miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

De ce-mi place mie Editor Bob

Editor Bob este un vechi prieten si, indirect, responsabil pt inceputul acestui blog. Este administratorul unui site care imi este f drag, 123Greetings, la ale carui newsletters sunt abonata de multa vreme. Din pacate desi le trimite numai odata pe saptamana de multe ori aman citirea pe mai tarziu, un mai tarziu care nu mai vine. Am aflat de curand ca asta se intampla si la case mai mari, totusi nu e o scuza.

M-am decis sa public un mic fragment din cea mai recenta scrisoare a lui doar ca sa va faceti idee de cat de simplu reuseste el sa scrie ceva ce mi-a mers direct la suflet: Traducerea e pe alocuri libera.

Losing a loved one is not easy for sure. Uncle Frank had lost his wife and was grieving. Rachel (my niece), Debbie (my sis), and I went to his place for the weekend to stay with him through this time. When we were around, uncle Frank was pleasantly sober, but when left alone, he started brooding. When he was in one of those spells we went to check on him. He was seated by the fire place on his arm chair and softly sobbing. We just stood by, silent. There are no words for this occasion. We didn't want to talk about the aunt or loss as it would only trigger a strong response. We just stood. Rachel slipped and sneaked out. Hmmm,.good to be kids. They just can switch on and off and never need to go through all these. Sure enough, in a few minutes she was back with her favorite teddy toy. She has gone all the way to her room and dug into her backpack to find her toy. She took long baby steps to reach the arm chair. Climbed using the arms for balance and made room for herself in uncle Frank's lap. The old man stopped sobbing and stared at Rachel. She said in a soft voice, "Uncle Frank, please keep my teddy toy with you."

Uncle, "But my little one, what's that for?"

Rachel, "Whenever I cry, mom gives me the teddy and says that she is my best friend and I wouldn't feel alone in the night after mom has tucked me up for the night. I never cry when I have the teddy around." And she added with a toothy grin, "See, what did I say, look at you, you've stopped crying."

Sure enough! Uncle Frank had stopped crying.

Some sight, after a few minutes, the chair was bobbing up and down while uncle Frank was sleeping with Rachel around, with the teddy resting on her lap.

And I thought angels were creatures who wore white-wedding dress and carried a wand.

You know, sometimes they carry teddies!

The little angel knew how to cheer up a wounded soul

Sa pierzi pe cineva drag sigur nu este usor. Unchiul Frank era indurerat dupa pierderea sotiei sale. Rachel (nepotica) Debbie (surioara) si au am mers la el sa ne petrecem weekendul acolo. Cat am fost langa el unchiul Frank a fost sobru (in sensul de linistit) si asta ne-a facut placere, dar cand ramanea singur incepea sa cada pe ganduri. Cand era in una din acele stari am venit sa vedem ce face. Statea langa semineu in fotoliu si suspina incetisor.  Stateam in picioare langa el, tacuti. Nu prea stii ce sa spui in asemenea ocazii. Nu voiam sa vorbim despre matusa, despre cum s-a dus, ca sa nu se necajeasca mai tare. Pur si simplu stateam. Rachel s-a furisat afara. Hmm, e bine sa fii copil. Poti sa intri si sa iesi sa n-ai habar de toate astea. Numai ca in cateva minute s-a intors cu ursuletul ei de plus preferat. Facuse drumul acela spre camera ei si a rascolit prin rucsacel ca sa gaseasca ursuletul. A mers cu pasii ei de bebe pana la fotoliu. S-a catarat pe bratul fotoliului si apoi s-a cuibarit in poala unchiului Frank. Omul s-a oprit din suspinat uitandu-se fix la Rachel. Ea a spus cu o voce dulce "Unchiu' Frank, tine tu ursuletul".

Unchiul a zis "Dar de ce, scumpa mea?"

Rachel "De cate ori plang mama imi da ursuletul si imi spune ca e cel mai bun prieten al meu si ca n-o sa ma mai simt singura noaptea dupa ce mama ma duce la culcare. Si niciodata nu mai plang cand am ursuletul langa mine" Apoi cu un zambet larg "Uite, vezi, ce spuneam, deja te-ai oprit din plans" 

Asa si era! Unchiul Frank nu mai plangea.

Dupa cateva minute balansoarul se legana, cu unchiul Frank dormind impreuna cu Rachel, ursuletul fiind in poala fetitei. 

Si eu care credeam ca ingerii au rochite albe si o bagheta...

Stiti, cateodata ei au ursuleti de plus.

Ingerasul stie cum sa mangaie un suflet ranit!

Si inca ceva, din aceeasi scrisoare:

Tell me a medicine that cures heart break?

What's the most infectious thing in the world?

What relieves sadness?

What costs nothing, but is worth a lot?

Answer: smile

Spune-mi ce medicament vindeca o inima ranita?

Care este cel mai contagios lucru din lume?

Ce indeparteaza tristetea?

Ce nu costa nimic, dar valoreaza f mult?

Raspuns: Zambetul.

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