Eu am continuat sa ma uit la serial desi am fost tare dezamagita de scenariu si partial si de regizor mai ales de dragul lui Kim Jae Wook, dar si al lui Jang Geun Suk, chiar si Moon Geun Young mi-a devenit simpatica. Recapitularea de pe DB si comentariile lui Javabean sau Girlfriday ma fac de fiecare data sa rad si am constatat cu placere ca si alti comentatori le apreciaza simtul umorului. Dar comentariile la episodul 11 m-au uns pe inima, f multe se declarau categoric de partea lui Jung In, personajul interpretat de KJW, asta dupa ce in recapitularea episoadelor anterioare cam toata lumea insista pe dragalasenia personajelor interpretate de cei doi Geun.
Dar doua comentarii mi s-au parut mult mai interesante pt ca unul din ele pune unele intrebari care m-au framantat si pe mine, desi am vazut tare putine filme sud-coreene cu subiect contemporan, iar al doilea incearca sa dea niste raspunsuri. Am sa pun intrebarile pe scurt, fara sa fac o traducere f exacta, am sa copiez si textul in engleza.
1. De ce beau coreenii asa de mult?
2.Toti coreenii fumeaza?
3. De ce nu bat la usa dormitorului inainte de a da buzna?
4. De ce coreenii bogati ii desconsidera pe cei saraci? Doar s-au desfiintat clasele odata cu abolirea monarhiei.Comentariul original arata asa:
42 koreandramalover/kdl December 14th, 2010 at 10:32 pm
I am a Singaporean Chinese-Malay Muslim and have been following korean dramas for almost 2 years now and i have several questions that i hope kind folks visiting Dramabeans can help to answer… ;)
1. Why do Koreans like drinking? And many Koreans start drinking from an early age. It has been medically proven that drinking can destroy our health and in the documentary ‘Vitamin’ that airs on KBS World, statistics have shown that Koreans’ health issues have been connected to drinking and eating too much meat, esp considering the very high rate of cancers among Koreans, young and old, men or women.
2. Do all Korean men smoke? I have read somewhere that 1 in 2 Korean men smoke but most of the dramas do not reflect this fact. It is another way Koreans destroy their health.
3. Why do the characters in korean dramas have a tendency to just OPEN a bedroom door (or any other door to the rooms in a house) without knocking first? That would be considered really rude in my country and home, from my upbringing and the way people of my country have been brought up.
4. It is the 21st century now and yet quite a substantial number of the well-to-do Koreans still have a penchant of looking down on the down-trodden in their society, a recurring theme in almost all Korean family dramas what with the label ‘chaebol’ being so ingrained in the Korean psyche. May I know how do Koreans socialise? Do Koreans mix only with people from their own social class? Thus, does Korea still practise a class society in spite of the abolishment of the class society after the end of the Korean monarchy?
Those are the most pertinent questions i have so far. Thank you in advance to those who are kind enough to answer them in my effort in understanding Korea and the Korean people. ;)
Raspunsurile sunt mai detaliate dar spun cam asa
1. La o bauta oamenii se deschid, se inteleg mai bine unii pe altii.
2.Nu toti coreenii fumeaza si nr lor se reduce si datorita faptului ca se duce o campanie contra fumatului, intre altele si prin faptul ca nu au voie sa fumeze in seriale (totusi in Bad Guy KNG fuma, pt ca bricheta a jucat un rol important in desfasurarea dramei)
3. La asta n-a raspuns
4. Explicatia ar fi ca oamenii socializeaza in cercul in care isi desfasoara activitatea si astfel cercul celor bogati e diferit de cercu lcelor saraci. As adauga ca si la noi, chiar in "iepoca" exista o stratificare in functie de backgroundul familial, desi nu cred ca era recunoscuta, casatoria cuiva mai sus pus cu cineva dintr-o familie mai neinsemnata fiind privita ca o mezalianta.
Comentariul original este asa:
42.2 c December 15th, 2010 at 1:02 pm
1) i’m not too sure about historical reasons, but currently lots of koreans partake in drinking for social reasons. people bond over drinking, get to know friends through drinking, and for students going to uni sunbaes make them drink. it’s a way to get closer to people and/or to talk about dilemmas. it’s a cycle from uni to work so it never really ends
2) no, not all korean men smoke obviously, but many do (i’m not too sure on 50%). fewer and fewer people are smoking, even though there are a still a lot, and there are lots of campaigns to stop smoking (and the reason it wouldn’t be shown so much in dramas is the same reason why it’s not shown in other countries as well – the supposed negative influence of media).
skipping #3
4) i wouldn’t say there’s a class society still going on. it might be a skewed view a lot of drama viewers have because of this obsession with chaebols that drama pds have. socializing is similar to other western countries; you meet who you meet in college through clubs, then you go to wherever you end up in work, and socialize with the people there. there is no class system in this whatsoever (your coworker might be rich or poor). yes some people born poor stay poor, and some people born rich stay rich. it’s the same in other countries with no defined class system.
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RăspundețiȘtergereTe public doar din masochism, dar incepe sa mi se evapore placerea si ramane numai suferinta.
Gata, ajunge, altfel te banez!
Ati vazut ep 12?Mie mi se pare din ce in ce mai amuzant tot filmul.M-am uitat la No regret.De cand ma tin sa-l vad pe KNG dezbracat...
E ceva in genul lovers vanished,cam intunecat,cu multe dorinte ascunse,secrete....A jucat bine ,mi-a placut cel mai mult finalul.Cand aveti timp uitati-va.
Daca va enerveaza mesajele de genul celui de mai sus de ce le mai publicati?La gunoi cu ele!
Inca n-am reusit. Ma bucur ca iti place. Si comentatorii de pe Drama Beans spun ca s-a schimbatr in bine. Pacat ca schimbarea (scenaristei) vine asa de tarziu.
RăspundețiȘtergereHe, he, he, pe KNG l-am vazut intr-o scena "fierbinte" in Portrait of a Beauty. Nu mai stiu daca am pus linkul la situl pe care l-am vazut atunci cand am comentat filmul. Exista insa scena pe you tube, cu comentarii de genul "Lucky girl" sau I'll kill her...
Am spus ca le public din masochism. Mie mi-e clar ca ipochimena nu se osteneste sa vada ca i-am raspuns, cred ca a uitat de mult pe unde si-a ouat insistenta invitatie.
Mai am un comentariu nepublicat cu un schimb de linkuri. Respectivul mi-a dat si ID-ul de messenger, apoi a revenit cu o propunere de schimb de linkuri, pe care n-am onorat-o. In schimb m-am dus la el pe site si i-am facut cu sic.
Sa nu zici ca am dat in mintea copiilor :)) Ce sa-i faci, ma mai distrez si eu pe seama unora care viseaza sa se imbogateasca de pe net, fara sa jefuiasca pe nimeni.
Unde ai vazut tu episodul 12? Kimchi si Mysoju au ramas la 11 subtitrat.
RăspundețiȘ l-am vazut pe bucatele pe you tube.Cand o sa apara o sa ma mai uit odata.
RăspundețiȘtergereUite unde poti sa vezi Portrait of a Beauty