duminică, 22 iulie 2012

Slán abhaile

Nu va uitati patrat la titlu, e in gaelica, sau celta,  limba pe care copiii irlandezi o invata obligatoriu in scoala, alaturi de engleza. Celta e considerata in Irlanda limba materna , desi de mult nu se mai foloseste in toata Irlanda in mod curent, si peste tot se pot vedea inscriptii bilingve, in engleza si celta. Nepotica mea, care o tot invata de cativa ani, ne-a spus ca daca in engleza ar mai fi cateva cuvinte despre care stii cum se pronunta numai vazandu-le, in celta nu exista nici o regula de citire iar intre cuvantul scris si cel rostit nu ar fi chiar nici o legatura. Nu stiu daca are dreptate sau nu, dar un cantec care are refrenul in celta ar demonstra ca asa e, daca versurile au fost transcrise corect.

Cantecul l-am gasit postat de unul dintre prietenii mei dar fara sa se precizeze cine interpreteaza si pt ca mi-a placut mult cum suna nu m-am lasat pana nu i-am gasit atat versurile cat si interpreta. Initial am crezut ca e Enya, dar totusi vocea din Slán abhaile era mult mai dulce. Dupa indelungi cautari am gasit: cantareata e intr-adevar irlandeza si se numeste Kate Purcell. Dar mai intai am gasit versurile, pe care o sa le copiez aici, dar mai intai le voi corecta incat sa arate cat mai aproape de felul in care sunt cantate de Kate.

The sun is down, the moon is blue
I think they know I'm missing you
Ttime will heal this heartfelt pain
As soon as I see you again

Slán abhaile, slan go foill
My heart is breaking without you my love
Nó go gcasfad arís orainn
Éist is bí ag smaoineamh
Ar an gceol 'tá ag teacht
Ó mo chroi seo amach

I see an island, you're on the pier
I hear you crying in the misty air
You look so lonely, and there's no one near
Wish I could hold you, wish you were here

Slán abhaile, slan go foill
My heart is breaking without you sway
Nó go gcasfad arís orainn
Éist is bí ag smaoineamh
Ar an gceol 'tá ag teacht
Ó mo chroi seo amach

Look out your window when you're feeling blue
There be an angel looking at you
Lay down your head, let yourself be free
Take in your deepest breath and sing with me

Cautand sa verific daca nu exista o alta varianta am aflat ca de fapt versurile sunt scrise de Dermot Henry dar Kate nu a recunoscut niciodata asta. Cu ocazia asta am gasit si versiunea integrala a refrenului prenum si traducerea sa in engleza:

Slán abhaile, slan go foill
Beidh mo chroi seo briste gan thú a stór
Nó go gcasfad arís orainn
Éist is bí ag smaoineamh
Ar an gceol 'tá ag teacht
Ó mo chroi seo amach

Safe home, good luck
This heart of mine will be broken without you, my love
Until we meet again
Listen and be thinking
On the music that is coming
From the depths of my heart

Am gasit si un articol in care se precizeaza ca exista anumite regiuni in Irlanda unde se vorbeste celta iar inscriptiile sunt exclusiv in acesta limba, Donegal, Meath, Mayo, Galway, Kerry, Waterford...autoarea oferind si o lista de 10 cuvinte pe care ar trebui sa le recunoasca eventualul calator in acele regiuni (sfatuindu-l si sa isi ia o harta in engleza) la care editorul a mai adaugat doua, f importante. O sa le copiez aici, dar fara sa mai dau traducerea. O sa spun numai ca in Cork nu am vazut nicaieri Police, numai Garda si ca am fost spectatoare la un Ceili (caili), un spectacol popular de dans, am povestit pe larg despre el in Jurnalul de calatorie Irlanda 2010.

Gaeltacht – Region or district in Ireland where Irish (Gaelic) is the predominant language. There are Gaeltachts in Donegal, Meath, Mayo, Galway, Kerry, Waterford, and several other pockets around Ireland. Place names and road signs in Gaeltacht areas are usually in Irish, so it is wise to carry a map that lists places in both Irish and English. Otherwise, you can get lost pretty fast!
    Fáilte – Word you’ll see and hear over and over again. It simply means: Welcome. You’ll also see Céad Míle Fáilte which means 100,000 Welcomes.
    Sláinte – The toast you will hear in the pubs. It means “To Your Health!”
    Céilí – A traditional social dance event or party. You will see signs in pubs and tourist offices announcing a local céilí – and everyone is invited to join in. (pronounced Kay-lee)
    Craic – This word, pronounced “crack,” causes lots of consternation when you hear it first. No, it has nothing to do with drugs. It is an Irish word that simply means music, good times, entertainment and conversation – all in good fun. You’ll hear people say “Where’s the craic tonight?”
    Garda síochána – The police. The words mean “guardian of the peace.” Usually people just use the first word, Garda.
    Géill Slí – A road sign meaning “Yield right of way”
    Stad – A road sign saying: “Stop”
    Téigh – A road sign telling you it is safe to “Go.”
    Go Mall – Anther important road sign if you are tempted to go speeding on twisty roads – it means “Slow.”

    TWO MORE TO ADD TO YOUR LIST from our editors…

    There are two words we’d add to the list as well… they are often used to label the “toilets” (the Irish don’t usually use the word “bathroom”)

    Mná = Women & Fir = Men

    We wouldn’t want you walking into the wrong “restroom”!

Si acum iata videoclipul care a generat munca mea de cercetare, asa cum apare el pe youtube

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