miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011

Se intampla si la case mai mari

Doua Breking News de la New York Times mi-au atras atentia. Personal miscarea Occupy Wall Street nu mi-a trezit nici un interes, in ciuda asemanarii cu protestul din Piata Universitatii din 1990. Noi stiam ca vrem o democratie de tip ocidental, nu una "originala" sau "socialista", voiam sa stergem urmele comunismului prin Proclamatia de la Timisoara care nu ar fi permis nici macar celor din esaloanele  doi si trei de partid si de stat sa puna mana pe fraiele puterii, asa cum din nefericire s-a intamplat, totul devenind legitim dupa alegerile "libere" in care gloatele populare s-au repezit sa ne demonstreze noua ca "stiu ele mai bine". N-am avut deloc impresia ca cei din Parcul Zuccotti stiau f bine de ce se afla acolo si ce vor obtine daca vor reusi in actiunea lor. 

Iata prima stire

The New York Police Department began clearing Zuccotti Park of Occupy Wall Street protesters about 1 a.m. Tuesday, telling the people there that the camp would be “cleared and restored” before the morning and that any demonstrator who did not leave would be arrested.
The protesters resisted with chants of “Whose park? Our park!” as the police began moving in and tearing down tents. The protesters rallied around an area known as “the kitchen” and began building barricades with tables and pieces of wood.
Officers told the demonstrators that the city had “determined that the continued occupation of Zuccotti Park poses an increasing health and fire safety hazard.”

Cu alte cuvinte, pt ca e vorba de o tara democrata, politia a venit si a incercat sa planteze panselute in parcul respectiv. De fapt si la noi in 13 iunie s-a intamplat la fel, a venit politia si a saltat protestatarii. Restul povestii, cu "atacarea" televiziunii si a Politiei Capitalei, precum si intreruperea emisiunii a semanat mult cu ce  s-a intamplat mai tarziu in Moscova, cand a fost bombardat Parlamentul pt ca cica s-ar fi atacat Ostankino, televiziunea lor de stat. Deci, fiind vorba de alta scoala de represie, la ei minerii or sa-si vada de treaba lor.

A doua stire

Judge Upholds City’s Move to Block Camping at Protest Site

A state Supreme Court judge upheld the city’s right to enforce rules that bar the Occupy Wall Street protesters from camping at Zuccotti Park.

The judge, Michael D. Stallman, wrote in his ruling Tuesday afternoon, “The court is mindful of the movements’ First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and peaceable assembly.” But he added, quoting from another case, “Even protected speech is not equally permissible in all places and at all times.” He said that the protesters “had not demonstrated that the rules adopted by the owners of the property, concededly after the demonstrations began, are not reasonable time place and manner restrictions permitted under the First Amendment.”

Deci "Primul Amendament", my foot. Tinem cont de el numai daca daca ne convine. Daca nu, o dam cotita pe dupa piersic si zicem ca libertatea de expresie tine pana la gardul proprietarului. Si gasim si un judecator care sa justifice asta.

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