vineri, 10 mai 2013

Love story--Daniel Del Orfano

Cateodata simt nevoia sa fac un fel de fotoreportaj. De data asta am ales doua picturi de Daniel del Orfano si o fotografie postata de un prieten drag al meu, Kang Jang-won 강장원

Sigur, era frumos daca fata din poza treia avea tot o rochie rosie, dar deh, nu am photoshop (si deci nici nu am idee daca ar fi posibil sa schimb culaorea rochiei), am lucrat cu "materialul clientului", ca sa zic asa
Eh, dar uite ca m-am grabit cu povestea dar nu m-am multumit doar cu ce am gasit pe fb...Ori artistul are o activitate mai ampla, iar umbrela asta rosie mai are multe povesti de spus. Dar pana sa ajung la povesti, hai sa va spun cate ceva despre artist.

altDANIEL DEL ORFANO — Born and raised on Long Island, New York, Daniel decided to stay close to his roots and attend Dowling College in Oakdale, NY.  There he received his BFA in Art Education and was teaching full time by the fall of 2001.  After teaching at the prestigious Knox Boarding School, Daniel took a position in the public school system where he taught art to children of all ages.  Though extremely rewarding, this was not his true calling.  It was at this time Daniel decided to divert his attention from teaching art to creating art, and in the summer of 2005, he formed The Renaissance Workshop.  Specializing in all things art, The Renaissance Workshop gave Daniel the opportunity to expand his horizons, creatively.
As demand for commissioned work increased, Daniel began developing his expressive style, implementing techniques that emphasized texture over realism.  Though the work depicted realistic scenes, the effects produced an almost ethereal feeling.  The imagery began to take a back seat to the memory of which the image represented. 
Daniel Del Orfano’s work depicts life, not as it may be, but more as it is remembered- a snapshot, not of a particular moment but of an overall memory.

Nascut si crescut in  Long Island, New York, Danieldel Orfano a hotarat sa ramana aproape de radacinile sale si a mers la Dowling College in Oakdale, NY. Acolo a absolvit Art Education si a devenit profesor cu norma intreaga (mare lucru, americanii prefera sa angajeze temporar, e mai ieftin) inca din toamna lui 2001. Dupa ce a predat la prestigioasa Knox Boarding School s-a angajat in sistemul public si de atunci preda arta copiilor de orice varsta. Desi era foarte apreciat, nu asta era adevarata lui menire. Si atunci si-a indreptat atentia de la predare la crearea de arta, si in 2005 a format The Renaissance Workshop. Specializat in tot ce priveste arta, The Renaissance Workshop i-a dat lui Daiel posibitatea sa isi largeasca in mod vreativ orizonturile.
Pe masura ce au crescut comenzile Daniel a inceput sa isi dezvolte un stil expresiv, implementand tehnici care sa adanceasca mai degraba textura decat realismul. Desi a pictat scene realiste, efectele au produs un sentiment aproape eteric. Imaginea a inceput sa ocupe un loc secundar in amintirile pe care le reprezenta pictura.
Picturile lui Daniel del Orfano reprezinta viata, dar nu asa cum ar trebui sa fie, ci mai degraba cum se pastreaza in amintire, un instantaneu, nu al unui moment anume ci a unei intregi amintiri.

Un loc important in tablourile pe care le-am gasit pe net il ocupa umbrela rosie care se afla si in povestea de mai sus, o sa va convingeti imediat.

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