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Aries, May 2009
Your Stars:Edwin Teale once wrote that “all things seem possible in May” and that springtime sentiment has never held more truth than it will for you during a chunk of this merry little month. With Mars, your feisty ruler, positively impacting your get up and go, you’re sure to see a big boost in your physical energy levels. Where earlier in the year your energies were exhausted and your exuberance could certainly be categorized as get up and gone, now you find a new sense of stamina supporting all your activities, intentions and goals! And, you’ll more than likely find that you need all this excess energy when lovey dovey Venus sidles up to your own sign of Aries for the better part of the month, pushing your personal pleasure principle to full on tilt! Ah, but alas, it’s not all elevated heart rates and roses this month, especially on the 2nd when Venus pushes past Pluto in her efforts to get you attention. In this particular case, Pluto pushes back, potentially putting you in a place where emotions rule the day while calmer heads definitely do not prevail. Usually, when we see this sort of dynamic, there is another sort of dynamo involved as well; traditionally someone who doesn’t necessarily have your best interests at heart or in mind. You absolutely know exactly who I am talking about. Be careful and be on the look out for the dominatrix who is always cracking the proverbial whip. I’m not suggesting that you lash back, but simply understand that there are larger astro energies at work, and, well, the less said now, the big, BIG better! And, speaking of communicating less, Mercury the Messenger goes retrograde on May 7 adding insult to potential injury as it stalls in your 3rd House of ALL Things Communication. For the bulk of the middle of this month, it will greatly behoove you to watch what you say, who you say it to and the tone that you say it in. That last sentiment applies to texts and emails as well. This month your words can either be your wand (as in magic) or your sword (as in ‘ouch’) and that choice will be entirely up to you. Mix ups and mayhem could claim the middle of May if you’re not careful, so, PLEASE, pay attention or you might just be forced to make an unexpected (and now unnecessary) withdrawal in order to pay the piper. Especially if you hit ‘Send’ prematurely. I’m quite sure you know exactly what I mean. The Full Moon that rises on May 9th will underscore this communication lunacy even more, but, remember not to howl at it either since even that scream could be entirely misinterpreted too. Rather, why not keep a low pro during those days and look forward to the Gemini New Moon of the 24th that unlocks much more perfect and positive energies that promise to pervade energies surrounding month’s end? In fact, the final few days of May will more than make up for the mid term madness as you now will feel awakened and alive, like anything and everything is possible. Pay attention to the dreams you have while you are sleeping and be sure to come up with some intriguing new ones when you are awake! Teale saw all the possibilities that May had to offer, and, now, thanks to some stellar energies affecting Aries as May comes to a close, so my friend, will you!
Draga mea, eu de la începutul anului sunt din gaură în groapă cu banii, aşa că nu mă mai agit :D În schimb, din sfaturile astea am înţeles că e cazul să fac curăţenie acasă şi mai ales să spăl geamurile :))) Asta mă ucide de-a dreptul! :))
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