pe care mi-a facut-o, draga de Doreen.

"Someone Like You"

I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I'd hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Am ascultat si un alt cantec al Adelei, tot despre o iubire inselata, cantat cu pasiunea cu care a cucerit inimile fanilor.

Adele--"Set Fire To The Rain"

I let it fall, my heart,
And as it fell you rose to claim it
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me

My hands, they're strong
But my knees were far too weak,
To stand in your arms
Without falling to your feet

But there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew.
All the things you'd say
They were never true, never true,
And the games you play
You would always win, always win.

But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name!

When I lay with you
I could stay there
Close my eyes
Feel you here forever
You and me together
Nothing is better

'Cause there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew,
All the things you'd say,
They were never true, never true,
And the games you'd play
You would always win, always win.

But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name!

I set fire to the rain
And I threw us into the flames
When it fell, something died
'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time!

Sometimes I wake up by the door,
That heart you caught must be waiting for you
Even now when we're already over
I can't help myself from looking for you.

I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name

I set fire to the rain,
And I threw us into the flames
When it fell, something died
'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time, ohhhh!

Oh noooo
Let it burn, oh
Let it burn
Let it burn 


De la o vreme dorinta de a mai sta in bucatarie ore intregi sa pregatesc minuni culinare mi s-a diminuat aproape de disparitie. Am descoperit ca nu e nevoie sa ma strofoc atata atimp cat hipermarketul are o oferta care se incadreaza in limitele venitului meu lunar. Asa ca ieri am luat calea Corei impreuna cu sotul meu, sarbatoritul de azi, si ne-am umplut sacosele cu tot felul de bunatati. Mis-en-plisul mesei festive nu a durat prea mult si nu am avut nevoie de nici un fel de ajutor. Sarbatorirea s-a produs in cadru restrans si toata lumea a fost multumita.

joi, 21 februarie 2013

Lectia de Coreeana 18 Un cantec vesel sa cantam

Profesorul nostru s-a tinut de cuvant si ne-a pus iar un cantec ilustrat cu un desen animat. Din pacate nu inteleg absolut nimic din ce vrea sa spuna cantecul. desi Raoul Teacher s-a straduit din rasputeri sa ne faca sa pricepem cate ceva. E vorba parca de o poveste chinezeasca cu un rege aici s-a rupt firul...Nu mai invat eu coreeana asa...

Dar nu m-am lasat pana nu am gasit (cred eu) cate ceva despre filmuletul de desene animate din care profesorul ne-a prezentat bucatica cea vesela. Fin'ca e tarziu in naopte si presupun ca cei care au ajuns pana aici stiu si ei engleza o sa copiez din Wikipedia

Dragon Ball: Ssawora Son Goku, Igyeora Son Goku (Hangul: 드래곤볼 싸워라 손오공 이겨라 손오공; RR: Deuraegon Bor Ssawora Son o gong, Igyeora Son o gong) (lit. Dragon Ball: Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku) is an unofficial, unlicensed live-action Korean film adaptation of the manga series Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama. It was directed by Ryong Wang and was released on December 12, 1990. The movie follows the original Dragon Ball story, and does so more closely than The Magic Begins. This live action adaption from Korea adopts the events of the Emperor Pilaf Saga and a little of the Vegeta Saga, as Nappa makes an appearance in this film.

Candva, cand o sa ma eu timp (probabil in alta viata) o sa citesc cu atentie ce scrie in Wikipedia despre acesta manga care este
 one of the most successful manga and anime series of all time. The manga's 42 volumes have sold over 156 million copies in Japan and more than 230 million copies worldwide, making it the second best-selling series in manga history. Reviewers have praised the art, characterization, and humor of the story. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest manga series ever made

Published on Feb 20, 2013
ᆞ18.Korean Basic-Fun Song (미스터 손)

치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
나쁜 짓을 하면은,
(=If you do a bad thing,)

치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
우리에게 들키지.
(=we will notice it soon.)

밤에도 낮에도
(=Day and night)
느낄 수 있는 눈과 귀가 있다네.
(=The eyes and ears can feel it.)
우리의 손오공.
(=Our Son Oh Gong)

치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
사랑하며 살면은,
(=If you live loving others,)

치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
평화가 올거야.
(=The peace will come.)
Explicatiile profesorului sunt destul de interesante, desi se plange si el ca l-a apucat ora 2:00 din noapte lucrand la lectie (pe mine m-a apucat ora 4:00 AM incercand sa ajung la zi)

Lectia de Coreeana 17 In Barul de Noapte.

Viata in Coreea nu ar avea nici un haz daca nu ar exista si baruri de noapte...Nu mai sunt eu la curent cu mondenitatile (si futilitatile, ar zice sotul meu) dar cred ca la noi deja astea se cheama cluburi. Macar atat lucru am invatat si eu din seriale, ca in Coreea nu exista socializare fara bautura. Sigur, daca mergi la bar nu bei limonada, nici soju (rachiul lor din orez, ei ii zic vin, dar e ala vin cum sunt eu gata sa fiu aleasa Papa de la Roma), ci coktail, pentru ca vorbim englezeste, n'est pas? Ba's pa.

Asa ca Raoul Teacher ne ia frumos de manuta si ne baga acolo, in bar, si ca sa nu murim de sete uitandu-ne ca prostii unii la altii, ne invata si ce sa zicem. Si cum dupa cocteiluri o sa fim gata sa numaram stelele cerului, a fost dragut si ne-a daruit si o poza splendida cu o noapte cu cer senin, plin de stele.
Mi-e teama ca daca ar sti cat misto fac eu de lectiile lui, un misto gratuit, pentru ca omul se strofoaca sa ne ajute sa ne intre in cap limba asta atat de dificila, i-ar cam pieri elanul sa ne ofere lectii. Noroc ca mi-a declarat ca el nu citeste in romana, asa ca sunt linistita, pana la proba contrarie.

Printre putinele cuvinte invatate din seriale se numara si 좋아요 ciuaio, imi place. De obicei este folosit de cineva caruia i-a cazut cu tronc altcineva, ca sa ii declare cat de mult tine la fiinta respectiva. Deci daca eu ma apucam sa ii spun doctorului Hong cat de mult imi plac postarile sale e posibil sa il fi bagat pe bietul om la banuieli. Numai ca ocazia respectiva e acum doar asa, o fantezie, pt ca minunatele lui conturi stau mai departe ferecate ermetic.

Interesant este ca in cartea despre care v-am vorbit cu alta ocazie, Dirty Korean, scrie negru pe alb ca in limba coreeana nu exista cuvintele te rog, please, totusi profesorul nostru sustinea altadata  ca 주세요. ciuseio ar insemna taman te rog. Pe cine sa mai cred? Desigur pe profesor, pt ca e mai de-al casei. Numai ca el spune ca doar 세요 seio, ar fi please...ciuseio insemnand de fapt da-mi te rog. My mistake.

In schimb stiu precis ca in limba vorbita se foloseste rar 감사합니다 kamsahapnida pentru multumesc, ci se utilizeaza ceva ce ar semna cu multamul nostru, 고마워요 komaio.

Cele de mai sus le-am scris inainte de a  incepe sa ascult lectia profesorului. Trebuie sa precizez ca in coreeana ㅂ b si ㅍ p se cam confunda, desi exista doua consoane separate (spre deosebire de V, care lipseste cu desavarsire, cica numele meu ar incepe cu b al lor, sau F care deasemenea lipseste). Asa ca eu am auzit ca profesorul ne invita la par, ceea ce in romana nu e chiar o invitatie menita sa ne umple de bucurie.

제가 (cega) inseamna Eu dar e o formula de politete, pt ca informal se zice 내,나 (ne, da).
Interesant e cum se spune doi, suna cam la fel ca in engleza, adica  두 tu iar pahar suna destul de aproape de borcanul englezesc (jar) 잔 (jan, sau mai degraba chan). Am facut acesta apropiere fortata cu gandul la f popularul cantec irlandez de petrecere, ascultat intr-un restaurant din Dublin, noaptea, "Whisky in the jar", Whisky in borcan...

Published on Feb 19, 2013
17. Korean Basic- At A Bar

* This is a situation at a bar at night, meeting friends in Korea.

A: 제가 술 한 잔, 살게요.
(=Let me buy you a drink.)
[je ga sool han jan, sal ke yo.]

B: 칵테일이, 좋아요.
(=I like cocktail.)
[cocktail I, jo a yo.]

A: 칵테일 두잔, 주세요.
(=Two glasses of cocktail, please.)
[cocktail doo jan, joo se yo.]

B: 고마워요. (=Thanks.)
[ go ma wo yo.]

A: 스트레이트(얼음없이) 아니면, 온 드 락스(얼음 넣어)?
(=Straight or on the rocks?)
[straight a ni myeon, on the rocks?]

B: 온 드 락스로. 우리 우정을 위하여!
(=On the rocks, please. Here's to our friendship!)
[on the rocks ro, woo ri woo jeong eul wi ha yeo!]

- Words & Expressions -

가. 제가 - I
(formal form cf. informal. 내,나)
나. 술한잔 - one glass of liquor
다. 살게요 - I will buy , let me buy
라. 칵테일 - cocktail
마. 좋아요 - good, I like it.
(좋아요 is rather informal form compared to 좋습니다.)
바. 두잔 - two glasses
사. 고마워요 - thanks (고맙습니다, 감사합니다 is the most respectable form)
아. 스트레이트-straight, without ice
자. 온 드 락스-on the rocks, with ice
차. 우리 -our
카. 우정 -friendship
타. 위하여 - for Noun, in oder to =so as to = so that S can/may/will V

Lectia de Coreeana 16 Five Eagle Brothers

De data asta profesorul vrea sa ne distreze. Si a gasit un fragment dintr-un desen animat din acelea cu personaje fantastice, dotate cu puteri supranaturale, gata sa elibereze pamantul de tot felul de malefici, cantand intr-o veselie. Care veselie la ele sa fie, pentru ca eu inca mai am de furca incercand sa prind din zbor regulile de citire, daca or fi existand cumva, si folosindu-ma pentru asta de robotul de citit al lui Google. Ca exercitiu ne-a dat sa intelegem cuvintele (care suna in traducere engleza intr-o pasareasca perfecta pt mine) si sa cantam impreuna cu personajele. Cum sunt eu afona personajele ar lesina daca m-ar auzi, asa ca mai bine ma limitez sa invat sa citesc...adica eu sunt inca la alfabetizare, inca mai incurc literele intre ele, sa fie clar.

Profesorul incearca sa ne dea niste explicatii ale textului prin care sa ne introduca si cateva notiuni de gramatica. De exemplu el zice ca daca in engleza The legs of the table are strong "the legs" este subiectul propozitiei (ca si in romana Picioarele mesei sunt solide, puternice "picioarele" este subiect) in coreeana masa este subiect, ceea ce devine cel putin aiuritor pt noi.

우리 (uri) in masinile de tradus apare ca we adica noi, dar si our adica ai nostri. In cantecelul nostru este our pentru ca e urmat de un substantiv, 형제 (ionge) brothers, adica frati.
태양이(teiangi) e Sun, adica Soare.
 지구를 (cicurâl) e Earth, adica Pamantul care este subiect, de aceea apare 를 (râl)
지켜라. (cikera) imperativul de la 지켜 (cike) protect. Ar tebui sa il invat f bine pt ca in serialele coreene masculii au ca rol important protectia, protejarea membrilor familiei, in special a celor de gen feminin.
초록빛 (ciorokpi) e green, adica verde
우주를 (ujurâl) universul 를 (râl) arata ca e subiect.

Published on Feb 17, 2013
16. Korean Basic-Fun Song (독수리오형제)

슈파 슈파 슈파 슈파
(=Shoo pa shoo pa shoo pa shoo pa)
[ shoo pa shoo pa shoo pa shoo pa]

우렁찬 엔진소리, 독수리 오형제.
(=Roaring engine sound, eagle five brothers.)
[woo reong chan engine sori, dok soo ri d hyeong je ]

쳐부수자 알렉타,
(= Let's defeat Aleta,)
[chyeo boo soo ja aleka]

우주의 악마를
(=the devil of the universe.)
[woo joo eui ang ma reul]

불새가 되어서, 싸우는 우리형제.
(=Our brothers, turning into fire bird & fighting.)
[bool sae ga doi seo, ssa woo neun woo ri hyeong je ]

태양이 빛나는, 지구를 지켜라.
(=Keep the earth that the Sun is shining.)
[tae yang I bin na neun, ji gu reul ji kyeo ra]

정의의 특공대, 독수리 오형제.
(=The commando of justice, eagle five brothers.)
[jeong eui e teuk gong dae, dook soo ri o hyeong je]

초록빛 대지의, 지구를 지켜라.
(=Keep the earth with green field.)
[cho rok bit dae ji oi, ji to reul ji kyeo ra]

하늘을 날으는, 독수리 오형제.
(=Flying in the air, eagle five brothers.)
[ha neul eul nal eul neun, dok soo ri o hyeong je]

우주를 누비는, 독수리 오형제.
(=Free in the universe, eagle five brothers.)
[woo joo reul noo bi neun, dok soo ri o hyeong je]

- Words & Expressions -
가. 우렁찬 - roaring
나. 엔진 - engine
다. 소리 - sound
라. 독수리-eagle
마. 오형제-five brothers
바. 쳐부수자-Let's defeat
사. 우주의 -of the universe * 의(-eui) is 'of'
아. 악마- devil
자. 불새가 되어서-turning into fire bird
차. 싸우는 우리형제-fighting our brothers
카. 태양이 빛나는- that is shining from the Sun
타. 정의의 특공대- the commando of justice
파. 초록빛 대지의- of the green field
하. 하늘을 날으는 -flying in the air

- Exercise -

* Understand the words and sing along.
De data asta pot sa inserez si lectia profesorului:

miercuri, 20 februarie 2013

James Blunt

Una din melodiile care cred ca o sa-mi placa ori de cate ori o sa o aud este You're Beautiful cantata de James Blunt. Am fost curioasa sa aflu mai mult despre el si am gasit un amplu articol in Wikipedia. Nu am de gand sa il copiez sau sa il traduc pe tot, am sa spun doar ca s-a nascut in 22 February 1974, ca numele sau real este James Hillier Blount si ca provine dintr-o familie in care traditia de a servi in armata se cunoaste inca din secolul 10. El insusi a urmat studiile facultatii de Constructii Aerospatiale si apoi Sociologie la Harrow School Anglia cu o bursa din partea armatei, care il obliga la 4 ani de serviciu militar. Serviciul lui a durat 6 ani, timp in care a fost, intre altele, in misiune in Kosovo, dar si in Canada si a stat de garda la sicriul Reginei Mame.Este de asemnea un sustinator al Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF or "Doctors Without Borders"). (am un prieten pachistanez pe fb, care spune ca a facut parte din acest corp medical, un om extraordinar)  Din albumul lui de debut, Back to  Bedlam fac parte si cantecele You are Beautiful si Goodbye my Lover, pe care o sa le inserez mai jos, impreuna cu versurile.

You're Beautiful - James Blunt

My life is brilliant.

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.


Modul in care canta el Goodbye my Lover, pasiunea pe care o pune, imi aduce lacrimi in ochi, desi cel  care mi-a fost alaturi o viata si este tatal copiilor mei este bine mersi langa mine.

Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer and when i wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bare my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.


"Weird Al" Yankovici a facut o parodie f reusita dupa You're Beautiful (dragi fani ai kdrama coreene, nu tresariti, cantecul nu are nimic de a face cu serialul sud-coreean cu acelasi nume) intitulata You're Pitiful, dar staffful lui James Blunt nu a acceptat-o niciodata si atunci el a lansat-o free online.

Weird Al Yankovic - You're Pitiful

My life is brilliant...

What, was I too early? Oh, sorry. Should I...Do you wanna start over? Or, keep going?
Okay, now? Now?

My life is brilliant
Your life's a joke
You're just pathetic
You're always broke

Your homemade Star Trek uniform
really ain't impressin' me
You're sufferin' from delusions of

You're Pitiful
You're Pitiful
You're Pitiful It's true

Never had a date
That ya couldn't inflate
And ya smell repulsive too
What a bummer bein' you

Well ya just can't dance
And forget romance
Everybody you know still calls ya
Farty Pants
But you always have a job well I mean
As long as you still can work that slurpie machine

You're Pitiful
You're Pitiful
You're Pitiful It's true

You're half undressed
Eatin' chips of your chest
While you're playin' Halo 2
No one's classier than you

Lalala la
Lalala la
Lalala la Loser

You're Pitiful
You're Pitiful
You're Pitiful It's true

Your dog would much rather
Play fetch by itself

You still live with your Mom and you're 42

Guess you'll never grow a clue
When it just sucks to be you

Журавли --Cocorii

Va mai amintiti filmul Zoboara Cocorii? La asta m-am gandit acum catava vreme, cand bunul nostru prieten, care acum si-a inchis conturile si nu mai revine, dr Hong ne-a recomandat cantecul de mai jos. Era interpretat de Iosif Kobzon, dar se pare ca a fost folosit in coloana sonora a unui film coreean. Nu mai tin minte daca doctorul a dat si traducerea in coreeana, oricum eu stiu ca folosea pt asta Google si masina e masina...

Noul meu prieten, tot doctor, Kim Chun Yong, mi-a recomandat alt videoclip cu cantecul care este o elegie la adresa soldatilor cazuti pe campul de lupta, care conform legendei, s-ar transforma in cocori albi. De data asta cred ca traducerea in coreeana e mult mai acurata, pt ca e luata de pe un site care se ocupa cu traducerile.

 모래시계 OST
OST Sandglass

(쥬라블리, 백학)

Мне кажется порою, что солдаты
Mne kazhetsia poroiu, chto soldaty,
(므녜 까짓쪄 빠러유 슈또 솔다띄,)
나는 가끔 병사들을 생각하지
It sometimes seemed to me that the soldiers,

С кровавых не пришедшие полей,
S krovavykh ne prishedshie polei,
(스 끄로바 흐 녜 쁘리쉬예 빨례이,)
피로 물든 들녘에서 돌아오지 않는 병사들이
Who didn't return from bloody fields,

Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,
Ne v zemliu nashu polegli kogda-to,
(녜 브 졔믈류 나슈 발례글리 까그다-또,)
잠시 고향 땅에 누워보지도 못하고
Didn't lie down into our ground

А превратились в белых журавлей.
A prevratilis' v belykh zhuravlei.
(아 쁘리브라찔리시 브 흐 주라블례이.)
백학으로 변해버린 듯하여
But turned into white cranes.

Они до сей поры с времен тех дальних
Oni do sei pory s vremion tiokh dal'nikh
(아니 도 셰이 빠 스 브례묜 떼흐 달리니흐)
그들은 옛날부터 지금까지 날아만 갔어
They are to this day from those distant time

Летят и подают нам голоса.
Letiat i podaiut nam golosa.
(례 이 빠다윳 남 갈러사.)
그리고 지금까지도 그들은 날고 있고
Flying and screaming their voices to us

Не потому ль так часто и печально
Ne potomu l', tak chasto i pechal'no
(녜 빠또무 리 딱 차스또 이 삐찰노)
왜, 우리는 자주 슬픔에 잠긴 채
May be it is the reason why we often ruefully

Мы замолкаем глядя в небеса?
My zamolkaem, gliadia v nebesa.
(므이 자말까옘 글랴댜 브 녜볘사?)
하늘을 바라보며 말을 잃어야 하는지?
Falling silent when we look in to the sky.

Летит, летит по небу клин усталый,
Letit, letit po nebu klin ustalyi,
(례 례 빠 녜부 끌린 우스딸리,)
날아가네, 날아가네 저 하늘의 지친학의 무리들
The weary wedge of cranes is flying, flying in the sky,

Летит в тумане на исходе дня.
Letit v tumane na iskhode dnia,
(례 브 또마녜 나 이스호졔 드냐,)
날아가네 저무는 하루의 안개 속을
Flying in the mist at the end of the day

И в том строю есть промежуток малый --
I v tom stroiu est' promezhutok malyi,
(이 브 스뜨라유 예스찌 쁘라몌주똑 말리,)
무리 지은 대오의 그 조그만 틈 새
And there is a small gap inside this wedge

Быть может это место для меня.
Byt', mozhet, eto mesto dlia menia.
(찌 모짓 에떠 몌스떠 들랴 미냐.)
그 자리가 혹 내 자리는 아닐런지
Perhaps, it is a place for me.

Настанет день и журавлиной стаей
Nastanet den', i s zhuravlinoi staei
(나스따 이 스 주라블리노이 스따예이)
그날이 오면 학들과 함께
The day will come and with that cranes' flock

Я поплыву в такой же сизой мгле.
Ia poplyvu v takoi zhe sinei mgle,
(야 빠쁠 부 브 따꼬이 졔 시자이 므글례,)
나는 회청색의 어스름 속을 끝없이 날아가리
I will fly in the same blue-gray haze

Из-под небес по-птичьи окликая
Iz-pod nebes po-ptich'i oklikaia
(이즈 빠드 녜볘스 빠-쁘띠치 아끌리꺼여)
천상 아래 새처럼 목 놓아 부르면서..
From the sky calling out in bird's language

Всех вас, кого оставил на земле.
Vsekh vas, kogo ostavil na zemle.
(브셰흐 바스 까보 아스따빌 나 졔믈례.)
대지에 남겨둔 그대들의 이름자를
All of you who are left on the ground

Мне кажется порою, что солдаты
Mne kazhetsia poroiu, chto soldaty,
(므녜 까짓쪄 빠러유 슈또 솔다띄,)
나는 가끔 병사들을 생각하지
It sometimes seemed to me that the soldiers,

С кровавых не пришедшие полей,
S krovavykh ne prishedshie polei,
(스 끄로바 흐 녜 쁘리쉬예 빨례이,)
피로 물든 들녘에서 돌아오지 않는 병사들이
Who didn't return from bloody fields,

Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,
Ne v zemliu nashu polegli kogda-to,
(녜 브 졔믈류 나슈 발례글리 까그다-또,)
잠시 고향 땅에 누워보지도 못하고
Didn't lie down into our ground

А превратились в белых журавлей.
A prevratilis' v belykh zhuravlei.
(아 쁘리브라찔리시 브 흐 주라블례이.)
백학으로 변해버린 듯하여
But turned into white cranes.

Iata si interpretarea lui Mark Bernes, primul interpret al acestui cantec atat de trist...
Cantecul este interpretat cu multa caldura si de Muslim Magomaiev, o voce de exceptie...el face intai o introducere in care spune ca el s-a gandit ca dupa Mark Bernes nimeni nu mai poate canta acest cantec.
O interpretare oarecum diferita are Alexandr Malinin, poate si pentru ca el nu e bariton, ca cei dinainte.

Мне кажется порою, что солдаты,
С кровавых не пришедшие полей,
Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,
А превратились в белых журавлей.

Они до сей поры с времен тех давних
Летят и подают нам голоса.
Не потому ль так часто и печально
Мы замолкаем, глядя в небеса?

Летит, летит по небу клин усталый,
Летит в тумане на исходе дня.
И в том строю есть промежуток малый...
Быть может, это место для меня?

Настанет день, и в журавлиной стае
Я поплыву в такой же сизой мгле,
Из-под небес по-птичьи окликая
Всех вас, кого оставил на земле.

Мне кажется порою, что солдаты,
С кровавых не пришедшие полей,
Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,
А превратились в белых журавлей.

Они до сей поры с времен тех давних
Летят и подают нам голоса.
Не потому ль так часто и печально
Мы замолкаем, глядя в небеса?

музыка: Ян Френкель / слова: Расул Гамзатов, перевод: Наум Гребнев

marți, 19 februarie 2013

POSCO-- File de istorie

Ca mai toata lumea, am ascultat cu o jumatate de ureche stirile despre ArcelorMittal si combinatul de la Galati. Ceea ce am inteles este ca si gigantul asta indian are probleme din cauza crizei.

Dar iata ca exista un alt gigant, despre care nu aveam macar habar, care, daca e sa cred ce zice Wikipedia, duduie inca. Si acest gigant, al cincilea in lume, se numeste POSCO si e situat in Coreea de Sud. Am aflat cu totul tangential despre existenta sa vazand o descriere a unei poze postata de noul meu prieten coreean. Pentru ca n-am inteles nimic din ce zicea el despre Arta Razboiului, POSCO si Finex am procedat ca de obicei, am dat un search pe Google si am inceput sa citesc. 

Spre deosebire de Romania, care avea deja o istorie in industria siderurgica inca dinainte de al doilea razboi mondial, (Combinatele de la Hunedoara, Resita, Calan) Coreea de Sud nu avea dupa razboi nici o traditie semnificativa in acest domeniu. Acum trebuie sa recunoastem ca aceasta industrie nu a fost intamplator dezvoltata in Transilvania, ea a aparut inca din secolul 19 sub administratia habsurgica, din al  carui imperiu facea parte. Dar nici intre cele doua razboiae sau in timpul regimului comunist nu le-a scazut importanta, dimpotriva. 

Dar daca in tara noastra 1989 a reprezentat pt industrie un moment de cotitura total nefericita, "industria grea cu pivotul ei industria siderurgica" cum am invatat noi in scoala fiind aproape desfiintata de proasta administrare si  mai ales de lacomia noilor imbogatit de tranzitie, in Coreea POSCO a devenit dintr-o experienta in al carei succes erau destul de putini cei ce credeau la inceput un adevarat gigant al economiei moderne. E drept ca ei nu au avut, de ex, niste rusi care sa preia industria noastra de otel numai ca sa o distruga pt a nu fi in concurenta cu propriile lor combinate, in schimb rusii preluand pietele noastre de desfacere, cum s-a intamplat cu Mechel.

Intorcandu-ma la POSCO, Coreea iata ce scrie Wikipedia. Un rol important in crearea acestei companii l-a avut Park Chun Hee. El a venit la putere in 1961, in urma unei lovituri de stat militare. In 1963 a fost ales presedinte al Coreei de Sud. In 1972 a decretat Legea Martiala, a suspendat Constitutia si s-a declarat presedinte pe viata. Si pe viata a si fost, pt ca desi a supravietuit doua tentaive de asasinat organizate de Coreea de Nord a murit asasinat de propriul sau Serviciu de Securitate. Atmosfera din acea perioada si mai ales modul cum actionau cei din serviciile secrete sunt descrise pe larg in f interesantul serial Giant. Din pacate nu am reusit sa gasesc un link care sa va permita sa il vedeti, se pare ca a fost interzis online din motive de copyright.  Park Chun Hee este tatal actualei presedinte a Coreei de Sud, Park Jeun Hye.

Cand a venit la putere venitul pe cap de locuitor al tarii era de 72$ pe an. Coreea de Nord era o putere economica si militara gratie capacitatilor industriale ramase de la japonezi si ajutorului primit din partea URSS, China si Germania de Est. Si pt ca tot am vorbit de Germania, Coreea nu a avut parte de un plan Marshal precum Germania de Vest. Deh, desi era tot o tara divizata, ea nu era o tara invinsa. 

In mod ciudat, tocmai normalizarea relatiilor cu cealalta mare tara invinsa in al doilea razboi mondial, Japonia, a contribuit la transformarea Coreei de Sud in ceea ce s-a numit Tigrul Asiatic. Celalalt tigru, cel irlandez, care si-a cam pierdut recent dintii datorita crizei, are alta poveste. Aceasta normalizare s-a produs in 1965 si a fost intampinata cu destula ostilitate in tara datorita ranilor inca nevindecate de pe urma perioadei cand  a fost o colonie japoneza. 

Deci in 1968 Park Tae-joon (1927-Dec 2011), presedinte al Taegu Tec a preluat conducerea unei joint-venture intre propria companie si POSCO, de stat. Asta s-a intamplat in 1968 cand avea ca angajati 38 de persoane. In 1972 compania a inceput sa produca, intr-o uzina construita cu bani japonezi in Pohang, un oras pescaresc. Cresterea a fost rapida si in anii 80 a ajuns sa fie cel mai bun producator mondial de otel, cf Wikipedia. In 1993 Park Tae-joon a demisionat si compania s-a restructurat. PTJ a plecat intr-un exil "voluntar" in Japonia. Am observat si in alte kdrama contemporane ca legaturile economice cu  Japonia au o mare importanta pt magnatii sud-coreeni.

In urma restructurarii s-a schimbat politica companiei, de la centralizare la descentralizare, renuntarea la o schema ierarhica stricta in favoarea lucrului in echipa si o mai mare autonomie. Cand Kim Dae Yung a devenit presedinte ParkTJ a fost reabilitat (fusese invinuit de spalare de bani si deturnare de fonduri, Giant are unele aluzii la asemenea operatii la nivel inalt) In 1998 POSCO a inceput sa fie privatizat, operatie terminata in 2000. Gratie cererii pe pietele interne si cele din China POSCO a devenit in 2004 cea mai profitabila companie pe plan mondial.

Pentru ca salariile in Coreea de Sud erau ridicate managerii au inceput sa caute zone in care sa isi infiinteze noi capacitati de productie si s-au orientat in 2006 catre Zhangjiagang Pohang Stainless Steel (ZPSS) in provincia Jiangsu din China.

In india proiectul construirii unui mega combinat s-a lovit de protestul acerb al ecologistilor in principal, dar si al altor activisti (Rosia Montana, Sisturile Dobrogene va spun ceva?) datorita faptului ca se va distruge ecosistemul de pe o vasta suprafata de teren (1554 acri, peste 700ha), se va produce poluare iar numarul celor care vor fi relocati ar fi mai mare decat al celor care vor fi angajati. Controversa tine din 2005 si nu s-a rezolvat nici pana acum pe deplin. Ultimele stiri din 10 februarie 2013 spun ca Odisha Guvernment (reguinea in care rumeaza sa se construiasca acest combinat) a decis sa cedeze 1554 acri in Jagatsinghpur district.

In aceeasi descriere amintita mai sus se pomeneste ceva si despre Finex. Normal ca am fost curioasa sa stiu despre ce este vorba si iata ca e un proces cu totul nou de obtinere a otelului, la temperaturi scazute, deci cuptoarele de obtinerea cocsului si furnalele nu ar mai fi necesare, ar trebui doar niste reactoare. In acest fel procedeul este mai economic si mai ecologic. Nu stiu insa pe ce reactii se bazeaza acest procedeu. In facultate am invatat cu lux de maanunte ce reactii chimice au loc intr-un furnal la obtinerea fontei si intr-un cuptor Siemens Martin la obtinerea otelului. Practica am facut insa la NEFERAL, unde existau cuptoare pentru obtinerea de metale neferoase, Alti colegi ai nostri au facut practica la Otelul Rosu, fost Victoria Calan.

Bineinteles ca acele cursuri care ne-au fost predate noua au fost posibile datorita faptului ca deja tehnologia se aplica de un numar suficient de ani pentru ca reactiile sa devina de notorietate, totusi profesorii nostri ne-au atras atentia ca intotdeauna in industrie intervine ceea ce se cheama secretul de fabricatie, un ceva acolo fara de care toata baza teoretica nu mai face doi bani.

Am citit candva un roman, de fapt mai mult o nuvela, de dragoste intre doi chimisti, cehi parca, acestia voiau, nu am inteles de ce, sa obtina colesterol. Cum invatasem la chimia organica sinteza colesterolului, cu un lant parca interminabil de reactii, nu prea vedeam unde e drama de nu le iese reactia, pana mi-am amintit de minunea asta de secret. Ei bine, in cazul FINEX (de punerea la punct a acestei tehnologii se ocupa Siemens si POSCO) am gasit urmatorul textulet:

In the Finex process, fine iron ore is charged in a series of fluidized-bed reactors, passes in a downward direction where it is heated and reduced to direct-reduced iron (DRI) by means of a reduction gas – derived from the gasification of the coal – that flows in the counter-current direction to the ore.