vineri, 1 februarie 2013

Lectia de coreeana 3

Raoul Teacher ne-a promis ca va continua lectiile si s-a tinut de cuvant. Eu fac o multime de typo (greseli de batut tastatura) atunci cand scriu si nu am mereu posibilitatea sa le corectez, atunci cand le observ. Exista pe Blogger varianta cu edit (nu si la comentarii), dar pe fb aceasta varianta e valabila numai la comentarii, nu si la preluari de postari sau statusuri, acolo daca ai facut o greseala si ai apasat enter gata, a zburat pasarica, ceea ce pt mine e frustrant. In fine, platforma de socializare e gratuita si ca orice lucru gratis, nu trebuie cautat la imperfectiuni, precum calul de dar, la dinti...

Am vorbit despre typo pt ca si profesorul nostru are asemenea probleme dar, avand in vedere ca omul isi sacrifica din timpul si energia sa pt a ne preda noua gratis aceste lectii trebuie sa fiu ingaduitoare. Asta nu inseamna ca nu voi fi vigilenta atunci cand le voi observa.

- 라울선생님의 외국페친을 위한 기초 한국어 강좌 Lesson 3 -
{ Raoul Teacher's Korean Language Basic No.3}

* Double vowels

ㅐ - sounds like [ae] in Apple.
ㅒ - sounds like [ae] in Apple...ㅐ and ㅒ are similar.
ㅘ - sounds like [wa] in Wow
ㅖ - sounds like [ye] in Yes
ㅙ - sounds like [wae] in Wagon
ㅚ - sounds like [oe] in When
ㅝ - sounds like [weo] in War
ㅞ - sonnds like [we] in Way
ㅟ - sounds like [wi] in We
ㅢ - sounds like [eui] in E-ui-ssya
[=Way to go in Korea]

* The sound of each Korean consonant.

ㄱ-[gi-euk], ㄴ-[ni-eun], ㄷ-[di-geud]
ㄹ-[ri-eul], ㅁ-[mi-eum]ㅂ-[bi-eup]
ㅅ-[si-eut], ㅇ-[i-eung] ㅈ-[ji-eut]
ㅊ-pchi-eunt],ㅋ-[ki-eul], ㅌ-[ti-eut]
ㅍ-[pi-eup], ㅎ-[hi-eut]

typo- ㅊ-pchi-eunt],ㅋ-[ki-eul], >>ㅊ(=chi-eut) ㅋ (= ki-euk) is correct.

* Combining Korean alphabets

Now you have to notice that the principle of combining Korean alphabets are different from other languages. Examples are below.

1. 나 sounds like [Na]
낙 sounds like [Nag]
난 sounds like [Nan]
날 sounds like [Nal]
남 sounds like [Nam]
납 sounds like [Nap]
낫 sounds like [Nat] Aici cred ca trebuia [Nas] pentru ca ㅅ este s; ㅌ este t
si nu poate fi folosita ca o consoana sub combinatia
낭 sounds like [Nang]

From above, you can notice that the last sound of each Korean alphabet is located below the first two ones. This is one of the special features in Korean language. And remember that not all the consonants are used as the last one below. They are [ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, O]. Other consonants are not used as the last Korean alphabet which is located below the other ones.

* Exercise
- Watching the example carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable ones. The answer are for tomorrow.

- example
: 라 sounds like [Ra]
락 sounds like [Rag]
란 sounds like [Ran]
랄 sounds like [Ral]
람 sounds like [Ram]
랍 sounds like [Rap]
랏 sounds like [Rat]  Acelasi lucru ca mai sus, trebuia [Ras] ㅌ(t) nu poate fi folosita ca o consoana sub combinatia

랑 sounds like [Rang]

Q 1. 타 sounds like [ta]
___ sounds like [tag]
____sounds like [tan]
____ sounds like [tal]
____ sounds like [tam]
____ sounds like [tap]
_____ sonds like [tang]

Q 2. 사 sounds like [sa]
___ sounds like [sag]
____sounds like [san]
____ sounds like [sal]
____ sounds like [sam]
____ sounds like [sap]
_____ sounds like [sang]

* Other ones are up to you. Now from the next lesson, I, Raoul Teacher, will talk about the daily Koreans such as greeting or ordering food, etc.

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