Am sa copiez versurile si sa incerc sa le traduc pt acele prietene care nu au avut norocul de a invata engleza:
There shines a light in the heart of man
That defies the dead of the night
A beam that glows within every soul
Like wings of hope taking flight
That defies the dead of the night
A beam that glows within every soul
Like wings of hope taking flight
In inima omului luceste o lumina
Care sfideaza nopatea cea moarta
O raza care straluceste in orice suflet
Ca aripile sperantei in zbor.
A sunny day, when a baby's born
The little things that we say
A special sparkle in someone's eye
Simple gifts, every day
The little things that we say
A special sparkle in someone's eye
Simple gifts, every day
O zi insorita, cand se naste un copil
Lucrurile simple rostite
o sclipire speciala in ochii cuiva
Sunt daruri simple, de fiecare zi.Somewhere there's a paradise
Where everyone finds release
It's here on earth and between your eyes
A place we all find our peace
Undeva este un paradis
unde fiecare isi gaseste linistea
E aici pe pamant, in fata ochilor
un loc unde toti gasim pacea.
Come - open your heart
Reach for the stars
Believe your own power
Now, here in this place
Here on this earth
This is the hour
It's just a place we call paradise
Each of us has his own
It has no name, no, it has no price
It's just a place we call home
A dream that reaches beyond the stars
The endless blue of the skies
Forever wondering who we are?
Forever questioning why?
Reach for the stars
Believe your own power
Now, here in this place
Here on this earth
This is the hour
It's just a place we call paradise
Each of us has his own
It has no name, no, it has no price
It's just a place we call home
A dream that reaches beyond the stars
The endless blue of the skies
Forever wondering who we are?
Forever questioning why?
Hai, deschideti inima
Si incearca sa ajungi la stele
Crede in puterea ta
Acum, aici, in acest loc
Aici pe pamant.
Acesta e ceasul.
Este exact locul pe care il numim paradis
Fiecare are unul al sau.
Nu are nume, nu, si nu are nici pret
E locul pe care il numim acasa
Un vis care trece dincolo de stele
Si de nesfarsitul albastru al cerului
Iar noi ne intrebam intr-una "cine suntem?"
Si ne intrebam intr-una "de ce ?"Come - open your heart
Reach for the stars
Believe your own power
Now, here in this place
Here on this earth
This is the hour
Hai, deschideti inima
Si incearca sa ajungi la stele
Crede in puterea ta
Acum, aici, in acest loc
Aici pe pamant.
Acesta e ceasul.
There shines a light in the heart of man
That defies the dead of the night
A beam that glows within every soul
Like wings of hope taking flight
Like wings of hope taking flight
That defies the dead of the night
A beam that glows within every soul
Like wings of hope taking flight
Like wings of hope taking flight
In inima omului luceste o lumina
Care sfideaza nopatea cea moarta
O raza care straluceste in orice suflet
Ca aripile sperantei in zbor.Ca aripile sperantei in zbor. N-am sa traduc insa mesajul persoanei care a postat videoclipul, cred ca e evident si fara traducere: Trebuie sa salvam aceasta planeta!
"Conquest of Paradise" by Vangelis featuring the magnificent voice of Dana Winner a Belgian singer. This song is powerful, sublime, inspiring and the lyrics are reminding us of the "Paradise" we are living on, and the power within each of us, the power of "Love"!
It lies in our hands whether this beautiful planet will be destroyed furthermore, or whether we will contribute to his preservation for the sake of our children's and their children's future!