joi, 12 noiembrie 2009

Hokusai One hundred Poems 11-50 In Japoneza si Engleza

Am decis sa public si poemele in japoneza (cu traducerea in engleza aferenta). Desi habar nu am ce inseamna mi se pare extraordinar, vorba lui Misaki-san, "sa exprimi o sensibilitate atat de profunda in cateva cuvinte!" Si cand te gandesti ca haiku-ul foloseste si mai putine cuvinte...

Sursa folosita pt acest articol este tot cea din
Virginia Pt cine cunoaste cate ceva din cultura acelor popoare asiatice care folosesc hieroglife in scriere (China, Japonia, Coreea) nu e un secret ca exista o arta a scrierii frumoase (ceva mai complicata decat Caligrafia care ni se preda noua in scoala; fiind stangace cand eram mica--dar reprimata brutal de mama mea, incat acum sunt mai degraba dreptace, psihologii spun ca e mare greseala sa reprimi un copil stangaci sa foloseasca mana stanga si sa il obligi sa foloseasca numai drepta, pt ca el are creierul altfel alcatuit decat un dreptaci, noroc ca stradania mamei mele nu mi-a afectat prea mult creierul, doar self-estime, adica amorul propriu-- m-am simtit teribil de usurata cand nu mi-a mai reprosat nimeni, in special tatal meu care avea o caligrafie cu adevarat artistica, ca scriu urat; in facultate o singura colega reusea sa ia notite complete pastrand un scris egal, frumos, si citet, eu aveam nevoie de cateva zile in avantsesiune sa-midescifrez notitele, si cum manuale nu aveam...). Se pot admira pe situl respectiv, care are cate o pagina dedicata fiecarui poem, si reproduceri dupa woodblocks (planse de lemn folosite pt gravura) cu poemele scrise in hieroglife.

11. Sangi Takamura

Wata no hara
Yasoshima kakete
Kogi idenu to
Hito ni wa tsugeyo
Ama no tsuri bune

Ono no Takamura

Over the wide sea
Towards its many distant isles
My ship sets sail.
Will the fishing boats thronged here
Proclaim my journey to the world?

12. Sojo Henjo

Ama tsu kaze
Kumo no kayoiji
Fuki toji yo
Otome no sugata
Shibashi todomen

The Monk Henjo

Let the winds of heaven
Blow through the paths among the clouds
And close their gates.
Then for a while I could detain
These messengers in maiden form.

13. Yozei In

Tsukuba ne no
Mine yori otsuru
Koi zo tsumorite
Fuchi to nari nuru

Emperor Yozei

From Tsukuba's peak
Falling waters have become
Mina's still, full flow:
So my love has grown to be
Like the river's quiet deeps.

14. Kawara no Sadaijin

Michinoku no
Shinobu moji-zuri
Tare yue ni
Midare some ni shi
Ware naranaku ni

Minamoto no Toru

Like Michinoku prints
Of the tangled leaves of ferns,
It is because of you
That I have become confused;
But my love for you remains.

15. Koko Tenno

Kimi ga tame
Haru no no ni idete
Wakana tsumu
Waga koromode ni
Yuki wa furi tsutsu

Emperor Koko

It is for your sake
That I walk the fields in spring,
Gathering green herbs,
While my garment's hanging sleeves
Are speckled with falling snow.

16. Chunagon Yukihira

Tachi wakare
Inaba no yama no
Mine ni oru
Matsu to shi kikaba
Ima kaeri kon

Ariwara no Yukihira

Though we are parted,
If on Mount Inaba's peak
I should hear the sound
Of the pine trees growing there,
I'll come back again to you.

17. Ariwara no Narihira Ason

Kamiyo mo kikazu
Kara kurenai ni
Mizu kukuru to wa

Ariwara no Narihira

Even when the gods
Held sway in the ancient days,
I have never heard
That water gleamed with autumn red
As it does in Tatta's stream

18. Fujiwara no Toshiyuki Ason

Sumi no e no
Kishi ni yoru nami
Yoru sae ya
Yume no kayoi ji
Hito me yoku ran

Fujiwara no Toshiyuki

The waves are gathered
On the shore of Sumi Bay,
And in the gathered night,
When in dreams I go to you,
I hide from people's eyes.

19. Ise

Naniwa gata
Mijikaki ashi no
Fushi no ma mo
Awade kono yo o
Sugushite yo to ya

Lady Ise

Even for a time
Short as a piece of the reeds
In Naniwa's marsh,
We must never meet again:
Is this what you are asking me?

20. Motoyoshi Shinno

Wabi nureba
Ima hata onaji
Naniwa naru
Mi o tsukushite mo
Awan to zo omou

Prince Motoyoshi

In this dire distress
My life is meaningless.
So we must meet now,
Even though it costs my life
In the Bay of Naniwa.

21. Sosei Hoshi

Ima kon to
Iishi bakari ni
Nagatsuki no
Ariake no tsuki o
Machi izuru kana

The Monk Sosei

Just because she said,
"In a moment I will come,"
I've awaited her
Until the moon of daybreak,
In the long month, has appeared.

22. Fun'ya no Yasuhide

Fuku kara ni
Aki no kusaki no
Mube yama kaze o
Arashi to iuran

Fun'ya no Yasuhide

It is by its breath
That autumn's leaves of trees and grass
Are wasted and driven.
So they call this mountain wind
The wild one, the destroyer.

23. Oe no Chisato

Tsuki mireba
Chiji ni mono koso
Kanashi kere
Waga mi hitotsu no
Aki ni wa aranedo

Oe no Chisato

As I view the moon,
Many things come into my mind,
And my thoughts are sad;
Yet it's not for me alone,
That the autumn time has come.

24. Kan Ke

Kono tabi wa
Nusa mo toriaezu
Momiji no nishiki
Kami no mani mani

Sugawara no Michizane

At the present time,
Since I could bring no offering,
See Mount Tamuke!
Here are brocades of red leaves,
As a tribute to the gods.

25. Sanjo Udaijin

Na ni shi owaba
Osakayama no
Hito ni shirarede
Kuru yoshi mo gana

Fujiwara no Sadakata

If your name is true,
Trailing vine of "Meeting Hill,"
Isn't there some way,
Hidden from people's gaze,
That you can draw her to my side?

26. Teishin Ko

Mine no momijiba
Kokoro araba
Ima hitotabi no
Miyuki matanan

Fujiwara no Tadahira

If the maple leaves
On Ogura mountain
Could only have hearts,
They would longingly await
The emperor's pilgrimage.

27. Chunagon Kanesuke

Mika no Hara
Wakite nagaruru
Itsu mi kitote ka
Koishi karuran

Fujiwara no Kanesuke

Over Mika's plain,
Gushing forth and flowing free,
Is Izumi's stream.
I do not know if we have met:
Why, then, do I long for her?

28. Minamoto no Muneyuki Ason

Yama-zato wa
Fuyu zo sabishisa
Masari keru
Hitome mo kusa mo
Karenu to omoeba

Minamoto no Muneyuki

Winter loneliness
In a mountain village grows
Only deeper, when
Guests are gone, and leaves and grass
Are withered: troubling thoughts.

29. Oshikochi no Mitsune

Kokoroate ni
Orabaya oran
Hatsushimo no
Oki madowaseru
Shiragiku no hana

Oshikochi no Mitsune

If it were my wish
To pick the white chrysanthemums,
Puzzled by the frost
Of the early autumn time,
I by chance might pluck the flower.

30. Mibu no Tadamine

Ariake no
Tsurenaku mieshi
Wakare yori
Akatsuki bakari
Uki mono wa nashi

Mibu no Tadamine

Like the morning moon,
Cold, unpitying was my love.
And since we parted,
I dislike nothing so much
As the breaking light of day.

31. Sakanoue no Korenori

Ariake no tsuki to
Miru made ni
Yoshino no sato ni
Fureru shirayuki

Sakanoue no Korenori

At the break of day,
Just as though the morning moon
Lightened the dim scene,
Yoshino's village lay
In a haze of falling snow.

32. Harumichi no Tsuraki

Yama kawa ni
Kaze no kaketaru
Shigarami wa
Nagare mo aenu
Momiji nari keri

Harumichi no Tsuraki

In a mountain stream
There is a wattled barrier
Built by the busy wind.
Yet it's only maple leaves,
Powerless to flow away.

33. Ki no Tomonori

Hisakata no
Hikari nodokeki
Haru no hi ni
Shizu-gokoro naku
Hana no chiruran

Ki no Tomonori

In the peaceful light
Of the ever-shining sun
In the days of spring,
Why do the cherry's new-blown blooms
Scatter like restless thoughts?

34. Fujiwara no Okikaze

Tare o ka mo
Shiru hito ni sen
Takasago no
Matsu mo mukashi no
Tomo nara naku ni

Fujiwara no Okikaze

Who is still alive
When I have grown so old
That I can call my friends?
Even Takasago's pines
No longer offer comfort.

35. Ki no Tsurayuki

Hito wa isa
Kokoro mo shirazu
Furusato wa
Hana zo mukashi no
Ka ni nioi keru

Ki no Tsurayuki

The depths of the hearts
Of humankind cannot be known.
But in my birthplace
The plum blossoms smell the same
As in the years gone by.

36. Kiyohara no Fukayabu

Natsu no yo wa
Mada yoi nagara
Akenuru o
Kumo no izuko ni
Tsuki yadoruran

Kiyohara no Fukayabu

In the summer night
The evening still seems present,
But the dawn is here.
To what region of the clouds
Has the wandering moon come home?

37. Fun'ya no Asayasu

Shiratsuyu ni
Kaze no fukishiku
Aki no no wa
Tsuranuki tomenu
Tama zo chiri keru

Fun'ya no Asayasu

In the autumn fields
When the heedless wind blows by
Over the pure-white dew,
How the myriad unstrung gems
Are scattered everywhere around

38. Ukon

Mi o ba omowazu
Chikaite shi
Hito no inochi no
Oshiku mo aru kana

Lady Ukon

Though he forsook me,
For myself I do not care:
He made a promise,
And his life, who is forsworn,
Oh how pitiful that is.

39. Sangi Hitoshi

Asajiu no
Ono no shinohara
Amarite nado ka
Hito no koishiki

Minamoto no Hitoshi

Bamboo growing
Among the tangled reeds
Like my hidden love:
But it is too much to bear
That I still love her so.

40. Taira no Kanemori

Iro ni ide ni keri
Waga koi wa
Mono ya omou to
Hito no tou made

Taira no Kanemori

Though I would hide it,
In my face it still appears--
My fond, secret love.
And now he questions me:
"Is something bothering you?"

41. Mibu no Tadami

Koisu cho
Waga na wa madaki
Tachi ni keri
Hito shirezu koso
Omoi someshi ka

Mibu no Tadami

It is true I love,
But the rumor of my love
Had gone far and wide,
When people should not have known
That I had begun to love.

42. Kiyohara no Motosuke

Chigiriki na
Katami ni sode o
Shibori tsutsu
Sue no Matsuyama
Nami kosaji to wa

Kiyohara no Motosuke

Our sleeves were wet with tears
As pledges that our love--
Will last until
Over Sue's Mount of Pines
Ocean waves are breaking.

43. Chunagon Atsutada

Ai mite no
Nochi no kokoro ni
Mukashi wa mono o
Omowazari keri

Fujiwara no Atsutada

I have met my love.
When I compare this present
With feelings of the past,
My passion is now as if
I have never loved before.

44. Chunagon Asatada

Au koto no
Taete shi nakuba
Nakanaka ni
Hito o mo mi o mo
Urami zaramashi

Fujiwara no Asatada

If it should happen
That we never met again,
I would not complain;
And I doubt that she or I
Would feel that we were left alone.

45. Kentoku Ko

Aware to mo
Iu beki hito wa
Mi no itazura ni
Narinu beki kana

Fujiwara no Koremasa

Surely there is none
Who will speak a pitying word
About my lost love.
Now my folly's fitting end
Is my own nothingness.

46. Sone no Yoshitada

Yura no to o
Wataru funabito
Kaji o tae
Yukue mo shiranu
Koi no michi kana

Sone no Yoshitada

Like a mariner
Sailing over Yura's strait
With his rudder gone:
Where, over the deep of love,
The end lies, I do not know.

47. Egyo Hoshi

Shigereru yado no
Sabishiki ni
Hito koso miene
Aki wa ki ni keri

The Monk Egyo

To the dim cottage
Overgrown with thick-leaved vines
In its loneliness
Comes the dreary autumn time:
But there no people come.

48. Minamoto no Shigeyuki

Kaze o itami
Iwa utsu nami no
Onore nomi
Kudakete mono o
Omou koro kana

Minamoto no Shigeyuki

Like a driven wave,
Dashed by fierce winds on a rock,
So am I: alone
And crushed upon the shore,
Remembering what has been.

49. Onakatomi no Yoshinobu Ason

Eji no taku hi no
Yoru wa moe
Hiru wa kie tsutsu
Mono o koso omoe

Onakatomi no Yoshinobu

Like the guard's fires
Kept at the imperial gateway--
Burning through the night,
Dull in ashes through the day--
Is the love aglow in me.

50. Fujiwara no Yoshitaka

Kimi ga tame
Oshi karazarishi
Inochi sae
Nagaku mo gana to
Omoi keru kana

Fujiwara no Yoshitaka

For your precious sake,
Once my eager life itself
Was not dear to me.
But now it is my heart's desire
It may long, long years endure

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