luni, 4 mai 2009

A avea sau a nu avea...ovare

Cand m-am documentat despre cancerul la san am fost oripilata cand am citit ca unul din factorii de risc pt acest tip de cancer e pastrarea ovarelor dupa operatia de hysterotomie. Un articol citit azi in New York Times ma face sa-i multumesc tinerei si simpaticei doctorite care m-a operat de fibrom uterin si care a decis sa-mi pastreze ovarele.

Insusi titlul articolului contrazice tot ce s-a crezut despre aceasta operatie: Women Who Keep Ovaries Live Longer .

Si iata de ce:

While women who had their ovaries removed developed fewer breast cancers and almost entirely eliminated their risk of ovarian cancer over 24 years of follow-up, they were more likely to develop heart disease than women who kept their ovaries, and they were more likely to die.

While ovarian cancer is difficult to detect and often deadly, it is also rare, Dr. Parker explained, noting that only 34 of the study participants who kept their ovaries died of ovarian cancer during the follow-up period. “Heart disease kills more than 20 times the number of women every year,” he said.

The study analyzed data on 29,380 women who had participated in the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study: 16,345 who had hysterectomy with both ovaries removed, and 13,035 who had hysterectomy but kept their ovaries.

After 24 years of follow-up, women in the first group had 895 cases of breast cancer — a 25 percent lower risk than those who kept their ovaries — and 96 percent less risk of ovarian cancer (just 5 cases). But they were 12 percent more likely to die during the follow-up period. Their risk of heart disease was 17 percent higher than the risk faced by women with ovaries. They also had a 17 percent greater risk of dying of cancer. And in an unexpected finding, they were at greater risk for lung cancer.

Desigur, asta nu inseamna ca de acum incolo se va renunta la practica inlaturarii ovarelor:

“A woman with a strong family history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer should still be given the option of having her ovaries removed,” said Dr. Schiff, who was not involved in the study. “The individual patient should be given the information, and decide what’s best for her.”

Cum eu nu aveam deloc cazuri de cancer de san in familie inseamna ca trebuie sa adaug la lista celor carora trebuie sa le port recunostinta pt faptul ca supravietuiesc si pe doctorita de la Elias care m-a operat de fibrom, dr Andrei Aneta.

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