vineri, 11 decembrie 2009

8 Ways to Increase Hope=8 Moduri de a creste Speranta

Pentru ca anul ce vine se anunta un an greu si multi dintre noi si-au pierdut speranta ca vom avea parte de pace si de intelegere dupa ce pasiunea si incrancenarea au cuprins bietul nostru popor in timpul campaniilor electorale ce par ca nu mai au sfarsit m-am gandit sa traduc niste sfaturi gasite in Beliefnet

8 Ways to Increase Hope

By Naomi Drew
Naomi Drew, M.A., is an expert on conflict resolution and peacemaking in schools and homes. Her website is

8 Moduri de a creste Speranta.

Naomi Drew este unexpert in rezolvarea conflictelor si instaurarea pacii in scoli si in locuinte. Situl ei este

"I've been so overwhelmed by what's going on these days," a mother recently said regarding world events. "I feel like there's nothing I can do and the world's spinning out of control." Her words echo the sentiments so many of us feel each time we pick up a paper or turn on the news. War on the horizon, nuclear weapons in North Korea, a family of six killed by a fire bomb in Baltimore, the massacre in Bali -- the list goes on. Right now, it's easy to lose hope. However, loss of hope doesn't have to be the path we walk down.

"Am fost ata de coplesita de ce se intampla zilele astea" spunea recent o mama referindu-se la evenimentele de pe glob. "Simt ca nu pot sa fac nimic iar lumea o ia cu totul razna." Cuvintele ei sunt un ecou al sentimentelor pe care le are fiecare in momentul in care pune mana pe unziar sau se uita la stiri. Razboiulsta sa inceapa, Coreea de Nord are arme nucleare, un masacru in Bali, si lista continua. Totusi, nu e cazul sa o luam pe calea pierderii sperantei.

You see, hope is actually something we create. It's not something that magically appears from an outside source. We each have within us the capacity to generate hope. It's critical that we be absolutely intentional about nurturing hope in our lives and the lives of our children.

Vedeti voi, noi suntem cei care cream speranta. Nu este ceva care apare magic dintr-o sursa exterioara. Fiecare avem in interiorul nostru capacitatea de a genera speranta.Este absolut necesar ca sa protejam speranta in viata noastra si in viata copiilor nostri.

Now more than ever, overcoming fear and holding onto hope are essential. The eight steps below will enable you do this. Try these steps yourself and teach them to your kids. Do some of these as a family. Know that it is within your control to become more hopeful. Don't let the news be your undoing. You can take charge.

Acum mai mult decat oricand este esential sa ne depasim frica si sa ne mentinem speranta. Cei 8 pasi de mai jos o sa va permita sa faceti asta. Incercati acesti pasi si apoi invatati-isi pe copiii vostri. Faceti asta in familie. Trebuie sa stiti ca e in puterea voastra (aveti sub control) sa deveniti mai plini de speranta. Nu lasati stirile sa va deprime. Puteti sa deveniti propriul stapan.

Be Kind to Yourself

Think about what you need most, and then do it. Is it a cup of tea, a brisk walk, some downtime, quiet music, a little rest, or reading inspirational literature? Whatever it is, grant yourself permission to do it, even for just a few minutes. If you're at work, take a "care-break" where you take care of you for a brief moment. These small moments accumulate and transform the texture of our days.

Fi bland cu tine insuti

Gandeste-te ce ai nevoie mai mult si pe urma fa-o. E vorba de o ceasca de ceai, (la noi ar fi mai nimerit o ceasca de cafea), o plimbare in pas vioi, sa va deconectati computerul sau alte aparate electronice), o muzica sa va calmeze, un pic de odihna sau citirea de literatura care sa va inspire? Orice ar fi acorda-ti permisiunea de o face, fie si numai pt cateva minute. Daca esti la lucru, ia-ti o pauza de relaxare, unde poti avea grija de tine pt un scurt moment. Aceste mici momente se acumuleaza si schimba textura zilelor noastre.

Create a Daily 5-Minute Silence Ritual

Light a candle and pray, meditate or reflect. You don't have to believe in any particular deity to make this work. Just silently reflecting in front of a lit candle is extremely nurturing and healing. This may be the one time of day when you feel connected to your own soul, and perhaps even something larger. Don't skip this step -- it's very powerful.

Creaza un ritual de 5 minute de liniste

Aprinde o lumanare si roaga-te, mediteaza sau reflecteaza. Nu trebuie sacrezi intr-o zeitate anume ca sa faci treaba asta. Simplul fapt de a reflecta in tacere in fata unei lumanari aprinse este extrem de datator de speranta si sanatate. Aceasta poate fi acea parte din zi cand te simti conectat la propriul suflet, si poate la ceva mai maret. Nu sari peste acest pas, e f puternic.

Curtail Your Intake of News

Oversaturation with news right now is detrimental to emotional health. If you read the newspaper in the morning, let that be enough. You don't need to turn on the TV or radio too, especially before bed. Consider putting a complete moratorium on news at least once a week. Anything you missed will be there tomorrow. Drastically curtail any news you let your children watch.

Limiteaza-ti accesul la stiri

Suprasaturarea cu stiri chiar acum este in detrimentul sanatatii tale emotionale. Daca citesti ziarul dimineata, opreste-te la atat. Nu trebuie sa te mai uiti si la TV sau sa asculti si la radio, in special inainte de culcare. Ia in consideratie stabilirea unui moratoriu (sa-ti interzici) asupra stirilor cel putin odata pe saptamana. Orice ai pierdut va fi acolo si maine. Limiteaza drastic orice stiri le permiti copiilor tai sa vada.

Treat Each Day Like a Precious Gift

Be vigilant in looking for things and people to appreciate. What if today was the last day of your life? How would you want to live it? Ask yourself this question throughout the day. It will help you let go of the countless petty annoyances that tend to throw most of us off balance.

Shift your gaze to appreciation. Who and what are you grateful for? Make a list each day and add to it.

Trateaza fiecare zi ca pe un dar pretios

Fii vigilent in cautarea de lucruri si de persoane pe care sa le apreciezi. Ce-ar fi daca azi ar fi ultima zi a vietii tale? Cum ti-ar placea sa o traiesti? Punti intrebarea asta in decursul zilei. Te va ajuta sa treci peste nesfarsite neplaceri care tind sa te destabilizeze.

Indreapta-ti privirea spre lucruri demne de apreciere. Cui si pt ce ii esti recunoscator? Fa o lista in fiecare zi si adauga mereu cate ceva la ea.

Take a Break

Every morning, afternoon and night, take a 30-second break to look at the sky, breathe deeply and offer thanks.

Even though the world has its problems, the sun still rises in the sky each morning, and we're awake and alive when we get out of bed. Let the sky be a touchstone to hope. Think of other people around the world as you look at the sky, and know that we all share this planet together. Among all of us, we have the ability to create solutions to the problems that now exist.

Trust that this is so.

Fa o pauza

In fiecare dimineata, la pranz si seara, fa o pauza de 30 de secunde ca sate uiti la cer, sa respiri adanc si sa aduci multumiri.

Chiar daca lumea are problemele ei, soarele inc arasare pe cer in fiecare dimineata, si noi suntem trezi si vii cand ne dam jos din pat. Lasa cerul sa fie standardul nostru pt speranta. Gandeste-te la alte persoane din lume cand te uiti la cer si sa stii ca stapanim (impartim) aceasta planeta impreuna. Cu totii impreuna avem abilitatea de a crea solutii pt problemele care exista acum.

Ai incredere ca asa e.

Express Love Tangibly

Hugs, words, notes, acts of kindness -- be indiscriminately generous with all of them. Surprise a friend with a hug. Hug and kiss your kids longer and with deeper feeling. If you like how the clerk treated you in the store, thank her. Leave your partner small notes expressing gratitude for kind acts. Doing all of this adds warmth and positive energy to our lives and the lives of people around us. It's also very comforting both to the giver and receiver of each loving act.

Arata-ti dragostea in mod concret

Imbratisari, cuvinte, biletele, amabilitati--fi generos fara discriminare cu toate acestea. Surprinde un prieten cu o imbratisare. Imbratiseaza-ti si saruta-ti copiii mai mult si cu sentimente mai adanci. Daca ti-a placut cum te-a servit vanzatoarea, multumeste-i (la aceasta vreme a anului eu le urez sarbatori fericite tutror vanzatoarelor si vanzatorilor pe care ii cunosc deja de f multi ani, asa mi se pare firesc). Lasa-i partenerului biletele exprimandu-ti recunostinta pt acte amabile (pline de grija). Facand toate astea ne adaugam caldura si energie pozitiva vietilor noastre si vietilor celor ce ne inconjoara. Este deasemenea f confortabil (placut) sa fi cel ce ofera si cel ce primeste fiecare dovada de iubire.

Say This Affirmation Every Day

Say this affirmation every day and see where it leads you: "I am the key to peace."

Most of us believe, erroneously, that peace will come from people or institutions much larger than we. Just the opposite is true. Peace starts with each individual and it will only come to this world from the people themselves. It is critical that we each create peace in the small and large moments of our lives. We must live it in our words and actions rather than giving in to fear, hatred, or resignation.

Spune asta in fiecare zi

Spune asta in fiecare zi si vezi unde ajungi: "Eu sunt cheia pacii"

Multi din noi cred, in mod gresit, ca pacea o sa vina de la oameni sau de la insitutii mai importante decat noi. Adevarul e exact opusul. Pacea incepe cu fiecare individ si va veni in aceasta lume doar de la insisi oamenii. Este extrem de important ca fiecare sa creeze pace in momente de mai mica sau mai mare insemnatate a vietiilor noastre. Trebuie sa traim in pace in cuvinte si actiuni mai degraba decat sa traim cu frica, ura sau resemnare.

Make a Difference

Reach out beyond your normal scope. This is your opportunity to live your greatest promise, highest self. Don't wait. Each time we make a difference in the lives of others, we create hope in ourselves. By reaching out to someone in need, be it your neighbor, a Guatemalan orphan, or people in a homeless shelter, we add a little more peace and hope to the world. Our accumulated gestures of care and compassion will ultimately transform our lives and the lives of others. We are each the source of that transformation. Knowing this gives me hope.

Fa ceva care sa conteze.

Incearca sa-ti depasesti scopurile obisnuite 9normale) Aceasta este ocazia ta (oportunitatea) sa-ti implinesti cele mai inalte nazuinte,sa deviiopersoana cu totul superioara (de cea mai inalta valoare). Nu astepta. De fiecare data cand schimbam in bine viata altora ne cream speranta pt noi insine. Daca ajutam pe cineva in nevoie (cum ar fi campania Oameni darnici, Lia fiind sufletul ei, dar ajutata de f multa lume-- pe 14, 15, 16 decembrie la statuile de la Universitate ne asteapta cu daruri pt cei mai oropsiti ca noi) fie el un vecin, un orfan din Guatemala, sau oameni ai strazii, adaugam un pic de pace si speranta lumii. Gesturile noastre de grija si compasiune acumulate vor transforma in final vietile noastre si vietile altora. Fiecare din noi e sursa acestei transformari. Cunoasterea acestor lucruri imi da mie speranta.

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