luni, 2 mai 2011

I am 66 and i am tired.= Am 66 de ani si sunt obosit

Manifestul de mai jos nu-mi apartine. Se afla pe Slideshare, in forma unui pps. L-am descarcat si am copiat textul, pt ca mi se pare cat se poate de adevarat. Singura diferenta dintre George Sciberras, care a scris textul, si mine e ca eu am 67 de ani si ca (pensioaara)

I'm 66. 
I've worked, hard, since I was 18.
I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am.
Despite some health challenges, I still put in 40 to 50-hour weeks.
Given the economy, there's no actual retirement in sight although I call myself a pensioner… but now I'm tired.
Very tired..

Am 66 de ani.  
Am muncit din greu, de la 18 ani.
Nu am mostenit slujba sau venitul, si am muncit ca sa ajung unde sunt.
In ciuda unor probleme de sanatate, inca mai merg la serviciu 40-50 de ore pe saptamana.
Avand in vedere starea economiei, nu vad retragerea din campul muncii la orizont desi imi zic ca sunt pensionar...numai ca acum am obosit.
Foarte tare... 

I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.

Am obosit sa mi se tot spuna ca trebuie sa "impart bogatia" cu oameni care nu impartasesc cu mine etica muncii. Am obosit sa mi se spuna de catre guvern ca-mi va lua banii pe care ii castig, cu forta daca e necesar, si sa-i dea unora prea lenesi ca sa fie in stare sa-i castige.

I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses while they tried to fight it off?

Am obosit sa mi se tot spuna ca drogatii sunt bolnavi, si eu trebuie sa-i ajut sa se trateze si sa le fiu alaturi, si sa platesc pt daunele pe care le produc. Cumva a iesit un microb urias de pe o alee intunecoasa, i-a insfacat si le-a indesat praf alb pe nas in timpp ce ei se luptau sa scape?

I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of both parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.

Am obosit sa tot aud atleti bogati, oameni din showbiz si politicieni din ambele partide (la noi din toate partidele) vorbind despre greseli nevinovate, cand stim cu totii ca ei cred ca singura lor greseala e ca au fost prinsi (s-au lasat prinsi). Sunt satul (el zice obosit) de oameni care isi aroga drepturi, fie ei bogati sau saraci.

I'm real tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.

Sunt cu adevarat satul de oameni care nu-si asuma responsabiliatea pt vietile si actiunile lor. Am obosit sa-i tot aud criticand (blamand) guvernul, sau discriminarea sau orice alta chestie mareata pt problemele lor. 

I'm tired of spineless politicians who lack the courage, fortitude  and character to see today’s difficult tasks through. I am tired of the hypocrisy of these politicians who want to rewrite history when the going gets tough.

Sunt satul de politicieni fara sira spinarii si carora le lipseste curajul, taria si caracterul de a-si vedea de sarcinile lor dificile de fiecare zi. Sunt satul de ipocrizia acestor politicieni care vor sa rescrie istoria cand dau de greu.

I am tired of civil or "intrastate" wars, fueled as much by racial, ethnic, or religious animosities as by ideological fervor where most victims are civilians.

Sunt satul de razboaie civile sau "intertari", care sunt alimentate atat de animozitati rasiale, etnice sau religioase cat si de frevoare ideologica atunci cand cele mai multe victime sunt civilii.

I'm tired of poverty and suffering where the world agenda is dominated by children who make their living on streets collecting trash, who spend freezing nights out on the streets and have dangerous jobs in return for which they receive little money, risking their lives.

Sunt satul de saracie si suferinta acolo unde preocuparile mondiale sunt dominate de copii care straiesc pe strazi cautand prin gunoaie, care ingheata de frig noaptea pe strazi si fac treburi periculoase pt care primesc doar cativa banuti, si asta riscandu-si viata.

I am tired of violence and male chauvinism, where girls from poor countries are often ill-treated or abandoned by their families or their husbands, which in turn induces them to prostitution

Sunt satul de violenta si sovinism masculin (misoginism) acolo unde fete din tari sarace sunt adesea rau tratate sau abandonate de familii sau soti care ii imping spre prostitutie.

I am tired of hearing the same laments after a tragedy, a loss or disappointment  that there are lots of things in this life that are hard to understand and that the hardest of all is God.

Sunt satul sa aud aceleasi lamentari dupa o tragedie, pierderea cuiva drag sau vreo dezamagire pt xca sunt o multime de lucruri in viata asta greu de inteles si cel mai greu din toate e Dumnezeu.

We’ll still have disappointments and rejection, illness and sadness, evil and mischief. We’ll still have to face failure, possibly tragedy. Faith in God won’t take away the darkness. But what faith in God will do is to free us from the fear that the darkness will destroy the value and meaning of our lives.

Inca mai avem parte de dezamagiri sau respingeri, de boli si suoparari (intristari), de rautati si inselaciuni. Inca mai trebuie sa facem fata la esecuri, posibil si la tragedii. Credinta in Dumnezeu n-o sa indeparteze intunecimile. Dar ce poate face credinta in Dumnezeu e sa ne elibereze de teama ca intunericul  va distruge valoarea si sensul vietilor noastre.

Yes, I'm damn tired... But I'm also glad to be 66. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my grandchildren...

Da. Sunt al dracului de obosit (satul)....Dar sunt si bucuros ca am 66 de ani. Pt ca , mai mult ca sigur, n-o sa ajung sa vad lumea pe care o fac astia. Doar ca imi pare  rau  pt nepotii mei....

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