sâmbătă, 23 noiembrie 2013

Over the hills and far away

"Una dintre prietenele mele de pe fb, Birgit, m-a etichetat intr-o postare in care recomanda o formatie de rock finlandeza, Nightwish, cu un cantec intunecat, intitulat "The Phantom of the Opera". Dar nu despre fantome vreau eu sa vorbesc aici ci despre un alt cantec al formatiei, intitulat Over the hills and far away". Numele cantecului imi suna foarte cunoscut, povestea spusa de Nightwish e un soi de balada despre o istorie de dragoste romantica si cam imorala, in care eroul e incarcerat cu o acuzatie falsa de talharie si el isi accepta soarta pentru ca nu are alibi si nu poate divulga secretul, ca a petrecut noaptea cu sotia celui mai bun prieten. Omul e condamnat la 10 ani inchisoare si in tot acest timp cei doi indragostiti asteapta cu rabdare ziua eliberarii.

 They came for him one winter's night.
Arrested, he was bound.
They said there'd been a robbery,
his pistol had been found.

They marched him to the station house,
he waited for the dawn.
And as they led him to the dock,
he knew that he'd been wronged.
"You stand accused of robbery,"
he heard the bailiff say.
He knew without an alibi,
tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
for ten long years he'll count the days.
Over the mountains and the seas,
a prisoner's life for him there'll be.

He knew that it would cost him dear,
but yet he dare not say.
Where he had been that fateful night,
a secret it must stay.
He had to fight back tears of rage.
His heartbeat like a drum.
For with the wife of his best friend,
he spent his final night of freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
he swears he will return one day.
Far from the mountains and the seas,
back in her arms he swear he'll be.
Over the hills and far away.

Over the hills and, over the hills and,
over the hills and far away.

Each night within his prison cell,
he looks out through the bars.
He reads the letters that she wrote.
One day he'll know the taste of freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
she prays he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
back in his arms he swears she'll be.

Over the hills and far away,
he swears he will return one day.
far from the mountains and the seas,
back in her arms is where he'll be.

Over the hills and far away,
she prays he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
back in his arms is where she'll be.

Over the hills,
over the hills and far away.

Over the hills,
over the hills and far away.

Oricat de romantic este cantecul lui Nightwish, nu are nimic de-a-face cu ce imi plutea prin minte, si anume ca e vorba de un cantec traditional englez, care s-a pastrat pana in zilele noastre si era cantat de trupele engleze in timpul razboiului. Si intr-adevar Wikipedia ne furnizeaza doua versiuni ale acestui cantec una fiind un cantec de dragoste si alta cea ostaseasca, ale carei  versuri le voi copia aici:

Our 'prentice Tom may now refuse
To wipe his scoundrel Master's Shoes,
For now he's free to sing and play
Over the Hills and far away.
Over the Hills and O'er the Main,
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
The queen commands and we'll obey
Over the Hills and far away.
We all shall lead more happy lives
By getting rid of brats and wives
That scold and bawl both night and day -
Over the Hills and far away.
Over the Hills and O'er the Main,
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
The queen commands and we'll obey
Over the Hills and far away.
Courage, boys, 'tis one to ten,
But we return all gentlemen
All gentlemen as well as they,
Over the hills and far away.
Over the Hills and O'er the Main,
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
The queen commands and we'll obey
Over the Hills and far away.

Dar eu mai stiam ceva despre acest titlu, si anume ca ar avea ceva legaturi cu J J R Tolkien. Si nu m-am inselat, un cantec al formatiei Led Zeppelin a fost inspirat, foarte pe departe, de un poem al acestui scriitor atat de drag nu doar mie, ci si atator altora.

"Over The Hills And Far Away"
Hey lady--you got the love I need
Maybe more than enough.
Oh Darling... walk a while with me
You've got so much...

Many have I loved - Many times been bitten
Many times I've gazed along the open road.

Many times I've lied - Many times I've listened
Many times I've wondered how much there is to know.

Many dreams come true and some have silver linings
I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold.

Mellow is the man who knows what he's been missing
Many many men can't see the open road.

Many is a word that only leaves you guessing
Guessing 'bout a thing you really ought to know, ooh!
You really ought to know... 
Bineinteles  ca pe net exista tot felul de lucruri interesante, trebuie doar sa le cauti, si de cele mai multe ori le si gasesti, cum ar fi poemul lui Tolkien, cu elfi si peisaje de vis :

Over Old Hills and Far Away was a poem written by J.R.R. Tolkien in 1915.

"It was early and still in the night of June,
And few were the stars, and far was the moon,
The drowsy trees drooping, and silently creeping
Shadows woke under them while they were sleeping.

I stole to the window with stealthy tread
Leaving my white and unpressed bed;
And something alluring, aloof and queer,
Like perfume of flowers from the shores of the mere
That in Elvenhome lies, and in starlit rains
Twinkles and flashes, came up to the panes
Of my high lattice-window. Or was it a sound?
I listened and marveled with eyes on the ground.
For there came from afar a filtered note
Enchanting sweet, now clear, now remote,
As clear as a star in a pool by the reeds,
As faint as the glimmer of dew on the weeds.

Then I left the window and followed the call
Down the creaking stairs and across the hall
Out through a door that swung tall and grey,
And over the lawn, and away, away!

It was Tinfang Warble that was dancing there,
Fluting and tossing his old white hair,
Till it sparkled like frost in a winter moon;
And the stars were about him, and blinked to his tune
Shimmering blue like sparks in a haze,
As always they shimmer and shake when he plays.

My feet only made there the ghost of a sound
On the shining white pebbles that ringed him round,
Where his little feet flashed on a circle of sand,
And the fingers were white on his flickering hand.
In the wink of a star he had leapt in the air
With his fluttering cap and his glistening hair;
And had cast his long flute right over his back,
Where it hung by a ribbon of silver and black.

His slim little body went fine as a shade,
And he slipped through the reeds like mist in the glade;
And laughed like thin silver, and piped a thin note,
As he flapped in the shadows his shadowy coat.
O! the toes of his slippers were twisted and curled,
But he danced like a wind out into the world.

He is gone, and the valley is empty and bare
Where lonely I stand and lonely I stare.
Then suddenly out in the meadows beyond,
Then back in the reeds by the shimmering pond,
Then afar from a copse were the mosses are thick
A few little notes came a trillaping quick.

I leapt o’er the stream and I sped from the glade,
For Tinfang Warble it was that played;
I must follow the hoot of his twilight flute
Over reed, over rush, under branch, over root,
And over dim fields, and through rustling grasses
That murmur and nod as the old elf passes,
Over old hills and far away
Where the harps of the Elvenfolk softly play."

Si daca tot m-am pornit pe copiat versuri in engleza si ma amintit de formatii rock si cantece ostasesti, iata unul foarte patriotic, indiferent care e patria aceea, care incepe cu o referire la antica expresie "pe scut sau cu scut" adica mort sau invingator, interpretat de Man of War.
Manowar - Die With Honor

If I Should Return
With My Body On My Shield
Tell My Son I Chose To Die Than Yield
Though My Life May Soon Be Gone
I Hope You'll Carry On
Remember Me As One Who Would Not Kneel

Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
Into Glory We Shall Ride

I am Driven On In The Face Of All Despair
Trust In Steel You Will Find Me There
A Sinner's Fate Awaits Me
But My Vision Guides Me On
I Will Not Stray
From The Path I'm Set Upon

I'll Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
Into Glory We Shall Ride

If I Do Not Return
Bring My Body On My Shield
Tell My Son I Chose To Die
I Chose To Die Than Yield

Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride

Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride

Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
I'll Die Fighting
With My Brothers Side By Side

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