vineri, 20 mai 2011


Uite ce scrie la horoscopul meu personalizat pt data de 18-20 mai:

Mars (de pe cerul actual) Square Pluto (de pe cerul natal)

You're all sneers, bad attitude and streetwise skills. You're in no mood to take any attitude from anyone, let alone some punks who think they know it all.

Esti toata ranjete dispretuitoare, proasta dispozitie si pricepere de a te descurca in orice situatie (in orice mahala). Nu ai nici un chef sa suporti pe cineva care isi da aere fata de tine (care se poarta rau cu tine) in nici un caz pe golanii care cred ca le stiu pe toate (sau derbedeul care sustine ca le stie el pe toate)


No fair trying to convince anyone you're a direct descendant of Vito Corleone. You won't need any help getting them to do your bidding. Be benevolent.

Nu e corect sa-i convingi pe toti ca descinzi direct din Vito Corleone. N -ai nevoie de nici un ajutor sa-i faci sa ti se supuna. Fii binevoitor.

In acelasi timp:

Sun Sextile Asc

It's not that you really believe that you're superior to everyone else -- it's not that at all. After the coup you've pulled off, however, you may begin to privately daydream about how benevolent you'd be if you were to become ruler of the world. Okay, take a breath. Modesty first.

Ei, nu crezi cu adevarat ca esti superior tuturor-- nu, deloc. Totusi, dupa lovitura pe care ai dat-o (e vorba de un succes) poti sa incepi sa crezi in adancul tau cat de binevoitor ai fi daca ai deveni stapanul lumii. OK, respira adanc. Fii modest!


Mars Semisextile Uranus

Do something you've been thinking about for a long time. Whether it's yoga, line dancing or a watercolor class doesn't matter. The point is to try something new.

Fa ceva la care te gandesti de mult. Fie ca e vorba de yoga, dans sau o clasa de desen in acuarela, nu are importanta. Ideea e sa incerci ceva nou (habar n-am ce).

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