In alta parte am gasit puse deavalma tablouri ale celor doi, din cele 191 de imagini am identificat 24 ca fiind ale lui IM, nu sunt sigura deloc ca toate celelalte ar fi ale lui MK, pt ca vreo cateva sunt ffff departe de restul ca stil si tema. De aceea pt acest articol ma voi baza numai pe situl sau oficial. pentru alti pictori iranieni exista un articol cu linkuri catre fiecare din siturile lor, din pacate nu l-am studiat cu deamanuntul.
Pe situl sau exista o mica notita biografica:
Iman was born on 1976 in Tehran. He has been fascinated by the art of Painting since he was a child. At the age of 15, he started to learn painting under the mastery of his first and only teacher - Morteza Katouzian - who is the greatest realist painter of Iran. Meanwhile, he began to paint professionally. In 1999 he graduated in Graphic Design from the Art University of Tehran. Since 1998, he has participated in several exhibitions. In the year 2000, he got married and in the following year he established ARA Painting Studio and started to teach painting, considering classical and traditional values.
The most important exhibitions he has participated in, are: The Exhibition of Realist painters of Iran at Tehran Contemporary Museum of Art(1999) and The Group Exhibition of KARA Studio Painters at SABZ Gallery(1998) and at SA'AD ABAD Palace(2003). In 2005, Iman received the William Bouguereau award and the Chairman's Choice award in the second international ARC salon competition.
Iman s-a nascut in 1976 in Teheran. A fost fascinat de arta picturii inca din copilarie. La varsta de 15 ani a devenit elevul lui Morteza Kartouzian, cel mai mare pictor realist din I(ran. In 1999 a absolvit Universitatea de Arta din Teheran. A participat la multe expozitii incepand cu 1998. In 2000 s-a casatorit si in anul urmator a inceput sa predea arta picturii in ARA Painting Studio, infiintat de el.
Prima imagine nu este o lucrare a lui Iman Maleki