duminică, 11 mai 2014

Eurovision 2014

N-am urmarit cu atentyie Eurovisionul si nici macar finala nu am prins-o toata. Dar am auzit la un moment dat pe Paula si Ovi spunand, inainte de semifinale,  ca dupa toate probabilitatile, anul acesta castigatoare va fi reprezentanta Austriei, femeia cu barba, Conchita Wurst. Si asa a fost. Dar pana sa se anunte toate notele eram in pragul infarctului cand am vazut ca Romania se instalase, neconfortabil, pe la coada clasamentului. Noroc cu fratii nostri de peste Prut, care ne-au dat maximum de puncte, si alte cateva tari si tarisoare care s-au indurat de noi si asa tara noastra pana la urma a ocupat un loc onorabil.

Ce am remarcat a fost ca Ungaria a fost mai bine cotata iar cand Rusia primea ceva note, destul de mari, in sala se auzea o rumoare si se simtea un curent puternic de antipatie, poate ca si din cauza ca a dorit, impreuna cu Armenia si Belarus,  sa o elimine pe Conchita din concurs. In rest nivelul cantaretilor a fost foarte ridicat, spectacolul a fost unul de exceptie, asa cum trebuie sa fie un spectacol de divertisment.

Daca vreti sa vedeti mai multe poze de la finala mergeti aici

Iata cum arata Conchita:

Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix (Austria) 2014 LIVE Eurovision

Waking in the rubble
Walking over glass
Neighbors say we’re trouble
Well that time has passed
Peering from the mirror
No, that isn’t me
Stranger getting nearer
Who can this person be
You wouldn’t know me at all today
From the fading light I fly

Rise like a phoenix
Out of the ashes
Seeking rather than vengeance
You were warned
Once I’m transformed
Once I’m reborn
You know I will rise like a phoenix

But you’re my flame
Go about your business
Act as if you’re free
No one could have witnessed
What you did to me
Cause you wouldn’t know me today
And you have got to see
To believe
From the fading light I fly

Rise like a phoenix
Out of the ashes
Seeking rather than vengeance
You were warned
Once I’m transformed
Once I’m reborn
I rise up to the sky

You threw me down but
I’m gonna fly
And rise like a phoenix
Out of the ashes
Seeking rather than vengeance
You were warned
Once I’m transformed
Once I’m reborn
You know I will rise like a phoenix
But you’re my flame

Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle (Romania) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014

Ovi: I don't know if it's right
But I got a feeling
And I want to belive
This is magical
Is this what it's like?
Cause i'm starting to feel it
And i want to believe
It's incredible

Paula: If you only knew
All the things I could tell you
We could be dancing with stars
In the night

Ovi: It's so magical
Paula: So magical
Ovi: So beautiful
Paula: So beautiful

Paula &Ovi: It's a miracle
It's a miracle
I can see it now
Paula: All the things I see
Ovi: I think I see them too
Paula: All for you and me
Ovi: Just like a dream come true
Paula: It's so beautiful
Ovi: No one will ever know
Paula&Ovi: It's a miracle

Paula: Now you know that I'm right
And you got that feeling
I told you before
That is Magical

Ovi: Yes it's magical

Paula: Now you know
What it's like
And you're starting to feel it
But you just can't deny
It's incredible

Paula&Ovi: If only I knew
All the things you could tell me
We could be dancing with stars
In the night

Paula &Ovi: It's a miracle
It's a miracle
I can see it now
Paula: All the things I see
Ovi: I think I see them too
Paula: All for you and me
Ovi: Just like a dream come true
Paula: It's so beautiful
Ovi: No one will ever know
Paula &Ovi: It's a mïracle

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