vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

Hokusai One hundred Poems 50-80 In Japoneza si Engleza

Voi continua sa public bijuteriile poetice japoneze adunate in antologia numita "100 de poeme de 100 poeti", luate de pe acelasi site. ,impreuna cu traducerea lor in engleza. Am explicat in alta parte de ce nu m-am incumetat sa le traduc in romana.

51. Fujiwara no Sanekata Ason

Kaku to dani
Eyawa ibuki no
Sashimo shiraji na
Moyuru omoi o

Fujiwara no Sanekata

How can I tell her
How fierce my love for her is?
Will she understand
That the love I feel for her
Burns like Ibuki's fire plant?

52. Fujiwara no Michinobu Ason

Kururu mono to wa
Shiri nagara
Nao urameshiki
Asaborake kana

Fujiwara no Michinobu

Though I know indeed
That the night will come again
After day has dawned,
Still, in truth, I hate the sight
Of the morning's coming light.

53. Udaisho Michitsuna no Haha

Nageki tsutsu
Hitori nuru yo no
Akuru ma wa
Ikani hisashiki
Mono to ka wa shiru

The Mother of Michitsuna

Lying all alone,
Through the hours of the night,
Till the daylight comes:
Can you realize at all
The emptiness of that night?

54. Gido Sanshi no Haha

Wasureji no
Yukusue made wa
Kyo o kagiri no
Inochi to mo gana

The Mother of Gido Sanshi

If remembering me
Will for him in future years
Be too difficult,
It would be well this very day
That I should end my life.

55. Dainagon Kinto

Taki no oto wa
Taete hisashiku
Na koso nagarete
Nao kikoe kere

Fujiwara no Kinto

Though the waterfall
Ceased its flowing long ago,
And its sound is stilled,
Yet, in name it ever flows,
And in fame may yet be heard.

56. Izumi Shikibu

Kono yo no hoka no
Omoide ni
Ima hitotabi no
Au koto mo gana

Lady Izumi Shikibu

Soon my life will close.
When I am beyond this world
And have forgotten it,
Let me remember only this:
One final meeting with you.

57. Murasaki Shikibu

Meguri aite
Mishi ya sore to mo
Wakanu ma ni
Kumo-gakure ni shi
Yowa no tsuki kana

Lady Murasaki Shikibu

Meeting on the path:
But I cannot clearly know
If it was he,
Because the midnight moon
In a cloud had disappeared.

58. Daini no Sanmi

Ina no sasawara
Kaze fukeba
Ide soyo hito o
Wasure ya wa suru

Daini no Sanmi, Lady Kataiko

As Mount Arima
Sends its rustling winds across
Ina's bamboo plains,
I will be just as steadfast
And never will forget you.

59. Akazome Emon

Nenamashi mono o
Sayo fukete
Katabuku made no
Tsuki o mishi kana

Lady Akazome Emon

Better to have slept
Care-free, than to keep vain watch
Through the passing night,
Till I saw the lonely moon
Traverse her descending path.

60. Koshikibu no Naishi

Ikuno no michi no
To kereba
Mada fumi mo mizu
Ama no Hashidate

Lady Koshikibu

By Oe Mountain
The road to Ikuno
Is far away,
And neither have I beheld
Nor crossed its bridge of heaven.

61. Ise no Osuke

Inishie no
Nara no miyako no
Kyo kokonoe ni
Nioi nuru kana

Lady Ise no Osuke

Eight-fold cherry flowers
That at Nara--ancient seat
Of our state--have bloomed,
In our nine-fold palace court
Shed their sweet perfume today.

62. Sei Shonagon

Yo o komete
Tori no sorane wa
Hakaru tomo
Yo ni Osaka no
Seki wa yurusaji

Lady Sei Shonagon

The rooster's crowing
In the middle of the night
Deceived the hearers;
But at Osaka's gateway
The guards are never fooled.

63. Sakyo no Daibu Michimasa

Ima wa tada
Omoi taenan
To bakari wo
Hito-zute nara de
Iu yoshi mo gana

Fujiwara no Michimasa

Is there any way
Except by a messenger
To send these words to you?
If I could, I'd come to you
To say goodbye forever.

64. Gon Chunagon Sadayori

Uji no kawagiri
Tae-dae ni
Araware wataru
Zeze no ajirogi

Fujiwara no Sadayori

In the early dawn
When the mists on Uji River
Slowly lift and clear,
From the shallows to the deep,
The stakes of fishing nets appear.

65. Sagami

Urami wabi
Hosanu sode da ni
Aru mono o
Koi ni kuchinan
Na koso oshi kere

Lady Sagami

Even when your hate
Makes me stain my sleeves with tears
In cold misery,
Worse than hate and misery
Is the loss of my good name.

66. Saki no Daisojo Gyoson

Morotomo ni
Aware to omoe
Hana yori hoka ni
Shiru hito mo nashi

Abbot Gyoson

On a mountain slope,
Solitary, uncompanioned,
Stands a cherry tree.
Except for you, lonely friend,
To others I am unknown.

67. Suo no Naishi

Haru no yo no
Yume bakari naru
Tamakura ni
Kainaku tatan
Na koso oshi kere

Lady Suo

If I lay my head
Upon his arm in the dark
Of a short spring night,
This innocent dream pillow
Will be the death of my good name.

68. Sanjo In

Kokoro ni mo
Arade ukiyo ni
Koishikaru beki
Yowa no tsuki kana

Emperor Sanjo

Though I do not want
To live on in this floating world,
If I remain here,
Let me remember only
This midnight and this moonrise.

69. Noin Hoshi

Arashi fuku
Mimuro no yama no
Momijiba wa
Tatsuta no kawa no
Nishiki nari keri

The Monk Noin

By the wind storm's blast
From Mimuro's mountain slopes
Maples leaves are torn,
Which turn Tatsuta River
Into a rich brocade.

70. Ryosen Hoshi

Sabishisa ni
Yado o tachi idete
Izuko mo onaji
Aki no yugure

The Monk Ryosen

In my loneliness
I leave my little hut.
When I look around,
Everywhere it is the same:
One lone, darkening autumn eve.

71. Dainagon Tsunenobu

Yu sareba
Kadota no inaba
Ashi no maroya ni
Akikaze zo fuku

Minamoto no Tsunenobu

When the evening comes,
From the rice leaves at my gate,
Gentle knocks are heard,
And, into my round rush-hut,
Enters autumn's roaming breeze.

72. Yushi Naishinno-ke no Kii

Oto ni kiku
Takashi no hama no
Adanami wa
Kakeji ya sode no
Nure mo koso sure

Lady Kii

Famous are the waves
That break on Takashi beach
In noisy arrogance.
If I should go near that shore.
I would only wet my sleeves.

73. Gon Chunagon Masafusa

Takasago no
Onoe no sakura
Saki ni keri
Toyama no kasumi
Tatazu mo aranan

Oe no Masafusa

On that far mountain
On the slope below the peak
Cherries are in flower.
Oh, let the mountain mists
Not arise to hide the scene.

74. Minamoto no Toshiyori Ason

Ukari keru
Hito o Hatsuse no
Yama oroshi
Hageshikare to wa
Inoranu mono o

Minamoto no Toshiyori

It was not for this
I prayed at the holy shrine:
That she would become
As pitiless and as cold
As the storms on Hase's hills.

75. Fujiwara no Mototoshi

Chigiri okishi
Sasemo ga tsuyu o
Inochi ni te
Aware kotoshi no
Aki mo inumeri

Fujiwara no Mototoshi

As dew promises
New life to the thirsty plant,
So did your vow to me.
Yet the year has passed away,
And autumn has come again.

76. Hoshoji no Nyudo Saki no Kanpaku Dajodaijin

Wata no hara
Kogi idete mireba
Hisakata no
Kumoi ni mago
Okitsu shiranami

Fujiwara no Tadamichi

Over the wide sea
As I sail and look around,
It appears to me
That the white waves, far away,
Are the ever shining sky.

77. Sutoku In

Se o hayami
Iwa ni sekaruru
Takigawa no
Warete mo sue ni
Awan to zo omou

Emperor Sutoku

Though a swift stream is
Divided by a boulder
In its headlong flow,
Though divided, on it rushes,
And at last unites again.

78. Minamoto no Kanemasa

Awaji shima
Kayou chidori no
Naku koe ni
Ikuyo nezamenu
Suma no sekimori

Minamoto no Kanemasa

Guard of Suma Gate,
From your sleep, how many nights
Have you awakened
At the cries of sanderlings,
Flying from Awaji Island?

79. Sakyo no Daibu Akisuke

Akikaze ni
Tanabiku kumo no
Taema yori
More izuru tsuki no
Kage no sayakesa

Fujiwara no Akisuke

See how clear and bright
Is the moonlight finding ways
Through the riven clouds
That, with drifting autumn wind,
Gracefully float in the sky.

80. Taiken Moin no Horikawa

Kokoro mo shirazu
Kurokami no
Midarete kesa wa
Mono o koso omoe

Lady Horikawa

Is it forever
That he hopes our love will last?
He did not answer.
And now my daylight thoughts
Are as tangled as my black hair.

In textul japonez a zis ceva de inima (kokoro) dar cuvantul nu apare in engleza. Iata o dovada ca daca as incerca sa traduc din engleza risc sa ma indepartez prea tare de original. De altfel unul din motivele pt care am tinut sa invat cateva limbi straine a fost si acela ca voiam sa stiu cum suna poeziile in original. Marturisesc ca in engleza am avut uneori dificultati in a intelege, nu si in franceza.

Reamintesc ca varianta nipona a poemelor 1-10, precum si variantele in japoneza si engleza ale poemelor 81-90 se gasesc aici, iar ale poemelor 11-50 se gasesc aici

Intr-un articol viitor voi publica poemele 91-100 impreuna cu ilustratiile lui Hokusai.

4 comentarii:

  1. Ce surpriza!
    Credeam ca nu intereseaza pe nimeni in afara de Misaki. Chiar eram un pic deprimata din cauza asta. Multumesc ca mi-ai ridicat din nou moralul.
    Un weekend placut si sper ca te vei duce la vot.

  2. cum sa nu intereseze
    1. am fost plecata -dincolo de net avut (si mai am) viroza
    ma superintereseaza ....:)
    asa ca multumesc anticipat
    chiar daca nu voi comenta constant am sa urmaresc seria
    week end placut
    si, ma repet, multumesc

  3. Vaaai, sa te faci bine cat mai repede :))
    Din pacate tot ce-i bun se termina, ieri am publicat ultimul articol din serie.
