Admiratoarele lui Bi Dam, fanatice inraite ca orice fane adevarate, au luat foc. Cum indrazneste un oarecare Cha Seung Won (cel ce interpreteaza in TGL rolul lui DOk Go Jin, superstarul) sa se considere mai important decat Kim Nam Gil? Pt ele se pare ca nu conteaza ca e vorba doar de o gluma, nici ca regizorul lui QSD e acelasi cu cel din TGL si deci el a aprobat categoric gluma respectiva, ele sunt revoltate si gata (e vorba de fanele din Filipine). Or fi revoltate si cele din Romania, sper totusi ca ele au simtul umorului mai dezvoltat, doar sta in firea poporului nostru sa faca chiar si haz de necaz.
Dar nu despre fane si fanatism voiam eu sa vorbesc acum, ci despre cum imi imbogatesc eu cunostintele despre cultura coreeana chiar si pe acesta cale mai neobisnuita. In episodul 6, pe care tocmai l-am vazut, doua personaje discuta despre National Treasures. Cum de a venit vorba despre ele ii las pe eventualii spectatori sa inteleaga dupa ce vor vedea serialul, pe mine m-a interesat ce este cu tezaurele astea nationale si am procedat exact ca unul dintre personaje, am dat un search sa vad despre ce e vorba si iata ce am aflat.
The National Treasures of Korea are a numbered set of tangible treasures, artifacts, sites, and buildings which are recognized by South Korea as having exceptional artistic, cultural and historical value. The title is one of the eight State-designated heritage assigned by the administrator of the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) in accordance with the Cultural Heritage Protection Act after deliberation by the Cultual Heritage Committee.
Tezaurele Nationale ale Coreei sunt un nr de obiecte de tezaur, artefacte (obiecte artizanale) locuri si cladiri care sunt recunoscute de Coreea de sSud ca avand o exceptionala valaore artistica, culturala si istorica. Titilul este ....(nu mai traduc, cred ca se intelege si asa)
The first list of Korean cultural treasures was designated by Governor-General of Korea in 1938 during the Japanese occupation with "The Act of Treasures of the Joseon dynasty".
In 1955, the South Korean government declared as National Treasures the items previously on the Korean Treasures Preservation Order issued during Japan's occupation of Korea. The current list dates to December 20, 1962, when the Cultural Protection Act was enacted by the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction. There were 116 items on the "National Treasures" list at that time, with others designated as "Treasures".
Prima lista a Tezaurelor culturale coreene a fost intocmita de Guvernatorul General al Coreei in 1938, in timpul ocupatiei japoneze cu numele de "Actul Tezaurelor dinastiei Joseon".
In 1955 Guvernul Coreei de Sud a declarat ca tezaure nationale exemplarele din Ordinul de Protejare a tezaurelor Coreene emis anterior in timpul ocupatiei japoneze a Coreei. Lista actuala dateaza din 20 Decembrie 1962 cand Actul De Protejare a Culturii a fost emis de Consiliul Suprem pt Reconstructia Nationala. Erau 116 exemplare pe lista de Tezaure Nationale la acea data, in timp ce existau si altele numite doar Tezaure.Discutia dintre cei doi a inceput cu mentionarea primului Tezaur National, care a fost incendiat, documentandu-ma am aflat ca a fost vorba de un incendiu provocat (intentionat) in 2008. Este vorba despre o poarta a Seulului, numita Sungnyemun, (Poarta Ceremoniilor Exaltate ar suna traducerea din engleza) dar denumita de japonezi Namdaemun (Marea Poarta de Est) si a fost inceputa in 1395 si terminata in 1398. A fost reconstruita in 1447 si renovata apoi de mai multe ori. Initial a fost folosita pt a primi emisarii straini, a controla accesul in capitala si pt a tine la distanta tigrii siberieni.
Pe la inceputul secolului 20 au fost demolate zidurile care inconjurau Seulul "pt a face traficul mai eficient". Zidurile dimprejurul portii au fost demolate cu prilejul vizitei Printului Mostenitor al Japoniei. In 1907 poarta a fost inchisa pt public pt ca autoritatile japoneze de ocupatie au construit o linie de tramvai electrica in apropiere (in Wikipedia trebuie sa fie o greseala deoarece Coreea a fost ocupata incepand cu 1910) A fost avariata grav in timpul razboiului Coreean si a fost reinaugurata in 1963, fiind inscrisa pe lista Tezaurelor nationale in 1962 la #1. I s-a dat foc in 2008, cum am mai zis si este in curs de renovare.
Celalalt personaj se pare ca avea ceva lacune in ce priveste cultura (chiar i s-a recomandat sa mai studieze) pt ca a confundat acest Tezaur National cu o alta poarta, Dongdaemun, Marea Poarta de Est, numita initial Heung-injimun ("Gate of Uplifting Mercy") Si care este doar un tezaur, nu unul national si era principala poarta de intrare in Seul. A fost construita in 1397 si reconstruita in actuala forma in 1869. Confuzia este oarecum de inteles deoarece ambele au aspect de pagoda, a doua este vestita pt spectaculoasele imagini nocturne.
In apropiere e Dongdaemun Market (one of Korea's largest and most popular) and Dongdaemun Sports Stadium.S-a mai mentionat in serial si Tezaurul national #2 , Wongaksa Pagoda, o pagoda de piatra cu zece nivele. Personajul pare astfel sa se inscrie bine in notiunea de geek, tocilarul din episodul cu povestea inspirata de "Camellias", mai ales ca poarta si niste ochelari cu o rama neagra lata, care de altfel ii vin f bine, mie imi place mult acest personaj (am o inclinatie evidenta ca in filme si seriale sa prefer looserii, personajele care nu au nici o sansa sa cucereasca inima eroului principal). In ce context a fost mentionata, avand in vedere ca e vorba de o comedie, las in continuare privitorii sa descopere si sa se distreze. Ce mi s-a parut interesant e ca dupa discutie personajul cel tocilar a mers la computer si a cautat poza cu acest Tezaur national, ba chiar a si printat-o.
Wongaksa Pagoda is a twelve metre high ten-storey marble pagoda in the center of Seoul, South Korea. It was constructed in 1467 to form part of Wongak-sa temple, that King Sejo had founded two years before on the site of an older Goryeo-period temple, Heungbok-sa. The temple was closed and turned into a kisaeng house by the (later deposed) king known as Yeonsan-gun (1476 – 1506, r. 1494-1506), and under his successor, King Jungjong (1488 – 1544, r.1506–1544) the site was turned into government offices. The pagoda and a memorial stele commemorating the foundation of Wongaksa alone survived.
Pagoda Wongaksa este o pagoda de marmura de 12 m inaltime si zece nivele aflata in centrul Seullui, in Coreea de Sud. A fost construita in 1467 ca facand parte din templul Wongak-sa, fondat cu doi ani inainte de regele Sejo in locul unui templu mai vechi din perioada Goryeo, Heungbok-sa. Templul a fost inchis si transformat intr-o casa de Gisaeng (la Euforia se difuzeaza un serial istoric a carui actiune se desfasoara intr-o casa de gisaeng) in timpul regelui Yeonsan-Gun, ( este regele din "The King and The Clown", filmul atat de apreciat desi actorii erau cvasi necunoscuti la acea vreme si bugetul a fost unul redus) iar in timpul succesorului sau, regele Jungjong (regele din Dae Jang Geum) a fost transformat in birouri guvernamentale. Au supravietuit numai pagoda si o stela memoriala comemorand fondarea Wongaksa
Cum in Wikipedia poza este a unei pagode protejate de o caseta de sticla iar in serial apare fara caseta ma cautat si eu pagoda asa cum apare pe film si am gasit ceva asemanator
Wongaksa Pagoda se afla in mijlocul unui parc numit Tapgol si asa apare numele pagodei in poza din Wikipedia. Modelul dupa care s-a facut acesta pagoda este la Muzeul National al Coreei si se numeste Gyeongcheonsa Pagoda. Totusi, pe lista National Treasures, pe care o sa o copiez partial mai jos acesta pagoda, construita in timpul regelui Chunmok in 1348, se afla abia la pozitia 86.
Si pagoda acesta, ca si cea de la nr 2 , e tot din marmura, spre deosebire de majoritatea pagodelor din Corea, facute din granit.
Reamintesc iubitorilor de Sageukuri (seriale istorice) ca Regina Seon Deok a construit un observator astronomic care exista si azi si care se afla si el bineinteles pe lista Tezaurelor Nationale, la nr 31, Cheomseongdae, Gyeongju.
Dar eroina serialului, neinduratoare, nu s-a multumit cu atat ci a cerut sa-i spuna si ce se afla pe lista la nr 128. Tocilar, tocilar, dar are si memoria lui o limita, incat a trebuit sa recunoasca faptul ca nu stie, de aceea m-am hotarat sa copiez din Wikipedia o parte din lista:List of national treasures
Designated December 20, 1962
- Namdaemun, also known as Sungnyemun, Jung-gu, Seoul. Severely damaged in a fire on February 10, 2008.
- Wongaksa Pagoda, Ten storied stone pagoda of Wongaksa temple site, Tapgol Park, Jongno-gu, Seoul
- Bukhansan Monument commemorating the border inspection of Bukhansan by King Jinheung, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Stupa of Godalsa temple site, Yeoju County
- Twin-lion stone lantern of Beopjusa temple, Boeun County
- Seven storied stone pagoda in Tap-pyeong-ri, Chungju
- Stele of Bongseon Honggyeongsa, Cheonan
- Stele accompanying pagoda of Buddhist priest Nanghyehwasang, Seongjusa Temple, Boryeong
- Five storied stone pagoda of Jeongnimsa temple site, Buyeo County
- Three storied stone pagoda in front of Baekjangam Hermitage, Silsangsa Temple, Namwon
- Stone pagoda of Mireuksa temple site, Iksan
- Stone lantern in front of Gakhwangjeon Hall of Hwaeomsa temple, Gurye County
- Geungnakjeon Hall of Muwisa temple, Gangjin County
- Yeongsanjeon Hall of Geojoam Hermitage, Eunhaesa Temple, Yeongcheon
- Geungnakjeon Hall of Bongjeongsa temple, Andong
- Seven storied brick pagoda in Sinse-dong, Andong
- Stone lantern in front of Muryangsujeon Hall of Buseoksa temple, Yeongju
- Muryangsujeon Hall of Buseoksa Temple, Yeongju
- Josadang Hall of Buseoksa temple, Yeongju
- Dabotap (Many Treasure Pagoda) at Bulguksa, Gyeongju
- Seokgatap (Sakyamuni Pagoda), the three-storied pagoda at Bulguksa, Gyeongju
- Yeonhwagyo and Chilbogyo bridges of Bulguksa temple, Gyeongju
- Cheongungyo and Baegungyo bridges, a double-sectioned staircase and bridge that leads to the entrance of Bulguksa, Gyeongju
- Seokguram grotto and Buddha statue, Gyeongju
- Monument of King Taejong Muyeol of Silla, Gyeongju
- Seated gilt-bronze Vairocana Buddha statue of Bulguksa temple, Gyeongju
- Seated gilt-bronze Amitabha Buddha statue of Bulguksa temple, Gyeongju
- Standing gilt-bronze Bhaisajyaguru Buddha statue from Baengnyulsa Temple, Gyeongju
- Bell of King Seongdeok. Sacred bell of King Seongdeok the Great, Gyeongju National Museum, Gyeongju
- Stone pagoda of Bunhwangsa temple, Gyeongju
- Cheomseongdae, Gyeongju
- Tripitaka Koreana at Haeinsa, Hapcheon County
- Monument in Changnyeong commemorating the border inspection by King Jinheung, Changnyeong County
- Three storied stone East Pagoda in Suljeong-ri, Changnyeong County
- Four-lion-supported three storied stone pagoda of Hwaeomsa temple, Gurye County
- Bronze bell of Sangwonsa temple, Pyeongchang County
- Three storied stone pagoda in Guhwang-dong, Gyeongju
- Three storied stone pagoda of Goseonsa temple site, Gyeongju
- Five storied stone pagoda in Nawon-ri, Wolseong, Gyeongju
- Thirteen storied stone pagoda of Jeonghyesa temple site, Gyeongju
- Iron buddhist flagpole of Yongdusa temple site, Cheongju
- Wooden triptych Buddhist statue of Songgwangsa temple, Suncheon
- Edict of King Gojong of Goryeo, Songgwangsa Temple, Suncheon
- Three storied stone pagoda and stone lantern of Borimsa temple, Jangheung County
- Seated clay Buddha statue of Buseoksa temple, Yeongju
- Wall painting in Josadang Hall of Buseoksa temple, Yeongju
- Stele for Buddhist Priest Jingamseonsa of Ssanggyesa temple, Hadong County
- Octagonal nine storied pagoda of Woljeongsa temple, Pyeongchang County
- Daeungjeon Hall of Sudeoksa temple, Yesan County
- Haetalmun Gate of Dogapsa temple, Yeongam County
- Gate to an official inn in Gangneung
- Jangkyeongpanjeon - structure housing the Tripitaka Koreana (Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon) (Haeinsa Temple Depositories)
- East Stupa of Yeongoksa, a Silla-period temple on the slopes of Jirisan, in Gurye County
- North Stupa of Yeongoksa, Gurye County
- Palsangjeon Hall of Beopjusa temple, Boeun County
- Guksajeon Hall of Songgwangsa temple, Suncheon
- Stone pagoda of Buddhist Priest Cheolgamseonsa of Ssangbongsa temple, Hwasun County
- Seated iron bhaisajyaguru Buddha statue at Janggoksa temple, Cheongyang County
- Stele that accompanied the stupa of National Preceptor Jigwangguksa of Beopcheonsa temple, Wonju
- Celadon incense burner with lion-shaped lid, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon wine pot in the shape of a dragon, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Mireukjeon Hall of Geumsansa temple, Gimje
- Seated iron Vairocana Buddha statue of Dopiansa temple, Cheolwon County
- Lotus shaped stone basin of Beopjusa temple, Boeun County
- Celadon incense burner with unicorn-shaped lid, Gansong Art Museum, Seoul
- Celadon kundika with inlaid willow, bamboo,lotus, reed and mandarin duck designs, Gansong Art Museum, Seoul
- Gakhwangjeon Hall of Hwaeomsa temple, Gurye County
- Celadon vase with inlaid crane and cloud designs, Gansong Art Museum, Seoul
- Certificate of meritorious subject for Sim Jibaek for his distinguished service in helping to establish the Joseon Kingdom, Dong-A University, Busan
- Hunmin Jeongeum
- Dongguk Jeongun, dictionary of correct Korean pronunciation
- Gilt-bronze Buddha triad with inscription of cyclic year of Gyemi (563 CE)
- Gilt-bronze Buddha triad in miniature shrine
- Celadon water dropper in the shape of a duck
- Bronze incense burner with inlaid silver decoration of Pyochungsa temple, Miryang
- War diary, letter file and draft copies of war report of Admiral Yi Sunsin, Hyeonchungsa, Asan
- Five storied stone pagoda in Tamni, Uiseong County
- Geumdong Mireuk Bosal Bangasang, Gilt-bronze maitreya in meditation, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Seated gilt-bronze Buddha statue in Guhwang-ri, Gyeongju, in the National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Standing gilt-bronze Buddha statue in Guhwang-ri, Gyeongju, in the National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Standing stone maitreya statue of Gamsansa temple, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Standing stone amitabha statue of Gamsansa temple, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Bangasayusang, Gilt-bronze maitreya in meditation, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Rock-carved triad buddha in Seosan
- Gilt-bronze triad Buddha with the inscription of cyclic year of Sinmyo (571 CE), Yongin
- Gyeongcheonsa Pagoda from Gyeongcheonsa Temple, a 10-story stone pagoda, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Gold crown from the Geumgwanchong tomb, Gyeongju National Museum, Gyeongju
- Girdle and pendants from Geumgwanchong tomb, Gyeongju National Museum, Gyeongju
- Gold buckle, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- A pair of golden earrings, Old Silla period (500-600AD). Found in Pubuchong Tomb, Pomun-dong, Gyeongju City, Gyeongsangbuk-do.
- A stoneware vessel in the shape of a warrior on horseback, from the Old Silla period, around 500-600AD. Found in Geumnyeong-chong, Noseo-dong, Gyeongju City, Gyeongsangbuk-do.
- Celadon kundika with willow and water fowl designs in silver, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- White porcelain jar with grape design in underglaze iron, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon bottle in the shape of a melon, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon openwork incense burner, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon pitcher in the shape of a tortoise, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon vase incised with lotus and arabesque designs, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon jar with inlaid peony designs, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Galhangsa Temple 3-Story stone pagoda, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Namgyewon Monastery 7-Story stone pagoda, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Memorial Stupa for the Most Reverend Jigwang of Beopcheonsa temple, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Memorial Stupa for the Most Reverend Hongbeop of Jeongtosa temple, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Twin-lion stone lantern of Jungheungsanseong Fortress, Buk-gu, Gwangju
- Stupa for Priest Yeomgeo from Heungbeopsa temple, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Three storied stone pagoda in Beomhak-ri, Sancheong, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Stone triad amitabha with attendants and 28 other buddhist images, with an inscription of the cycle year Gyeyu, Cheongju
- White porcelain jar with grape design in underglaze iron, Ewha Womans University, Seoul
- One thousand Buddha stele with Gyeyu inscription, Gongju
- Gunwi triad Buddha and grotto, Gunwi County
- Portrait of Yi Jehyeon, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Portrait of An Hyang, Yeongju
- Three storied stone pagoda of Gameunsa temple site, Gyeongju
- Celadon bottle with willow design in underglaze iron, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon bottle in the shape of a muskmelon with inlaid peony and chrysanthemum designs, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon bowl with inlaid arabesque design, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- Celadon ewer in the shape of a gourd with inlaid peony design, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
Designated March 3, 1964
- 117. Seated iron vairocana Buddha statue of Borimsa temple, Jangheung County
- 118. Gilt-bronze maitreya, Yongin
- 119. Standing gilt-bronze Buddha with inscription of the seventh year of Yeonga era, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- 120. Sacred Bell of Yongjusa temple, Hwaseong
- 121. Hahoetal and Byeongsantal masks, Andong
- 122. Three storied stone pagoda of Jinjeonsa temple site, Yangyang County
Designated February 28, 1966
- 123. Relics found from the five storied stone pagoda in Wanggung-ri, Iksan, Jeonju National Museum, Jeonju
- 124. Seated marble bodhisattva statue of Hansongsa temple, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- 125. Green-glazed funeral urn with stone case, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
Designated September 16, 1967
- 126. Relics found inside three storied Seokgatap pagoda of Bulguksa temple, Gyeongju (28 subentries)
Designated December 19, 1968
- 127. Standing gilt-bronze avalokitesvara bodhisattva statue of Samyang-dong, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
- 128. Standing gilt-bronze avalokitesvara bodhisattva statue, Hoam Art Museum, Yongin
- 129. Standing gilt-bronze bodhisattva statue, Hoam Art Museum, Yongin
- 130. Five storied stone pagoda of Jukjang-dong, Seonsan, Gumi
am sa vizionez si eu aceasta comedie,sper sa imi placa!imi aduc aminte ca am auzit pe cineva cand vorbea de aceasta comedie si nu stiam exact despre ce film vorbea.acum mi-am dat seama din postul dumneavoastra.multumesc!Alina.