miercuri, 6 martie 2013

Lectia de Coreeana 23 Millenium Queen.

Daca o sa invat sau nu coreeana cantand ramane de vazut, dar ca ma voi pune la punct cu desenele animate care au fost intr-o vreme populare in Asia devine din ce in ce mai evident. Raoul Teacher a initiat, incepand cu lectia 21, partea II-a a cursului sau, care deocamdata pare dedicata muzicii. In lectia trecuta ne-a prezentat un cantec din Galaxy Train 999, acum aflu din Wikipedia ca acesta Regina Milenara ar avea corespondent in acel Tren Galactic. Pacat ca nu am baieti de varsta scolara, sigur ar indragi aceste opere ale desenului animat japonez.

- 천년여왕-

긴 머리 휘날리고,
(=If she waves her long hair,)
[gin meo ri hwi nal li go]

눈동자를 크게 뜨면,
(=and opens her eyes widely)
[noon dong ja reul keu ge theu myeon]

천년의 그 세월도,
(= even the time of a millenium)
[cheon nyeon eui geu se weol do]

한순간의 빛이라네
(=becomes a light of a moment.)
[han soon gan eui bit chi ra ne]

전설 속에 살아온
(=living in a legend)
[jeon seol sog e sal a on]

영원한 여인
(=the eternal woman,)
[yeong won han yeo in]

(=the millenium queen)
[cheon nyeon yeo wang]

과거를 슬퍼말고
(=Never be sad about the past)
[gwa geo reul seul peo mal go]

우주 끝까지 우주 끝까지 밝혀다오
(=Till the end of the universe, light up]
[woo joo keut ka ji woo joo keut ka jii
bal kyeo da o]

날아라 날아라 썬더버드호
(=Fly fly Thunder bird)
[nal a ra nal a ra thunderbird ho]

비추어라 비추어라 천년여왕아
(Shine Shine The Millenium Queen.)
[bi choo eo ra bi choo eo ra
cheon nyeon yeo wang]

아아아아 아~
(=Ah ah ah)
[ a a a a ]

(=The Millenium Queen)
[cheon nyeon yeo wang]

Words & Expressions -

가. 긴 머리-long hair
나. 휘날리고-wave and
다. 천년- a millenium
라. 세월-time
마. 한순간 - a moment
바. 빛-light
사. 전설 속에 살아온-living in a legend
아. 영원한-eternal
자. 여인-woman
차. 천년여왕-a millenium queen
카. 과거 -past
타. 슬퍼말고-never be sad
파. 우주 -universe
하. 끝까지-till the end
Pentru explicatiile in limba engleza date de profesor puteti merge la videoclipul sau: Raoul Teacher's Korean Fun Song (23) (천년여왕)

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