duminică, 3 februarie 2013

Lectia de Coreeana 4

Profesorul nostru ne crede de o desteptaciune rara. Deja ne si vede la aeroport, cu cecuri de calatorie in mana, intrebandu-ne unde sa schimbam banii. Pesemne (de fapt nu pesemne, sigur) ca in Coreea e alta mentalitate decat in Romania si acolo nu prea conteaza unde schimbi banii, pt ca rata de schimb e una corecta, nu ca la noi unde la aeroport ti se ofera intotdeauna mai putini lei pentru euro decat la alte case de schimb.

Si a ales-o pe aceea dintre noi care si-a luat ca nume de fb Osta pentru  a o da ca exemplu pozitiv de persoana ultradescurcareata care dupa numai trei lectii e gata sa vorbeasca fluent coreeana si sa calatoreasca in buna pace prin frumoasa tara a diminetilor linistite.

E drept ca ea ar trebui sa stie bine engleza ca sa inteleaga toate explicatiile pe care bunul nostru profesor le da in videoclip...dar problema e ca ea stie multe limbi, dar engleza ii cam lipseste din dotare, o invata folosind Google (cum ma chinui eu sa descifrez scrisul coreean folosind tastatura de Google Translate). Hmmm, o fi si asta o metoda, poate mai rapida decat folosind, ca mine, "Engleza fara profesor" de Leon Levitchi si Dan Dutescu. Tin sa precizez ca am avut-o in doua editii, si am daruit ambele manuale unor persoane care, am socotit eu, au mai multa nevoie de ele.  

In schimb eu nu cred ca am vreo perspective sa ajung vreodata in Coreea dar...nu se stie, asa ziceam si de Domul din Koln, si uite ca soarta (si ginerele) m-a dus pana acolo. Si de Paris am zis la fel, de data asta o delegatie a sotului meu a jucat rol de soarta. Deci o sa incerc sa imi pun creierul pe moate si sa retin cate ceva din lectia de mai jos, mai ales ca profesorul ne invata lucruri atat de folositoare cum ar fi 공항 (gunghang se citeste kunhan) aeroport 
사.(se citeste sa) patru
에 있는 in, localizat
현금 bani, cash 

Sigur ca sunt un pic surprinsa sa vad ca, dupa numai 3 lectii, urmeaza a saptea, cu raspunsuri la lectia nr 6. Am sa profit de ocazie ca sa copiez propriile mele raspunsuri la exercitiile din lectiile anterioare:

Lectia nr 2:
ㅂ[b ]+ㅏ[a ] makes 바 [ba]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 뱌 [bya]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 버 [beo]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 벼 [byeo]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅗ[o ] makes 보 [bo]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅛ[yo] makes 뵤[byo]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅜ[u ] makes 부 [bu]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 뷰 [byu]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 뱌 [beu]
ㅂ[b ]+ㅣ[i ] makes 비 [bi]

ㅅ[s ]+ㅏ[a ] makes 사 [sa]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 샤 [sya]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 서 [seo]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 셔 [syeo]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅗ[o ] makes 소 [so]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅛ[yo] makes 쇼 [syo]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅜ[u ] makes 소 [su]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 쇼 [syu]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 스 [seu]
ㅅ[s ]+ㅣ[i ] makes 시 [si]

ㅇ[ ]+ㅏ[a ] makes 아 [a]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 야 [ya]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 어 [eo]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 여 [yeo]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅗ[o ] makes 오 [o]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅛ[yo] makes 요 [yo]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅜ[u ] makes 우 [u]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 유 [yu]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 으 [eu]
ㅇ[ ]+ㅣ[i ] makes 이 [i]

ㅈ[j]+ㅏ[a ] makes 자 [ja]
ㅈ[j]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 쟈 [jya]
ㅈ[j]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 저 [jeo]
ㅈ[j]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 져 [jyeo]
ㅈ[j]+ㅗ[o ] makes 조 [jo]
ㅈ[j]+ㅛ[yo] makes 죠 [jyo]
ㅈ[j]+ㅜ[u ] makes 주 [ju]
ㅈ[j]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 쥬 [jyu]
ㅈ[j]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 즈 [jeu]
ㅈ[j]+ㅣ[i ] makes 지 [ji]

ㅈ[j]+ㅏ[a ] makes 자 [ja]
ㅈ[j]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 쟈 [jya]
ㅈ[j]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 저 [jeo]
ㅈ[j]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 져 [jyeo]
ㅈ[j]+ㅗ[o ] makes 조 [jo]
ㅈ[j]+ㅛ[yo] makes 죠 [jyo]
ㅈ[j]+ㅜ[u ] makes 주 [ju]
ㅈ[j]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 쥬 [jyu]
ㅈ[j]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 즈 [jeu]
ㅈ[j]+ㅣ[i ] makes 지 [ji]

ㅊ[ch]+ㅏ[a ] makes 차 [cha]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 챠 [chya]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 처 [cheo]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 쳐 [chyeo]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅗ[o ] makes 초 [cho]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅛ[yo] makes 죠 [chyo]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅜ[u ] makes 주 [chu]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 쥬 [chyu]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 츠 [cheu]
ㅊ[ch]+ㅣ[i ] makes 치 [chi]

ㅋ[k]+ㅏ[a ] makes 카 [ka]
ㅋ[k]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 캬 [kya]
ㅋ[k]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 커 [keo]
ㅋ[k]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 켜 [kyeo]
ㅋ[k]+ㅗ[o ] makes 코 [ko]
ㅋ[k]+ㅛ[yo] makes 쿄 [kyo]
ㅋ[k]+ㅜ[u ] makes 쿠 [ku]
ㅋ[k]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 큐 [kyu]
ㅋ[k]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 크 [keu]
ㅋ[k]+ㅣ[i ] makes 키 [ki]

ㅌ[t]+ㅏ[a ] makes 터 [ta]
ㅌ[t]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 탸 [tya]
ㅌ[t]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 터 [teo]
ㅌ[t]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 텨 [tyeo]
ㅌ[t]+ㅗ[o ] makes 토 [to]
ㅌ[t]+ㅛ[yo] makes 툐 [tyo]
ㅌ[t]+ㅜ[u ] makes 투 [tu]
ㅌ[t]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 튜 [tyu]
ㅌ[t]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 트 [teu]
ㅌ[t]+ㅣ[i ] makes 티 [ti]

ㅍ[p]+ㅏ[a ] makes 파 [pa]
ㅍ[p]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 퍄 [pya]
ㅍ[p]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 퍼 [peo]
ㅍ[p]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 퍄 [pyeo]
ㅍ[p]+ㅗ[o ] makes 포 [po]
ㅍ[p]+ㅛ[yo] makes 표 [pyo]
ㅍ[p]+ㅜ[u ] makes 푸 [pu]
ㅍ[p]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 퓨 [pyu]
ㅍ[p]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 프 [peu]
ㅍ[p]+ㅣ[i ] makes 피 [pi]

ㅎ[h]+ㅏ[a ] makes 하 [ha]
ㅎ[h]+ㅑ[ya ] makes 햐 [hya]
ㅎ[h]+ㅓ[eo ] makes 허 [heo]
ㅎ[h]+ㅕ[yeo ] makes 혀 [hyeo]
ㅎ[h]+ㅗ[o ] makes 호 [ho]
ㅎ[h]+ㅛ[yo] makes 효 [hyo]
ㅎ[h]+ㅜ[u ] makes 후 [hu]
ㅎ[h]+ㅠ[yu ] makes 휴 [hyu]
ㅎ[h]+ㅡ[eu ] makes 흐 [heu]
ㅎ[h]+ㅣ[i ] makes 히 [hi]

Lectia nr 3:

Q 1. 타 sounds like [ta]
탁 sounds like [tag] 
탄 sounds like [tan]
탈 sounds like [tal]
탐 sounds like [tam]
탚 sounds like [tap] I am not sure there is such a word in Korean
Google says instead that there is 탑 [tab]= tower
탕 sonds like [tang]

Q 2. 사 sounds like [sa]
삭 sounds like [sag]
산 sounds like [san]
살 sounds like [sal]
삼 sounds like [sam]
샆 sounds like [sap]
상 sounds like [sang]

Q 3. 자 sounds like [ja]
작 sounds like [jag]
잔 sounds like [jan]
잘 sounds like [jal]
잠 sounds like [jam]
잪 sounds like [jap] I am not sure is such a word in Korean
장 sounds like [jang]
잣 sounds like [jas]
잗 sounds like [jad]

Q 4. 마 sounds like [ma]
막 sounds like [mag]
만 sounds like [man]
말 sounds like [mal]
맘 sounds like [mam]
맘 sounds like [map] I am not sure is such a word in Korean
망 sounds like [mang]
맛 sounds like [mas]
맏 sounds like [mad]

Q 5. 가 sounds like [ga]
각 sounds like [gag]
간 sounds like [gan]
갈 sounds like [gal]
감 sounds like [gam]
갚 sounds like [gap]
강 sounds like [gang]
갓 sounds like [gas]
갇 sounds like [gad]

Copiez deasemenea besteleala profesorului dupa ce am facut-o pe desteapta in lectia anterioara si mi-am permis sa ii fac observatie ca a gresit, dupa cum urmeaza:

Intai observatia mea:

If you don't mind, I will make two corrections...you wrote "낫 sounds like [Nat]" but I think correct is "낫 sounds like [Nas]" because ㅌ(t) canot be used as the last one below
The same thing bellow: instead of "랏 sounds like [Rat]" must be "랏 sounds like [Ras] because ㅌ(t) canot be used as the last one below

Apoi raspunsul dumnealui:
Your saying like [ "낫 sounds like [Nat]" but I think correct is "낫 sounds like [Nas]" because ㅌ(t) canot be used as the last one below] is wrong because [Nas] sounds like 나스, not 낫 , [Ras] sounds like 라스, not 낫. There are some exceptions about the last one below. in 같습니다(=gat-summida), ㅌ(-t) is used. in 좋습니다(=jot-summida), ㅎ (=h) is used. Thus, you don't have to define anything so easily. I think the world is not that simple, always having exceptions.

Am oftat adanc si am raspuns:

I know there are exceptions, but I had no way to know those in Korean. I took your explanation as unbreakable rules. Sorry, my mistake.  I know romanian is difficult but with few exception, ce, ci, che, chi, ge, gi ghe,ghi the pronunciation is phonetic...but korean has so many rules in pronounciation...and I know none, or almost none, only those observation about names pronounciation in kdramas.

Lucru care a fost departe de a ma face simpatica in ochii distinsului profesor, cum isi poate da oricine seama. 

7. At the airport (1)

* The answers of Lesson 6. exercise
Q 1. 타 탁 탄 탈 탐 탑 탕
Q 2. 사 삭 산 살 삼 삽 상

* The conversation between the traveller (A) and a Korean (B)

A: 안녕하세요?
[An nyeong ha se yo?]
(= Hello?)

저는, 루마니아에서 온, 오스타입니다.
[jeo nun, Rominia e seo on,
Osta immida.]
(= I am Osta from Romania)

B: 네, 반갑습니다.
[ne, ban gap summida]
(= Yes, I am happy to see you.)

A: 이 여행자 수표를, 현금 교환하고, 싶어요.
[ I yeo haeng ja soo pyo reul,
hyeon geum gyo hwan ha go, si peo yo] (=I'd like to cash this traveler's check.)

B: 네, 공항 코너에 있는, 환전소로, 가십시오.
[ne, gong hang corner e it neun, hwan jeon so ro, ga sip si o]
(=Yes, go to the money exchange counter at the corner of the airport.)

A: 감사합니다.
[gam sa ham mi da]
(=Thank you.)
B: 별 말씀을. 좋은 한국 여행, 되십시오.
[ byeol mal sseum eul, jo eun hankuk
yeo haeng doi sip si o]
(= You're welcome. Have a good trip in Korea.)

- Words & Expressions -

가. 루마니아에서 온
- ~에서 온 A means A who came from ~.
에서 is from, 온 is an adjective derived from the verb 오다 (=come)
나. 이
- meaning this like in this book
다. 여행자 수표
- 여행자 is traveler. 수표 is check.
라. 현금
- cash
마. 교환
- exchange
>> 현금 교환하다 can be [exchange cash] but cash is used as a verb meaning 현금교환하다 itself.
바. ~하고, 싶어요
- want to do ~
>> 싶어요 is a formal form of informal verb, 싶다.
사. 공항
- air port
아. ~에 있는
- located at ~
자. 환전소
- money exchange counter
>> 환 means exchange, 전 means money,
소 means counter, a place
차. ~로 가십시오.
- Go to ~.
>> ~십시오 means you have to do something.

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