miercuri, 4 iunie 2014

Iarba, poem de Kim Su Young

Grass- Su Young Kim

Un poem care vorbeste prin metafore..In el se spune ca iarba zace la pamant ravasita de vant, sub cerul innorat, dar ca se ridica iar. Poemul a fost scris in tipul dictaturii lui Park Jeon Hee, tatal actualei presedinte a Coreei de Sud. Iarba este poporul iar vantul si cerul innorat reprezinta dictatura.

Kim Soo-young (Seoul, 1921 - 1968) a incercat sa scape de armata dar pana la urma a fost inrolat si a cazut prizonier de razboi la nord coreeni dar in 1954 s-a reintors in Seul. A fost nu numai poet, ci si traducator. A murit in urma unui accident de masina.

Daca ar fi sa aplic Teoria Conspiratiei, amintindu-mi cum noi, participantii la protestul din Piata Universitatii in 1990 ne asiguram unii pe altii ca vom fi foarte atenti cand trecem strada, acel accident poate nu a fost intamplator.

풀이 눕는다                                                                     
비를 몰아오는 동풍에 나부껴                                     
풀은 눕고                                                                         
드디어 울었다                                                                 
날이 흐려서 더 울다가                                                    
다시 누었다                                                                      

풀이 눕는다.                                                                    
바람보다도 더 빨리 눕는다                                            
바람보다도 더 빨리 울고                                                
바람보다도 더 빨리 일어난다                                        

날이 흐리고 풀이 눕는다                                              
발목까지 눕는다                                                             
바람보다 늦게 누워도                                                    
바람보다 먼저 일어나고                                                
바람보다 늦게 울어도                                                    
바람보다 먼저 웃는다                                                    
날이 흐리고 풀뿌리가 눕눈다                                        

Grass lies.
Shaken inside the wind from the east with rain
Grass lies
finally cries
Cries more because the weather is cloudy
lies again

Grass lies
lies faster than wind
cries faster than wind
rises faster than wind

The weather is cloudy and grass lies
to the ankle
lies to the ankle
lies after the wind
rises before the wind
cries after the wind
smiles the wind
the weather is cloudy, grass lies.

 This poem is a form of 'participation poem' (in Korean form of classifying poems). It is a poem that criticizes the wrongdoing of the society. When this poem of written, Korea was under the dictatorship of the military government and infamous president Park Jeong Hee. The writer tried to criticize reign of such dictatorship by using a metaphor of grass and wind.

 'Grass' means people of South Korea or their spirit. It lies, it is seldom tormented by wind but in the end it rises again. The cloudy weather and the wind is the metaphor of the cruel government of South Korea. The significant feature of this poem is the attitude of the speaker. Though the content is harsh and very manlike the attitude of the speaker is very femine and calm. (In fact the author is often misknown as woman though he is a man)

Am cautat tablouri avand ca tema iarba si, spre marea mea mirare, am gasit destule, eu m-am limitat aici la 11, unele de Van Gogh.

Vincent Van Gogh--Clumps of Grass 
Vincent van Gogh - Patch of grass

Field of Grass with Flowers and Butterfies by Vincent van Gogh.
Vincent van Gogh--Tree Trunks in the Grass 
Vladimir Vojvodic Trava Kraj Puta
Vladimir Vojvodicv Lazna Trava 
Painting by Audra Ziegel.
Painting by David Jan Curtis

American Grassland by Karen Kitchel
American Grassland by Karen Kitchel--Detail
Blue Grass Valley -- By Allan Chow 2011
Cutting The Hay-Martin Driscoll

Am putea spune ca acest tablou aminteste de alt dictator, Chun Doo Hwan, care, in 18 Mai 1980, a innabusit in sange Miscarea pentru Democratie din Gwangju


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