Pe cat e de modesta in ce priveste ingrijirea pe atat e de aspectuoasa. M-am oprit zilele trecute langa o gradina de bloc in care se aflau cateva zinnii, si am facut niste poze, nu ca o dovada a nostalgiei dupa o copilarie de mult apusa, pt ca n-am avut o copilarie fericita, ci ca sa bucur si pe altii cu frumusetea lor.
Si nu pot sa inchei acest articol fara sa pomenesc de zanele--flori ale lui Cicely Mary Barker, (28 June 1895 – 16 February 1973) care a scris si ilustrat nenumarate carti care fac si azi deliciul copiilor, una din ele am admirat-o la fiica mea in USA, de atunci fiica a schimbat multe domicilii, in tari diferite, si nu stiu daca nu cumva cartea s-a pierdut pe drumuri. Una din carti e dedicata alfabetului si Zinnia Flower Fairy incheie aceasta carte. Fiecare zana avea si o poezie care ii era dedicata.
Z for Zinnias, pink or Red;
See them in the flower bed,
Copper, orange, all aglow,
Making such a stately show.
I, their fairy, say Good-bye,
For the last of all am I.
Now the Alphabet is said
All the way from A to Z.
Ca sa va faceti o idee cate carti a scris CMB o sa copiez lista din Wikipedia:
- Flower Fairies of the Spring; Blackie, 1923
- Spring Songs with Music; Blackie, 1923
- Flower Fairies of the Summer; Blackie, 1925
- Child Thoughts in Picture and Verse (by M.K. Westcott); Blackie, 1925
- Flower Fairies of the Autumn; Blackie, 1926
- Summer Songs with Music; Blackie, 1926
- The Book of the Flower Fairies; Blackie, 1927
- Autumn Songs with Music; Blackie, 1927
- Old Rhymes for All Times; Blackie, 1928
- The Children’s Book of Hymns; Blackie, 1929; rep. 1933
- Our Darling’s First Book (written in collaboration with Dorothy Barker); Blackie, 1929
- The Little Picture Hymn Book; Blackie, 1933
- Rhymes New and Old; Blackie, 1933
- A Flower Fairy Alphabet; Blackie, 1934
- A Little Book of Old Rhymes; Blackie, 1936
- He Leadeth Me (written in collaboration with Dorothy Barker); Blackie, 1936
- A Little Book of Rhymes New and Old; Blackie, 1937
- The Lord of the Rushie River; Blackie, 1938
- Flower Fairies of the Trees; Blackie, 1940
- When Spring Came In at the Window; Blackie, 1942
- A Child’s Garden of Verses (Robert Louis Stevenson); Blackie, 1944
- Flower Fairies of the Garden; Blackie, 1944
- Groundsel and Necklaces; Blackie, 1946; reprinted as Fairy Necklaces
- Flower Fairies of the Wayside; Blackie, 1948
- Flower Fairies of the Flowers and Trees; Blackie, 1950
- Lively Stories; Macmillan, 1954
- The Flower Fairy Picture Book; Blackie, 1955
- Lively Numbers; Macmillan, 1957
- Lively Words; Macmillan, 1961.
- The Sand, the Sea and the Sun; Gibson, 1970
Multumesc, Viorica, pentru incantara ochiului si pentru imbogatirea spiritului!