Pentru mine aplicațiile cu nume atăt de asemănătoare Friend Matrix și Friends Matrix nu sunt deloc simple jocuri, ci un foarte bune exercițiu de prevenire a infamei boli numite Alzheimer sau măcar a simplei demențe senile.
În special Friend Matrix îmi e folositor pentru că mă ajută să îmi testez memoria recentă, pentru că e bazat în principal pe interacțiunile recente cu persoanele din lista de prieteni.
Mă ajută deasemenea să îmi testez capacitatea de recunoaștere a imaginilor de pe pozele de profil. De data asta pe Friend Matrix au rămas câteva imagini pe care nu le-am recunoscut, presupun că între timp persoanele respective și-au schimbat poza de profil (unii le schimbă mai des decât chiloții sau șosetele, presupunând că toată lumea le schimbă foarte des)
Diferența dintre cele două aplicații constă în modul în care se face selecția imaginilor care compun matrixul. Friends Matrix folosește în special acele imagini care corespund profilelor celor care interacționează cu mine fie dând likeuri, fie shăruind ceva pe peretele meu.
Se pare că nu are contoare pentru taguri și poate nici pentru comentarii și așa se face că persoane care mă tăguiesc destul de des pot să lipsească cu desăvârșire din matrix, în schimb altele care nu comentează decât cu totul excepțional sau chiar deloc au parte de o imagine disproporționat de mare cu aportul lor la întreținerea relațiilor.
În schimb Friend Matrix, deși oferă mult mai puține imagini, oferă un ansamblu mult mia echilibrat în ce privește interacțiile, luând în considerare mai mult comentariile și shăruirile decât simpla apăsare e un buton pe care scrie like. Este, dacă vreți, o aplicație mai ”intelectuală” și asta mă face să o apreciez mai mult dar, din păcate funcționează foarte rar pentru mine..
Aceste matrixuri mă mai ajută să îmi trec în revistă prietenii. Descopăr că unii si-au închis, poate temporar, conturile, alții și-au schimbat în așa fel numele încât nu mai amintește deloc de cel cu care ne-am împrietenit. Nu mă supăr, fiecare e liber să facă ce vrea pe contul lui, atâta timp cât respectă regulile impuse de patronii rețelei.
Există prieteni (folosesc generic substantivul masculin pentru că seamănă mai mult cu asexuatul friend din engleză) cu care într-o vreme eram foarte apropiată, acum poate interese discordante sau lipsa de timp (pe care o resimt și eu, deși sunt pensionară) ne-au făcut să ne neglijăm reciproc, dar mă bucur că sunt încă acolo și, cel puțin teoretic, putem să sporovăim din nou ca pe vremuri.
Poate nu e lipsit de interes pentru acei prieteni care au avut răbdare să citească până aici faptul că de mult nu mai cer prietenii pentru că deabia mă descurc cu cei pe care îi am. FB afișează 857 prieteni, în realitate sunt mult mai puțini. Am 5 prieteni cu conturi închise dar am destui cu 3 conturi, iar cu 2 am sumedenie...
Unora li se închid conturile de către FB, motivele pot fi diverse, fie au inamici care îi reclamă în mod repetat la FB (persoane geloase sau pur și simplu răuvoitoare, sper să nu dau cuiva idei) fie încalcă regulile impuse de Fb și sunt descoperiți (fiindcă foarte mulți le încalcă voit sau nu dar FB nu știe) fie persoanele aflate pe lista lor de prieteni sunt suspecți de cine știe ce activități periculoase pentru siguranța persoanelor sau chiar a statelor.
FB mai pedepsește și abuzurile de taguri sau șăruieli dar în acestă privință eu am rezerve pentru că unele criterii folosite de ei nu sunt deloc obiective. De la 1 Ianuarie se vor face schimbări menite să ne protejeze, unii deja le numesc tip Big Brother, vom vedea.
Mai vreau să spun că, deși îmi place atât de mult aplicația Friend Matrix aceasta multă vreme nu a vrut să îmi ofere mult doritul matrix, spunând mereu că a intervenit o eroare. Voi vedea dacă sunt deblocată pe bune sau a fost doar o întâmplare fericită că a funcționat acum.
Aceasta este cea mai recentă poză produsă de Friend Matrix
Aceasta este cea mai recentă poză produsă de Friends Matrix. Observați că are mult mai multe pătrățele mici decât precedenta, fiecare pătrățel reprezentând un prieten.
joi, 4 decembrie 2014
Friend Matrix sau Friends Matrix?

luni, 1 decembrie 2014
Ziua națională a României a fost între 1866-1947 ziua de 10 mai, apoi,
între 1948-1989 ziua de 23 august. Prin legea nr. 10 din 31 iulie 1990,
promulgată de președintele Ion Iliescu și publicată în Monitorul Oficial
nr. 95 din 1 august 1990, ziua de 1 decembrie a fost adoptată ca zi
națională și sărbătoare publică în România. Această prevedere a fost
reluată de Constituția României din 1991, articolul 12, alineatul 2.
Opoziția anticomunistă din România a pledat în 1990 pentru adoptarea
zilei de 22 decembrie drept sărbătoare națională, fapt consemnat în
stenogramele dezbaterilor parlamentare.
Din Wikipedia.
Great Union Day (Romanian: Ziua Marii Uniri, also called Unification Day[1]) occurring on December 1, is the national holiday of Romania. It commemorates the assembly of the delegates of ethnic Romanians held in Alba Iulia, which declared the Union of Transylvania with Romania.
This holiday was set after the 1989 Romanian Revolution and it marks the unification of Transylvania, but also of the provinces of Bessarabia and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom, in 1918.
Prior to 1948, the national holiday of Romania was set to be on May 10, which had a double meaning: it was the day on which Carol I set foot on the Romanian soil (in 1866), and it was the day on which the prince ratified the Declaration of Independence (from the Ottoman Empire) in 1877.
In Communist Romania, the date of the national holiday was set to August 23 to mark the 1944 overthrow of the pro-fascist government of Marshal Ion Antonescu.
From Wikipedia
Din Wikipedia.
Great Union Day (Romanian: Ziua Marii Uniri, also called Unification Day[1]) occurring on December 1, is the national holiday of Romania. It commemorates the assembly of the delegates of ethnic Romanians held in Alba Iulia, which declared the Union of Transylvania with Romania.
This holiday was set after the 1989 Romanian Revolution and it marks the unification of Transylvania, but also of the provinces of Bessarabia and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom, in 1918.
Prior to 1948, the national holiday of Romania was set to be on May 10, which had a double meaning: it was the day on which Carol I set foot on the Romanian soil (in 1866), and it was the day on which the prince ratified the Declaration of Independence (from the Ottoman Empire) in 1877.
In Communist Romania, the date of the national holiday was set to August 23 to mark the 1944 overthrow of the pro-fascist government of Marshal Ion Antonescu.
From Wikipedia
Ziua Națională

The Highwayman-----Haiducul
Un poem întunecat, despre un haiduc îndrăgostit de fata unui hangiu. Dar după ce se descrie întâlnirea lor sub clarul de lună, o întâlnire castă, se sărută doar la fereastră vine un detașament de soldați britanici care îi beau toată berea hangiului iar pe fată vor s-o violeze amenințând-o cu puști așezate de-o parte și de alta a ei...Tocmai atunci vine iubitul și fata profită de zgomotul făcut de copitele calului prentru a găsi trăgaciul unei arme și se sinucide. Soldații îl ucid pe iubit, dar el se transformă în fantomă și bântuie locul.
Poemul ar putea fi localizat în Franța dar e interpretat de o irlandeză, știut fiind cât îi urau (și încă îi mai urăsc în Irlanda de Nord) irlandezii pe ocupanții englezi...Titlul poemului s-ar putea traduce Tâlharul, dar eu cred că e mai potrivit cel de Haiduc...
The Highwayman; Alfred Noyes (1880-1958)
The wind was a torrent of darkness
among the ghastly trees
The moon was a ghostly galleon
tossed upon the cloudy seas
The road was a ribbon of moonlight
over the purple moor
When the highwayman came riding,
The highwayman came riding
up to the old inn door.
He´d a french cocked hat at his forehead
a bunch of lace at his chin
A coat of claret velvet
and breeches of brown doe-skin
They fitted with nary a wrinkle
his boots were up to the thigh
and he rode with a jeweled twinkle
his pistol butts a-twinkle
his rapier hilt a-twinkle
under the jeweled sky.
And over cobbles he clattered
and clashed in the dark inn-yard
and he tapped with his whip on the shutters
but all was locked and barred
He whistled a tune to the window
and who should be waiting there
but the landlord´s black-eyed daughter
Bess,the landlord´s daughter
plaiting a dark red love knot
into her long black hair.
"One kiss my bonny sweetheart,
I´m after a prize tonight
but I should be back with the yellow gold
before the morning light
Yet if they press me sharply
and harry me through the day
Then look for me by the moonlight
watch for me by the moonlight
I´ll come to thee by the moonlight
though hell should bar the way."
He rose up right in the stirrups
he scarce could reach her hand
but she loosened her hair in the casement
his face burned like a brand
As a black cascade of perfume
came tumbling over his breast
and he kissed it´s waves in the moonlight
oh,sweet waves in the moonlight
He tugged at his rein in the moonlight
and galloped away to the west.
He did not come at the dawning
He did not come at noon
And out of the tawny sunset
before the rise of the moon
When the road was a gypsy´s ribbon
looping the purple moor
A redcoat troop came marching
King George´s men came marching
up to the old inn door.
They said no word to the landlord
they drank his ale instead
but they gagged his daughter and bound her
to the foot of her narrow bed
Two of them knelt at the casement
with muskets at their side
There was death at every window
hell at one dark window
for Bess could see through the casement
the road that he would ride.
They had tied her up to attention
with many a sniggering jest
They had bound a musket beside her
with the barrel beneath her breast
"Now keep good watch"and they kissed her
she heard the dead man say
"Look for me by the moonlight
Watch for me by the moonlight
I´ll come to thee by the moonlight
though hell should bar the way."
She twisted her hands behind her
but all the knots held good!
But she writhed her hands ´til her fingers
were wet with sweat or blood
They stretched and strained in the darkness
and the hours crawled by like years
till now on the stroke of midnight
cold on the stroke of midnight
the tip of her finger touched it
the trigger at least was hers.
Tot-a-lot,tot-a-lot had they heard it?
The horse´s hooves rang clear
Tot-a-lot,tot-a-lot in the distance
were they deaf they did not hear?
Down the ribbon of moonlight
over the brow of the hill
The highwayman came riding,
The redcoats looked to their priming
she stood up straight and still.
Tot-a-lot in the frosty silence
Tot-a-lot in the echoing night
Nearer he came and nearer
her face was like a light
Her eyes grew wide for a moment
she drew a last deep breath
Then her finger moved in the moonlight
her musket shattered the moonlight
shattered her breast in the moonlight
and warned him with her death.
He turned,he spurred to the west
He did not know she stood
bowed with her head o´er musket
drenched with her own red blood
Not till the dawn he heard it
his face grew grey to hear
How Bess the landlord´s daughter
the landlord´s black-eyed daughter
had watched for her love in the moonlight
and died in the darkness there.
And back he spurred like a madman
shrieking a curse to the sky!
With the white road smoking behind him
and his rapier brandished high!
Blood-red were the spurs in the golden noon
wine-red was his velvet coat
When they shot him down in the highway
down like a dog on the highway
and he lay in his blood in the highway
with a bunch of lace at his throat.
Still on a winter´s night they say
when the wind is in the trees
When the moon is a ghostly galleon
tossed upon the cloudy seas
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight
over the purple moor
a highwayman comes riding,
a highwayman comes riding
up to the old inn door.
Poemul ar putea fi localizat în Franța dar e interpretat de o irlandeză, știut fiind cât îi urau (și încă îi mai urăsc în Irlanda de Nord) irlandezii pe ocupanții englezi...Titlul poemului s-ar putea traduce Tâlharul, dar eu cred că e mai potrivit cel de Haiduc...
The wind was a torrent of darkness
among the ghastly trees
The moon was a ghostly galleon
tossed upon the cloudy seas
The road was a ribbon of moonlight
over the purple moor
When the highwayman came riding,
The highwayman came riding
up to the old inn door.
He´d a french cocked hat at his forehead
a bunch of lace at his chin
A coat of claret velvet
and breeches of brown doe-skin
They fitted with nary a wrinkle
his boots were up to the thigh
and he rode with a jeweled twinkle
his pistol butts a-twinkle
his rapier hilt a-twinkle
under the jeweled sky.
And over cobbles he clattered
and clashed in the dark inn-yard
and he tapped with his whip on the shutters
but all was locked and barred
He whistled a tune to the window
and who should be waiting there
but the landlord´s black-eyed daughter
Bess,the landlord´s daughter
plaiting a dark red love knot
into her long black hair.
"One kiss my bonny sweetheart,
I´m after a prize tonight
but I should be back with the yellow gold
before the morning light
Yet if they press me sharply
and harry me through the day
Then look for me by the moonlight
watch for me by the moonlight
I´ll come to thee by the moonlight
though hell should bar the way."
He rose up right in the stirrups
he scarce could reach her hand
but she loosened her hair in the casement
his face burned like a brand
As a black cascade of perfume
came tumbling over his breast
and he kissed it´s waves in the moonlight
oh,sweet waves in the moonlight
He tugged at his rein in the moonlight
and galloped away to the west.
He did not come at the dawning
He did not come at noon
And out of the tawny sunset
before the rise of the moon
When the road was a gypsy´s ribbon
looping the purple moor
A redcoat troop came marching
King George´s men came marching
up to the old inn door.
They said no word to the landlord
they drank his ale instead
but they gagged his daughter and bound her
to the foot of her narrow bed
Two of them knelt at the casement
with muskets at their side
There was death at every window
hell at one dark window
for Bess could see through the casement
the road that he would ride.
They had tied her up to attention
with many a sniggering jest
They had bound a musket beside her
with the barrel beneath her breast
"Now keep good watch"and they kissed her
she heard the dead man say
"Look for me by the moonlight
Watch for me by the moonlight
I´ll come to thee by the moonlight
though hell should bar the way."
She twisted her hands behind her
but all the knots held good!
But she writhed her hands ´til her fingers
were wet with sweat or blood
They stretched and strained in the darkness
and the hours crawled by like years
till now on the stroke of midnight
cold on the stroke of midnight
the tip of her finger touched it
the trigger at least was hers.
Tot-a-lot,tot-a-lot had they heard it?
The horse´s hooves rang clear
Tot-a-lot,tot-a-lot in the distance
were they deaf they did not hear?
Down the ribbon of moonlight
over the brow of the hill
The highwayman came riding,
The redcoats looked to their priming
she stood up straight and still.
Tot-a-lot in the frosty silence
Tot-a-lot in the echoing night
Nearer he came and nearer
her face was like a light
Her eyes grew wide for a moment
she drew a last deep breath
Then her finger moved in the moonlight
her musket shattered the moonlight
shattered her breast in the moonlight
and warned him with her death.
He turned,he spurred to the west
He did not know she stood
bowed with her head o´er musket
drenched with her own red blood
Not till the dawn he heard it
his face grew grey to hear
How Bess the landlord´s daughter
the landlord´s black-eyed daughter
had watched for her love in the moonlight
and died in the darkness there.
And back he spurred like a madman
shrieking a curse to the sky!
With the white road smoking behind him
and his rapier brandished high!
Blood-red were the spurs in the golden noon
wine-red was his velvet coat
When they shot him down in the highway
down like a dog on the highway
and he lay in his blood in the highway
with a bunch of lace at his throat.
Still on a winter´s night they say
when the wind is in the trees
When the moon is a ghostly galleon
tossed upon the cloudy seas
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight
over the purple moor
a highwayman comes riding,
a highwayman comes riding
up to the old inn door.
Muzica. Poesis

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