joi, 27 mai 2010

Speranta noastra e in China

Daca ar fi sa credem ca euforia provocata de declaratia autoritatilor din China ca Europa va ramane o piata importanta pt investitii, cum m-a anuntat acum cateva secunde New York Times. va dura si nu se va dezumfla, cum s-a mai intamplat, Europa are o sansa de redresare. Si cum facem si noi parte din Uniunea Europeana...

U.S. Stocks Open Higher After Gains in Europe; S.& P. 500 Jumps Nearly 2% in First Minutes

Shares on Wall Street quickly jumped at the open on Thursday,
mostly on assurances by Chinese authorities that Europe would
remain an important market for investment, and despite new
economic data that was somewhat disappointing.

In early trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was 170.59
points or 1.7 percent higher. The broader Standard & Poor's
500-stock index rose 1.9 percent and the technology heavy
Nasdaq was up 2.25 percent. Both followed strong gains on
European exchanges.

Before the open in New York, the government reported that the
economy grew at a 3 percent annual rate in the first quarter,
slightly less than the initial estimate of 3.2 percent.
Economists had expected growth of 3.4 percent. In addition,
filings for first-time unemployment claims dropped less than

But neither report overshadowed a statement by the People's
Bank of China dismissing reports that it was considering
pulling back from euro-zone debt investments.

2 comentarii:

  1. Da ...
    In curand, vom ajunge sa ne dorim sa traim "ca in China". Numai ca, probabil, va trebui sa si muncim "ca in China". Ramane de vazut..

  2. Bine ai venit, Adrian

    Doamne fereste!
    Uite am batut si in lemn!
    Cand eram in USA am stat de vorba cu studenti chinezi veniti sa studieze in State si ce mi-au povestit despre conditiile din orasele lor natale m-a facut sa nu-mi doresc niciodata sa ajung sa traiesc ca acolo.

    De ce crezi ca sunt marfurile chinezesti atat de ieftine? Pt ca salariile sunt suficient de mici ca sa obtina profituri.
    Si am mai citit niste articole in New York Times (unul din cele mai bine documentate si citite ziare de pe mapamond) care descriu ce se intampla in China, brrrr, de groaza.
    Am primit si un pps cu blocurile lor, impresia mea a fost ca parca erau dintr-un film SF horror, impresia mi-a fost confirmata de o ruda care le-a vazut la fata locului.
