marți, 21 septembrie 2010

Streets of London

Acum multi ani televiziunea noastra a transmis un concert al lui Roger Wittaker. De atunci a devenit unul din cantaretii mei preferati. Cantecul care mi-a placut cel mai mult e cantat adesea in puburi in Irlanda, mie imi place mai ales pt mesajul optimist pe care il degaja refrenul:

Cum poti spune ca esti singur
Si ca pt tine soarele nu straluceste
Lasa-ma sa te iau de mana 
Si sa te conduc pe strazile Londrei
Am sa-ti arat ceva
Ce o sa te faca sa-ti schimbi gandul.

Sigur, nu se poate sa nu-ti fie mila de batranul erou uitat de toti sau de fata care nu are timp sa vorbeasca in timp ce-si cara tot avutul in doua sacose, dar e bine sa te gandesti cat de norocos esti ca nu ai soarta lor.

Am gasit si o alta interpretare, parca si mai calda, a lui Ralph Mc Tell, dar aici am preferat sa inserez videoclipul lui Roger Wittaker.

Versurile le-am gasit in mai multe versiuni, aici o sa le copiez pe cele care insotesc videoclipul lui RW

Roger Whittaker singing the beautiful song Streets of London.

Have you seen the old man 
In the closed-down market 
Kicking up the paper, 
with his worn out shoes? 
In his eyes you see no pride 
And held loosely at his side 
Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news 

So how can you tell me you're lonely, 
And say for you that the sun don't shine? 
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London 
I'll show you something to make you change your mind 

Have you seen the old girl 
Who walks the streets of London 
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags? 
She's no time for talking, 
She just keeps right on walking 
Carrying her home in two carrier bags. 


In the all night cafe
At a quarter past eleven, 
Same old man is sitting there on his own 
Looking at the world 
Over the rim of his tea-cup, 
Each tea last an hour 
Then he wanders home alone 


And have you seen the old man 
Outside the seaman's mission 
Memory fading with 
The medal ribbons that he wears. 
In our winter city, 
The rain cries a little pity 
For one more forgotten hero 
And a world that doesn't care 

Am mai auzit un alt cantec al lui Roger Whittaker pe un CD care contine muzica irlandeza, anume You Dirty Old Town

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