vineri, 8 aprilie 2011

Ireland= Aillaendeu Soundtrack

Am ramas datoare cu acest articol, desi nu sunt sigura ca altcineva in afara de mine ar fi dorit neaparat sa mai stie ceva despre acest atat de ciudat serial. Intre timp ma gandeam ca impresiile mele s-au mai decantat si ca poate imi voi schimba unele aprecieri dar constat, recitind ce am scris, ca nu as fi dispusa sa mai modific ceva in afara de unele typo.

Am spus ca mi-a placut mult faptul ca traducatorii au simtit nevoia sa subtitreze si cantecele, ceea ce a fost f bine, pt ca, probabil din cauza ca serialul nu a fost un succes comercial, n-am gasit pe internet versurile, numai unele cantece.

Cantecul care strabate destul de des episoadele, spre supararea unor comentatori care n-au avut rabdarea sau dorinta sa caute mai multe date despre el ca sa inteleaga de ce a fost atat de folosit in soundtrack este unul f popular in USA, dar mai putin in Ireland, (am gasit chiar o varianta umoristica a lui cantata de Robbie O Connel in care refrenul este "You're not Irish you can't be Irish you don't know Danny Boy") Danny Boy, a devenit preferat pt a fi cantat la funeralii. Astfel ca eu gasesc explicatia alegerii acestui cantec si a titlului prin faptul ca ciudata coreeana adoptata de o familie de irlandezi a asistat neputincioasa la asasinarea familiei ei din cauza unei presupuse apartanente la IRA.

Cautand versurile am aflat povestea cantecului pe Wikipedia, apoi pe you tube ma gasit numeroase videoclipuri in interpretarea unor f cunoscuti cantareti cum ar fi: Elvis Priesley, Mario Lanza, Johnny Cash, Tom Jones, Bing Crosby, etc. Am sa public doar versurile "clasice" si atat, fara alt link spre videoclipuri. Drama Queen ofera spre descarcare OST (Original Sound Track) dar a durat f mult conectarea incat bam renuntat.

Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountainside.
The summer's gone, and all the flow'rs are dying.
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow.
'Tis I'll be here, in sunshine or in shadow,
Oh, Danny boy, oh, Danny boy, I love you so.

And when ye come, and all the roses falling.
If I am dead, as dead I well may be,
Ye'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "ave" there for me.
And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me,
And, all my grave shall warmer, sweeter be,
For you will bend and tell me that you love me,
And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.

Mai exista in serial o melodie tipic irlandeza, instrumentala, cantat de formatia The second month - Ag damhsa leis an ghaoth (Dancing with the wind) dar tot The Second Month interpreteaza o alta melodie, tot din serial,  pe care trebuie neaparat sa o ascultati, pt ca este superba, To the West Sky.

Am spus mai sus ca in serial apre subtitrarea cantecelor. Am sa copiez aici ceea ce cred eu ca sunt versurile cantecului Unallowed Love, cantat de Lee Hyun Woo, nu ma intrebati de cate ori am oprit filmul ca sa pot copia textul.

When I look at you  (Cand ma uit la tine)
my heart aches   (ma doare inima)
I can feel your   (pot sa simt)
hurt and broken heart  (inima ta ranita si sfaramata)
one day, I woke up  (intr-o zi m-am trezit--cred ca e mai potrivit timpul trecut)
and found you by my side   (si te-am gasit langa mine)
I knew it all along  (am stiut tot timpul)
that I can't help loving you   (ca nu ma pot opri sa te iubesc)
your breath   (rasuflarea ta)
and your smile  (si zambetul tau)
were not allowed for me  (nu mi-au fost permise)
I didn't realy know   (n-am stiut cu adevarat)
to love you was the start of good bye  (ca  a te iubi pe tine e inceputul despartirii)
we will suffer  (vom suferi)
as much as we loved  (tot atat de mult pe cat ne iubim)
'cause you mean  (pt ca tu insemni)
tears to me now (pt mine acum doar lacrimi)
I'm looking at your picture  (ma uit la poza ta)
'cause I miss you so much now  (pt ca imi lipsesti atat de mult)
but if this love can't find a way (dar daca aceasta dragoste nu se poate implini)
I'll forget myself (am sa uit de mine)
who loved you  (cel care te-a iubit)

I wish no memory (nu vreau ca vreo amintire)
will remain in you (sa ramana in sufletul tau)
your breath
and your smile
were not allowed for me
I didn't realy know
to love you was the start of good bye

I wish only me    (mi-as dori ca doar eu)
will suffer on tears   (sa sufar si sa plang)
And I wish no memory
will remain in you
your breath
and your smile
were not allowed for me
I didn't realy know
to love you was the start of good bye

we will suffer
as much as we loved
'cause you mean
tears to me now
I'm looking at your picture
'cause i miss you so much now
but if this love can't find a way
I'll forget myself
who loved you 

Ce altceva ar putea exprima mai bine sentimentele lui Lee Jay Boc, faptul ca la un moment dat a incercat sa dispara din viata lui Joong Ah pt ca ea sa ramana cu prietenul si modelul sau de viata, Kang Gook?

Pt Even if it's not me, cantat de Ma Hyun Kwon, am adunat din film mai multe bucatele care cred ca ar fi versurile sale:

I know how much
you got hurt so far
even when it's not me
you have to keep the love
'cause you are still
my love
I'm sure
I couldn't utter a word
I was worried
you might just disappear
I couldn't say
please don't leave me, I love you
even when my eyes are close
I can smell your scent
on the wind
is calling me
I can't believe
the day you left me
and the tears on your face
and your voice
your last voice
good bye
it was like a dream
it felt like forever
with you..
stars were flowing into the forest
and we were sleeping in there
do you remember
the beautiful night?
I can't believe
you came to me
from the other side of the world
and left me this easily
I can't believe
the day you left me
and the tears on your face
and your voice
your last voice
good bye...

Acesta ar putea fi cantat de Kang Gook, pt ca sunt sigura ca, desi el a spus intr-un tarziu ca ar fi bine ca el si Joong Ah sa se desparta, nu a incetat nici o clipa sa o iubeasca.

Cantecul care imi place cel mai mult, care pare a fi leit-motivul serialului, e cel care urmeaza, cantat de Kim Jang Hoon,  Abandoned Things.

is not you who'll be left alone (nu tu vei ramane singura)
I'll gladly be the one left alone  (as fi bucuros sa fiu eu cel care ramane singur)
just leave me alone here  (lasa-ma pe mine singur aici)
don't come to me (nu veni la mine)
something I can't say to you (e ceva ce nu-ti pot spune)
and it might hurt you if I say  (si daca ti-as spune te-ar rani)
so don't ask me...  (asa ca nu ma intreba...)
don't do anything  (sa nu faci nimic)
but open your eyes (doar sa-ti deschizi ochii)
we can live on (am putea trai)
with eyes open (cu ochii deschisi)
all I need is (tot ce am nevoie este)
the street you walk everyday (strada pe care mergi in fiecare zi)
that's all I need  (asta-i tot ce-mi trebuie)
all I can think of is (nu ma pot gandi)
just you  (decat la tine)
so don't cry for me (asa ca nu plange pt mine)
is not you who'll be left alone
I'll gladly be the one left alone
just leave me alone here
don't come to me
all I need is
the street you walk everyday
all I can think of is
just you
now is ok  (acum este OK)
to hurt me with harsh words  (sa ma ranesti cu cuvinte aspre)
'cause I couldn't  (pt ca eu n-as putea)
let you have more smiles  (sa te las sa zambesti mai mult)
forgive me (iarta-ma)
all I need is
the street you walk everyday
that's all I need
all I can think of is
just you
so don't cry for me

Si acum distributia, copiata din Drama Wiki:

Production Credits

Nu va pot spune cat de mult mi-a placut cum arata Hyun Bin aici, cu figura atat de copilaroasa si  serioasa in acelasi timp, avand un rol atat de diferit de cel din Secret Garden.

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