marți, 30 august 2011

New Tales of Gisaeng

Pt ca am inceput sa ma plictisesc de (Legendele palatului) dramele istorice sud-coreene am renuntat sa mai urmaresc Negustorul Lim Sang Ok desi strabunicul meu a fost carciumar, am copilarit in casa in care a locuit el si ar trebui sa am macar o gena de negustor in sange. Ma mai uit din cand in cand, sunt oarecum la curent cu necazurile celor din Mansang si cu tribulatiile sentimentale ale eroului, dar daca vreau sentiment ma uit la NToG pt ca sa vad cand se va hotari scenarista sa se indure de noi si sa ne spuna in sfarsit (am inteles ca  o va face la sfarsit) ca Dan Sa-Ran e fiica bucataresei si a doctorului care a crescut-o pe Ra-Ra. 

In rest e  o poveste usurica, fara prea mari pretentii, cu clasicul copil aparut in afara casatoriei si care creste un timp intr-o familie saraca (Son-ja face exceptie), traieste o istorie de iubire dramatica cu un baiat de bani gata (in Coreea baietii de bani gata sunt bine educati, f seriosi si dispusi sa se insoare pe neve cu fete alese de parintii lor dupa criterii de clasa si de avere) si sigur se va sfarsi cu un happy-end. Am o puternica senzatie de deja vu, lasand la o parte diferentele culturale trama seamana ca doua picaturi de apa cu nenumarate telenovele sud-americane difuzate pe micile noastre ecrane. 

Singurul lucru care ma face sa o urmaresc e ca personajele principale sunt induiosator de frumoase, desi vocea lui Ah  Da-mo suna cam gutural, cam necultivata. Si ma mai atrag costumele traditionale, handbok, despre care am aflat ca sunt f scumpe, se pare ca mai scumpe decat treningul "cusut de mana" purtat de personajul interpretat de Hyun Bin (scuze, nu sunt in stare sa tin minte numele tuturor personajelor din dramele sud-coreene vazute, oricat de principale ar fi) in "Secret Garden".

Pentru cei(le) interesati(e) am copiat din Drama Wiki date despre serial:

Dar mai intai mai vreau sa-mi mai vantur o frustrare: m-am saturat sa tot vad in dramele istorice aceleasi fete de actori care nici macar nu sunt cine stie ce atragatori, ba chiar dimpotriva, iar faptul ca apare si cel ce l-a jucat pe Jo Pileon din"Giant" in "Lim Sang Ok" nu e in masura sa ma incante cine stie ce. Stiu ca nr de actori e limitat, dar chiar sa reintalnesc cam aceleasi fete din Soo Ro sau Dong Yi nu mi se pare cea mai mare dorinta a mea.


  • Title: 신기생뎐 / Shin Gisaeng Dyeon
  • Also known as: New Gisaeng Story
  • Genre: Romance, drama
  • Episodes: 52
  • Broadcast network: SBS
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Jan-23 to 2011-Jul-17
  • Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:50


New Tales of Gisaeng depicts the love, sadness and pain of people surrounding a gisaeng house, where only VIPs can enter.
Dan Sa Ran majored in classical dance while attending college. Her mother died when she was still young and her father remarried, bringing with him a new stepsister and a materialistic stepmother whom she has trouble warming up to. Sa Ran comes from a poor family, but she maintains her dignity around friends who come from rich families. Either fate or coincidence brings her together with Da Mo, to whom she feels an instant attraction, but her awareness of her poor background restrains her from voicing it. A head gisaeng at Buyongkak observes Sa Ran's natural beauty and grace as well as dancing talent, and recommends her to become a gisaeng.
Ah Da Mo takes business administration training at his father's company. He does not get along with his father, who is indifferent towards his family and only shows affection towards their pet dog. Da Mo is cocky and tends to look down on women, but begins to question his attitude when he meets Sa Ran by chance. He finds himself involuntarily drawn to her, and their relationship begins.


Main Cast
Sa Ran's family
Da Mo's family
Other people

Ra Ra's family

Production Credits

Episode Ratings

Episode ratings for SBS drama New Tales of Gisaeng
Date Episode Nationwide Seoul
2011-01-23 01-02 8.9 (20th) 10.9 (17th)
2011-01-29 03 9.2 (15th) 10.7 (15th)
2011-01-30 04 8.3 (<10.7)
2011-02-05 05 9.0 (16th) 11.3 (15th)
2011-02-06 06 8.9 (20th) 10.5 (18th)
2011-02-12 07 9.7 (13th) 12.1 (10th)
2011-02-13 08 9.0 (17th) 10.8 (16th)
2011-02-19 09 10.4 (9th) 12.1 (9th)
2011-02-20 10 9.0 (14th) 10.3 (16th)
2011-02-26 11 10.1 (10th) 11.4 (11th)
2011-02-27 12 10.1 (17th) 12.1 (14th)
2011-03-05 13 11.2 (10th) 13.0 (10th)
2011-03-06 14 10.5 (13th) 12.3 (11th)
2011-03-12 15 10.7 (11th) 12.8 (9th)
2011-03-13 16 11.5 (9th) 13.7 (10th)
2011-03-19 17 11.4 (10th) 14.0 (7th)
2011-03-20 18 11.0 (14th) 13.1 (10th)
2011-03-26 19 11.3 (8th) 13.1 (7th)
2011-03-27 20 10.8 (12th) 13.3 (9th)
2011-04-02 21 13.7 (3rd) 15.9 (4th)
2011-04-03 22 15.6 (3rd) 18.2 (3rd)
2011-04-09 23 16.0 (2nd) 18.7 (2nd)
2011-04-10 24 14.8 (4th) 17.9 (4th)
2011-04-16 25 14.9 (2nd) 16.9 (3rd)
2011-04-17 26 15.7 (3rd) 18.5 (4th)
2011-04-23 27 14.6 (2nd) 17.2 (4th)
2011-04-24 28 15.1 (5th) 17.5 (5th)
2011-05-01 29-30 12.9 (5th) 14.5 (5th)
2011-05-07 31 12.9 (5th) 14.1 (6th)
2011-05-08 32 14.8 (4th) 16.9 (4th)
2011-05-14 33 15.2 (3rd) 18.5 (3rd)
2011-05-15 34 16.4 (4th) 19.6 (3rd)
2011-05-21 35 15.0 (3rd) 17.3 (5th)
2011-05-22 36 16.5 (3rd) 18.9 (3rd)
2011-05-28 37 15.9 (3rd) 18.7 (4th)
2011-05-29 38 16.3 (4th) 19.1 (4th)
2011-06-04 39 15.6 (3rd) 19.1 (2nd)
2011-06-05 40 15.9 (4th) 17.0 (4th)
2011-06-11 41 18.1 (2nd) 21.0 (1st)
2011-06-12 42 19.3 (2nd) 22.8 (2nd)
2011-06-18 43 19.1 (2nd) 20.9 (3rd)
2011-06-19 44 19.6 (2nd) 23.5 (2nd)
2011-06-25 45 19.5 (3rd) 22.2 (3rd)
2011-06-26 46 20.3 (2nd) 22.2 (2nd)
2011-07-02 47 20.4 (2nd) 23.3 (2nd)
2011-07-03 48 20.9 (2nd) 24.6 (3rd)
2011-07-09 49 20.1 (3rd) 20.8 (3rd)
2011-07-10 50 21.1 (2nd) 22.3 (3rd)
2011-07-16 51 23.2 (2nd) 25.1 (2nd)
2011-07-17 52 24.0 (2nd) 25.1 (2nd)
Average 14.5% -

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