luni, 7 aprilie 2014

The Silence of Love de Han Yong-un

 Sper din tot sufletul ca cititorii mei fideli nu s-au plictisit sa ma astepte si nici nu li s-a aplecat de interesul meu ppentru cultura coreeana. Am gasit o poezie care mi-a placut foarte mult, scrisa de un poet celebru coreean, celebru nu numai prin activitatea sa literara ci mai ales prin cea patriotica si spirituala. 

Omul a fost unul dintre cei mai activi luptatori pentru independenta si suveranitatea Coreei in perioada in care nefericita tara a fost invadata, ocupata si anexata de Japonia. Iistoria destul de recenta (nu a trecut inca un secol de la eliberare) a lasat sechele adanci in sufletul tuturor coreenilor, care isi cnstesc eroii. 
El a devenit la un moment dat calugar budist, a trait in ascetism cativa ani, dar soarta tarii nu l-a lasat indiferent. A fost chiar si inchis pentru activitatea sa, a fost apoi eliberat dar din pacate nu a apucat sa traiasca destul ca sa vada tatra eliberata. 

Poemul de mai jos poate fi interpretat in trei chei

-ca un simplu poem de dragoste
- ca o declaratie menita a recastiga independenta si suveranitatea Coreei
-ca o declaratie de credinta budista.

Este foarte greu de tradus din coreeana, nu odata s-a intamplat sa obtin de la masinile automate de tradus doua poeme complet diferite si, sunt sigura ca daca as avea si o a treia, as obtine trei.  Chiar si cei care traduc literar si stiu foarte bine cele doua limbi utilizate au dificultati, mult mai mari decat traducerile obisnuite. Eu am ales doar doua variante in engleza, dupa una dintre ele am facut propria mea traducere in romana, si m-am bucurat ca exista si varianta in coreeana.

Si pentru ca e vorba totusi de un poem de dragoste, am cautat si un cantec adecvat, am gasit "Nu-ti spun adio" "Is not good bye" splendid interpretat de Laura Pausini, ilustrat cu scene dintr-un serial coreean extraordinar, "Lovers"cu Lee Seo Jin si Kim Jung Eun si cu scene dintr-un film inca si mai emotionant, cu Keanu Reeves si Charlize Theron, "Sweet November "

Nu am mai tradus textul cantecului si nu am inserat videoclipurile.
The Silence of Love. (Nim-ŭi Ch’immuk, 1926)

- Han Yong-un (pseudonim Manhae)

Love is gone, gone is my love.
Tearing himself away from me he has gone
on a little path that stretches in the splendor of
a green hill into the autumn-tinted forest.
Our last oath, shining and enduring
like a gold-mosaicked flower,
has turned to cold ashes, blown away
in the breath of wind.
I remember his poignant first kiss and its memory
has wrought a complete change in my destiny,
then withdrawn into oblivion.
I hear not his sweet voice; I see not his fair looks.
Since it is human to love, I, alert, dreaded a
parting to come when we met.
The separation came so suddenly
it broke my heart with renewed sorrow.
Yet, I know parting can only destroy our love if
it causes futile tears to fall.
I would rather transfer the surge of this sorrow
onto the summit of hopefulness.
As we dread parting when we meet, so,
we promise to meet again when we part.
Though my love is gone, I am not parted from love;

Dragostea mea a plecat, dusa e iubirea mea.
S-a rupt de mine si a plecat departe
pe o cararuie ce serpuieste in splendoarea
unei coline verzi in padurea colorata de toamna.
Ultimul nostru juramant, stralucitor si rabdator
ca o floare aurie,
s-a prefacut in cenusa, si-a zburat
suflat de vant.
Imi amintesc arsura primului lui sarut si amintirea lui
Mi-a schimbat complet destinul
pe urma a disparut in uitare.
Nu-i mai aud vocea dulce, nu-i mai vad pletele blonde.
Pentru ca e omenesc sa iubesc, mi-a fost teama
de despartire chiar de cand ne-am intalnit.
Separarea a venit atat de brusc
incat mi-a frant inima de suparare iar si iar.
Totusi, stiu ca despartirea poate doar sa ne distruga dragostea
daca face sa curga lacrimi inutile.
Mai degraba as trasforma valul acesta de suparare
intr-un pisc plin de speranta.
Si asa cum ne-am temut ca ne vom desparti cand ne-am intalnit
ne promitem sa ne reintalnim cand ne despartim.
Desi iubirea mea e dusa, eu nu m-am despartit de iubire.

A second version of this poem is also available as My Lord’s Silence, expressing deep religious (Buddhist) faith. I am pleased to provide it here for our Readers & Followers.

님의 침묵(沈默):My Lord’s Silence

님은 갔습니다. 아아, 사랑하는 나의 님은 갔습니다. 푸른 산빛을 깨치고 단풍나무 숲을 향하여 난 작은 길을 걸어서 차마 떨치고 갔습니다. 황금(黃金)의 꽃같이 굳고 빛나든 옛 맹서(盟誓)는 차디찬 티끌이 되어서 한숨의 미풍(微風)에 날아갔습니다.

My Lord has gone. O, my dear Lord has left.
Breaking away the azure color of hills, my Lord has departed on foot
On the tiny trail toward maple woods, hesitantly dragging himself away.
The age-old oath, firm and gleaming like golden flowers, turned to chaff
And with a of sigh of breeze, it was blown away.

날카로운 첫 키스의 추억(追憶)은 나의 운명(運命)의 지침(指針)을 돌려 놓고, 뒷걸음쳐서 사라졌습니다. 나는 향기로운 님의 말소리에 귀먹고, 꽃다운 님의 얼굴에 눈멀었습니다.

The memory of a jolting first kiss that changed the direction of my fate,
Now has disappeared, walking backward.
My eyes and ears were numbed by your sweet words and flowery face.

사랑도 사람의 일이라, 만날 때에 미리 떠날 것을 염려하고 경계하지 아니한 것은 아니지만, 이별은 뜻밖의 일이 되고, 놀란 가슴은 새로운 슬픔에 터집니다

For love is a human affair, about parting I was nor unwary nor without caution.
Yet my Lord’s departure was sudden, and my startled heart burst into sorrow.

그러나 이별을 쓸데없는 눈물의 원천(源泉)을 만들고 마는 것은 스스로 사랑을 깨치는 것인 줄 아는 까닭에, 걷잡을 수 없는 슬픔의 힘을 옮겨서 새 희망(希望)의 정수박이에 들어부었습니다.

Even so, for I know letting this parting ‘bootless source of tears’
Might itself blight the spirit of my love,
I changed gear of the force in this unbearable sorrow
And poured it into the scoop of “Hope”.

우리는 만날 때에 떠날 것을 염려하는 것과 같이, 떠날 때에 다시 만날 것을 믿습니다. 아아, 님은 갔지마는 나는 님을 보내지 아니하였습니다.

As we care about parting when we meet, so do we believe in “reunion” when we part.
Ah, my Lord has left, yet I’ve not sent him.

제 곡조를 못 이기는 사랑의 노래는 님의 침묵(沈默)을 휩싸고 돕니다.

The melodious love tune, not able to overcome its own rhyme
Just circles around in My Lord’s Silence.
Lovers - it's not goodbye
Laura Pausini

Now what if I never kiss your lips again
Or feel the touch of your sweet embrace
How would I ever go on?
Without you there's no place to belong

Well someday love is going to lead you back to me
But till it does I'll have an empty heart
So I'll just have to believe
Some where out there you're thinkin' of me

Till the day I let you go
Until we say our next hello its not goodbye
Till I see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
There will be no tears to cry on down the road
There is one thing I can't deny its not goodbye

You think I'd be strong enough to make it through
And rise above when the rain falls down
But its so hard to be strong
When you've been missing somebody so long

Its just a matter of time I'm sure
Well time takes time and I can't hold on
So won't you try as hard as you can
Put my broken heart together again?

Till the day I let you go
Until we say our next hello its not goodbye
Till I see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
There will be no tears to cry on down the road
There is one thing I can't deny its not goodbye

Hey, yeah its not goodbye, ooh

Till the day I'll let you go
Until we say our next hello its not goodbye
Till I see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
There will be no tears to cry on down the road
And I can't deny it's, not goodbye

Till the day I'll let you go
Until we say our next hello its not goodbye
Till I see you
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
There will be no tears to cry on down the road
And I can't deny it's, not goodbye

It's, not goodbye
No more tears to cry
Its not goodbye

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