luni, 2 mai 2011

Campionatul Mondial de Patinaj Artistic 2011--Gala Partea I

Nu stiu daca voi afla vreodata cine a avut ideea geniala de a baga pe TVR2 evenimentul beatificarii de la Vatican, de parca TVR Info ar fi numai ca sa-si expuna madam directoarea generaleasa ideile. Ce stiu e ca am facut ca trenul pana cnad s-a deschis robinetul de patinaj, si tot am reusit sa pierd ceva, taman cand aparuse pe gheata scumpetea de Takahiko. Dar tot am vazut ca fiul de olimpian (asa s-a exprimat Alina Alexoi, nu reusea sa gaseasca termenul de olimpic, dar deja asta a fost nimic pe langa nervii anteriori) are stofa de showman, as putea sa spun ca a dansat pe gheata la un moment dat. Si unde mai pui ca o parte din ilustratia muzicala era "Hello, hello", a Beatlesilor, e drept ca intr-o alta interpretare.

Vera Bazarova/ Yuri Larionov au ales o melodie din filmul Troia, AA nu s-a putut abtine si a inceput sa spuna fff pe scurt despre ce e vorba in film, am iertat-o, ca nu mai era vorba de adrenalina din timpul concursului, cand subsemnata palpita impreuna cu concurentii, indiferent de valoarea lor. Pentru ca mi-a placut melodia nici eu nu ma pot abtine sa nu pun link la videoclip si sa copiez versurile, nu inainte de a spune ca interpretarea a fost pe masura cantecului, ba chiar au avut o ridicare ca la dans, dupa ce in prealabil au executat cu acuratete elemente din program:

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory

When your dreams have ended
Time can be transcended
Just remember me

I am the one star that keeps burning so brightly
It is the last light to fade into the rising sun

I'm with you whenever you tell my story
For I am all I've done

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory
Remember me

I am that warm voice in the cold wind that whispers
And if you listen you'll hear me call across the sky

As long as I still can reach out and touch you
Then I will never die

I'll never leave you
If you will only
Remember me
(Remember me)

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory

When your dreams have ended
Time can be transcended
I live forever
Remember me
Remember me
Remember me

E drept ca puteam sa ma abtin pt ca, revazand ce am scris despre gala la europene am observat ca au avut acelasi program ca atunci. Eh, varsta, uitasem asta.

Alina trebuie sa fi fost fericita azi, pt ca si Carolina Kostner a ales o melodie dintr-un film, Cabaret, melodia este Mein Herr, interpretata de Lisa Minelli.Costumul ales de CK trebuia, desigur, sa fie in acord cu personajul, mie insa mi s-a parut ridicol, parea ca are niste chilotei negri bufanti, cam ca cei pe care ii puneau pe vremuri mamicile pe funduletele bebelor lor feminine sa para mai umflatele, corsajul rosu si manusile lungi nu puteau sa reduca impresia de grotesc. Sigur, ea a vrut sa faca show, si-a adus si un scaun, poate unora le-a placut. N-am inteles carui domn ii facea declaratii, poate, ca sa fiu rautaciosa pana la capat, d-lui presedinte al ISU.

You have to understand the way I am, Mein Herr.
A tiger is a tiger not a lion, Mein Herr.
You'll never turn the vinegar to jam, Mein Herr.
So I do what I do.
When I'm through then I'm through and I'm through. Toodle oo!
Bye...Bye...Mein lieber Herr,
Farewell mein lieber Herr.
It was a fine affair but now it's over!
And though I used to care,
I need the open air,
You're better off without me Mein Herr
Don't drab your eye, Mein Herr,
Or wonder why, Mein Herr,
I've always said that I was a rover.
You mustn't knit your brow,
You should have known by now
You've every cause to doubt me, Mein Herr.

The continent of Europe is so wide, Mein Herr,
Not only up and down, but side to side, Mein Herr.
I couldn't ever cross it if I tried, Mein Herr.
But I do what I can, inch by inch, step by step,
Mile by mile, man by man!
By by mein lieber Herr,
Farewell mein lieber Herr.
It was a fine affair but now it's over!
And though I used to care,
I need the open air,
You're better off without me, Mein Herr!

Don't drab your eye, Mein Herr,
Or wonder why, Mein Herr,
I've always said that I was a rover.
You mustn't knit your brow,
You should have known by now
You've every cause to doubt me, Mein Herr.

Bye bye Mein lieber Herr,
Aufwiedersehen, Mein Herr.
Es war sehr gut, Mein Herr, und vorbei.
Du kennst mich wohl, Mein Herr,
Ach, lebe wohl, Mein Herr,
Du sollst mich niemehr sehen, Mein Herr,

By by mein lieber GIRLS:
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Aufwiedersehen
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr! Es war sehr gut
Und vorbei
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Du kennst mich wohl
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ach, lebe wohl
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr! Du sollst mich nie
And bye bye

Bye bye Mein lieber Herr,
Farewell mein lieber Herr.
It was a fine affair
But now it's over!
And though I used to care,
I need the open air,
You're better off without me
You'll get on without me, GIRLS:
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeein Es war sehr gut
Du kennst mich wohl
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ach, lebe wohl
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bye bye, Mein Herr
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Aufwiedersehen
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr! Bye bye, Mein Herr!

In schimb fratii Shibutani au fost o incantare de privit, eleganti atat in miscari cat si  in ce priveste costumele, ea cu o rochie rosie lunga, el cu o camasa alba si pantaloni negri. Nu stiu exact pe ce melodie au interpretat, era ceva de Sarah Brightman si Andrea Boccelli, cred ca "The Prayer", judecand dupa comentariul AA ca le-a fost indeplinita ruga. Totul a fost perfect armonios.

I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go,
And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe...

La luce che tu dai

I pray we'll find your light

Nel cuore resterà

And hold it in our hearts

A ricordarci che

When stars go out each night

L'eterna stella sei

Nella mia preghiera

Let this be our prayer

Quanta fede c'è

When shadows fill our day

Lead us to a place

Guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe

Sogniamo un mondo senza più violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia' la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace e di fraternità

La forza che ci dai

We ask that life be kind

E' il desiderio che

And watch us from above

Ognuno trovi amor

We hope each soul will find

Intorno e dentro a sé

Another soul to love

Let this be our prayer

Let this be our prayer

Just like every child

Just like every child

Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

E' la fede che
Hai  acceso in noi
Sento che ci salverà

Dragul de Michal Brezina avea toate motive sa se simta deprimat (Feeling Blue) dupa cum zicea, (daca am auzit bine de la Alina titlul melodiei)  Michael Bubble, pt ca medalia i-a cazut din cauza proastei lui inspiratii de a mai face doua sarituri ratate la sfarsitul programului, a fost insa destul de impacat sufleteste, lucru care s-a vazut de cum a inceput programul, cu o saritura superba, de kinograma. Pt ca am dambalua asta cu cautatul versurilor am vazut ca de fapt Michal chiar se simtea bine (Feeling Good) pt ca am recunoscut versurile, confuzia e lesne de inteles, pt ca Michael Bubble are sfaturi pt ambele situatii, si cand esti deprimat, si cand esti optimist.

"Feeling Good"

Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom on a tree
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

For me

Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new life
For me

For me

I'm feeling goodcare
I feel so good
I feel so good

Seria preferatilor mei, intrerupta de CK, a continuat cu Yuko Kavaguti/ Alexander Smirnov, care au ales, ca tribut pt atat de incercatul popor din care provine Yuko, un cantec japonez, nu am inteles de la AA de cine a fost interpretat. Ea a avut o rochita lila, el un costum negru. Cum se face la gala, au executat un element nepermis, un fel de spirala mortii fara sa se atinga gheata de catre fata, ar semana mai degraba cu o ridicare de la dans. Cum Yuko e asa de mica si de usurica fata de partenerul ei cei doi au profitat si au prezentat multe ridicari, una mai frumoasa si mai spectaculoasa decat alta, am remarcat doua in care Yuko a fost tinuta cu capul in jos sprijinindu-se pe spatele lui. Imi place tare mult de fetita asta, cu aspectul ei copilaros si inocent.

Alicia Czisni a ales sa danseze cu ea insasi (Dancing with Myself Cantecul incepe bine, pe o podea din Tokio, atata doar ca ea se afla in Moscova) . Pt ca era vorba de dans rochita neagra cu spatele gol s-a dovedit inspirat alesa, si programul ei a fost mai degraba un dans pe gheata. Mi-a placut ca era toata un zambet, fiind tare simpatica.

"Dancing With Myself"

On the floor of Tokyo
Or down in London town to go, go
With the record selection
And the mirror's reflection
I'm dancing with myself

When there's no-one else in sight
In the crowded lonely night
Well I wait so long
For my love vibration
And I'm dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself
Oh dancing with myself
Well there's nothing to lose
And there's nothing to prove
I'll be dancing with myself

If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes
Seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself
Oh dancing with myself
Well there's nothing to lose
And there's nothing to prove
I'll be dancing with myself

If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes
Seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself
Oh dancing with myself
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance


Dancing with myself
Dancing with myself
Dancing with myself
Dancing with myself

If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes
Seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself
Oh dancing with myself
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance 

Tessa Virtue/ Scott Moir (AA insista sa pronunte numele Moir pe frantuzeste, e drept ca sunt canadieni, dar din zona vorbitoare de engleza, ambii patinatori fiind nascuti in London, Ontario, Canda, deci toti crainicii il anunta pe el Moir, si nu Moar) au ales sa se tina de mana (I Wanna Hold Your Hand, o melodie a Beatlesilor dar in alta interpretare, posibil asta, pt ca e mai romantica, si se potriveste mai bine cu ce am vazut pe gheata). Ea a purtat o rochita lila in degrade, el o camasa gri inchis si pantaloni negri. Au avut un program romantic, am remarcat ca una din ridicari a fost f complicata.

Oh yeah, I´ll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

Oh, please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
and please, say to me

You'll let me hold your hand
Now let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you i feel happy, inside
It's such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy, inside
It's such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

Pt ca n-am vazut gala de la inceput (si n-am nici o sansa sa o vad pe Eurosport, pt ca televizorul e in camera mamitei, si nu vreau sa o deranjez din somn) AA ne-a facut un cadou f frumos, oferindu-ne o inregistrare cu Scoala de patinaj Odintsovo, din Moscova. Am privit extaziata cum un nod de fata, nu stiu daca avea 6 ani, intr-o rochita albastra, a facut niste spirale pe care doar cineva cu o mobilitate extraordinara le poate face, una era in pozitia Bielmann, alta in pozitia spagat vertical. Ilustratia muzicala a fost cat se paote de adecvata, "ia haciu byt cempion", Eu vreu sa fiu campion". Programul lor, demn de cea mai sofisticata revista, mi-a placut f mult.

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