joi, 28 martie 2013

Hwan Jin Yi si Seo Gyeong-deok

Una din marile bucurii pe care mi-a oferit-o fb a fost sa devin prietena cu un poet si pictor coreean, Kang Chang Won (sau Gang Jang Won, in alta transcriere), despre care am luat cunostinta de pe un post pe wallul prietenului plecat cam de multisor de pe fb, dr Hong. Imi plac foarte mult picturile sale, in stil traditional coreean, si m-am bucurat tare cand a inceput sa imi puna tag (eticheta) la ele, fiind printre putinle persoane vestice careia ii face o asemenea favoare. Din pacate pentru el, cum am spus si in articolul. Una din acele zile, momentan e pedepsit de fb sa nu poata pune taguri, asa ca omul a inceput sa publice niste memorii de calatorie din Germania din care nu pricep mare lucru (el nu prea stie engleza, sper ca totusi intelege ce comentez eu acolo) si alte lucruri, foarte interesante.

Intre postarile sale este si una cu un dans traditional, care mi-a amintit de un serial difuzat si la noi, avand-o pe Ha Ji Won in rolul principal, serial numit Hwan Jin Yi. N-am prea avut rabdare sa urmaresc serialul, mamita incepuse sa isi manifeste neplacerea produsa de dragostea mea pt aceste seriale prin diferite moduri: imi intrerupea sonorul, schimba canalul sau chiar inchidea televizorul pur si simplu. Deh, viata la 91 de ani nu e simpla deloc. Totusi am inteles ca tanara a devenit gisaeng, echivalentul coreean al gheiselor japoneze, si a stapanit atat de bine arta dansului incat a devenit o virtuoasa in acesta arta. O virtuoasa e si dansatoarea din videoclipul postat de prietenul meu, dansatoare numita Hong, Eun - Ju.

Ceea ce e insa interesant este ca ceva mai tarziu pritenul meu a postat un tablou, care cred ca e pictat de el. insotit de un poem care vorbeste ceva despre singuratate, anxietate si muzica, Am sa-l copiez in coreeana, dar si traducerile facute de masini, ca sa vedeti cam cum ma inteleg eu cu prietenii astia ai mei:


다중 속 외로움이
저물어 쓸쓸한 밤
종이배에 접어둔
허기진 그리움을
흐르는 물에
별빛 함께 띄울까

구멍 없는 피리 불고
줄 없는 거문고를
듣는이 없건마는
혼자서 흥얼흥얼
속 타는
시름에 겨워 

삼절 무(三絶 舞)를 추느니

Multiple in loneliness
Ask me lonely night
Fold a paper boat based
Satisfy lyrics
In Miri
Flowing water
Starlight would float with

Blowing a flute with no holes
Do not give the harp
Hearing this, whether the
Let alone humming humming
Inside ride
Sick on Bornholm
3 clause (san jue wu) Chu;

Bing Translator

Multi loneliness in
Sunset lonely night
Wrote a paper boat in the fold
Hungry longing
In flowing water
How starlight, float along

Blowing a flute without holes
Stringed harps
Listening to passengers, Obama
Alone hum hum
In the burning
Anxiety comers
Third stanza radish (三绝 舞) than to add to


Eu am invatat sa ignor tampeniile cu Obama si altele asemenea si sa sesizez ceea ce mi se pare mie ca e esenta poemului, ce sentiment vrea poetul sa trasnmita... 
Sub fotografie cineva a pus un lung comentariu, pornind de la ultima propozitie, aceea pe care a tradus-o Google cu stanza radish, adica ceva cu ridichea. N-am inteles eu mare lucru nici din acel f lung comentariu, dar ceva e clar, e vorba de un anume Seo Gyeong-deok care a trait intre anii 1489-1546. Si am inceput sa caut alte surse, care sa ma lamureasca mai bine despre cine este vorba. Motorul de cautare Google se dovedeste nepretuit in asemenea cazuri si m-a indrumat spre un blog de unde am aflat ca exista o anecdota faimoasa cum ca ar fi rezistat farmecelor lui Hwan Jin asa ca e interesant? Mai mult, pe blog exista si niste fotografii, una fiind chiar f tulburatoare:
Autorul se numeste Kim Eun Ho 1892-1979 In plus sub acel articol despre Seo Gyeong-deok este un altul, despre Hwan Jin Yi...Am cautat mai departe si am gasit si eu un lung articol despre acest filozof neo-confucianist din epoca joseon, din care n-am inteles mare lucru, dar macar am priceput ca s-a ocupat cu foarte multe lucruri serioase, intre altele si cu stiintele maturii, ceea ce ar explica, zic eu, prezenta pasarii in tablourile de mai sus. In al doilea tablou sta sub un pin, simbolul longevitatii la orientali. Pana o sa invat insa coreeana ma voi multumi cu engleza, draga de Wikipedia il pomeneste si ea pe filozoful cel batran, e drept ca foarte pe scurt, la discipoli aparand Hwang Jin-i - Korean poetess and artist.

Cine cauta gaseste...asa ca si eu am gasit niste versuri ale renumitei kisaeng Hwang Jin Yi, traduse in engleza:

Oh that I might capture the essence of this deep midwinter night
And fold it softly into the waft of a spring-moon quilt,
Then fondly uncoil it the night my beloved returns.

Hwang Chin'i's pen name was Myongwol, meaning Bright  (or Full) Moon. Hwang's reference to  a spring moon is most likely a reference to herself.

Oh, what have I done, I should have known what he meant to me.
If I had asked him to stay, I know he would never have gone.
Stubborn, I sent him away, so now I must pay the penalty.

This verse is sometimes attributed to King Songjong (r. 1470-1494). in which case it might be an expression of regret over the dismissal of one of his ministers.

Ei, dar nu numai gheisa coreeana a scris poeme de dragoste, ci si maestrul sau, aflat pe acelasi site, dar cu o transcriere diferita a numelui, Sŏ Kyŏngdŏk...exista acolo si un poem al sau tradus in engleza, precum si o foarte scurta biografie:

Sŏ Kyŏngdŏk lived in or near Kaesong, the capital city of Chosŏn (Korea). He was a scholar who managed to avoid political life, not an easy thing to do in those days. A gifted scholar, he spent his life studying and writing in the areas of literature, phonetics and Confucian philosophy. One of his pupils was Korea's most famous female sijo poet, Hwang Chin'i, a kisaeng entertainer (similar to a geisha) in Kaesong. Unfortunately, only two of his sijo have come down to us. His pen name was Hwadam (Flowery Pool).

Mind, I have a question for you —
How is it you stay so young?
As the years pile up on my body,
you too should grow old.
Oh, if I followed your lead, Mind,
I would be run out of town.

M-am cam grabit sa inchei articolul pentru ca iata, cu ajutorul acestei ultime trascrieri a numelui vestitului filozof, Sŏ Kyŏngdŏk, am inceput sa gasesc date in engleza despre el...Provenind dintr-o familie modesta a dus o viata saracacioasa, refuzand nenumarate oferte de posturi guvernamentale. Era un auto-didact care s-a ocupat atat de studiul naturii, cat si, mai ales de probleme filozofice. A studiat mult forta vitala, materiala,  (Kor., ki; Chin., qi) care nu are inceput sau sfarsit, numita Suprema Vacuitate, Neantul, (Kor., t'ae ho; Chin., tai xu) din care izvoraste tot ul si in care se intoarce totul dupa moarte. Numele onorific al acestui filozof este Hwadam.

Am mai gasit cateva poeme ale lui Hwan Jin Yi intr-un lung articol care citeaza documente despre viata ei, documente care insa au fost scrise dupa ce a trecut deja in alta dimensiune, conform filozofiei neo-confucianiste.

Primul face referire la povestea care sta la baza serbarii Tanahata, despre care am vorbit in alta parte, fiind vorba desppre doi indragostiti,. Altair si Vega,  care au fost despartiti de raul Caii Lactee si au voie sa se intalneasca o singura data pe an, trecand pe un pod format de cotofene.

 “Song to the Half-moon.”

Who cut Kullyun jade
into a comb for Chingnyŏ’s hair?
Now that Kyŏnu has gone,
it hangs fretful in the blue sky.

In acest poem pieptanul de jad exprima sentimentele indragostitilor, dar ar putea fi si o aluzie la statutul de kisaeng al autoarei.


Sixth month, full moon.
I follow a while
the comb cast from the cliff,
in the hope my love will look back.
Ah, ah tong-dong-da-ri

Un frumos poem de dragoste si despartire a fost scris de Hwang Jin-Yi pentru iubitul ei  So Seyang, “Farewell to So Yanggok"

Paulownia leaves fall in the moonlight;
wild chrysanthemums are yellow in the frost.
The pavilion reaches within a foot of heaven;
drunk, we’ve supped a thousand cups.
The flowing water is shivery as the kŏmun’go ;
plum fragrance suffuses the p’iri pipe.
In the morning we part,
but our love will be as long as the blue waves.

Am sa mai copiez si alte poeme:

Parting from Kim Kyŏngwŏn

We are an ideal couple bound through the generations;
each heart knows the living and dying of the other.
I won’t renege on the flower pledge we made in Yangju;
my only fear is that like Du Mu-zhi you’ll go away.

“Dream of Fond Lovers

Fond lovers’ assignations are predicated entirely on dreams,
but when boy visits girl, girl has gone to visit boy.
My wish is that in all our future dreams
we set out at the same time and meet along the way.

"Small White-pine Boat”

That small white-pine boat afloat on the water,
how many years has it been tied to blue waves?
When men to come ask who crossed first, tell them:
a great lord, one skilled in letters and arms.


The old dynasty tints the snow;
the bell coldly tolls the voice of that ancient land.
Anguished, I stand alone on south pavilion,
the castle ruin fragrant with evening mist.

“Fond Thoughts of Full Moon Terrace”  

sunset on the towering trees makes men sad.
Misty twilight’s chill is what remains of the monk’s dream;
the good times have shattered against the pagoda top.
The golden phoenix has fled; only sparrows come and go.
Cattle and goats graze where azaleas flourished.
Remember the glory days of Pine Ridge Mountain;
who could have known that spring would feel like fall.

“Pag’yŏn Falls”:

A streaming jet spews out of rock valley;
a hundred feet of booming water forms a dragon pool.
The tumbling spume is like the Milky Way;
a white rainbow forms across the angry spill.
The thunder of cascading water floods the village;
shattered jade dusts the air.
You folks at play, don’t say Lu Shan is best;
don’t you know Crystal Sky crowns the East Coast.

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