marți, 29 mai 2012

Im Nin'alu

Intotdeauna m-a durut inima cand m-am gandit ca unele persoane, adevarate daruri ale Cerului, ne sunt luate prea devreme. Printre ele se numara si Ofra Haza. Pe cat de scurta i-a fost viata (1957-2000) pe atat de minunate ii sunt cantecele. Poate cel mai impresionant este Im Nin' alu, care este un cantec pe versurile poemului evreiesc cu acelasi nume, scris  de Rabbi Shalom Shabazi, un yemenit care a trait in secolul 17. Acest cantec se canta de catre yemeniti in diferite ocazii, cel mai adesea la nunti. E un cantec care proslaveste pe Dumnezeu si ingerii sai.

Some of the lyrics are:

IM NIN'ALU - If they are locked,
DAL THAEY NA DI VIM - The doors of the generous ones.
DAL THAEY MA ROM - The doors of the sky,
LO NIN'ALU - won't be locked.
EL HI MA RE MAM AL KARUVIM - God is alive and sublime to the angels,
KULAM BA RUHO YA'ALU - In his spirit they'll rise above.
EL HI - god is alive.

And in English only:

If the doors of the generous ones are locked,
The doors of the sky won't be locked. (sky refers to heaven/god).

If the doors of the generous ones are locked,
The doors of the sky won't be locked.
God is alive and sublime to the angels,
In his spirit they'll rise above.

God is alive.

Cause they are close to him,
They will thank and praise him.

God is alive.

Six wings around (of the angels),
They are flying (around god).

If they are locked
If they are locked,
If the doors of the generous ones are locked,
The doors of the sky won't be locked.

God is alive and sublime
God is alive and sublime,
God is alive and sublime to the angels,
In his spirit they'll rise above.

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