vineri, 6 septembrie 2019

Until it ends there is no end

”Until it ends there is no end” Am văzut asta în două seriale coreene văzute consecutiv și mi-a dat de gândit. ”Până nu se termină nimic nu e final” aș traduce eu...Îmi place ideea...chiar în cele mai disperate situații, când pare că nu mai e nici o ieșire, nici o salvare, ar putea, cu totul pe neșteptate, să apară o rază de lumină, o răsturnare de situație. Sau, cum se mai zice, Niciodată să nu spui niciodată”. Am dat un search pe Google și am găsit versurile unui cântec interpretat de Cingy Lauper. Mi-a atras atenția un vers din refren: ”We have no past, we won't reach back” ”Nu avem trecut, nu ne întoarcem înapoi”. Mda, cam asta e ”CARPE DIEM” ”TRĂIEȘTE CLIPA” Cântecul poate fi ascultat aici, unde sunt și versurile: All through the night I'll be awake and I'll be with you All through the night This precious time when time is new Oh, all through the night today Knowing that we feel the same without saying We have no past, we won't reach back Keep with me forward all through the night And once we start the meter clicks And it goes running all through the night Until it ends, there is no end All through the night Stray cat is crying so stray cat sings back All through the night They have forgotten what by day they lack Oh under those white street lamps There is a little chance they may see We have no past, we won't reach back Keep with me forward all through the night And once we start the meter clicks And it goes running all through the night Until it ends, there is no end Oh the sleep in your eyes is enough Let me be there let me stay there awhile We have no past, we won't reach back Keep with me forward all through the night And once we start the meter clicks And it goes running all through the night Until it ends there is no end Keep with me forward all through the night And once we start the meter clicks And it goes running all through the night Until it ends there is no end Writer/s: Jules Shear Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Group, Songtrust Ave Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind Și acum un citat din o colecție pe tema ”Ending”: 25. "There is always more after the ending. Always the next morning, and the next. Always changes, losses and gains. Always one step after the other. Until the one true ending that none of us can escape. But even that ending is only a small one, larges as it looms for us. There is still the next morning for everyone else. For the vast majority of the rest of the universe that ending might as well not ever have happened. Every ending is an arbitrary one. Everything ending is from another angle, not really an ending." Ann Leckie,Ancillary Mercy

Și o caracterizare a zodiei mele care se încadrează perfect în temă:

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