joi, 29 octombrie 2009

Hokusai One hundred Poems 21-30

Cei Sase Poeti Nemuritori (despre unul dintre ei e vorba in poemul nr 22)
Inainte de a publica alte poeme din cele ilustrate de Hokusai o sa mai fac un copy/paste din textul scris de Visipix (aka Hannes Kellers) si o sa-l traduc (mai multe data viitoare):

Katsushika Hokusai illustrated 89 of the 100 poems.
The very short poems (tanka) were mostly written by noble members (Emperors, princesses) and high functionaries at the Imperial courts between 800 and 1200 AC. 20 poems were written by women.

Katsushika Hokusai a ilustrat 89 din cele 100 poeme.
Poemele f scurte (tanka) au fost scrise mai ales de membrii nobilimii (Imparati,printese) si inalti functionari la Curtea imperiala intre 800 si 1200. 20 de poeme au fost scrise de femei.

The anthology was compiled by Fujiwara no Sadaie, more commonly known as Fujiwara Teika (1162-1241) and published in the year 1235 AC century. The poems are about love, forbidden affairs, young age and old age (related to spring and autumn) and death. The Fujiwara family has always been very important in the history of Japan.

Antologia a fost compilata de Fujiwara no Sadaie, cunoscut mai ales ca Fujiwara Teika (1162-1241) si au fostpublicate in 1235. Poemele sunt despre dragoste, iubiri interzise, tinerete si batranete (cu referire la primavara si toamna) si moarte. Familia Fujiwara a avut totdeauna un rol important in istoria Japoniei (de altfel unele dintre poeme sunt compuse de membrii acestei familii).

Let us be practical. This anthology represents the centre of the culture of Japan. Trying to understand the heart of Japan begins here.

Hai sa fim practici. Aceasta antologie reprezinta centrul culturii japoneze. De aici incepe incercarea de a intelege inima Japoniei.

Let us be impractical. We can be certain that the ancient masters were teaching this:

Hai sa fim nepractici. Putem fi siguri ca vechii maestri ne invatau aceasta:

Treat the smallest poem as if it were a matter of life and death

Trateaza cel mai mic poem ca si cum ar fi o problema de viata si de moarte.

Your life and death

Viata si moartea ta.

Present every poem as if the stability of the macrocosm were depending on the perfect order within this microcosm at your hands

Prezinta fiecare poem ca si cum stabilitatea macrocosmosului ar depinde de ordinea perfecta a acestui microcosmos aflat in mainnile tale.

Every child in Japan knows these poems. They learn them at school while they learn to write. They are 31-syllable poems, like extended haiku. Now they become popular in mobile phones – as rhythms and icons.The Uta Karuta ("poem cards"), the "100-poet cards" with the tanka ("short songs") are a very popular game especially for New Year's Day.

Fiecare copildin Japonia cunoaste aceste poeme (ce rau imi pare ca n-am stiut de ele atunci cand am stat de vorba in SLC cu prietenii japonezi ai copiilor nostri sau cand am laudat-o pe soprana de opera japoneza ca a avut un accent perfect in aria cantata in rusa, as fi putut sa aflu ce parere au ei despre aceste poeme). Le invata la scoala atunci cand invata sa scrie (probabil ca e important si aspectul semnelor care transcriu poemele). Sunt poeme de 31 de silabe,ca un haiku extins (Impricinatul a publicat si el o f frumoasa gravura de Hokusai cu titlul Mizu no kokoro si a invitat comentatorii sa produca si ei haiki-uri, pacat ca a cam abandonat blogul)Acum au devenit populare la telefoanele mobile ca recitari(?) si imagini. Uta Karuta ("carti de joc cu poeme"), "carti dejoc cu 100 de poeti" cu tanka ("cantece scurte") este un joc f popular, in special pt ziua de Anul Nou.

Din pacate despre obiceiurile japoneze de Anul nou n-am aflat nimic in SLC. In schimb prietenii din Taiwan ne-au adus daruri cu ocazia Anului Nou chinezesc: niste zdranganele aurii cu snur rosu care se pun pe usa pt a chema norocul, seminte de dovleac vopsite in rosu, deasemenea pt prosperitate si noroc, si multe dulciuri specifice.

Poem number 21

Sosei Hoshi (Yoshimine no Harutoshi) born nca. 845 was an officer of the palace guards and became a priest

Just because she said,"
In a moment I will come,"
I've awaited her
E'en until the moon of dawn,
In the long month, hath appeared
Poem number 22

Bunya no Yasuhide (Fumiya no Yasuhide) 9th century, member of the Emperors family, one of the six greatest poets

Since 'tis by its breath
Autumn's leaves of grass and trees
Riven are and waste,--
Men may to the mountain wind
Fitly given the name, "The Wild."

Poem number 23
Oe no Chisato 9th century, eventually a tutor of Emperor Seiwa
Gaze I at the moon,
Myriad things arise in thought,
And my thoughts are sad;--
Yet, 'tis not for me alone,
That the autumn time has come
Poem number 24
Kan Ke (Sugawara no Michizane) 844-903, minister
At the present time,
Since no offering I could bring,
See, Mount Tamuke!
Here are brocades of red leaves,
At the pleasure of the god.
Se pare ca rosul frunzelor de artar japonez sunt tot atat de iubite de japonezi pe cat sunt de iubite in Canada frunzele artarilor toamna (in fata feresttrei din SLC erau doi artari, canadieni, of course, si cand au inceput sa se inroseasca in toamna erau atat de frumosi ca ma durea inima la gandul ca aceasta frumusete e atat de pieritoare)
Poem number 25
Sanjo Udaijin (Fujiwara no Sadakata) 873-932, minister
If thy name be true,
Trailing vine of "Meeting Hill,"
Is there not some way
Whereby, without ken of men,
I can draw thee to my side?
De admirat minutiozitatea cu care au fost desenate personajele. HK a remarcat asta la poemul nr 22

Poem number 26
Teishin Ko (Fujiwara no Tadahira) 880-949, prime minister
If the maple leaves
On the ridge of Ogura
Have the gift of mind,
They will longingly await
One more august pilgrimage.

Poem number 27
Chunagon Kanesuke (Fujiwara no Kanesuke) 877-933, important politician
Over Mika's plain,
Gushing forth and flowing free,
Is Izumi's stream.
I know not if we have met:
Why, then, do I long for her?

Poem number 28
Minamoto no Muneyuki Ason died 939, grandson of Emperor Koko
Winter loneliness
In a mountain hamlet grows
Only deeper, when
Guests are gone, and leaves and grass
Withered are;--so runs my thought.
Poem number 30
Mibu no Tadamine 867-965, famous writer
Like the morning moon,
Cold, unpitying was my love.
Since that parting hour,
Nothing I dislike so much
As the breaking light of day.

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