miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011

City Hunter-Informatii despre serial- Soundtrack (OST)

In articolul anterior am uitat sa scriu niste observatii pe care le consider importante. Cred ca e primul serial in care n-am vazut pe cineva care bea pana trebuie dus in spate, sau poate nu-mi amintesc eu. Deasemenea nu am vazut actori cu tigara in gura si, slava domnului, au fost o gramada de barbati in distributie (nu ca n-ar exista si prea multe femei fumatoare in viata de zi cu zi) deasemenea, desi ar fi fost poate cazul de multe ori, lacrimile nu au mai curs siroaie ca in mult prea multe alte seriale. O fi avut poate buget mai mic, s-o fi scumpit glicerina (care se foloseste ca sa ramana pe obraji ceva care seamana cu siruri de lacrimi) sau a inceput sa se epuizeze stocul.

Nu pot reprosa in nici un caz lipsa de profesionalism din partea actorilor, m-am convins ca vorbesc cat se poate de natural, chiar si copiii (nu ca in unele filme ale nostre in care uneori chiar si actorii adulti par ca recita o poezie pe scena, si ca li se cam gatuie vorbele de emotie) ascultand la Youghal, Irlanda, cum sunau convorbirile unui grup de sud-coreeni (pt ca se stie ca nord-coreenii nu au voie sa bantuie planeta, ca sa nu ramana partea aceea de tara nepopulata).

 Pe Kim Sang Joong nu l-am mai vazut pana la acest serial, incat nu stiu  daca "privirea de criminal", cu albul ochilor aparand vizibil de sub iris ii este specifica sau a adoptat-o special pt acest rol.  Felul in care a jucat lMH rolul novicelui in arte martiale mi-a amintit de "Superman" (Christopher Reeves) cand juca rolul ziaristului cam naiv si cam impiedecat.

Si inca ceva, am observat ca in multe seriale apare tema tanarului care cauta dragostea materna dar e f suparat pt ca nu are parte de ea, nu lipseste nici de aici. Deasemenea nu lipseste o alta tema draga barbatilor coreeni in absolut toate serialele, aceea de a asigura protectia persoanelor care le sunt dragi. Pt asta sunt in stare sa indure orice, sa ia orice masuri, uneori chiar crude, si sunt disperati daca , uneori din motive independente de ei, persoana iubita nu poate fi protejata. Si am mai intalnit un cliseu care mi se pare cel putin ciudat, avand in vedere ca scenariul e scris de femei, eroina principala mananca  f mult dar arata ca o scandurica sau scobitoare, cum doriti. De altfel multe vedete sud coreene masculine sunt inalte dar subponderale dupa standardele noastre, insa sunt puternice, mai ales cand e cazul sa care, fie in spate fie pe brate, firevele lor colege de platou.

Si acum datele de pe Drama Wiki:

  • Title: 시티헌터 / Sitihunteo
  • Genre: Action, suspense, romance
  • Episodes: 20
  • Broadcast network: SBS
  • Broadcast period: 2011-May-25 to 2011-Jul-28
  • Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55


The story takes place in Seoul, 2011. Lee Yoon Sung is a talented MIT-graduate who works on the international communications team in the Blue House. He plans revenge on five politicians who caused his father's death with his surrogate father Lee Jin Pyo and eventually becomes a "City Hunter."


Main Cast
City Hunter Clique
The Blue House
Group of Five
Extended Cast

Production Credits

Episode ratings for the SBS drama City Hunter
Date Episode Nationwide Seoul
2011-05-25 1 9.5 (9th) 11.8 (6th)
2011-05-26 2 10.0 (9th) 12.2 (7th)
2011-06-01 3 11.9 (4th) 13.6 (5th)
2011-06-02 4 12.6 (5th) 15.0 (4th)
2011-06-08 5 13.0 (4th) 15.7 (3rd)
2011-06-09 6 13.2 (4th) 15.4 (2nd)
2011-06-15 7 13.6 (3rd) 16.7 (2nd)
2011-06-16 8 12.7 (4th) 14.2 (2nd)
2011-06-22 9 13.8 (4th) 15.2 (3rd)
2011-06-23 10 14.4 (4th) 16.4 (3rd)
2011-06-29 11 17.4 (3rd) 19.5 (1st)
2011-06-30 12 18.3 (2nd) 20.5 (1st)
2011-07-06 13 18.5 (1st) 20.5 (1st)
2011-07-07 14 18.3 (2nd) 20.6 (1st)
2011-07-13 15 17.4 (3rd) 19.6 (1st)
2011-07-14 16 17.5 (3rd) 18.8 (1st)
2011-07-20 17 17.9 (2nd) 19.6 (1st)
2011-07-21 18 18.6 (1st) 20.3 (1st)
2011-07-27 19 17.2 (3rd) 18.7 (3rd)
2011-07-28 20 19.1 (3rd) 20.6 (1st)
Average 15.2% 17.2%


  • In episode 17 of Sign, the game program created by the psychopathic serial killer Lee Ho Jin (played by Kim Sung Oh) was also titled City Hunter
Scenariul e bazat pe un roman celebru (de faima mondiala, zice undeva) al japonezului  Tsukasa Hojo. S-a schimbat locul actiunii din Tokio in Seul. 

Pt ca am promis si Soundtrack (OST) am cercetat putin pe You Tube.

"Love" (Sarang) cantat de Yim Jae-Beom poate fi ascultat  aici

Daca vreti adrenalina puteti sa ascultati "It's Allright" cantat de Yang Hwa Jin si sa priviti imaginile.

Dar daca vreti romantism ascultati J Symphony in "Lonely Day". Dar daca vreti si versurile, in coreeana si spaniola, mergeti mai bine aici

Melodia de final a majoritatii episoadelor se numeste Suddenly o canta Kim Bo Kyung si la un moment dat am avut impresia ca suna in turca.

Un cantec care iti poate sfasia inima e Goodbye,  by SHINee's Kim Jonghyun, frumos ilustrat cu imagini 
din serial. Dar daca vreti versurile, mai bine mergeti aici

Si pt ca mi-a placut mult acest Goodbye am cautat sa copiez si versurile, le-am gasit in engleza:

So Goodbye
Don’t cry, and smile
those Emotionally day’s
I will treat it as a gift and give you
So goodbye, to the lonely me who once hide in the dark
I need you
I need your love again
Just like waiting for every other day to arrive
Leaving the Aching wound and sad recollection of me
The impression of seeing your for the first time
As if the time has stopped, my eyes has got only you
Although there is setback
I won’t regret
Closing my eyes i could feel you breathing
So i could smile
So goodbye don’t cry and smile
Those Emotionally day’s
I will treat it as a gift and give you
So goodbye , to the lonely me who once hide in the dark
I need you
I need your love again
although there is setback
I won’t regret
Closing my eyes i could feel you breathing
so I could smile
So goodbye don’t cry and smile
those Emotionally day’s,
I will treat it as a gift and give you
So goodbye , to the lonely me who once hide in the dark
I need you
I need your love again
So goodbye don’t cry and smile
those exhausted years
for the sake of you i will forget
So goodbye , to the lonely me who once hide in the dark
I need you
I need your love again
I need you
I need you for my love
Credit: infotaip

Si versurile din Love sunt frumoase si romantice, mai ales tinand cont de context, am sa copiez numai varianta in engleza:

Love, because of that love
Because of that person
I’ve survived this long
Today, today has past
If I can’t see that person again
If I can’t see that person again what will I do?
Of all the threads of fate why did we meet
For us to love only for you to leave me first
The time we had and the time we spent together
I will never forget
Saying I would be by your side
The promise I protected with my life
Because I couldn’t, because I couldn’t keep my promise
I don’t think I can even say I’m sorry
Love, because of that love
Because of that person
I’ve survived this long
Today, today has past
If I can’t see that person again
If I can’t see that person again what will I do?
Saying I would be by your side
The promise I protected with my life
Because I couldn’t, because I couldn’t keep my promise
I don’t think I can even say I’m sorry
Love, because of that love
Because of that person
I’ve survived this long
Today, today has past
If I can’t see that person again
If I can’t see that person again, before
Before you leave for that far away place
If I could look at your face for a little longer
I would say I loved you
Love, because of that love
Because of that person
Because of that person, I cry
You only know
This love was never foolish
This love was never foolish, My Love.

Translation: generickorean.wordpress.com

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