Mai e doar un episod si se va termina acest serial atat de sfasietor de frumos. Spre deosebire de serialele transmise pe TVR1 acesta foloseste istoria doar ca pretext, aici relatiile dintre personaje si impletirea dintre loialitatea fata de idealurile lor si dragostea atat de imposibila (desi daca Cheok Ok ar fi acceptat propunerea lui Hwang Bo Yoon de a pleca si a se pierde undeva in lume n-ar mai fi fost atat de imposibila, atata doar ca ea stia ca idealul lui este de a se integra in lumea care l-a injosit din cauza ca era fiu de concubina si de a-i fi recunoscut statusul social pt atingerea caruia a luptat atat de mult atat contra falsificatorilor de bani cat si impotriva rebelilor care voiau sa dea o lovitura de stat) sunt pe primul plan.
Am remarcat mereu aplecarea spre ideologia de stanga (si Belle mi-a facut un mare serviciu prin linkurile furnizate) dar aici nimic nu este alb sau negru. Sotul meu intreba de ce serialul a fost filmat in culori atat de intunecate, sepia. Pai mi se pare simplu: pe langa faptul ca astfel se sugereaza f bine ca e vorba de lupte care folosesc mijloace subsersive (atat de catre rebeli cat si de catre vardisti) se sugereaza si faptul ca nu se poate separa binele de rau, cam fiecare din parti poate fi considerata buna la un moment dat si reprobabila la altul.
In baladele noastre despre haiduci lucrurile sunt clare boierul este "slutul si uratul" ca in Toma Alimosh, in timp ce haiducii sunt prinsi de potera cea rea numai prin tradare. Si Sung Bak e un fel de haiduc, mai elevat desigur, fiind un revolutionar, dar mult mai complex si mai bine conturat in amestecul de bunatate si cruzime (doar n-a ezitat sa o foloseasca pe C O ca sa-i duca la moarte pe banditi, dand insa dovada de o bunatate cristica fata de leprosi)
Totusi el este cu adevarat idealist, el isi exprima f clar simpatia fata de cei oprimati si dorinta de a le imbunatati viata si de aceea ma doare si mai tare sufletul cand am vazut cu cata nerusinare si-au batut joc de el magistratul si ministrul prin uciderea celor dragi lui pt a profita de charisma lui de luptator si conducator pt a-si atinge scopurile care nu pot fi curate daca folosesc asemenea mijloace.
Iar scena in care Cheok Ok vede cum SB o ucide in sufletul lui (nu conteaza ca n-a avut curajul sa dea jos sacul de pe nevasta lui Mah Chuk-Ji si astfel sa constate mistificarea) e ingrozitor de trista, biata fata era suspendata intre doua lumi care o respingeau, atat HB care s-a hotarat sa se insoare cu doamna pe care nu o iubea, cat si SB care era capabil sa o ucida.
Cantecele care puncteaza scenele de iubire sunt f frumoase, am dat deja link , tot acolo am dat link catre situl unde poate fi vazut serialul cu subtitrari in engleza. Pt ca imi plac f mult am cautat versurile atat in coreeana (transcrise in alfabet latin, desigur) cat si traduse in engleza:
De pe un forum am gasit versurile cantecului Dahn Shim Ga - A Song of Devotion postate de Thunderbolt
nae ahn eh nahl cha ma buh ri ji mot hae
uhl gool eu bo deet chi neun ba ram chul rum ool ruht jo
geu dael wee hae na reul buh ri shi neun geh
ha neul eh ddeut ee ra do nahn won mang ha ji ah na yo
boo dee eet ji ma ra jo yo
nae sarang bo da duh keun
seh sang ga juht seu ni
geu dae do na chul ruhm noon mool heul ri na yo
mo deun geh da ggoom ee yuh ssuh yo
geu dae ga ga ya hahl gil gwa nae ga ga ya hahl gil ee
suh ro da reum eul nahn ah raht jo
geu dae ga seh sang eh na wa gat chi muh moo neun hahn
geu dae mahn ee so joon hahn sarang in guhl ah shi na yo
geu dae neun wae na reul
heem deul wee ro oom soh geh
ga duh doo ruh ha na yo
ga ra mahn bon ga jo
ga jil soo up neun sarang
geu guht ma juh oon myung in ga yo
na reul eet ji ma rah jo yo
nae sarang bo da duh keun
seh sang ga juht seu ni
geu dae do na chul ruhm noon mool heul ri na yo
mo deun geh da huh moo hae juh yo
geu dae ga ga ya hahl gil gwa nae ga ga ya hahl gil ee
suh ro da reum eul nahn ah raht jo
geu dae ga seh sang eh na wa gat chi muh moo neun hahn
geu dae mahn ee so joon hahn sarang in guhl ah shi na yo
geu dael wee hae na reul buh ri shi neun geh
ha neul eh ddeut ee ra do geu dael won mang ha ji ah na yo
english translation
for what i could not endure in my heart
i cried like the wind caressing my face
to forsake me for your good
if that is the will of God i do not resent
please forget me not
for you have acquired
the world that is greater than my love
do your tears flow as they do on me
everything has been but a dream
the road you must travel and the road i must travel
differ from each other this i now realize
the worldly grudge follows you and i
but do you know i treasure most our love
for what reason do you
lay such difficult loneliness
inside the depth of your heart
we have already seen
a love that cannot be had
is that the meaning of fate
please forget me not
for you have acquired
the world that is greater than my love
do your tears flow as they do on me
everything becomes dimmer now
the road you must travel and the road i must travel
differ from each other this i now realize
the worldly grudge follows you and i
but do you know i treasure most our love
to forsake me for your good
even if that is the will of God i resent you not
credits: bugsmusic and imbc
Tot acolo pot fi gasite si o multime de linkuri catre coloana sonora, cred, din pacate eu nu am reusit sa le deschid.
O alta traducere, parca si mai frumoasa:
translation by: jungie (also credit: aheeyah.com)
Inside of me, no matter how hard I try to bare,
I can't throw you away.
Like the wind that hits my face, I am crying.
Even if the sky meant for you to throw me away,
I do not have any resentment.
At any cost, don't forget please,
Since you've recieved a world
much larger than my love.
Are tears falling from you too?
Everything was a dream.
Even if you have a path to go on and
I have a path I have to go on, I know the difference.
In a world where you and I stayed, did you
know that you were a special person?
Why do you put me through
such a hard lonliness?
It was that I only looked.
A love that I can't have, is that just fate?
Don't forget me please,
since you've reicieved a world
much larger than my love
Are tears falling from you too?
Everything was a dream.
Even if you have a path to go on and
I have a path I have to go on, I know the difference.
In a world where you and I stayed, did you
know that you were a special person?
Even if the sky meant for you to throw me away,
I do not have any resentment.
Transcrierea din coreeana poate sa aiba si alt aspect (am observat ca sunt situatii in care se scrie b si se citeste p, se scrie d si se citeste t,se scrie eo si se citeste o, se scrie j si se citeste ci, etc):
nae ahn eh nal cha ma beo ri ji mot hae
eol kool reh boo dit hi neun pa ram cheo reom ool reot chyo
keu dael wi hae na reul peo ri si neun keh
ha neul reh deut shi ra doh nan weon mang ha ji ahn nah yo
poo di it ji mal rah chweo yo
nae sarang poh da deo keun
seh sang ka jyot seu ni
*keu dae doh na cheo reom noon mool heul ri na yo
moh deun keh da goom ee yeot seo yo
keu dae ga ka ya hal kil kwa nae ga ka ya hal kil ri
it seo doh ta reum eul nan al rat chyo
keu dae ga seh sang eh na wa kat chi meo moo neun han
keu dae man ee soh joong han sarang in keol ah shi na yo
keu dae neun wae na reul
him deun we roh oom sok geh
ka dweo doo ryo ha na yo
pa ra man pon keo chyo
ka jil soo eop neun sarang
keu keot ma jeo oon myong in ka yo
na reul it ji mal rah chweo yo
nae sarang poh da deo keun
seh sang ka jyot seu ni
keu dael wi hae na reul po ri shi neun geh
ha neul eui deut shi ra doh keu dael weon mang ha ji ahn nah yo
Acelasi Thunderbolt, dar pe o alta pagina, a postat si Bi Ga (sau Bi Ka)- Song of Sorrow' (interpretat de Kim Bum Soo), versurile spune ca le-a luat de aici si de aici.
cha ga oon ggoom ee ra go hae do
nae sahl meh mung ee deun da hae do
ee haneul ah rae nae ga sahl ra ya ha neun
geu dae ga soom shee go eet sseu nee
na eet ji neun ma rah jo
heu ruh jin gi uhk eh seul peun nal
duh neun noon mool ro man geu dael ji keel soo eet ssuht duhn
jool soo up neun sarang ee yuh
seh sang ee na buh rheen da hae do
nahl wen myun ha yuh do
woo ri da reun in yun eu ro ggok man na gi reul
na yak sok eul ha geh ssuh
guh chin seh sang ggeut ggah ji
young won han sarang eul oon myung eul guh seul ruh
nae guhk jung eun mahl ah jo
uh cha pi eek sook han geu ri oom
ee jehn deh dohl ril soo up neun seh uhl eul buh ri go
geu dae haeng bok ha gi reul ba rae
seh sang ee nahl buh rheen da hae do
nahl wen myun ha yuh do
woo ri da reun in yun eu ro ggok man na gi reul
na yak sok eul ha geh ssuh
guh chin seh sang ggeut ggah ji
young won han sarang eul oon myung eul guh seul ruh
a cold dream though it may be
against my existence though it may hold
under this sky the reason for me to live
is the reality that you are breathing
forget me, please do not
the passing memories of this sorrow
with tears i held onto you but
my love i could not give you
though the world forsakes me
against me though it turns
under a different fate let us meet
this i promise you
for this everlasting love i turn against destiny
worry upon me, please do not
this picture i see is already familiar to me
now i throw away time which cannot be turned back
your happiness, i will wish for
though the world forsakes me
against me though it turns
under a different fate let us meet
this i promise you
for this everlasting love i turn against destiny
Iar textul in coreeana poate sa arate si asa:
Bika / Biga / A Song of Sorrow Lyrics (Damo OST)
Singer: Kim Bum Soo / Romanization by Kreah
Also credit: http://kreah-craze.com/
De pe un forum am gasit versurile cantecului Dahn Shim Ga - A Song of Devotion postate de Thunderbolt
nae ahn eh nahl cha ma buh ri ji mot hae
uhl gool eu bo deet chi neun ba ram chul rum ool ruht jo
geu dael wee hae na reul buh ri shi neun geh
ha neul eh ddeut ee ra do nahn won mang ha ji ah na yo
boo dee eet ji ma ra jo yo
nae sarang bo da duh keun
seh sang ga juht seu ni
geu dae do na chul ruhm noon mool heul ri na yo
mo deun geh da ggoom ee yuh ssuh yo
geu dae ga ga ya hahl gil gwa nae ga ga ya hahl gil ee
suh ro da reum eul nahn ah raht jo
geu dae ga seh sang eh na wa gat chi muh moo neun hahn
geu dae mahn ee so joon hahn sarang in guhl ah shi na yo
geu dae neun wae na reul
heem deul wee ro oom soh geh
ga duh doo ruh ha na yo
ga ra mahn bon ga jo
ga jil soo up neun sarang
geu guht ma juh oon myung in ga yo
na reul eet ji ma rah jo yo
nae sarang bo da duh keun
seh sang ga juht seu ni
geu dae do na chul ruhm noon mool heul ri na yo
mo deun geh da huh moo hae juh yo
geu dae ga ga ya hahl gil gwa nae ga ga ya hahl gil ee
suh ro da reum eul nahn ah raht jo
geu dae ga seh sang eh na wa gat chi muh moo neun hahn
geu dae mahn ee so joon hahn sarang in guhl ah shi na yo
geu dael wee hae na reul buh ri shi neun geh
ha neul eh ddeut ee ra do geu dael won mang ha ji ah na yo
english translation
for what i could not endure in my heart
i cried like the wind caressing my face
to forsake me for your good
if that is the will of God i do not resent
please forget me not
for you have acquired
the world that is greater than my love
do your tears flow as they do on me
everything has been but a dream
the road you must travel and the road i must travel
differ from each other this i now realize
the worldly grudge follows you and i
but do you know i treasure most our love
for what reason do you
lay such difficult loneliness
inside the depth of your heart
we have already seen
a love that cannot be had
is that the meaning of fate
please forget me not
for you have acquired
the world that is greater than my love
do your tears flow as they do on me
everything becomes dimmer now
the road you must travel and the road i must travel
differ from each other this i now realize
the worldly grudge follows you and i
but do you know i treasure most our love
to forsake me for your good
even if that is the will of God i resent you not
credits: bugsmusic and imbc
Tot acolo pot fi gasite si o multime de linkuri catre coloana sonora, cred, din pacate eu nu am reusit sa le deschid.
O alta traducere, parca si mai frumoasa:
translation by: jungie (also credit: aheeyah.com)
Inside of me, no matter how hard I try to bare,
I can't throw you away.
Like the wind that hits my face, I am crying.
Even if the sky meant for you to throw me away,
I do not have any resentment.
At any cost, don't forget please,
Since you've recieved a world
much larger than my love.
Are tears falling from you too?
Everything was a dream.
Even if you have a path to go on and
I have a path I have to go on, I know the difference.
In a world where you and I stayed, did you
know that you were a special person?
Why do you put me through
such a hard lonliness?
It was that I only looked.
A love that I can't have, is that just fate?
Don't forget me please,
since you've reicieved a world
much larger than my love
Are tears falling from you too?
Everything was a dream.
Even if you have a path to go on and
I have a path I have to go on, I know the difference.
In a world where you and I stayed, did you
know that you were a special person?
Even if the sky meant for you to throw me away,
I do not have any resentment.
Transcrierea din coreeana poate sa aiba si alt aspect (am observat ca sunt situatii in care se scrie b si se citeste p, se scrie d si se citeste t,se scrie eo si se citeste o, se scrie j si se citeste ci, etc):
nae ahn eh nal cha ma beo ri ji mot hae
eol kool reh boo dit hi neun pa ram cheo reom ool reot chyo
keu dael wi hae na reul peo ri si neun keh
ha neul reh deut shi ra doh nan weon mang ha ji ahn nah yo
poo di it ji mal rah chweo yo
nae sarang poh da deo keun
seh sang ka jyot seu ni
*keu dae doh na cheo reom noon mool heul ri na yo
moh deun keh da goom ee yeot seo yo
keu dae ga ka ya hal kil kwa nae ga ka ya hal kil ri
it seo doh ta reum eul nan al rat chyo
keu dae ga seh sang eh na wa kat chi meo moo neun han
keu dae man ee soh joong han sarang in keol ah shi na yo
keu dae neun wae na reul
him deun we roh oom sok geh
ka dweo doo ryo ha na yo
pa ra man pon keo chyo
ka jil soo eop neun sarang
keu keot ma jeo oon myong in ka yo
na reul it ji mal rah chweo yo
nae sarang poh da deo keun
seh sang ka jyot seu ni
keu dael wi hae na reul po ri shi neun geh
ha neul eui deut shi ra doh keu dael weon mang ha ji ahn nah yo
Acelasi Thunderbolt, dar pe o alta pagina, a postat si Bi Ga (sau Bi Ka)- Song of Sorrow' (interpretat de Kim Bum Soo), versurile spune ca le-a luat de aici si de aici.
cha ga oon ggoom ee ra go hae do
nae sahl meh mung ee deun da hae do
ee haneul ah rae nae ga sahl ra ya ha neun
geu dae ga soom shee go eet sseu nee
na eet ji neun ma rah jo
heu ruh jin gi uhk eh seul peun nal
duh neun noon mool ro man geu dael ji keel soo eet ssuht duhn
jool soo up neun sarang ee yuh
seh sang ee na buh rheen da hae do
nahl wen myun ha yuh do
woo ri da reun in yun eu ro ggok man na gi reul
na yak sok eul ha geh ssuh
guh chin seh sang ggeut ggah ji
young won han sarang eul oon myung eul guh seul ruh
nae guhk jung eun mahl ah jo
uh cha pi eek sook han geu ri oom
ee jehn deh dohl ril soo up neun seh uhl eul buh ri go
geu dae haeng bok ha gi reul ba rae
seh sang ee nahl buh rheen da hae do
nahl wen myun ha yuh do
woo ri da reun in yun eu ro ggok man na gi reul
na yak sok eul ha geh ssuh
guh chin seh sang ggeut ggah ji
young won han sarang eul oon myung eul guh seul ruh
a cold dream though it may be
against my existence though it may hold
under this sky the reason for me to live
is the reality that you are breathing
forget me, please do not
the passing memories of this sorrow
with tears i held onto you but
my love i could not give you
though the world forsakes me
against me though it turns
under a different fate let us meet
this i promise you
for this everlasting love i turn against destiny
worry upon me, please do not
this picture i see is already familiar to me
now i throw away time which cannot be turned back
your happiness, i will wish for
though the world forsakes me
against me though it turns
under a different fate let us meet
this i promise you
for this everlasting love i turn against destiny
Iar textul in coreeana poate sa arate si asa:
Bika / Biga / A Song of Sorrow Lyrics (Damo OST)
Singer: Kim Bum Soo / Romanization by Kreah
Also credit: http://kreah-craze.com/
haga-un kkumirado hae-do
nae salme mo-ngi dunda hae-do
i hanura-rae nae-ga sarayahanun
kudae-ga sumshwigo issuni
na itjinun marajwo
huryojin kiyoge sulpun na
tonun nunmulloman kudael jikil su issotdon
jul su omnun sarangiyo
sesangi nal borinda haedo
nal wemyonhayodo
uri darun inyonuro kkok mannagirul
na yaksogul hagesso
kochin [...]
Tot Thunderbolt a postat si chaek-ok's farewell letter to yoon:
when i met na-eu-ri for the first time my age was seven years old.
i was but a child who did not understand the meaning of sadness
even after the death of my father and after being separated from my mother and older brother.
on that day na-eu-ri you carried me in the shooting rain and ran.
after that day na-eu-ri you were to me like my father, and like my mother, and like my older brother.
until now the times i spent with na-eu-ri are all the memories i have of this life.
how am i to continue living if i were to forget such precious na-eu-ri.
na-eu-ri, i should have listened to na-eu-ri from the beginning when you told me not to go to the mountains.
had i done so i would not have met that person.
even when na-eu-ri's life is at risk i could not cut my knife through him...
this heart of mine i no longer understand.
such state of confusion troubles me more than death itself.
this woman shall die like this...
as for the matter that has taken my life i beg that it will be resolved according to your will.
my dear gentleman, please cut off any ties with me in this life.
my dear gentleman...
dar si words from Jang Sung Baek to Chae Ohk:
Since I took up my sword
My heart has been filled with my hatred for this world
and I have never feared no one
But the first time I saw you
I wanted to lay down my sword
As you take my heart
I became afraid
And I hate myself
Because there will come a day
Where our swords must cross
For the first time, I yearned
to lay down my sword and return to a peaceful life
But alas, it's all but a dream
If I have to die here
I will never forget you.
Translated by Il Mare (Soompi)
Pt ca Damo e un serial mai vechi pe net se gasesc tot felul de date despre el, cum ar fi caracterizarea personajelor:
Chae-Ok (Acted by Ha, Ji-Won)
A 23 year-old Da-Mo. Because she has been trained with sword since she was little, she is undefeatable when it comes to the using of the sword. Having been raised in the mountain she has learned much from the nature. She is straight and honest which makes her unbearable with the lies of other people. Although courageous and manly, she can not hide her soft heart and female side when she is in front of Sung-Baek. But Sung-Baek is the one she has to arrest, not to fall in love with. And this is the root of the tragic love.
O luptatoare Da-Mo de 23 de ani. Pt xcca s-a antrenat in manuirea sabiei de mica este imbatabila in luptele cu sabia. Fiind crescuta la munte a invatat multe de la natura. Ea este corecta (directa)si onesta cu altii ceea ce o face sa nu suporte minciunile altora. Desi e curajoasa si barbatoasa ea nu-si poate ascunde inima blanda si latura feminina cand e in fata lui Sung-Baek. Dar ea trebuie sa-l aresteze pe Sung Baek, nu sa se indragosteasca de el (cineva se intreba daca asta nu inseamna incest. Eu am avut impresia ca ea stia ca e fratele ei inca de cand a vazut sabia tatalui lor si scrisoarea care insotea aceasta sabie, el sigur nu stia ca e sora lui, desi atunci cand s-a intors sa o salveze din mainile soldatilor si-a amintit de scena asemanatoare care a avut loc cand au fost despartiti. Si aceasta sta la baza acestei iubiri tragice.
Hwang-Bo Yoon (acted by Lee, Seo-Jin)
A police man. His mother was the second wife to an honorable man and this has been his scar since he was small. He is sharp at his work but has lonely eyes and always thoughtful. He adores his people like his own brother but would not show his feeling outside. He is quick for promotion and this makes his rivals jealous. Consequently he becomes the target for an intrigue and ends up in a prison. He is in love with Chae-Ok. But they are from two different class, and his heart aches to see Chae-Ok's eyes are yearning while her sword is pointed at Sung-Baek.
Hwang_Bo Yoon (interepretat de Seo-Jin Lee, actorul care l-a interpretat si pe Yi San)
Un politist. Mama lui a fost a doua sotie a unui om onorabil si asta a fost durerea lui inca de cand era mic. Este f priceput in munca lui dar ochii lui tradeaza singuratatea si faptul ca e mereu framantat de ganduri. El isi adora oamenii (colegii) ca si cum ar fi fratii lui dar nu arata asta. Avanseaza repede in ierarhie si asta ii face gelosi pe rivalii sai. In consecinta devine tinta intrigilor si sfarseste in inchisoare. O iubeste pe Chae Ok. Dar sunt din doua clase diferite si il doare inima sa vada cat regret este in ochii lui Chae Ok cand isi atinteste sabia asupra lui Sung-Baek
Chang, Sung-Baek (acted by Kim, Min-Joon)
30 years old and he is a famous for using his sword. He was adopted by a couple of lepers. He leaves the leper's town at age 15 and trains himself with sword until he becomes 23. He then gathers people to protest against the society where the prejudice on the class is asking for too much sacrifice of the people. He takes care of his people but he also has a cruel side of him that would never forgive anyone who does not share his thought. He feels himself falling for Chae-Ok but he also knows that loving her will ruin his big dream to destroy the corrupted world and to set up the new justice to the world.
Sung Baek Chang (interpretat de actorul Kim Min Joon)
Are 30 de ani şi este faimos pentru utilizarea sabiei. El a fost adoptat de un cuplu de leproşi. El paraseste oraşul leprosilor la vârsta de 15 ani şi se antreneaza el însuşi cu sabia, până când devine de 23 ani. El adună atunci oamenii pentru a protesta împotriva societăţii în care prejudecatile de clasa cer prea mult sacrificiu de la oameni. El are grijă de poporul său, dar el are, de asemenea, o latura cruda care nu va ierta pe nimeni care nu împărtăşeşte aceleasi gînduri. El simte ca se indragosteste de Chae-Ok dar de asemenea, ştie că o iubind-o isi va ruina visul său mare de a distruge lumea corupta şi să înstaureze o noua justiţie in lume.
Pe forumul amintit mai sus am gasit alta caracterizare a lui Sung Baek, de catre eloise:
Sungbaek is such a lovable character. He is our typical romantic hero: a man with a cause, a dream and a passion. He was selfless, he was fearless, he was a superior swordsman, he was a leader well respected and loved by his people. He was not corrupted by his power. He robbed the rich to help the poor. He tended to the lepers and he loved his people. He brought hope to the disillusioned. He was merciless towards his enemies, but he was so forgiving and gentle with the woman he loved. And last, but definitely not the least, he is such a hunk!
Sungbaek este un personaj adorabil. El este eroul nostru tipic romantice un om cu o cauza, un vis si o pasiune. El a fost altruist, a fost neînfricat, a fost un spadasin superior, a fost un lider respectat si iubit de poporul său. El nu a fost corupt de puterea lui. A jefuit bogatii pentru a ajuta pe cei săraci. A ingrijit leproşii şi si-a iubit oamenii. A adus speranţa celor disperati. A fost fără milă faţă de duşmanii lui, dar a fost atât de iertător şi blând cu femeia pe care o iubea. Şi nu în ultimul, dar categoric nu în ultimul rând, este asa usor de pacalit!
Yoon and Sungbaek had a lot in common. They were both leaders, and loved by their own people. They were both superior swordsmen. They were both incorruptible. They both loved the same woman, and both were ever so forgiving to her. They both had a tragic past that haunted them. But whereas Sungbaek was raised in defiance of his fate and had found a worthy cause which helped to make his world black and white, Yoon had been raised to accept his fate, but his props were fickle and unreliable, and his world is a lot of grey.
Yoon şi Sungbaek au multe în comun. Ambii au fost lideri, şi iubiti de oamenii lor. Ei au fost spadasini superiori. Au fost incoruptibili. Ambii au iubit aceeaşi femeie, şi ambii au fost atât de iertatori cu ea. Amândoi au avut un trecut tragic care i-a bântuit. Dar în timp ce Sungbaek a fost crescut sa-i faca in ciuda sortii şi a găsit o cauză nobilă care a contribuit la a-si face lumea alb-negru, Yoon a fost crescut sa-si accepte soarta, dar mijloacele sale au fost capricioase şi nesigure, şi lumea lui are o gramada de nuante de gri.

4 din pozele de mai sus reprezinta statuia generalului Kim Yu Shin aflata in Hwangseong Park, Gyeongju. Generalul a trait 78 de ani (lucru mai putin obisnuit pe vremea aceea) si a avut 10 copii. A fost prieten f bun cu Chun chu, devenit regele Muyeol, si dupa ce CC s-a casatorit cu sora sa iar prima sa sotie (a lui YS) a murit s-a casatorit cu sora lui CC. O biografie extinsa a lui se gaseste in Hwarangdo.com, inca mai cuprinzatoare decat cea din Wikipedia.
Si acum, pt ca Mady m-a rugat sa caut ceva date despre Bi-Dam am sa spun ca, dupa toate aparentele, acesta e un personaj inventat pt a da mai mult dramatism si culoare serialului (si a reusit sa cucereasca, datorita interpretarii lui Kim Nam Gil, inimile multor spectatoare). Insusi actorul a declarat ca intre adevarul istoric si istoria din serial exista diferente. Deasemenea el a spus ca si-a creat personajul dupa modelul benzilor desenate manga (sotul meu, care un spirit de observatie f dezvoltat, a remarcat ca acum, cu mesa aceea de par de pe fata, seamana f bine cu un erau de desene animate japoneze), purta mereu cu el cateva asemenea carti pt a se inspira. Timp de vreo 10 ani nu a fost prea apreciat, dar dupa acest serial a devenit faimos si si-a castigat o multime de fani (probabil ca si bani).
Belle mi-a recomandat un film in care a jucat si el, am vazut pana acum doar un episod, e plasat tot intr-o epoca istorica, eroina e pictorita travestita in baiat (deja tinde sa devina un cliseu) iar KNG joaca un rol destul de important.
Am mai gasit cateva date sumare despre KNG:
Kim Nam-gil ( Bi Dam )
Nascut la : 13 Martie 1981
Tara : Coreea de Sud
A mai jucat in :
Queen Seon Duk (TV series) (MBC, 2009)
Lovers (SBS, 2006)
Goodbye Solo (KBS2, 2006)
My Name is Kim Sam Soon (MBC, 2005)
Be Strong, Geum-soon! (MBC, 2005)
Urma sa fie recrutat in armata dar se pare ca inca nu s-a produs acest eveniment.
Alte date despre actor le-am copiat din Drama Wiki
Name: / Kim Nam Gil
Previously known as: / Lee Han
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1981-Mar-13
Height: 184cm
Weight: 70kg
Star sign: Pisces
TV Shows
Bad Guy (SBS, 2010)
Queen Seon Duk (MBC, 2009)
Terroir (SBS, 2008)
Several Questions That Make Us Happy (KBS2, 2007)
When Spring Comes (KBS2, 2007)
Lovers (SBS, 2006)
Goodbye Solo (KBS2, 2006)
Be Strong Geum Soon (MBC, 2005)
Eve of the Storm (2010)
Hand Phone (2009, cameo)
Portrait of a Beauty (2008)
Modern Boy (2008)
Kang Chul Jung : Public Enemy 1-1 (2008)
No Regrets (2006)
Don't Look Back (2006)
Low Life (2004)
46th Baeksang Awards: Best Newcomer Award (Queen Seon Duk)
2009 MBC Drama Awards: Best Couple Award (with Lee Yo Won in Queen Seon Duk)
2009 MBC Drama Awards: Male Excellence Award (Queen Seon Duk)
Education: Myeong Ji Cheon University
He debuted as Lee Han but as of 2008 Kim Nam Gil decided to use his real name as his stage name.
F, f multe informatii despre serialul Queen Seon Deok (Secretele palatului) se pot gasi pe un site unde , intre altele, se gasesc si versurile unui cantec cantat de insusi Kim Nam Gil, pe care le-am copiat ceva mai jos.
Tot de pe acelasi site am copiat numele celor 10 corpuri de elita ale Hwa Rang:
He debuted as Lee Han but as of 2008 Kim Nam Gil decided to use his real name as his stage name.
F, f multe informatii despre serialul Queen Seon Deok (Secretele palatului) se pot gasi pe un site unde , intre altele, se gasesc si versurile unui cantec cantat de insusi Kim Nam Gil, pe care le-am copiat ceva mai jos.
Tot de pe acelasi site am copiat numele celor 10 corpuri de elita ale Hwa Rang:
1. Il Wyol Seong Do (Sun & Moon elite cadre) lead by Bo Jong;
2. Cheon Ryeong Ing Do (Green/Blue Dragon elite cadre-one of the celestial emblem of the east) lead by Seok Bum – brother to Chil Sook;
3. Yi Hwa Jeong Do (Pear Blossom elite cadre) lead by Deok Chung;
4. Dong Baek Mae Do (White Camellia Elite Cadre) lead by Baek Yui;
5. Bi Cheon Ji Do (Flying Fairy Elite Cadre) lead by Al Jeong;
6. Hyeon Mu Ji Do (Black Warrior elite cadre-celestial emblem of the North) lead by Pil Dan ;
7. Hu Guk Seon Do (Defender State sylph elite cadre) lead by Im Jong;
8. Baek Hu Bo Do (White tiger/Kirin elite cadre –celestial emblem of the west) lead by Dae Nam Bo;
9. Yun Sang In Do (Above the cloud elite cadre) lead by Seon Yeol;
10.Cheon Si Hwon Do (Celestial city elite cadre) lead by Wang Yon
and added by Yong Hwa Hyang Do (Dragon Flower Tree elite cadre) lead by Kim Yu Shin
Ar fi trebuit sa fie si un videoclip cu acel cantec cantat de Kim Nam Gil, dar din pacate You Tube l-a indepartat din cauza unor probleme de legalitate, am copiat insa o f scurta prezentare si versurile:
The song is sung by Mr Kim Nam Gil who played as Bi Dam. The man who really loved the Queen but in the end their love story has ended just like that because of some miss understanding.
The Song is quite suitable with Bi Dam's character in these series. The one who is so lonely, insecure, covering all his pain with the smiles. What made it interesting because originally Mr. Kim Nam Gil is not a singer, but I just realized that his voice is quite good.
The lyrics and English translation :
Sa rang ha myeon an doe ni (Can't I Love You)
Singer: Kim Nam Gil (Bidam)
a pa do nan a peun jur mol la
o ji anh neun neor gi da ryeo do
geu ri um i him gyeo wo hwi cheong geo ryeo do nan him deun jur mol la
neor nae an e dun geu nal bu teo
ma eum eur na nwo sseur jur mo reu go
da chi go meong deur eo do si rin ga seum eur dad eur jul do mol la
sseul sseul han se sang e na reur sal ge ha go
ut ge ha neun geon neo ha na ppun in de
sa rang ha myeon an doe ni nae ge o myeon an doe ni
han beon man han beon man an a bo myeon an doe ni
nae jeon bu reur da geor eo gat go sip eun sa ram i iss eo
nae mam bad a ju myeon an doe ni
ji dok han oe ro um geu sog e do nae ga sum eur swi neun geon
da neo ttae mun in de
sa rang ha myeon an doe ni nae ge o myeon an doe ni
han beon man han beon man an a bo myeon an doe ni
nae jeon bu reur da geor eo gat go sip eun sa ram i iss eo
cheo eum i ja ma ji mag eu ro
sa neun dong an nae pum e dor a or su eops eo do
nae ga ne ga seum e ji wo jyeo beo ryeo do
sa rang ha myeon an doe ni neo ui dwi e seo ra do
meol li seo meol li seo ba ra bo myeon an doe ni
neo ui geu rim ja ra do nan ji kyeo jur su it da myeon
geu rae geu geo ra do gwaen chanh a hon ja sa rang hae do gwaen chanh a
Even it is so painful, I can't feel it
Even I'm waiting for you and you wouldn't come
Even I think of you with shaking so badly, I can't feel it
Since the day I put your heart in my mind
I can't put my heart else where
Even if it hurts and breaks my heart apart, I won't close my heart
I am who was living in a lonely world
You're the only one who can make me smile
Can't I love you? Can you come to me?
Just for once, can you hug me in you arms?
You're the only one I love
Can't you accept my heart?
The reason why I'm still breathing in this terrible loneliness
It's all because of you
Can't I love you? Can you come to me?
Once again, can you hug me in your arms?
You're the only one I love
For the first time and last time
Even you're alive, you can't be held in my arms
Even you throw my heart away from your mind
Can't I love you? Even if I'm just behind your back
Distantly, I just can look at you from afar
Even if I just can protect your shadow
Even like this, it's alright.. even only I love you, it's okay.
Exista si un site unde fiecare episod are un rezumat f amanuntit in engleza incat cei care au pierdut unul sau mai multe episoade pot afla tot ce s-a intamplat, mai ales daca folosesc Google Translate si au un dezvoltat simt al umorului.
Candva cineva, nu-mi mai amintesc acum cine, m-a intrebat ce serial as vrea sa transmita TVR in continuarea "Secretelor". Cred ca am aflat raspunsul de curand, cand cautand atat date despre Chun Chu cat si despre reginele din Coreea am aflat ca au fost in numar de trei, si ca despre a treia, numita Chun Chu, s-a facut unul din cele mai bune seriale istorice coreene, Empress Chun Chu
The drama is about the third empress of the Goryeo era who fought against the Tungustic people of Manchuria in order to achieve their dream of reclaiming their old land.
Serialul are 78 de episoade si poate fi (teoretic) vazut on line pe Mysoju. Am vazut deja Episodul 1.1 si pot spune ca e impresionant. Date despre distributie pot fi gasite aici.
RăspundețiȘtergeremultumesc pentru post
problema cu serialele e un ampla
si face parte dintr-o strategie nationala a tarii in cauza
a devenit un fenomen in Asia- foarte interesant si din care se pot invata foarte multe daca esti atent si cauti informatia despre asa ceva
e un articol nou despre ce inseamna asa ceva. ai sa fi mirata ce afacere (nu doar legata de tv) inseamna un serial
o saptamana buna iti doresc si inca o data multumesc
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc pt comentariu si pt link, interesante ca de obicei. Faptul ca s-au pompat milioane de dolari in difuzarea culturii si a valorilor (sud)coreene in lume este intr-adevar un lucru demn de luat in seama, desi e adevarat ca s-a produs DUPA ce tara a iesit din criza (care, dupa cum se stie, a fost provocata de o proasta politica promovata de FMI, sa speram ca istoria nu se va repeta cu noi, mai ales ca guvernele I, II, III, IV si cate vor mai fi nici nu se gandesc sa promoveze cultura noastra in lume in proportiile folosite de sud-coreeni).
Ce mi se pare si mai interesant este cat de pregnant e fenomenul hallyu (in ce priveste istoria coreeana) in randul telespectatorilor si internautilor nostri, in special cei tineri, fenomen care are in multe cazuri la baza, in mod paradoxal, cunoasterea limbii engleze.
Interesant e ca sotul meu imi spune de mult ca faptul ca aceste filme au fost preluate de TVR trebuie sa fie rezultatul unei bune politici de propaganda nationalista dusa de coreeni.
O saptamana buna si tie!
Hristos a Inviat!! foarte bine documentata ca de obicei. Sper ca si urmatoarele seriale sudcoreene sa fie la fel de bune si sa aflam mai multe despre istoria lor. Intr-adevar Coreea de Sud produce foarte multe seriale, chiar mi-ar placea se vad si un serial din epoca moderna.
RăspundețiȘtergereAdevarat a inviat!
RăspundețiȘtergereSe pare ca cel mai mare succes dintre filmele moderne l-a avut "Full house". Vezi comentariile la articolul recomandat de Belle.
Bine documentat, zici? Sotul meu a protestat "ce trebuia sa pui si versurile in coreana?"
N-a zis chiar asa, dar asta era sensul..
Eu sper sa mai fie si alte seriale sud-coreene. N-ai auzit ca majoritatea parlamentara a decis sa demita conducerea?
Majoritatea asta e in stare sa decreteze ca pe timp de criza ne ajung cateva ore de emisie, in care sa-si prezinte realizarili (42 km de autostrada, etc....daca exista etc).
Stiu ca sunt rautacioasa.
In legatura cu Empress Chun Chu, nu stiu daca a fost un film foarte bun pt ca nu a avut un ratyng foarte mare fata de The legend si mai ales fata de filmele care le-au difuzat pe TVR1.
RăspundețiȘtergereFrom DramaWiki
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Episode ratings for KBS2 drama Empress Chun Chu
Date Episode Nationwide Seoul
2009-01-01 Special 12.4 (9th) 12.6 (9th)
2009-01-03 1 20.0 (3rd) 19.8 (4th)
2009-01-04 2 24.3 (3rd) 24.7 (3rd)
2009-01-10 3 19.8 (3rd) 20.1 (3rd)
2009-01-11 4 22.6 (5th) 23.5 (5th)
2009-01-17 5 18.6 (4th) 18.2 (4th)
2009-01-18 6 22.3 (4th) 22.7 (4th)
2009-01-24 7 15.3 (5th) 14.7 (7th)
2009-01-25 8 17.5 (3rd) 17.1 (4th)
2009-01-31 9 19.4 (4th) 19.1 (5th)
2009-02-01 10 21.4 (5th) 21.7 (6th)
2009-02-08 11 19.1 (6th) 19.4 (6th)
2009-02-09 12 20.6 (6th) 21.7 (5th)
2009-02-14 13 16.1 (5th) 16.5 (4th)
2009-02-15 14 18.4 (7th) 19.2 (7th)
2009-02-21 15 15.8 (6th) 16.6 (5th)
2009-02-22 16 18.3 (7th) 18.9 (7th)
2009-02-28 17 15.3 (5th) 16.1 (5th)
2009-03-01 18 17.5 (6th) 18.3 (6th)
2009-03-07 19 18.8 (3rd) 19.5 (3rd)
2009-03-08 20 17.4 (7th) 17.9 (7th)
2009-03-14 21 15.2 (5th) 15.8 (5th)
2009-03-15 22 16.5 (7th) 17.0 (7th)
2009-03-21 23 14.4 (5th) 15.2 (5th)
2009-03-22 24 17.0 (9th) 17.7 (8th)
2009-03-28 25 15.0 (5th) 15.0 (6th)
2009-03-29 26 17.2 (8th) 17.0 (8th)
2009-04-04 27 13.9 (6th) 14.2 (6th)
2009-04-05 28 15.3 (7th) 15.9 (7th)
2009-04-11 29 14.3 (4th) 14.5 (4th)
2009-04-12 30 16.4 (6th) 17.3 (5th)
2009-04-18 31 13.8 (6th) 14.5 (6th)
2009-04-19 32 16.9 (6th) 17.6 (6th)
2009-04-25 33 15.2 (5th) 15.4 (5th)
2009-04-26 34 18.2 (6th) 19.6 (4th)
2009-05-02 35 16.4 (5th) 17.2 (5th)
2009-05-03 36 13.2 (6th) 13.1 (9th)
2009-05-09 37 13.2 (6th) 13.1 (9th)
2009-05-10 38 15.5 (7th) 16.3 (7th)
2009-05-16 39 14.1 (6th) 14.4 (6th)
2009-05-17 40 14.4 (7th) 14.4 (7th)
2009-05-23 41 13.3 (5th) 14.0 (4th)
2009-05-24 42 15.1 (5th) 15.9 (4th)
2009-05-30 43 11.6 (8th) 11.4 (9th)
2009-05-31 44 15.9 (7th) 16.8 (6th)
2009-06-06 45 12.6 (6th) 12.0 (6th)
2009-06-07 46 15.1 (7th) 15.3 (7th)
2009-06-13 47 12.0 (8th) 12.6 (7th)
2009-06-14 48 13.2 (8th) 13.4 (8th)
2009-06-20 49 12.7 (7th) 12.9 (6th)
2009-06-21 50 15.3 (7th) 15.3 (7th)
2009-06-27 51 12.7 (6th) 13.7 (5th)
2009-06-28 52 13.9 (8th) 14.5 (7th)
2009-07-04 53 11.3 (8th) 11.3 (10th)
2009-07-05 54 13.0 (7th) 13.8 (7th)
2009-07-11 55 11.9 (8th) 12.2 (6th)
2009-07-12 56 12.9 (10th) 12.6 (10th)
2009-07-18 57 11.2 (13th) 11.6 (14th)
2009-07-19 58 12.8 (8th) 12.8 (8th)
2009-07-25 59 8.5 (17th) (<8.3)
2009-07-26 60 14.1 (7th) 14.5 (7th)
2009-08-01 61 13.8 (6th) 14.3 (5th)
2009-08-02 62 15.6 (7th) 15.8 (7th)
2009-08-08 63 13.4 (7th) 13.3 (7th)
2009-08-09 64 16.6 (6th) 16.9 (6th)
2009-08-15 65 14.9 (6th) 14.7 (6th)
2009-08-16 66 18.2 (6th) 18.8 (6th)
2009-08-22 67 17.0 (3rd) 17.1 (4th)
2009-08-23 68 23.6 (2nd) 24.2 (2nd)
2009-08-29 69 17.7 (2nd) 17.5 (2nd)
2009-08-30 70 19.4 (5th) 19.7 (5th)
2009-09-05 71 18.0 (4th) 18.1 (4th)
2009-09-06 72 20.2 (5th) 20.2 (5th)
2009-09-12 73 17.7 (2nd) 17.4 (3rd)
2009-09-13 74 20.0 (5th) 20.3 (5th)
2009-09-19 75 17.3 (2nd) 17.3 (3rd)
2009-09-20 76 21.5 (4th) 21.2 (4th)
2009-09-26 77 19.3 (2nd) 18.9 (4th)
2009-09-27 78 22.6 (4th) 22.7 (4th)
Da, vad ca n-a fost prea apreciat. In acelasi timp constat ca a fost la concurenta cu QSD, si cum dupa cate am citit nu e vorba de o poveste (sau chiar doua) de dragoste imposibila ci de o muiere tare afurisita, mult mai rea decat Mi-Shil, inteleg de ce s-a preferat QSD.
RăspundețiȘtergerePoate nici n-a avut distributia de exceptie din QSD.
LA noi n-ar fi vorba de alternativa, ci de continuarea unui trend (nah, ca ma dau si eu mare si nu folosesc romanescul tendinta)
draga viorica, am nimerit din greseala pe site-ul tau si vad ca nu te-ai documentat prea bine despre personajul bi-dam. nu poti crede ca producatorii serialului QSD s-au documentat de pe wikipedia sau mai stiu eu ce site.Bineinteles ca exista diferente intre istoricul filmului si adevarata istorie;daca s-ar fi folosit doar istoria serialul ar fi fost mult prea sobru.Asadar, daca stii putina coreeana sau daca ai traduce un vre-un site scris in coreeana ai remarca faptul ca Bi-dam este un personaj real si ca a fost amantul reginei Seon-Deok, de asemenea a ocupat si postul de Sandaedung(cea mai inalta functie in regatul Sillei, dupa rege bineinteles), dar a fost declarat cel mai mare inamic al regatului cand a incercat sa ii ia tronul reginei tinand un discurs pe tema "o femeie nu poate conduce o tara".Bi-dam nu a fost fiul lui mishil si al regelui jinji, insa se presupune ca facea parte din roialitate deoarece nu ar fi incercat sa acceada la tron din alte motive, in regatul Silla rangul oaselor fiind cel mai important.Bi-dam a organizat o razmelita care a fost inabusita de catre generalul Kim Yusin exact ca in film, cu ajutorul zmeului in flacari.Bi-dam a fost capturat cu 30 de aliati ai sai si executati dupa 17 zile. O diferenta dintre film si realitate este aceea ca regina Seon-Deok moare cu 10 zile inainte sa fie Bi-dam executat fiind urmata de regina Jindeok, iar primul lucru pe care aceasta regina l-a facut ca nou suveran a fost acela de a-l executa pe Bi-dam, declarat cel mai periculos rebel din toate timpurile Sillei.
Se vede ca ai nimerit din greseala pe blog inca de la inceput, pt ca nu te-ai semnat. Daca tot ai avut putere si timp sa scri atat puteai sa pui un nume, fie si fictiv, ca se poarta, la sfarsit.
RăspundețiȘtergereDaca ai fi zabovit nitel pe aici ai fi vazut ca toate cele de mai sus le-am scris si eu in alt articol. Daca ai rabdare o sa-l gasesti singur, de aceea nu ma mai ostenesc sa caut linkul.
E usor sa judeci pe cineva numai dupa cateva cuvinte, e ca si cum ai spune, dupa ce ai vazut coperta unei carti, ca ii cunosti tot continutul. Spre deosebire de tine (in ce priveste continutul blogului meu) eu chiar m-am documentat, si nu numai dupa Wikipedia, despre a carei acuratete mi-am exprimat dubii.
Azi noapte, cand am raspuns la comentariul de mai sus eram cam tzafnoasa si iritata.
RăspundețiȘtergereO sa incerc sa dau acum un raspuns mai echilibrat.
Nu cunosc coreeana dar am indoieli ca tu, draga persoana anonima, o cunosti.
Am incercat sa traduc dintr-un site scris in coreeana cu ajutorul lui Google Translate, am scris in alta parte cam ce a iesit, destul ca n-am inteles nimic.
La data cand i-am raspuns lui Madi nu gasisem nimic despre Bi Dam, ulterior am descoperit acest site
unde erau expuse toate informatiile scrise de tine mai sus, si inca ceva in plus, traduse din coreeana intr-o impecabila limba engleza.
Interesant e ca sursa principala pt acest site e tot o wiki, Koreean de data asta.
Bineinteles ca nu am pastrat pt mine aceste informatii, le-am publicat in articolul despre QSD, unde ii era locul, la articolul despre incredere.
Te-am acuzat de judecata pripita cand am vorbit despre coperta (imi mentin parerea), uite ca trebuie sa-mi fac mea culpa pt ca m-am pripit cu raspunsul.