vineri, 26 octombrie 2012

Pui Gong Bao--Varianta variantei

Stiti ca imi place din cand in cand sa experimentez. Zilele trecute cand am fost la supermarket am vazut intr-o vitrina frigorifica un pachet cu inscriptia Pui Gong Bao

Mi-am zis "Ia sa vad despre ce e vorba". Dar cum noi suntem trei meseni iar acolo era o singura portie, si mai aveam si o oarecare experienta din Cork cu mancaruri orientale extrem de iuti, am mai cumparat si niste ciuperci (pentru facut la cuptor), cativa morcovi si patru pulpe de pui. 

Ciupercile le-am ales sa aiba palariile inchise, pt ca se spala mai usor, nemai-imbibandu-se lamelele cu apa, le-am taiat excesul de picioruse pe care le-am pus deoparte pt puiul GB, si le-am gatit imediat la cuptor asezandu-le pe o hartie de copt si presarand pe fiecare un pic de ulei.

A doua zi am taiat carnea de pui fasiute f subtiri, piciorusele de ciuperci rondele fine iar morcovul julien, adica un fel de betisoare de chibrit. Mai aveam uitate pe undeva niste masline negre (pregatite de sotul meu pt mers in Delta, dar dupa cum stiti nu a mai fost sa fie) pe care le-am taiat in sferturi. 

Am incins niste ulei in tigaie si am pus pe rand la inabusit puiul (zic inabusit si nu prajit pt ca puii de la magazin au multa apa in compozitie, sunt injectati special), morcovii, ciupercile si maslinele. Am mai pus la un moment dat cam un sfert de cana de apa. Totul s-a inmuiat f repede. Am presarat si niste piper si la masa am impartit continutul caserolei intre noi si am facut acelasi lucru si cu  preparatul meu. Cum am banuit, puiul GB era cumplit de iute (in Cork pachetele respective sunt etichetate in functie de intensitatea iutelii cu unul sau mai multi ardei iuti, la noi nici vorba, cum iti e norocul).

Am cautat pe net reteta puiului Gong Bao. Undeva am gasit ca se cheama Kung Pao, dupa numele unui general, dar ca revolutionarii chinezi i-ar fi chimbat numele in Gong Bao. Mai probabil insa ca acolo unde am gasit o reteta mai abordabila, pe care o sa o copiez in engleza, informatia ca numele GB e folosit de vestici e mai exacta.

Gong Bao Chicken Recipe/Kung Pao Chicken Recipe 宫保鸡丁/宫爆鸡丁 食谱 - with step-by-step photos. (astea le cautati voi, eu nu le mai descarc pana nu imi curat downloaderul de troianul care l-a infectat, in schimb sus vedeti o poza luata din alta parte)

English Name : Gong Bao Chicken
Other English Names : Kung Pao Chicken, Kung Po Chicken, Kung Pow Chicken etc
Chinese Name : 宫保鸡丁 / 宫爆鸡丁
Traditional Chinese Name : 宮保雞丁, 宮爆雞丁, 宮保鷄丁, 宮爆鷄丁
Mandarin PinYin : gōng bǎo jī dīng (gong1 bao3 ji1 ding1), gōng bào jī dīng (gong1 bao4 ji1 ding1)
Cantonese PinYin (Yale) : gūng bóu gāi dīng (gung1 bou2 gai1 ding1)
Cantonese PinYin (Jyutping) : gung1 bou2 gai1 ding1

Gong Bao Chicken is another Chinese dish that is a favourite with ethnic Chinese as well as other nationalities. It is especially popular in the US and is on the menu of most Chinese restaurants there.

Its origin is from Sichuan, China, known for its spicy cuisine, and has taken on some slight variations through the years. Apart from dried red chilies or dried chili peppers which must be present, the dish can be prepared with peanuts or cashew nuts; spring onions (scallions); bombay onion (brown onion), and vegetables such as green peppers and okra. It’s all up to individual preference – as long as the, distinct feature of this cuisine - the hot, sour and sweet taste is not compromised.

Cooking wine is also an essential ingredient for this dish. The common wine used is glutinous rice wine. The closest substitute for it is dry sherry.

Gong Bao Chicken is really fairly quick and easy to prepare and I hope that with these step-by-step instructions and lovely images, everyone who wants to taste this dish, can cook it at home. You can also cook Gong Bao Beef, Gong Bao Shrimps and Gong Bao Fish Meat Slices, following the same ingredients and cooking method in this recipe.


350g chicken breasts
12 dried red chillies/dried chili peppers
1 bombay onion /brown onion
40g/2Tbsp cashew nuts or peanuts (optional)
2 or 3 cloves garlic - minced
3 thin slices ginger - shredded
½ egg white – lightly beaten
2 Tbsp cornstarch
1/2 cup cooking oil

Marinating Ingredients for chicken:

½ tsp salt
½ tsp cooking wine

Seasoning Ingredients (mix together for sauce):

½ tsp cooking wine
¾ Tbsp vinegar
2 Tbsp soy sauce
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp water


1.Cut the chicken into bite-sized cubes and marinate with the marinating ingredients.

2.Cut dried chillies into 2cm/0.8in lengths, shake off as much seeds as possible*, then wash and soak them for 30 minutes or till soft. Drain.

3.Wash and take out outer skin of bombay/brown onion and cut them cross-sectionally into 8 sections (6 if onion small). Loosen the sections roughly.

4.Rinse cashew nuts and drain off excess water.


1.First, the cashew nuts are fried by putting them in cold oil. Keep turning them as the oil gets hotter and to ensure even browning. Scoop up when they turn golden brown. If using peanuts, have them roasted beforehand.

2.Next, we fry the chicken. Mix the chicken pieces with the egg white. Add in the cornstarch and mix thoroughly. When the oil is ready, (use the chopsticks test)* put all the chicken in. (The oil is sufficient for shallow frying; if deep frying is preferred more oil is needed). Spread them out and let fry for 2 or 3 minutes before turning over to fry the other side. If deep frying, keep on turning till chicken browns. Dish out and drain excess oil.

3. Heat wok and put in 1Tablespoon of oil (may use the excess oil from frying the chicken), put in the garlic and ginger to fry for a few seconds. Then add the softened dried chillies and stir-fry for a minute or two.

4.Now add in the bombay/brown onion and continue to stir-fry for a short while.

5.Next, we put in the seasoning sauce, chicken and cashew nuts or peanuts and mix thoroughly.

6.Turn off heat as soon as it is well mixed. There should not be a lot of sauce/gravy - just a wee bit - just enough for the chicken pieces to be coated with it.


*Note on dried chillies: I usually loosen the seeds in the chillies between my fingers before I cut them so that they will fall out easier. Wear kitchen gloves to handle dried chillies to prevent burning sensation on fingers.

*Note on chopsticks test: To test if the oil is hot enough for frying, hold a pair of bamboo chopsticks in the oil; and if bubbles cluster around the end of the chopsticks, the oil is ready.

*Note on cashew nuts: The dish tastes just as good with or without cashew nuts or peanuts.

2 comentarii:

  1. Cred ca ati servit o masa pe cinste! :)
    Am invatat ceva interesant din reteta in engleza pusa de tine: cum sa verific uleiul daca este incins :), nu stiam asta...
