miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009

Hokusai One hundred Poems 11-20

Asa cum am spus si in primul si vastul articol dedicat lui Hokusai, nu toate cele 100 de poeme au fost ilustrate de artist iar ilustratia nu respecta totdeauna spiritul si semnificatia poemului. In Visipix Hannes Kellers face niste comentarii f interesante, care ajuta mult la intelegerea atat a poemelor, cat si a ilustratiilor lui Hokusai, dar nu am puterea sa le traduc aici. Cunoscatorii de engleza cred ca ar simti aceeasi implinire ca si mine citindu-le.

Poem number 11
Sangi Takamura (Ono no Takamura) 802-852, counselor to the Emperor

O'er the wide, wide sea,
Towards its many distant isles,
Rowing I set forth.
This, to all the world proclaim,
O ye boats of fisher-folk!

Poem number 12
Sojo Henjo (Yoshimine no Munesada) 816-890, cousin of Emperor Nimmyo

O ye Winds of Heaven!
In the paths among the clouds
Blow, and close the ways,
That we may these virgin forms
Yet a little while detain.

Poem number 13
Yozei In 868-949, Emperor

From Tsukuba's peak,
Falling waters have become
Mina's still, full flow:
So my love has grown to be;
Like the river's quiet deeps.

Poem number 14
Kawara no Sadaijin (Minamoto no Toru) 822-895, son of Emperor Saga

Michinoku print
Of Shinobu's tangled leaves!
For whose sake have I,
Like confused, begun to be?
Only yours! I can not change!

Poem number 17
Ariwara no Narihira Ason 825-880, famous as a poet and a lover, probably exiled because of an affair with the Empress

I have never heard
That, e'en when the gods held sway
In the ancient days,
E'er was water bound with red
Such as here in Tatta's stream

Aici am sa spun totusi ca in comentariul sau HK aminteste o anecdota despre Hokusai. Se spune ca Shogunul dorea ca artistul sa-i picteze ceva. KH a venit cu un sul alb, vopsea rosie si albastra si un pui viu. Intai a pictat un rau albastru pe sul. Apoi a vopsit picoarele puiului cu rosu si l-a pus sa alerge pe sul. "Uite, astea sunt frunze de artar pe rau" a zis el (frunzele de artar japonez sunt mai ascutite decat cele europene sau canadiene, in Gradina Botanica din Bucuresti sunt cativa artari japonezi f frumosi, care au frunzele mereu rosii)

Poem number 18
Fujiwara no Toshiyuki Ason 880-907, prominent member of the Imperial Guard

Lo! the gathered waves
On the shore of Sumi's bay!
E'en in gathered night,
When in dreams I go to thee,
I must shun the eyes of men.

Poem number 19
Lady Ise 870-935, influental daughter of a province governor

Even for a space
Short as joint of tiny reed
From Naniwa's marsh,
We must never meet again
In this life? This, do you ask?

Poem number 20 Motoyoshi Shinno 890-943, eldest son of Emperor Yozei (poet 13)

Now, in dire distress,
It is all the same to me!
So, then, let us meet
Even though it costs my life
In the Bay of Naniwa.

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