joi, 21 februarie 2013

Lectia de Coreeana 18 Un cantec vesel sa cantam

Profesorul nostru s-a tinut de cuvant si ne-a pus iar un cantec ilustrat cu un desen animat. Din pacate nu inteleg absolut nimic din ce vrea sa spuna cantecul. desi Raoul Teacher s-a straduit din rasputeri sa ne faca sa pricepem cate ceva. E vorba parca de o poveste chinezeasca cu un rege aici s-a rupt firul...Nu mai invat eu coreeana asa...

Dar nu m-am lasat pana nu am gasit (cred eu) cate ceva despre filmuletul de desene animate din care profesorul ne-a prezentat bucatica cea vesela. Fin'ca e tarziu in naopte si presupun ca cei care au ajuns pana aici stiu si ei engleza o sa copiez din Wikipedia

Dragon Ball: Ssawora Son Goku, Igyeora Son Goku (Hangul: 드래곤볼 싸워라 손오공 이겨라 손오공; RR: Deuraegon Bor Ssawora Son o gong, Igyeora Son o gong) (lit. Dragon Ball: Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku) is an unofficial, unlicensed live-action Korean film adaptation of the manga series Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama. It was directed by Ryong Wang and was released on December 12, 1990. The movie follows the original Dragon Ball story, and does so more closely than The Magic Begins. This live action adaption from Korea adopts the events of the Emperor Pilaf Saga and a little of the Vegeta Saga, as Nappa makes an appearance in this film.

Candva, cand o sa ma eu timp (probabil in alta viata) o sa citesc cu atentie ce scrie in Wikipedia despre acesta manga care este
 one of the most successful manga and anime series of all time. The manga's 42 volumes have sold over 156 million copies in Japan and more than 230 million copies worldwide, making it the second best-selling series in manga history. Reviewers have praised the art, characterization, and humor of the story. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest manga series ever made

Published on Feb 20, 2013
ᆞ18.Korean Basic-Fun Song (미스터 손)

치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
나쁜 짓을 하면은,
(=If you do a bad thing,)

치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
우리에게 들키지.
(=we will notice it soon.)

밤에도 낮에도
(=Day and night)
느낄 수 있는 눈과 귀가 있다네.
(=The eyes and ears can feel it.)
우리의 손오공.
(=Our Son Oh Gong)

치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
사랑하며 살면은,
(=If you live loving others,)

치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
치키치키 차카차카 초코초코촉
(=chikichiki chakachaka chocochoco chok)
평화가 올거야.
(=The peace will come.)
Explicatiile profesorului sunt destul de interesante, desi se plange si el ca l-a apucat ora 2:00 din noapte lucrand la lectie (pe mine m-a apucat ora 4:00 AM incercand sa ajung la zi)

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