joi, 30 mai 2013

Ganduri---de la Editor Bob

Primesc de ani de zile newsletter de la Editor Bob. Nu  apuc sa le citesc pe toate dar nu a existat una sa nu imi placa. Iata cum arata cea mai recenta (traducerea e ceva mai libera, unii ii spun adaptare):

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

Every week starts with hope. It gives us a chance to get back to happier times or continue the streak of joy that was there all week. Choice is ours. Most of us become complacent with the amount of joy that is already there in our life that we forget to work on the factors that brought us to this happy place and thereby, losing the happiness and wondering why! This ignorance is unacceptable if you want your joyful days to continue… And that’s precisely the reason why I continue sending you my blogs and newsletters to maintain the joyful streak that we share!

Dragi frati, surori si prieteni

Fiecare sapatamana care incepe e plina de sperante. Ne da sansa de a ne intoarce la timpuri mai fericite sau sa continuam cu seria de bucurii de care am avut parte toata saptamana trecuta. Alegerea e a noastra. Multi devenim atat de multumiti de cata bucurie avem deja in viata incat uitam sa ne mai ocupam de factorii care ne-au adus in acest loc fericit si atunci pierdem fericirea si ne minunam de ce. Acesta ignoranta este inacceptabila daca vreti ca zilele voastre voioase sa continuie....Si exact asta e motivul pentru care continui sa va trimit blogul si scrisorile, ca sa mentin seria asta plina de bucurie pe care o impartim!

 International Children's Day [June 1]

What's more divine than anything else in this whole wide world?

What's more beautiful than anything else in this whole wide world?

What's the most amazing sight than anything else in this whole wide world?

What makes you forget all the sadness that you carried than anything else in this whole wide world?

It is the child's smile. When they smile, everything is alright with the world. Such beautiful beings who don't know right from wrong, but can turn any situation into happiness.

They have a day for themselves and that's International Children's Day. What are you waiting for? Go celebrate!

Ziua Internationala a Copilului 1 iunie

Ce alceva e mai divin in toata lumea cea mare?

Ce atceva e mai frumos in toata lumea cea mare?

Care alta imagine e mai uimitoare in toata lumea cea mare?

Ce altceva te face sa uiti orice tristete in toata lumea cea mare?

Nimic altceva decat zambetul copilului.  Cand copiii zambesc totul este in regula in lume. Sunt niste fiinte atat de frumoase care nu pot deosebi ce e corect de ce e gresit, dar care pot sa faca orice situatie sa fie fericita.

Ei au o zi a lor si anume Ziua Internationala a Copilului. Ce mai asteptati? Sarbatoriti-o!

Love Conquers All Day [June 3]

If our heart stops beating, life ceases to exist. And there it ends. The sorrow is not for us, but for our loved ones. If heart is just made up of all those things that biology taught us then we would just be like any other non living thing, but for an emotion called love which you can't find in any science books. Even Medicine is practiced by human beings with emotions.

There is nothing more tender than love. There is nothing more inspirational than love. If there is love, there needs to be nothing else.

Love gives you wings, love gives you that extra push to excel and love makes a monumental task look pedestrian.

That is the power of love.

And that is why even God is associated with love.

Ziua in care Iubirea cucereste totul 3 iunie

Daca vi se opreste inima, viata inceteaza. Si asta este sfarsitul. Nu noi suferim, ci cei pe care ii iubim (si care ne iubesc). Daca inima este facuta doar din acele chestii pe care le invatam la biologie, atunic noi am fi ca orice alt lucru fara viata, dar exista o emotie numita iubire care nu poate fi gasita in nici o carte de stiinta. Chiar si Medicina este practicata de oameni cu emotie.

Nu e nimic mai tandru decat iubirea. Nimic nu ne ofera mai multa  inspiratie mai mult decat iubirea. Daca avem iubire nu mai avem nevoie de nimic altceva. 

Iubirea ne da aripi, ne da acel imbold in plus ca sa excelam si iubirea face ca o sarcina monumentala (extrem de grea) sa para floare la ureche.

Asta este puterea dragostei.

Si de aceea chiar si Dumnezeu este asociat cu dragostea.


If love gives you wings then friendship makes sure that you fly right and is always there to keep you from falling. That's the power of friendship.

No one is alone in this world if he or she has a friend.

One single solitary friend is all you need to make yourself feel like being in a family, in love and to feel alive.

Friendship gives you strength and when all else fails, it stands by you.

Never underestimate the value of friendship. This priceless relationship is a thankless relationship often taken for granted.

Don't make that mistake. Ever.


Daca dragostea va da aripi atunci prietenia va asigura ca zburati corect si este totdeauna gata sa ve fereasca de cadere. Asta este puterea prieteniei.

Nimeni nu este singur in aceasta lume daca are un/o prieten/a.

Un singur prieten este tot ce aveti nevoie ca sa va simtiti ca in familie, ca sunteti iubiti si ca traiti.

Prietenia va da putere si cand totul se prabuseste, sta alaturi de voi.

Niciodata sa nu subestimati valoarea prieteniei. Acesta relatie nepretuita este o relatie despre care credem ca ni se cuvine si ca nu trebuie sa ii multumim.

Niciodata sa nu faceti o asemenea greseala.


Never listen to what the world says. Yes. People around you try to put you down with their judgment of you, don't listen to them. They don't know you. You know yourself better than anyone else.

You know your strengths and you know your weaknesses. No one else has even an idea who you are.

Do not listen to their solutions or other discouraging remarks that try to put you down.

Do not listen to that ever.

Respect your self-confidence and maintain your self-respect.  

Inspiratia. (Intelepciunea)

Niciodata sa nu ascultati (sa nu luati in seama) la ce spune lumea. Da. Cei din jur incerca sa va doboare (coboare) judecandu-va, nu ii ascultati. Ei nu va cunosc. Voi va cunoasteti mai bine ca oricine.

Va cunoasteti punctele forte si slabiciunile. Nimeni altcineva nu are idee cine sunteti (cu adevarat).

Nu ascultati solutiile lor sau alte rmarci descurajante care incearca sa va coboare (in ochii lor si ai vostri).

Niciodata sa nu ascultati asa ceva.

Respectati-va increderea in sine si mentineti-va autorespectul. 

Take care,
Editor Bob

Aveti grija de voi.
Editor Bob 

Editor, 123Greetings

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